Details about Stephan Pühringer
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Short-id: pph119
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Working Papers
- Idiosyncrasies of the oligarchic elite: On the political economy of wealth concentration in Austria
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Competitive Performativity of (Academic) Social Networks. The subjectivation of Competition on ResearchGate, Google Scholar and Twitter
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Gendered Competitive Practices in Economics. A Multi-Layer Model of Womens Underrepresentation
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Organizers and promotors of academic competition? The role of (academic) social networks and platforms in the competitization of science
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- The three faces of competitization: From marketization to a multiplicity of competition
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy View citations (1)
- Wie viel Wettbewerb wollen wir (uns leisten)? Zur Verwettbewerblichung der Universitaeten in Oesterreich und darueber hinaus
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Networks of the super-rich in Austria: evidence from an explorative case study
Working Paper Reihe der AK Wien - Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien, Abteilung Wirtschaftswissenschaft und Statistik
- Winning urban competition with a social agenda. The competition imaginary in Viennese urban development plans
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Competition universalism: Its historical origins and timely alternatives
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Talking about competition? Discursive shifts in the economic imaginary of competition in public debates
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Zur Pluralitaet der oekonomischen Politikberatung in Deutschland
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Exploring the trade (policy) narratives in economic elite discourse
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- The political economy of academic publishing: On the commodification of a public good
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy 
See also Journal Article The political economy of academic publishing: On the commodification of a public good, PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science (2021) View citations (1) (2021)
- Theorizing Competition. An interdisciplinary approach to the genesis of a contested concept
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy View citations (2)
- Theorizing competition: an interdisciplinary framework
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy View citations (2)
- Who are the economists Germany listens to?
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy View citations (1)
- Zwischen Meritokratie und Wohlfahrtschauvinismus
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Die Wirkmacht der "Liebe zum Markt": Zum anhaltenden Einfluss ordoliberaler ÖkonomInnen-Netzwerke in Politik und Gesellschaft
Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie View citations (1)
- Die Wirkmacht der 'Liebe zum Markt'. Zum anhaltenden Einfluss ordoliberaler OekonomInnen-Netzwerke in Politik und Gesellschaft (The 'love for markets'. On the persistent political and societal impact of networks of ordoliberal economists)
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Divided we stand? Professional consensus and political conflict in academic economics
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy View citations (7)
Also in Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie (2019) View citations (6)
- The anti-democratic logic of right-wing populism and neoliberal market-fundamentalism
Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie
- The trade (policy) discourse in top economics journals
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy View citations (2)
See also Journal Article The Trade (Policy) Discourse in Top Economics Journals, New Political Economy, Taylor & Francis Journals (2021) View citations (3) (2021)
- Markfundamentalismus als Kollektivgedanke: Mises und die Ordoliberalen
Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie
- Paradigms and Policies: The state of economics in the german-speaking countries
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy View citations (7)
See also Journal Article Paradigms and policies: the state of economics in the German-speaking countries, Review of International Political Economy, Taylor & Francis Journals (2022) View citations (3) (2022)
- The "eternal character" of austerity meausres in European crisis policies. Evidences from the Fiscal Compact discourse in Austria
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy 
Also in Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie (2017)
- What economics education is missing: The real world
Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie 
See also Journal Article What economics education is missing: the real world, International Journal of Social Economics, Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2018) View citations (1) (2018)
- Ökonomische Expertise und politökonomische Machtstrukturen
Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie
- Argumentationsstrategien einer neoliberalen Reformagenda: Zum Diskursprofil der Agenda Austria in medialen Debatten
Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie
- Der 'deutsche Sonderweg' im Fokus: Eine vergleichende Analyse der paradigmatischen Struktur und der politischen Orientierung der deutschen und US-amerikanischen Oekonomie (The 'German special path': A comparative analysis of the paradigmatic structure and the political orientation of German and US economics)
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- From the "planning euphoria" to the "bitter economic truth": The transmission of economic ideas into German labour market policies in the 1960s and 2000s
Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie View citations (1)
- Neoliberalism and right-wing populism: Conceptual analogies
Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie 
See also Journal Article Neoliberalism and Right-wing Populism: Conceptual Analogies, Forum for Social Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals (2018) (2018)
- Right-wing populism and market-fundamentalism: Two mutually reinforcing threats to democracy in the 21st century
Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie 
