Resources Policy
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): R. G. Eggert From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 29, issue 3-4, 2003
- The choice of the cutoff grade in mining pp. 75-81

- Robert Cairns and Takayoshi Shinkuma
- Tri-sector partnership for community development in mining: a case study of the SAPI Foundation and Target Fund in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) pp. 83-98

- Natalia Yakovleva and Tony Alabaster
- Modelling investment and implementation of technological progress in metal industries. Theory and application to the German primary aluminium industry pp. 99-109

- H.-G. Schwarz
- What do economic simulations tell us? Recent mergers in the iron ore industry pp. 111-118

- Robert Lundmark and Mats Nilsson
- Measurement of the scarcity of soil in agriculture pp. 119-129

- Rohan T. Jayasuriya
- Strategies for sustainable development of the small-scale gold and diamond mining industry of Ghana pp. 131-138

- R.K. Amankwah and C. Anim-Sackey
- A decade of economic reforms in India: the mining sector pp. 139-151

- Kanhaiya Singh and Kaliappa Kalirajan
- Extra- and intra-European Union exchanges of recovered materials and products pp. 153-164

- Gerard Bertolini
- Growth and green income: evidence from mining in Chile pp. 165-173

- Eugenio Figueroa and Enrique Calfucura
Volume 29, issue 1-2, 2003
- Refillable versus non-refillable containers: the impact of regulatory measures on packaging mix and quality choices pp. 1-13

- Ida Ferrara and Charles Plourde
- Mine size and the structure of costs pp. 15-36

- Phillip Crowson
- Third time lucky for Algeria? Integrating an industrializing oil-rich country into the global economy pp. 37-47

- R. M. Auty
- Urbanization and mining: a case study of Michigan pp. 49-60

- Gary A. Campbell and Mark Roberts
- Climate change and energy development: implications for developing countries pp. 61-67

- Xia Cao
- Breaking new ground: mining, minerals and sustainable development: Earthscan Publications Ltd., London, 2002, 441 pages, softcover, ISBN 1-853-83942-6 pp. 69-70

- Richard L. Gordon
- Technological Change and the Environmental Imperative: Challenges to the Copper Industry: Claes Brundenius (Ed.); Edward Elgar, 2003, 182 pages, ISBN 1-84064-633-0 pp. 71-71

- John Tilton
- From mine to mistress: corporate strategies and government policies in the international diamond industries: Chaim Even-Zohar; Mining Journal Books Ltd., London, 2002, 555pp., ISBN 0953733610 (hardcover) pp. 72-73

- James Otto
- Astride mining: issues and policies for the minerals industry: Phillip Crowson, Mining Journal Books Ltd., London, 2003, 287 pages, ISBN 09537-336-5-3 (hardcover), US$ 110 pp. 73-74

- James Otto
Volume 28, issue 3-4, 2002
- SX-EW copper and the technology cycle pp. 85-94

- P. J. Bartos
- Is there a common metals demand curve? pp. 95-104

- M. Evans and Andrew C. Lewis
- Imperatives for attracting investment and technology in the Indian mining sector pp. 105-115

- K. K. Chatterjee
- The Chinese western development initiative: new opportunities for mineral investment pp. 117-131

- Zhong Ziran
- Modelling optimal exploitation of petroleum resources in India pp. 133-144

- Raghavendra D. Rao
- Mine size optimization using marginal analysis pp. 145-151

- S. A. Abdel Sabour
- Human actions, the survival of keystone species, and the resilience of ecological-economic systems pp. 153-157

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
Volume 28, issue 1-2, 2002
- An evaluation of the relative performance of alternatively structured resource rent taxes pp. 1-6

- Robert Fraser
- On temporal controls and the stochastic behaviour of renewable natural resources pp. 7-12

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- Harvesting mineral riches: 1000 years of gold mining in Ghana pp. 13-26

- Gavin Hilson
- International trade and the 'ecological balance of payments' pp. 27-37

