Resources Policy
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): R. G. Eggert From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 14, issue 4, 1988
- What caused the slack demand for metals after 1974? pp. 231-246

- Mark C. Roberts
- Metal prices in the 1980s: A view from the supply side pp. 247-256

- David Humphreys
- Structural changes and price formation in the minerals and metals industry pp. 257-273

- Paulo de Sa
- State enterprise and resource based industry in oil exporting countries pp. 275-287

- Richard M. Auty
- Using growth curves to forecast long-term trends for processed raw materials pp. 288-298

- Fritz Feichtinger
- Long-term prospects for gold mining: Edited by Brian Mackenzie and Renka Gesing Proceedings of the seventeenth Centre for the Resource Studies Policy discussion seminar, 6-8 October 1986, Kingston, Ontario, September 1987, 239 pp pp. 299-300

- M. H. Govett and G. J. S. Govett
- Economic trends in Canadian gold supply: Michael Doggett and Brian Mackenzie Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Working paper no 41, October 1987, 77 pp pp. 299-299

- M. H. Govett and G. J. S. Govett
- World mineral exploration: Trends and economic issues: Edited by John E. Tilton, Roderick G. Eggert and Hans H. Landsberg Resources for the future, Washington, DC, 1988, 491 pp, $75.00 pp. 301-302

- David Humphreys
- Mineral exploration economics: The search for base metals in Australia and Canada: Brian Mackenzie and Roy Woodall Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Working paper no 40, 123 pp, 1987 pp. 302-303

- A. D. Owen
- The Korean mineral market: Opportunities and marketing strategies for Canada: O. Yul Kwon Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 1988, 158 pp, C$15.00 pp. 303-305

- Peter N. Nemetz
- Commodity policies: Problems and prospects: Alasdair I. Macbean and D.T. Nguyen Croom Helm, London, 1987, 438 pp pp. 305-306

- Walter C. Labys
- The Cassandra conference: Resources and the human predicament: Edited by Paul R. Ehrlich and John P. Holdren Texas A. and M. University Press, TX, 1988, 330 pp, US$14.95 pp. 306-307

- Fred Roberts
- Natural gas in Europe: Markets, organisation and politics: by Javier Estrada, Helge Ole Bergensen, Arild Moe, and Anne Kristin Sydnes Pinter Publishers, London, 1988, [UK pound]30.00 pp. 307-308

- Christopher Hurst
Volume 14, issue 3, 1988
- Contractual arrangements for the exploitation of natural gas in developing countries pp. 159-172

- Christopher Hurst
- Petroleum availability in disrupted markets pp. 173-179

- S. Das, R. Lee, R. M. Davis and G. R. Hadder
- On the efficiency of the London metal exchange: Copper prices pp. 180-182

- C. Paul Hallwood
- Structural adjustment in Europe: The case of UK coal pp. 183-192

- S. P. Chakravarty
- Competitive cost analysis in the mineral industries: The example of nickel pp. 193-204

- Thomas F. Torries
- An economic evaluation pp. 205-217

- Robert Ball and Rolf Matthews
- The integrated quality concept: An approach to balanced industrial activity pp. 218-220

- M. Boutoussov
- Strongly recommended: Resources and world development Edited by D.J. McLaren and B.J. Skinner John Wiley, Chichester, 1987, 940 pp [UK pound]80.00 pp. 221-223

- Alan Archer
- Fascinating chronicle: Selected readings in mineral economics edited by F.J. Anderson CIM, Toronto, 1987, 339 pp, C$60.00 pp. 223-224

- David Humphreys
- Numerous factual errors: Metals production in Africa 1975-1984: statistical survey Edited by E.B. Ocran African Investor Publishing Co, London, UK, 1988, [UK pound]125.00 UK, 1988, [UK pound]125.00 pp. 224-224

- Bill van Rensburg
Volume 14, issue 2, 1988
- A reassessment of the strategic materials question pp. 74-84