Also in ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy (2017)
- Think tank networks of German neoliberalism power structures in economics and economic policies in post-war Germany
Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie 
Also in ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy (2016) View citations (1)
- Was denken (zukünftige) ÖkonomInnen? Einblicke in die politische und gesellschaftliche Wirkmächtigkeit ökonomischen Denkens
Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie
- Zum Profil der deutschsprachigen Volkswirtschaftslehre: Paradigmatische Ausrichtung und politische Orientierung deutschsprachiger Oekonom_innen (On the current state of German-speaking Economics: Paradigmatic orientations and political alignments of German-speaking economists)
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy View citations (1)
- Has economics returned to being the 'dismal science'? The changing role of economic thought in German labour market reforms
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Neoliberal Think Tanks as (new) actors in Austrian socio-political discourses. The case of the Hayek Institute and Agenda Austria
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Still the queen of the social sciences? (Post-)Crisis power balances of 'public economists' in Germany
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy 
Also in Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie (2016)
- Wie krank ist unser Wirtschaftssystem? Krisen als Krankheiten im ökonomischen Diskurs
Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie
- "Der Markt" und seine Politische Ökonomie: Ordoliberale und 'Österreichische' Konzepte
Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (HfGG), Institut für Ökonomie
- Markets as 'ultimate judges' of economic policies Angela Merkel's discourse profile during the economic crisis and the European crisis policies
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy View citations (6)
- Marktradikalismus als Politische Oekonomie Wirtschaftswissenschaften und ihre Netzwerke in Deutschland ab 1945
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy View citations (1)
- Verteilung und Gerechtigkeit: Philosophische Perspektiven
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy 
See also Journal Article Verteilung und Gerechtigkeit: Philosophische Perspektiven, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - WuG, Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien, Abteilung Wirtschaftswissenschaft und Statistik (2015) View citations (1) (2015)
- Wie wirken OekonomInnen und Oekonomik auf Politik und Gesellschaft? Darstellung des gesellschaftlichen und politischen Einflusspotenzials von OekonomInnen anhand eines 'Performativen Fussabdrucks' von deutschen OekonomInnen aus den Jahren 1954-1994
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Kontinuitaeten neoliberaler Wirtschaftspolitik in der Krise Die Austeritaetsdebatte als Spiegelbild diskursiver Machtverwerfungen innerhalb der Oekonomik
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Das Team Stronach. Eine oesterreichische Tea Party?
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Der Fiskalpakt und seine Implementation in Oesterreich. Diskursanalytische Aufarbeitung eines postdemokratischen Phaenomens
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- OekonomInnen in der Finanzkrise. Netzwerkanalytische Sicht auf die deutschsprachigen OekonomInnen
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- The financial crisis as a tsunami Discourse profiles of economists in the financial crisis
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy View citations (10)
- The implementation of the European Fiscal Compact in Austria as a post-democratic phenomenon
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Democracy in liberalism and neoliberalism The case of Popper and Hayek
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Gleichheit vs. Vielfalt. Ein konstruierter Widerspruch im Neoliberalismus?
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
- Solidaritaet im Kapitalismus. Zur Unmoeglichkeit einer Forderung
ICAE Working Papers, Johannes Kepler University, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
Journal Articles
- Winning city competition with a social agenda. The competition imaginary in Viennese urban development plans
Urban Research & Practice, 2024, 17, (2), 240-259
- Biased Trade Narratives and Its Influence on Development Studies: A Multi-level Mixed-Method Approach
The European Journal of Development Research, 2023, 35, (6), 1322-1346
- Divided We Stand? On the Political Engagement of U.S. Economists
Journal of Economic Issues, 2022, 56, (3), 883-903
- Paradigms and policies: the state of economics in the German-speaking countries
Review of International Political Economy, 2022, 29, (4), 1183-1210 View citations (3)
See also Working Paper Paradigms and Policies: The state of economics in the german-speaking countries, ICAE Working Papers (2018) View citations (7) (2018)
- The Trade (Policy) Discourse in Top Economics Journals
New Political Economy, 2021, 26, (5), 748-764 View citations (3)
See also Working Paper The trade (policy) discourse in top economics journals, ICAE Working Papers (2019) View citations (2) (2019)
- The political economy of academic publishing: On the commodification of a public good
PLOS ONE, 2021, 16, (6), 1-21 View citations (1)
See also Working Paper The political economy of academic publishing: On the commodification of a public good, ICAE Working Papers (2020) (2020)
- Neoliberalism and Right-wing Populism: Conceptual Analogies
Forum for Social Economics, 2018, 47, (2), 193-203 
See also Working Paper Neoliberalism and right-wing populism: Conceptual analogies, Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie (2017) (2017)
- What economics education is missing: the real world
International Journal of Social Economics, 2018, 46, (8), 977-991 View citations (1)
See also Working Paper What economics education is missing: The real world, Working Paper Serie des Instituts für Ökonomie (2018) (2018)
- Verteilung und Gerechtigkeit: Philosophische Perspektiven
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - WuG, 2015, 41, (1), 71-106 View citations (1)
See also Working Paper Verteilung und Gerechtigkeit: Philosophische Perspektiven, ICAE Working Papers (2015) (2015)
- The internal consistency of perfect competition
The Journal of Philosophical Economics, 2010, 3, (2), 134-152
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