Resources Policy
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): R. G. Eggert From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 32, issue 4, 2007
- Is mining a high-tech industry: Investigations into innovation and productivity advance pp. 149-158

- Paul J. Bartos
- Australian junior exploration floats, 2001-06, and their implications for IPOs pp. 159-182

- Oliver P. Kreuzer, Michael A. Etheridge and Pietro Guj
- Copper recycling and scrap availability pp. 183-190

- Fernando Gomez, Juan Ignacio Guzman and John Tilton
- A horizontal merger in the iron ore industry: An event study approach pp. 191-204

- Linda Warell
- Modeling and Forecasting Primary Commodity Prices, W. Labys. Ashgate Publishing Co., Burlington VT (2006). US $99.95, 235pp., ISBN-13 978-0-7546-4629-7 pp. 205-208

- John Cuddington
Volume 32, issue 3, 2007
- Mining and corruption pp. 91-103

- Andrea Petermann, Juan Ignacio Guzman and John Tilton
- Beyond the resource curse? Diamond mining, development and post-conflict reconstruction in Sierra Leone pp. 104-115

- Roy Maconachie and Tony Binns
- Evaluating mine plans under uncertainty: Can the real options make a difference? pp. 116-125

- Roussos G. Dimitrakopoulos and Sabry A. Abdel Sabour
- Oil spills on other commodities pp. 126-134

- John Baffes
- The oil industry along the Atlantic coast of Cameroon: Assessing impacts and possible solutions pp. 135-145

- Dieudonne Alemagi
- Mining Royalties: A Global Study of Their Impact on Investors, Government, and Civil Society, James Otto, Craig Andrews, Fred Cawood, Michael Doggett, Pietro Guj, Frank Stermole, John Stermole, and John Tilton. The World Bank, Washington, DC (2006). 296 pp.+xx Index ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-6502-1ISBN-10: 0-8213-6502-9 pp. 146-147

- Graham Davis
Volume 32, issue 1-2, 2007
- The copper industry 1945-1975 pp. 1-18

- Phillip Crowson
- Assessing the long-run availability of copper pp. 19-23

- John Tilton and Gustavo Lagos
- On the sustainability of metal supplies: A response to Tilton and Lagos pp. 24-28

- R.B. Gordon, M. Bertram and T.E. Graedel
- Perspectives on female participation in artisanal and small-scale mining: A case study of Birim North District of Ghana pp. 29-41

- Natalia Yakovleva
- Global trends in gold mining: Towards quantifying environmental and resource sustainability pp. 42-56

- Gavin M. Mudd
- Surface iron ore mining in eastern India and local level sustainability pp. 57-68

- Suranjan Sinha, Rabindra N. Bhattacharya and Rajasree Banerjee
- Perspectives on resource recycling from municipal solid waste in Taiwan pp. 69-79

- Wen-Tien Tsai, Yao-Hung Chou, Chien-Ming Lin, Hsin-Chieh Hsu, Keng-Yu Lin and Chunh-Siang Chiu
- Wavelet- and SVM-based forecasts: An analysis of the U.S. metal and materials manufacturing industry pp. 80-89

- Viviana Fernandez
Volume 31, issue 4, 2006
- Due diligence assessment of non-financial risk: Prophylaxis for the purchaser pp. 193-203

- C.L. Reichardt
- Refuse-derived fuel as a secondary energy in Taiwan--Using Hotelling space allocation model pp. 204-210

- Kwo-Dong Wey and Sheue-Ching Hong
- On accounting for sustainable development and accounting for the environment pp. 211-216

- Robert Cairns
- Total-factor water efficiency of regions in China pp. 217-230

- Jin-Li Hu, Shih-Chuan Wang and Fang-Yu Yeh
- National minerals policies and stakeholder participation for broad-based development in the southern African development community (SADC) pp. 231-238

- H.D. Mtegha, F.T. Cawood and R.C.A. Minnitt
- Sources of productive efficiency: International comparison of iron and steel firms pp. 239-246

- Jung Woo Kim, Jeong Yeon Lee, Jae Yong Kim and Hoe Kyung Lee
Volume 31, issue 3, 2006
- Innovation in the minerals industry: Australia in a global context pp. 137-145

- Garrett Upstill and Peter Hall
- The hidden costs of relocating sand and gravel mines pp. 146-164

- William K. Jaeger
- How have reforms fuelled the expansion of artisanal mining? Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa pp. 165-171

- Sadia Mohammed Banchirigah
- Natural resources dynamics: Exhaustible and renewable resources, and the rate of technical substitution pp. 172-182

- Giuseppe Di Vita
- Citizen funds and Dutch Disease in developing countries pp. 183-191

- Jonas Hjort
Volume 31, issue 2, 2006
- A study of the relationship between regional ferrous scrap prices in the USA, 1958-2004 pp. 65-77

- Mark Evans
- Optimal resource extraction contract with adverse selection pp. 78-85

- Nguyen Manh Hung, Jean-Christophe Poudou and Lionel Thomas
- Estimating the volatility of mining projects considering price and operating cost uncertainties pp. 86-94

- Gabriel A. Costa Lima and Saul B. Suslick
- Comparing petroleum fiscal regimes under oil price uncertainty pp. 95-105

- Andon J. Blake and Mark C. Roberts
- Mercury: An agent of poverty in Ghana's small-scale gold-mining sector? pp. 106-116

- Gavin Hilson and Sandra Pardie
- Resource windfalls, investment, and long-term income pp. 117-128

