Advances in Online Education: A Peer-Reviewed Journal
2022 - 2024
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Volume 3, issue 2, 2024
- Editorial pp. 104-105
- Amelia Clarke
- Productivity in learning: A call to arms pp. 106-106
- Neil Bradman
- Guiding students on assignments and projects: Drill down or funnel out? pp. 107-110
- Karina Koch
- You are the auditor: A ChatGPT-based multiple choice exam pp. 111-120
- Scott Dell and Mfon Akpan
- Large language models in business case research methodology: Reflections and considerations for scholar practitioners pp. 121-133
- Tiffany Snyder, R. Joseph Childs and Phillip White
- Navigating pedagogical transitions: Perceptions of teaching effectiveness in the era of emergency remote teaching during COVID-19 pp. 134-151
- Ritu Lohtia, Kevin P. Giang Barrera, Richard J. Fendler and Kathryn E. Crowther
- A critical evaluation of the impact online education platforms can have on disadvantaged students at a post-16 secondary academy: A case analysis pp. 152-166
- Ben Eley and Jonathan Lord
- Customised assignments in the virtual classroom: Activating student engagement and academic integrity pp. 167-176
- Janis Weber
- The rise of EdTech: Transforming education through entrepreneurial ventures pp. 177-193
- Ken Ip
Volume 3, issue 1, 2024
- Editorial pp. 4-5
- Amelia Clarke
- Methods to enhance community through messaging in the online classroom pp. 6-15
- Karen Gebhardt and Kelly Mckenna
- Strategic leadership and organisational change in distance and e-learning contexts pp. 16-29
- Amdy Diene
- Virtual and augmented reality: Applications for adult learners pp. 30-37
- Luis E. Orozco and Regina J. Giraldo-García
- Exploring university students’ perceptions and attitudes toward associated factors of electronic learning during the COVID-19 pandemic pp. 38-51
- Md. Liton Ali
- Essential skills for a global workplace: Revisiting the DINAMITE model for post-pandemic higher education pp. 52-68
- Izzy Crawford
- Using ChatGPT to pass online courses: Lessons learned in higher ed pp. 69-84
- Jason Bock, R. Diane Schmallegger, Mike Mckay, Michelle Meadows and Shana Holzer
- Storytelling in videos: A novel way to teach qualitative research pp. 85-98
- Julia Cronin-Gilmore and Helen G. Hammond
Volume 2, issue 4, 2024
- Editorial pp. 276-277
- Amelia Clarke
- From tradition to transformation: Academic librarians as key players in online education pp. 278-293
- Brad Garner, Tiffany Snyder, Jay Wise and Rachel Walters
- The transition from traditional to online education for the adult learner pp. 294-302
- Lauren Di Giovanni and Julia Cronin-Gilmore
- Integrating simulation software to enhance online UAS and robotics learning: A case study pp. 303-316
- Chris Janke, Yuetong Lin and Kimberly Luthi
- The experiences of online learning for undergraduate bioscience students pp. 317-329
- Kieran Higgins, Alison Calvert and Simon Doherty
- Personal and engagement factors in remote learning contributing to high student achievement in a transnational education context: A quantitative study pp. 330-350
- Taher Hatahet, Ahmed A. Raouf Mohamed, Maryam Malekigorji, Caoimhe Clerkin and Liane Sandrey
- Evaluating distance education for students with special needs in Greece and Cyprus: Insights from an online learning survey pp. 351-371
- Ioannis Giokaris
Volume 2, issue 3, 2024
- Editorial pp. 196-197
- Amelia Clarke
- Matching the medium to the purpose in learning pp. 198-203
- Karina Koch
- A study of quality assurance impact on online learning outcomes of college students pp. 204-212
- Jianjun Wang
- Influence of instructors’ adaptability and management of virtual classroom environments on the effectiveness of tertiary students’ virtual knowledge acquisition pp. 213-225
- Mohammed-Aminu Sanda
- The peril and promise of China’s education internationalisation: Online education, inequality and disabled students pp. 226-231