- D. M. Jacobson, R. K. Turner and A. A. L. Challis
- Explaining recent metals price swings: Exchange rates and structural considerations pp. 85-96

- F. Gerard Adams and Joaquin Vial
- Assessing the impact of the slack demand for metals pp. 97-111

- Mark C. Roberts
- Input prices and material substitution: Choice of methodology for a disaggregated study pp. 112-120

- Mark Holmes
- Implications of the Canada-USA free trade agreement for the Canadian minerals industry pp. 121-134

- David Anderson
- Fair depletion rates pp. 135-143

- Paul van Moeseke
- Waste minimization: A growing industrial phenomenon pp. 144-145

- Arthur H. Purcell
- Decision making with expected values and certainty equivalences: A diagrammatic comparison pp. 146-149

- A. J. MacFadyen
- Primary commodity markets and models: Walter C. Labys Gower, Aldershot, Hants, 1987, 290 pp, [UK pound]38.50 pp. 150-151

- Andrew Hughes Hallett
- The global copper industry: Problems and prospects: Raymond F. Mikesell Croom Helm, London, 1988, 160 pp, [UK pound]27.50 pp. 151-152

- Marian Radetzki
- Modelling sustainable development: International seminar on ecosystems modelling, New Delhi, India, 18-22 January 1988 pp. 152-153

- Asit K. Biswas
- Cheaper to live clean: National workshop on pollution in the industrial environment, Hardwar, India, 15-16 January 1988 pp. 153-153

- Asit K. Biswas
Volume 14, issue 1, 1988
- Sorting out materials issues pp. 3-20

- S. Fraser, A. Barsotti and D. Rogich
- Mining interests overseas: UK and the EEC pp. 21-28

- David Humphreys
- Aspects of copper supplies for the 1990s pp. 29-37

- P. C. F. Crowson
- Mineral resource development policy in Arctic Alaska pp. 38-46

- M. Sengupta
- Do forest products trade barriers disadvantage the developing countries? pp. 47-58

- I. J. Bourke
- Perspectives of the copper industry: Copper '87, Vina del Mar, Chile, 30 November-3 December 1987 pp. 59-61

- P. C. F. Crowson
- Price stability or resource transfer?: Stabilizing speculative commodity markets by S. Ghosh, C.I. Gilbert and A.J. Hughes Hallett Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1987, 448 pp, [UK pound]39.50 pp. 61-63

- P. N. Kirthisingha
- Intellectually appealing?: Towards a new iron age? Quantitative modeling of resource exhaustion by Robert B. Gordon, Tjalling C. Koopmans, William B. Nordhaus and Brian J. Skinner Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 1987, 184 pp, [UK pound]19.95 pp. 63-63

- Marian Radetzki
- Reasons to explore: Metallic mineral exploration: An economic analysis by Roderick G. Eggert Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, 1987, 75 pp pp. 64-64

- David Slater
- Indispensable reference book: World mineral statistics 1981-1985 by G.J. Lofty, N.E. Sharp, J.A. Hillier and P.H.G. Joseph British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, UK, 1987,338 pp, [UK pound]35.00 pp. 65-66

- P. C. F. Crowson
- A tactician of conservation: The new environmental age by Max Nicholson Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1987, 232 pp pp. 66-66

- Philip Lowe
Volume 13, issue 4, 1987
- Valuing natural resources and the implications for land and water management pp. 255-264

- David Pearce
- Does taxation alter exploration?: The effect of uncertainty and risk pp. 265-278

- Harry Campbell and R. K. Lindner
- Net value royalties: Practical tool or economist's illusion? pp. 279-288

- P. G. Bradley and G. C. Watkins
- Does area-wide offshore leasing decrease bonus revenues? pp. 289-294

- Robert Farrow
- Going for gold: African Mining 1987 Harare, 30 August - 2 September 1987 pp. 295-296

- K. A. Viewing
- The world mining industry: Investment strategy and public policy: Raymond F. Mikesell and John W. Whitney Allen and Unwin, London, UK, 1987, [UK pound]25.00 pp. 296-297

