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Resources Policy

1974 - 2025

Current editor(s): R. G. Eggert

From Elsevier
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Volume 6, issue 4, 1980

Classical foundations of the contemporary economic theory of non-renewable resources pp. 278-289 Downloads
T. J. C. Robinson
The IBA and cartel problems: Prices, policy objectives and elasticities pp. 290-302 Downloads
David E. Hojman
Implementation of US Surface Mine and Reclamation Act pp. 303-319 Downloads
Eli Sani
An econometric model of wastepaper recycling in the USA pp. 320-325 Downloads
Gurmukh Gill and Kajal Lahiri
A note on empty bottles pp. 326-332 Downloads
Allen K. Miedema
IPC and the Common Fund--the political dimension: Global bargaining by Robert L. Rothstein Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, USA, 1979, 286 pp pp. 333-334 Downloads
Stephan D. Cohen
The economics of primary commodities: Stabilizing world commodity markets edited by F.G. Adams and S.A. Klein Lexington Books, D.C. Health, Lexington, MA, USA, 1978, 352 pp, [UK pound]17.50 pp. 334-335 Downloads
Paul Hallwood
Stabilization of international commodity markets: by Paul Hallwood JAI Press, Greenwich, CT, 1979, 230 pp, $24.50 pp. 335-336 Downloads
F. E. Banks
Mining finance for the Third World: Financing mining projects in developing countries A United Nations survey by Marian Radetzki and Stephen Zorn Mining Journal Books, London, 1979 189 pp, [UK pound]10.00 hardback, [UK pound]7.50 paperback pp. 336-337 Downloads
William Page
The role of multinational companies in Latin America: A case study in Mexico by R. Montavon with the collaboration of M. Wionczek and F. Piquerez Saxon House for ECSIM, Teakfield, Farnborough, UK, 1979, 128 pp, [UK pound]8.50 pp. 338-339 Downloads
Robert D. Pearce
Elasticity of supple for the US uranium industry pp. 343-344 Downloads
A. D. Owen

Volume 6, issue 3, 1980

Conservation policies and copper in the UK pp. 206-222 Downloads
William Page
The effects of higher energy prices and declining ore quality: Copper--aluminium substitution and recycling in the USA pp. 223-239 Downloads
Margaret E. Slade
Some barriers to the use of materials recovered from municipal solid waste pp. 240-252 Downloads
Michael E. Henstock
The international natural rubber agreement 1979 pp. 253-265 Downloads
Kabir-Ur-Rahman Khan
Uranium resource economics pp. 266-268 Downloads
Antony Dnes
Resource recovery -- problems, but progress pp. 266-266 Downloads
Arthur H. Purcell
Nigel Mortimer replies pp. 268-268 Downloads
Nigel Mortimer
World mineral reserves and demand pp. 268-269 Downloads
William Page
Uranium: Resources, production and demand: Joint report by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency OECD Publications, Paris, 1979, 195pp,[UK pound]8.70 pp. 270-271 Downloads
Nigel Mortimer
The balance of supply and demand, 1978-1990: by the Supply and Demand Committee of the Uranium Institute Mining Journal Books Ltd, Edenbridge, UK, 1979, 61pp pp. 271-271 Downloads
Nigel Mortimer
Yellowcake The International uranium cartel: by June H. Taylor and Michael D. Yokell Pergamon, Oxford, 1979, 245 pp, [UK pound]15.00 pp. 271-272 Downloads
Marian Radetzki
Nuclear fuel and energy policy: by S. Basheer Ahmed D.C. Health and Company (Lexington Books), Lexington, MA and Toronto, 1979, 158 pp pp. 272-273 Downloads
John E. Symons
Waste recycling and pollution control handbook: by A.V. Bridgwater and C.J. Munford George Godwin, London, 1979, 706 pp, [UK pound]30.00 pp. 273-274 Downloads
Michael E. Henstock
Resource recovery and recycling: by Allan F.M. Barton Wiley, New York, 1979, 429 pp pp. 274-275 Downloads
L. Whalley
Mobilizing technology for wolrld development: edited by Jairam Ramesh and Charles Weiss Prager, Eastbourne, UK, 1979, 235pp pp. 275-276 Downloads
Mahindra Naraine
Stockpiling of critical raw material: by Steven Warnecke RIAA, London, 1980, 52pp, 5.00 pp. 276-276 Downloads
William Page