- Guoxin Ma and Taposh Roy
- Applications of immersive technologies in education: A systematic literature review pp. 232-251
- Ali R. Rezaei
- Making teamwork work in the virtual classroom pp. 252-259
- Clifford Davis
- Playful paragogy: Best practices for using memes for peer-led teaching and debriefing in an undergraduate curriculum pp. 260-270
- Owen Eales and Irene (Jc) Lubbe
Volume 2, issue 2, 2023
- Editorial pp. 108-109
- Amelia Clarke
- Putting AI to work in education pp. 110-115
- Karina Koch
- Enhanced cultural awareness and collaborative learning via inter-country inter-campus global classroom learning experience pp. 116-125
- Anupama Sethi and Sharon G. M. Koh
- Making teamwork work in the virtual classroom pp. 126-133
- Clifford Davis
- Technology in education: An analysis of preservice teachers’ experiences, perceived confidence and perspectives on technology use pp. 134-146
- Sheri Deaton, Betsy Orr, Emily Lawler and Rachael Reagan
- Student teachers’ experiences of online learning pp. 147-159
- Nerys Defis and Alison Glover
- The effect of collaboration and utilisation of academic coaches in online learning environments pp. 160-169
- Brittany Grissette, Amanda Hawkins and Sarah Kuck
- There and back again: Implementing and assessing a digital reading, research and writing application pp. 170-190
- Arin Haverland, Kayle Skorupski, Catrina Mitchum, Rochelle Rodrigo and Anna Leach
Volume 2, issue 1, 2023
- Editorial pp. 4-5
- Amelia Clarke
- Remaining ‘open’ during a crisis: Managing academic continuity at The Open University, UK pp. 6-16
- Helen Cooke, Helen Barton and Klaus-Dieter Rossade
- Thinking outside the Zoom box: Discovering resilience, innovation and creativity for large instrumental ensembles during the pandemic pp. 17-28
- Kira Omelchenko and Colleen Ferguson
- Digital storytelling: A relational pedagogic approach to rebuilding hybrid places for creativity, equity and community building in a crisis pp. 29-46
- Zoe Parker Moon, Polly Palmerini, Jen Drayton, Rob Noon, Kayanna Gibson, Lisa Gold and Erinma Ochu
- ‘There is space for the official and the unofficial’: A case study of a module-led Facebook page in online distance education pp. 47-59
- Sharon Mallon and Beccy Dresden
- Inclusive excellence online: Pandemic lessons learned supporting traditionally underserved students pp. 60-70
- Ken Baron, John Fritz and Yvette Mozie-Ross
- Importance of measuring student experience in a short online course for educators pp. 71-81
- Karen Ferreira-Meyers
- A realist evaluation of online examinations and remote proctoring for pre-registration nursing students pp. 82-98
- Claire Ford, Laura Jillian Park and Claire Leader
Volume 1, issue 4, 2023
- Editorial pp. 324-325
- Amelia Clarke
- Data services and the librarian: Supporting early career researchers and online learners via the library pp. 326-345
- Elizabeth Szkirpan
- Learning management systems and online tools to support continuous workplace learning in academic libraries pp. 346-356
- Jennifer Browning
- Augmented and virtual realities for distance teaching and learning pp. 357-362
- Wendy Stephens
- Teaching in the hybrid virtual classroom pp. 363-377
- Zac Woolfitt
- The Synchronous Online Flipped Learning Approach: An eight-step learning cycle for digital age pedagogy pp. 378-387
- Helaine W. Marshall and Ilka Kostka
- Making space for the rabbit hole: Art education and eLearning development post-pivot pp. 388-397
- Araminta Matthews and Maura Conley
- Building a class community online in an age of isolation pp. 398-405
- Meg Eubank
Volume 1, issue 3, 2023
- Editorial pp. 216-218
- Catherine Hyland
- Finding synergy in diversity during interprofessional team-teaching pp. 219-232
- Irene Lubbe and Yurgos Politis
- Using data to create excellence in online student support pp. 233-239