- David Humphreys
- The mining law: A study in perpetual motion: John D. Leshy Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, 1987, 521 pp, $35.00 pp. 297-298

- Richard L. Gordon
- World resources 1987 -- An assessment of the resource base that supports the global economy: International institute of environment and development and the world resources institute Basic Books, New York, 1987, 369 pp, [UK pound]115.25 paper, [UK pound]29.75 hardback pp. 298-299

- Fred Roberts
Volume 13, issue 3, 1987
- Measuring competitive costs in non-ferrous metal production: The case of aluminium pp. 166-174

- F. Gerard Adams and Bernard Duroc-Danner
- The demand for platinum pp. 175-188

- A. D. Owen
- Producer homogeneity, heightened uncertainty and mineral market rigidity pp. 189-206

- Richard M. Auty
- US chromium market: An econometric presentation pp. 207-227

- Julius C. Chang
- Australian natural resources policy: Water and land pp. 228-246

- Diana Gwendoline Day
- Are metals markets efficient? pp. 247-248

- David Humphreys
- A holistic approach: Expert workshop on hazardous wastes management, industrial safety and emergency planning, Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria, 22-26 June 1987 pp. 249-250

- Asit K. Biswas
- Metal prices and exchange rates pp. 250-251

- P. C. F. Crowson
- Unwanted neighbours: Hazardous waste disposal edited by M. Chatterji Avebury, Aldershot, 1987, 328 pp, [UK pound]27.50 pp. 250-250

- T. O'Riordan
Volume 13, issue 2, 1987
- Resource rent and the valuation of environmental amenities pp. 98-102

- Raymond F. Mikesell
- Would commodity market stabilization agreements redistribute economic resources to developing countries?: The case of copper pp. 103-112

- A. J. Hughes Hallett
- Lease delay rights: Market valued permits and offshore leasing pp. 113-122

- Robert Farrow
- Markets for advanced structural ceramics pp. 123-141

- E. P. Rothman, E. P. Rothman, J. M. Schoenung and J. P. Clark
- Social forestry projects--an approach to evaluation pp. 142-158

- Kanchan Chopra
Volume 13, issue 1, 1987
- Long term contracts and market stability: The case of iron ore pp. 3-18

- Christopher D. Rogers, Kirsty Robertson and Kirsty Robertson
- State ownership and the price sensitivity of supply: The case of the copper mining industry pp. 19-34

- Aleksander Markowski, Marian Radetzki, Marian Radetzki and Marian Radetzki
- The nickel industry: Continued response to a changing environment pp. 35-46

- Philip Mizzi, S. Charles Maurice, Gerhard Anders, S. Charles Maurice and S. Charles Maurice
- Interindustry approaches to the analysis of a supply disruption of a critical resource pp. 47-54

- H. Craig Davis and Howard Cherniack
- Profiles of Third World mineral producers pp. 55-67

- Robert E. Looney, Craig R. Knouse and Craig R. Knouse
- All estimate of the mineral resources of China pp. 68-84

- Allen L. Clark, James P. Dorian, Pow-foong Fan, Allen L. Clark, James P. Dorian and Pow-foong Fan
- Hydropower pricing for smelters pp. 85-87

- Paul van Moeseke
- Natural resources and the macroeconomy: J.P. Neary and S. Van Wijnbergen Centre for Economic Policy Research/ Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 1986, 352 pp, [UK pound]29.50 pp. 88-89

- Marian Radetzki
- Steel -- planning for growth: by Tony Bird Financial times business information, 102-108 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1M 5SA, UK, 1986, 112 pp, [UK pound]168 in UK, [UK pound]178/US$267 elsewhere pp. 89-90

- Arthur Conway
- Silicon nitride and the sialons: Vivien Mitchell Mitchell market reports on advanced materials, 24 Donnington Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 0NA, UK, 1986, 162 pp, [UK pound]500, limp covers, comb bound pp. 90-91

- Arthur Conway
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