Volume 6, issue 2, 1980

The Australian minerals industry pp. 82-86 Downloads
G. J. S. Govett and M. H. Govett
The role of the Australian minerals industry in world mineral supplies pp. 87-102 Downloads
M. H. Govett and G. J. S. Govett
Australian mineral export forecasts to 2000 pp. 103-124 Downloads
Staff members of the Mineral Resources Branch
An economic appraisal of the Australian oil and gas industry pp. 125-142 Downloads
Michael Folie
Australia's uranium pp. 143-152 Downloads
D. C. Hampson
The mining industry and the natural environment pp. 153-165 Downloads
G. D. McColl
Australian mineral commodity marketing pp. 166-178 Downloads
Susan Bambrick
Resources policies in Australia pp. 179-191 Downloads
Stuart Harris
The environment of the mining industry: An industry view pp. 192-203 Downloads
G. Paul Phillips

Volume 6, issue 1, 1980

Commodities, the NIEO and oil deficits pp. 2-2 Downloads
H. W. Singer
The Australian coal industry: An economic appraisal pp. 3-18 Downloads
Michael Folie and Gregory McColl
Uranium resource economics: An application of energy analysis pp. 19-32 Downloads
Nigel Mortimer
The non-fuel mineral position of the USA pp. 33-43 Downloads
John Morgan
Modelling mining: Open pit copper production in British Columbia pp. 44-59 Downloads
Paul G. Bradley
Electricity supplies for the primary aluminium industry pp. 60-70 Downloads
J. Skea
Use of waste materials in the construction industry pp. 71-73 Downloads
W. Gutt and P. J. Nixon
Status of refuse recycling pp. 73-74 Downloads
A. V. Bridgwater
Australia-Japan -- a close relationship pp. 74-75 Downloads
M. H. Govett and G. J. S. Govett
The world copper industry: by Ramond F. Mikesell Johns Hopkins for Resources for the Future, Baltimore, MD, USA, 1979, 393 pp pp. 75-76 Downloads
Marian Radetzki
The economics of natural resources: Richard Lecomber Macmillan, London, 1979, 247 pp, [UK pound]4.95 pp. 77-77 Downloads
Stuart Cochrane
Scarcity and growth reconsidered: edited by V. Kerry Smith Published for Resources for the Future by The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1979, 298pp, [UK pound]4.25 pp. 78-78 Downloads
Ferdinand E. Banks

Volume 5, issue 4, 1979

Materials consumption implications of a fully industrialized world pp. 242-259 Downloads
K. J. Walker
The resource base and mercury -- a fresh perspective pp. 260-272 Downloads
Nigel Roxburgh
The profitability of the buffer stocks operated under the International Tin Agreements,1956-77 pp. 273-278 Downloads
C. P. Hallwood
The return of returnable bottles: A study of consumers' and retailers' attitudes and practices concerning returnable bottles pp. 279-297 Downloads
Jonathan Fisher and Paul Horton
Short-run price formation in non-fuel minerals markets: An algebraic note pp. 298-300 Downloads
Ferdinand E. Banks
The Materials Forum -- new focus for resources information pp. 301-301 Downloads
Fred Roberts
Beyond the North-South stalemate: Roger D. Hansen McGraw-Hill for the Council on Foreign Relations/1980s Project, New York, 1979, xv+329 pp, $12.95 pp. 301-302 Downloads
Marc Williams
The leasing of federal lands for fossil fuels production: Stephen L. McDonald The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1979, [UK pound]11.00 pp. 302-304 Downloads
Eli Sani
The NIEO proposals: A cool look: W.M. Corden Thames Essay No 21, Trade Research Centre, London, 1979, 50 pp, [UK pound]3 pp. 304-305 Downloads
Kabir-ur-Rahman Khan
The objectives of the New International Economic Order: Ervin Laszlo, Robert Baker Jr, Elliot Eisenberg and Venkata Raman Pergamon for UNITAR, New York, Oxford etc, 1978, 257 pp, [UK pound]8.00, UK, $16.00, US pp. 304-304 Downloads
Kabir-ur-Rahman Khan
Econometric modeling of world commodity policy: F.G. Adams and J.R. Behrman Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, Lexington, MA, 1978, 223 pp, [UK pound]14.00 pp. 306-306 Downloads
J. D. A. Cuddy
Development, the international economic order, and commodity agreements: J.R. Behrman Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1978, 152 pp, [UK pound]3.75 pp. 306-307 Downloads
J. D. A. Cuddy
Australian minerals and energy policy: Susan Bambrick Australian National University Press, Canberra, Australia, 1979, 240 pp pp. 307-308 Downloads
Stuart Cochrane
Little science and technology, much politics: United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development, Vienna, Austria, 19-30 August 1979 pp. 308-309 Downloads
Mahindra Naraine

