Details about Karine Picot-Coupey
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Last updated 2016-07-11. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: ppi269
Working Papers
- Channel design to enrich customers’ shopping experiences: synchronizing clicks with bricks in an omni-channel perspective - the Direct Optic case
Post-Print, HAL View citations (21)
- Guest Editorial
Post-Print, HAL
- How to combine bricks and clicks: The case of Direct Optic going omni-channel
Post-Print, HAL
- Measuring the perceived risk of “gambling responsibly”
(Mesurer le risque perçu à jouer responsable)
Post-Print, HAL
- Retailers׳ expansion mode choice in foreign markets: Antecedents for expansion mode choice in the light of internationalization theories
Post-Print, HAL View citations (7)
- Shopping with a Smartphone: A French-Japanese Perspective
Post-Print, HAL View citations (5)
- The pop-up store as a foreign operation mode (FOM) for retailers
Post-Print, HAL View citations (8)
- Financial performance of store-within-store strategy in the french fashion industry
Post-Print, HAL View citations (2)
- From mobile phone to smartphone: what's new about m-shopping
Post-Print, HAL
- La franchise: enjeux et perspectives
Post-Print, HAL
- Les voies d'avenir du magasin physique à l'heure du commerce connecté
Post-Print, HAL
- Mobile application value for consumers
Economics Working Paper Archive (University of Rennes & University of Caen), Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes, University of Caen and CNRS
- Organizational choices and financial performance: the case of company-owned stores, franchisee-owned stores and stores-within-a-store among French fashion retailers
Economics Working Paper Archive (University of Rennes & University of Caen), Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes, University of Caen and CNRS
- Perspectives sur les tendances de la grande distribution en France
Post-Print, HAL
- Shops-within-shops: determinants of the choice and impact on retail company financial performance
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
- The retailer brand equity in an omnichannel context
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
- Validation d’un modèle d’intention de magasiner avec le smartphone: implications pour les concepteurs de services mobiles
Economics Working Paper Archive (University of Rennes & University of Caen), Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes, University of Caen and CNRS
- Le magasin est mort, vive le magasin ! Une approche exploratoire des magasins tiers lieux
Post-Print, HAL
- M-commerce and m-marketing: a research agenda
Post-Print, HAL
- Pop-up stores and the international development of retail networks
Post-Print, HAL
- Pop-up stores as a foreign operation mode for retailers
Economics Working Paper Archive (University of Rennes & University of Caen), Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes, University of Caen and CNRS
- Regard d'expert: Magasins tiers lieux, vers une co-production du merchandising au point de vente
Post-Print, HAL
- Regard d'expert: Magasins éphémères, inspirations merchandising durables ?
Post-Print, HAL
- Usages et valeurs des applications mobiles pour les consommateurs: quelles implications pour les distributeurs ?
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
- Hypermarché, cybermarché et courses alimentaires: quels projets d'usage par les consommateurs ?
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
- Déterminants du choix d'un mode d'expansion international par un distributeur: modèle conceptuel et validation empirique
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2007) Post-Print, HAL (2007)
- Grocery shopping and Internet: exploring French consumers' perceptions of the hypermarket and cybermarket format
Post-Print, HAL View citations (6)
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2009) View citations (9)
- Retailing in France: Overview and Key Trends / What's up?
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2008)
- Examining retailers' expansion mode choice in foreign markets
Post-Print, HAL
- Retail internationalisation: explaining the expansion mode choice
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2007)
- Determinants of International Retail operation mode choice: towards a conceptual framework based on evidence from French specialised retail chains
Post-Print, HAL View citations (9)
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2005)
- Les déterminants du choix d'un mode d'expansion internationale d'un réseau de points de vente. Construction d'un modèle et application aux enseignes de l'équipement de la personne
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
- Internationalisation des distributeurs dans les pays en transition d'Europe de l'Est: quelles perspectives pour le choix de la franchise comme mode d'entrée ?
Post-Print, HAL
- Internationalisation des firmes de distribution et forme organisationnelle de développement d'un réseau sur un marché étranger
Post-Print, HAL
- La franchise internationale: une voie alternative à celle de l'investissement direct à l'étranger ?
Post-Print, HAL
- Retail franchising as en entry mode in Eastern Europe and Russian markets in transition: litterature review and research perspective
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
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