- Giles Atkinson and K. Hamilton
- Modeling materials flow of waste concrete from construction and demolition wastes in Taiwan pp. 39-47

- T. Y. Hsiao, Y. T. Huang, Y. H. Yu and I. K. Wernick
- Auctions combined with ex post taxation--expected revenue when three parties want a piece of the cake pp. 49-59

- Kjell J. Sunnevag
- Is world metal consumption in disarray? pp. 61-74

- M. Tcha and G. Takashina
- Hubbert's peak: the impending world oil shortage: Kenneth S. Deffeyes; Princeton University Press, 2001; 285 pp., US$24.95, hardcover, ISBN 0-691-09086-6 pp. 75-77

- A. F. Alhajji
- The evolution of employment, working time and training in the mining industry: International Labour Organization Sectoral Activities Programme, 2002, Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on the Evolution of Employment, Working Time and Training in the Mining Industry, Geneva, October, pp 83, (SFr 15) pp. 77-78

- Philip Maxwell
- Investing for sustainability: the management of mineral wealth: Rognvaldur Hannesson, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp 109, ISBN 0-7923-7294-8, hardcover pp. 78-80

- James M. Otto
- Principles of water resources: history, development, management and Policy: Thomas V. Cech; John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2002, pp 472, ISBN 0-471-43861-8 pp. 80-82

- W. Douglass Shaw
- The economic development of Latin America in the twentieth century: Andre A. Hofman, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2000, pp 322, ISBN 1 85898 852 7 (hardcover) pp. 82-83

- Luis A. Sosa
Volume 27, issue 4, 2001
- Energy wealth and tax reform in Russia and Kazakhstan pp. 215-223

- Erika Weinthal and Pauline Jones Luong
- The regional economic impact of reducing greenhouse gas emissions: Western Australia pp. 225-233

- Helal Ahammad, Kenneth Clements and Qiang Ye
- Long memory and chaotic models of prices on the London Metal Exchange pp. 235-246

- E. Panas
- Economic analysis of reform policies for small coal mines in China pp. 247-254

- Lei Shen and Philip Andrews-Speed
- Are the outputs derived from secondary materials giffen goods? pp. 255-260

- Giuseppe Di Vita
- Copper marketing with forward and futures contracts: state-owned and private Chilean firms during the 1990s pp. 261-272

- N. Altamirano
- Canadian suppliers of mining goods and services: links between Canadian mining companies and selected sectors of the Canadian economy: Minerals and Metals Sector; Natural Resources Canada, 2000, xvi + 58pp., free upon request, ISBN 0-662-84954-7, softcover. Also available in French, and on the Internet at http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/mms/pubs/services-mines-e.pdf pp. 273-274

- Graham Davis
- The impact of public policy on environmental quality and health: the case of land management and planning: Amer El-Ahraf, Mohamed Qayoumi, Ron Dowd; Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999, 200pp., ISBN 1-56720-065-6, US$59.95 pp. 274-275

- G. Lagos
- Golden Dreams, Poisoned Streams: How Reckless Mining Pollutes America's Water, and How We Can Stop It: Philip M. Hocker (ed.); Mineral Policy Center, Washington, D.C., 1997 (softcover), (ISBN 1-889617-01-6) pp. 276-277

- Janis Carey
- Science and civilization in China, volume 5 part XIII: mining: Peter J. Golas, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 538pgs, ISBN 0-521-58000-5, hardcover pp. 278-278

- J. Otto
Volume 27, issue 3, 2001
- Sulfur dioxide abatement costs and compliance with health-based standards: the case of copper smelters pp. 147-155

- Gustavo Lagos, Jose Miguel Lehuede and Marcelo Andia
- About science and technology in the field of mining in the Western world at the beginning of the new century pp. 157-168

- H. Wagner and G. B. L. Fettweis
- Price variability and marketing method in non-ferrous metals:: Slade's analysis revisited pp. 169-177