- Bettyjo Bouchey, Michael Graham and Veronica Wilson
- Laurillard’s six types of learning in the contemporary HEI landscape: An institutional analysis of student digital learning experiences pp. 240-254
- Laura Hollinshead and Melanie Pope
- The role of aesthetics in redesigning accessible information literacy modules pp. 255-262
- Rachel Edford Trnka
- Building a digitalised society: Opportunities and challenges of Austria’s three-pillar system of digital education pp. 263-274
- Andreas Riepl
- A doctoral distance classroom: Unpacked and envisaged pp. 275-286
- Kelly Mckenna and Christine Kyser
- Physiology for all: Reflections on the design and delivery of a MOOC to enhance subject knowledge in physiology pp. 287-295
- Rebecca Randles, Denise Prescott, Terry Gleave, Peter Alston and Blair Grubb
- Connecting the pages: Aligning online course development with academic professional development for student success in online learning pp. 296-307
- Clare Lloyd, Annika Herb and Michael Kilmister
- Beyond asynchrony: Evaluating hybrid and live online teaching pp. 308-318
- Thomas J. Tobin
Volume 1, issue 2, 2023
- Editorial pp. 100-101
- Catherine Hyland
- Designing inclusive digital materials for ‘generation lockdown’ students: An author’s story pp. 102-107
- Jane Southall
- Exploring British and Finnish pre-registration nursing students’ experiences of learning emergency and acute care nursing through a collaborative online international classroom pp. 108-120
- Sheila Cunningham and Anna-Kaisa Partanen
- Challenges of technology accessibility, computer self-efficacy, computer anxiety and cyberphobia in adoption of e-learning systems among students pp. 121-130
- Bilquis Ferdousi
- Nature-based extended reality for inclusive learning in environmental design pp. 131-137
- George Elvin
- Developing online teaching and learning: The potential benefits of ‘listening’ to student voices for staff professional development and authentic student engagement pp. 138-151
- Sue Taylor, Kirstin Mulholland, David Nichol, Arlene Anderson and Jane Davies
- Flipped classroom: Benefits and challenges pp. 152-172
- Maria B. Cequeña, Niña Svetlana M. Mendoza and Johnny T. Amora
- The use of self-directed learning among immigrants to access online educational resources pp. 173-184
- Luis E. Orozco
- Serial-iously?: Using a narrative podcast as a shared learning experience to facilitate engagement and critical thinking pp. 185-195
- Rachel V. Smydra
- Advances in education: Using a game-based learning platform in the online learning environment pp. 196-209
- Ellen Spender
Volume 1, issue 1, 2022
- Editorial pp. 4-5
- Catherine Hyland
- How to build the future of teaching and learning while growing from the changes and challenges of 2020–21 pp. 6-15
- Mary Ellen Wiltrout
- From to pandemic: Reflections on how universities respond pp. 16-25
- Martin Rich
- From small acorns: Using a creative metaphor in postgraduate course design pp. 26-31
- Jane Neal-Smith and Nathan Page
- The principle of least disruptive online course design: Balancing innovation, pedagogy and student learning pp. 32-44
- Brad Garner and Tiffany Snyder
- Supporting neurodiversity using mainstream mobile technologies: A proposed fourth-generation model pp. 45-56
- Simon Hayhoe
- Design matters: How a course review informed online teaching best practices pp. 57-66
- Laura A. Sheets, Maureen Barry and Eileen K. Bosch
- Examining learning experience using a storytelling case: A best practice case study pp. 67-74
- Julia Cronin-Gilmore
- Teachers’ digital competences as a key factor for the digital transformation of education pp. 75-86
- Sandra Kučina Softić
- Lessons learnt: Digital transformation of processes led to a rethinking of how certificates of completion are issued pp. 87-93
- Helen Williamsdóttir Gray and Sigurður Fjalar Jónsson
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