- Elissaios Papyrakis and Reyer Gerlagh
- Supporting sustainable electricity technologies in Greece using MCDM pp. 129-136

- Haris Doukas, Konstantinos D. Patlitzianas and John Psarras
Volume 31, issue 1, 2006
- The mining industry in the European Union: Analysis of inter-industry linkages using input-output analysis pp. 1-6

- J.R. San Cristobal and M.V. Biezma
- Steel consumption and economic growth: Evidence from India pp. 7-11

- Sajal Ghosh
- Understanding the dynamics and competitiveness of the South African minerals inputs cluster pp. 12-26

- M.I. Walker and R.C.A. Minnitt
- A common pattern in long-term metals production pp. 27-36

- C. Yerramilli and J.A. Sekhar
- Polish steel consumption, 1974-2008 pp. 37-49

- Bogdan Rebiasz
- Developing of a pricing model for Turkish lignite used in thermal plants pp. 50-55

- Sermin Elevli and Ahmet Demirci
- The anatomy of three commodity booms pp. 56-64

- Marian Radetzki
Volume 30, issue 4, 2005
- On natural resource substitution pp. 233-246

- Francisco André and Emilio Cerdá
- Financial viability of reforesting reclaimed surface mined lands, the burden of site conversion costs, and carbon payments as reforestation incentives pp. 247-258

- Jay Sullivan, Jonathan Aggett, Greg Amacher and James Burger
- Long-term projections of non-fuel minerals: We were wrong, but why? pp. 259-284

- Ira Sohn
- Valuing uncertain asset cash flows when there are no options: A real options approach pp. 285-298

- Michael Samis, Graham Davis, David Laughton and Richard Poulin
Volume 30, issue 3, 2005
- Multiple scales of diamond mining in Akwatia, Ghana: addressing environmental and human development impact pp. 145-155

- Kaakpema Yelpaala and Saleem H. Ali
- Earnings and work accident risk: a panel data analysis on mining pp. 156-167

- Stefano Mainardi
- Exploration and discovery of Australia's copper, nickel, lead and zinc resources 1976-2005 pp. 168-185

- A.L. Jaques, M.B. Huleatt, M. Ratajkoski and R.R. Towner
- Time-varying hedge ratios for non-ferrous metals prices pp. 186-193

- David G McMillan
- Perspectives on mineral policy in Ireland pp. 194-202

- Gillian Dooley and Anthony Leddin
- A review of mineral development and investment policies of Botswana pp. 203-207

- I.B. Matshediso
- An assessment of time series methods in metal price forecasting pp. 208-217

- Gillian Dooley and Helena Lenihan
- The lithium industry: Its recent evolution and future prospects pp. 218-231

- Arlene Ebensperger, Philip Maxwell and Christian Moscoso
Volume 30, issue 2, 2005
- Are rich countries immune to the resource curse? Evidence from Norway's management of its oil riches pp. 75-86

- E.Roed. Larsen
- Winners and losers from industry reforms in the developing world: experiences from the electricity and mining sectors pp. 87-100

- James Haselip and Gavin Hilson
- Market power and cost efficiency: the case of the US aluminum industry pp. 101-106

- Sheng-Ping Yang
- Natural resource abundance and economic growth revisited pp. 107-130

- Jean-Philippe C. Stijns
- The roles of Asia and Chile in the world copper market pp. 131-139

- Takashi Nishiyama
- Richard C. Porter, The Economics of Waste, Resources for the Future Press, Washington, DC (2002) ISBN 1891853430 301 pages, paperback pp. 141-142

- Jeremy P. Richards
- Richard Howitt. Rethinking ResourceManagement: Justice, Sustainability and Indigenous Peoples (2001, Routledge, London) pp. 446 (paperback). ISBN 0-415-12333-X pp. 142-143

- Jeremy P. Richards
Volume 30, issue 1, 2005
- An institutional interpretation of unitization legislation: the case of Texas and Oklahoma pp. 1-6

- Stuart T. MacDonald
- A quantitative integrated evaluation of sustainable development of mineral resources of a mining city: a case study of Huangshi, Eastern China pp. 7-19

- Jing Yu, Shuzhen Yao, Rongqiu Chen, Kejun Zhu and Liandi Yu
- Trends in the intensity of copper use in Japan since 1960 pp. 21-27

- Juan Ignacio Guzman, Takashi Nishiyama and John Tilton
- Australian gold exploration 1976-2003 pp. 29-37

- M.B. Huleatt and A.L. Jaques
- Economic responses to the closure of small-scale coal mines in Chongqing, China pp. 39-54

- Philip Andrews-Speed, Guo Ma, Bingjia Shao and Chenglin Liao
- Dynamic metals demand model pp. 55-69

- Mark Evans and Andrew C. Lewis
- Marian Radetzki, The Green Myth--Economic Growth and the Quality of the Environment. Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd, Essex, UK, 2001, 84 pages, ISBN 0 906522 17 X pp. 71-71

- Graham Davis
- Satoshi Murao, Victor B. Maglambayan, and Neoman de la Cruz, (eds); Small-Scale Mining in Asia: Observations Towards a Solution of the Issue. Mining Journal Books Ltd, no date (circa 2001), 62 pages, ISBN 0 9537336 3 7 pp. 72-72

- Graham Davis
- In: John M. Deutch and Richard K. Lester, Editors, Making Technology Work: Applications in Energy and the Environment, Not known, Cambridge (2004), p. 272 (ISBN 0-521-52317-6) pp. 73-74

- David W. Moore
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