- Isabel Figuerola-Ferretti and Christopher L. Gilbert
- Determination of Japanese buyer valuation of metallurgical coal characteristics by hedonic modeling pp. 179-197

- Richard J. Koerner
- Non-ferrous metals price volatility: a component analysis pp. 199-207

- David G. McMillan and Alan E. H. Speight
- Dynamics of threshold prices for optimal switches: the case of mining pp. 209-214

- S. A. Abdel Sabour
Volume 27, issue 2, 2001
- Ghana's mining sector: its contribution to the national economy pp. 61-75

- Benjamin N. A. Aryee
- The political state and the management of mineral rents in capital-surplus economies: Botswana and Saudi Arabia pp. 77-86

- Richard M. Auty
- The diffusion of new steelmaking technology pp. 87-95

- Paul Crompton
- Labor productivity and comparative advantage in mining:: the copper industry in Chile pp. 97-105

- Patricio Garcia, Peter F. Knights and John Tilton
- Labor productivity, costs, and mine survival during a recession pp. 107-117

- John Tilton
- Impacts and development in local economies based on mining:: the case of the Chilean II region pp. 119-134

- Patricio Aroca
- A note on material flows of construction aggregates in Taiwan pp. 135-137

- Teng Yuan Hsiao, Yue Hwa Yu and Idd K. Wernick
- Sustainability Criteria for Water Resource Systems: Daniel P. Loucks, John Gladwell (Eds); Cambridge University Press, 1999, 139 pp., ISBN 0-521-56044-6 pp. 139-140

- P. Wouters and Alistair Rieu-Clarke
- Decentralisation and Co-ordination of Water Resource Management: Douglas Parker and Yacov Tsur (Eds); Natural Resource Management and Policy Series, Ariel Dinar and David Zilberman, series editors; Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, 451 pp., US$135, ISBN 0792399145 pp. 141-143

- P. Wouters and P. Jones
Volume 27, issue 1, 2001
- Sustainable development: can the mining industry afford it? pp. 1-7

- D. Humphreys
- 500 years of mining in Brazil: a brief review pp. 9-24

- Iran F. Machado and Silvia F. de M. Figueiroa
- Transition reform in the mineral-rich Caspian region countries pp. 25-32

- R. M. Auty
- Mining industry profitability? pp. 33-42

- P. Crowson
- Identifying potential impacts of bonding instruments on offshore oil projects pp. 43-52

- D. F. Ferreira and S. B. Suslick
- Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment: J. H. Ausbel and H. Dale Langford (Eds); published for the National Academy of Engineering by the National Academic Press, Washington, DC, 1997, 214 pp., ISBN 0-309-05133-9 (hardcover) pp. 53-54

- Marian Radetzki
- Environmental Economics: Charles D. Kolstad; Oxford University Press, 2000, 400 pp., ISBN 0-19-511954-1 (hardcover) pp. 54-55

- Philip Maxwell
- Resource Economics: Jon Conrad; Cambridge University Press, 1999, 213 pp., US$54.95 hardcover, ISBN 0-521-64012-1, US$19.95 softcover, ISBN 0-521-64974-9 pp. 55-56

- D. Humphreys
- World Silver Survey 2000: Produced for the Silver Institute by Gold Fields Mineral Services Limited, 2000, 85 pp., ISBN 1-880936-08-9 (softcover) pp. 56-57

- Richard Minnitt
- Valuing Environmental Preferences: Theory and Practice of the Contingent Valuation Method in the US, EU and Developing Countries: Ian J. Bateman and Kenneth G. Willis (Eds.); Oxford University Press, New York, 1999, 645 pp., ISBN 0-19-828853-0 (hardcover) pp. 57-59

- O. Ostensson
- Renewable Resources for Electric Power: Prospects and Challenges: Raphael Edinger and Sanjay Kaul; Quorum Books, Westport, CT, 168 pp., US$59.95 ISBN 1-56720-233-0 (hardcover) pp. 59-60

- Carol Dahl
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