Volume 5, issue 3, 1979

The geography and political economy of metal supplies pp. 158-169 Downloads
Phillip Crowson
The integrated programme for commodities: An assessment of negotiations on minerals and metals pp. 170-184 Downloads
Kabir-ur-Rahman Khan
UK balance of payments in raw materials: A statistical analysis with implications for possible national materials policies pp. 185-196 Downloads
William Page
Development planning in Mexico: Case study of an oil-rich economy pp. 197-207 Downloads
Arpad von Lazar, Althea L. Duersten and Mary T. Dickinson
Economic rationale for Canada's future uranium policy pp. 208-216 Downloads
D. J. Lecraw
Resource estimation using random recursive equation models pp. 217-221 Downloads
S. B. Ahmed and V. R. R. Uppuluri
2nd Recycling World Congress pp. 222-230 Downloads
Michael E. Henstock
Future metals strategy-- a Herculean task pp. 231-232 Downloads
D. Slater
End of the oil glut--state regulation of energy pp. 232-233 Downloads
Ferdinand E. Banks
Copper industry prospects: Copper: The next fifteen years by Wolfgang Gluschke, Joseph Shaw and Bension Varon D. Reidel Publishing Co for the UN, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, and Boston, MA, 1979, 206 pp, $19.95, hardback, $8.95, paperback pp. 233-234 Downloads
Marian Radetzki
NIEO--questionable means: Meeting the Third World challenge by Alasdair I. MacBean and V.N. Balasubramanyam 2 ed, Macmillan for the Trade Policy Research Centre, London, UK, 1978, xvi+272 pp, [UK pound]3.95 pp. 234-235 Downloads
Marc Williams
Measurement of lead demand-relationships and selection of data pp. 235-236 Downloads
W. S. Etheridge
F. Roberts replies pp. 236-237 Downloads
F. Roberts
The `real' meaning of the Integrated Programme for Commodities pp. 237-238 Downloads
Ferdinand E. Banks
J.D.A. Cuddy replies pp. 238-238 Downloads
J. D. A. Cuddy

Volume 5, issue 2, 1979

The international tin agreement, 1976: An assessment of its regulatory machinery as an instrument of international policy pp. 83-94 Downloads
Kabir-ur-Rahman Khan
The `new' economics of iron and steel pp. 95-103 Downloads
Ferdinand E. Banks
Costs and benefits of commodity control pp. 104-112 Downloads
C. P. Hallwood
Policies towards proposals for large-scale natural resource projects: Attenuation versus postponement pp. 113-140 Downloads
Anthony Scott and Harry Campbell
Considerations of energy cost and versatility in choosing optimal stockpile forms pp. 141-148 Downloads
Peter Penner
Challenge of materials substitution pp. 149-149 Downloads
Arthur H. Purcell
Australian Mining Symposium 1979 pp. 150-150 Downloads
Susan Bambrick
Uranium supply and demand Proceedings of the Third International Symposium held by the Uranium Institute in London, 12-14 July 1978: Mining Journal Books Ltd, London, UK, 1978, 370 pp pp. 151-152 Downloads
P. C. F. Crowson

Volume 5, issue 1, 1979

UNCTAD's integrated programme for commodities: Economic implications and Europe's response pp. 2-15 Downloads
Juergen B. Donges
The case for an integrated programme for commodities pp. 16-25 Downloads
J. D. A. Cuddy
Product charges: An instrument for increased recycling in the UK pp. 26-33 Downloads
R. P. Grace
A modelling approach to scrap recycling pp. 34-41 Downloads
James W. Bryant
Recycling and householder attitudes: A survey of Norwich pp. 42-50 Downloads
T. O'Riordan and R. K. Turner
Natural resources and the tenth five year plan: Hopes and realities pp. 51-60 Downloads
Daniel S. Papp
Canadian applications in resources analysis pp. 61-70 Downloads
D. C. Findlay and J. H. Walsh
Geoscientific maps as an aid to land use and regional planning pp. 71-77 Downloads
Jens Dieter Becker-Platen
Economics of the world's mineral industries pp. 78-78 Downloads
W. C. J. van Rensburg and S. Bambrick
Page updated 2025-03-28