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Resources Policy

1974 - 2025

Current editor(s): R. G. Eggert

From Elsevier
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Volume 12, issue 4, 1986

Water development policies pp. 290-292 Downloads
Asit K. Biswas
Implementing environmentally sound management of inland waters pp. 293-306 Downloads
W. R. Derrick Sewell and Asit K. Biswas
Environmentally sound management of freshwater resources pp. 307-316 Downloads
Laszlo David
Zinc processing in the USA: An analysis of a declining industry pp. 317-334 Downloads
Gary A. Campbell, Anil Jambekar and Brian Frame
Asbestos fibre supply and the regulation of asbestos exposure pp. 335-345 Downloads
Stephen E. Margolis and Glenn E. Morris
A rate of return analysis for public forestry in Ulster pp. 346-350 Downloads
Erhun Kula
What future for uranium?: Eleventh Annual Symposium of the Uranium Institute, London, 2-4 September 1986 pp. 351-352 Downloads
Arthur Conway
Talking about water: International Symposium on Decision Making in Water Resources Planning, Oslo, Norway, 5-7 May 1986 pp. 352-353 Downloads
Asit K. Biswas
World resources 1986: an assessment of the resource base that supports the global economy, with data tables for 146 countries: A Report from the World Resources Institute and the International Institute for Environment and Development. Basic Books, New York, USA, 1986, 353 pp, [UK pound]11.95 pp. 353-354 Downloads
Fred Roberts
Natural resources: allocation, economics and policy: Judith Rees Methuen, London, UK and New York, USA, 1985, 449 pp, [UK pound]30.00 (hardback), [UK pound]14.95 (paperback) pp. 354-355 Downloads
Subrata Ghatak

Volume 12, issue 3, 1986

Preface pp. 162-162 Downloads
John Tilton
East-West mineral trade: Introduction pp. 163-174 Downloads
John Tilton
Minerals in East-West trade: An overview pp. 175-186 Downloads
Ed A. Hewett
Intra-CMEA mineral cooperation: Implications for trade with OECD and third world countries pp. 187-203 Downloads
Istvan Dobozi
Long term contracts and East-West trade in non-fuel minerals pp. 204-222 Downloads
C. D. Rogers
An economic analysis of the stability of East-West mineral trade patterns pp. 223-242 Downloads
Walter C. Labys
Trade in ferroalloying materials: Chromium and molybdenum pp. 243-257 Downloads
David Humphreys
Aluminium fabricated products: Trends in Hungarian trade pp. 258-268 Downloads
Maria Major Dezserine
China's foreign trade in metal minerals: Performance and prospects pp. 269-285 Downloads
Marian Radetzki
Silicon carbide: Vivien Mitchell Mitchell Market Reports on Advanced Materials, 24 Donnington Road, Kenton Harrow, Middlesex HA3 ONA, UK, 1986, 204 pp, [UK pound]500, limp covers, comb bound pp. 286-286 Downloads
Arthur Conway
Environmental law: David Hughes Butterworth, London, 1986, 390 pp, [UK pound]14.95 paperback pp. 286-286 Downloads
David Green

Volume 12, issue 2, 1986

The economics of copper smelter pollution control: A transnational example pp. 87-102 Downloads
Michael Rieber
Prospects for an iron ore cartel pp. 103-115 Downloads
Arlene Jones
Australian mining and the economy: A general equilibrium analysis pp. 117-132 Downloads
Peter J. Higgs
International river basins: A policy model for conflict resolution pp. 133-144 Downloads
Irene L. Murphy and J. Eleonora Sabadell
Forestry and forest management in Bhutan pp. 145-148 Downloads
Asit K. Biswas
Development strategy for Malaysian natural resources pp. 148-150 Downloads
Badar Iqbal
African solutions to African problems: First African Ministerial Conference on the environment, Cairo, 16-18 December 1985 pp. 150-151 Downloads
Margaret R. Biswas and Asit K. Biswas
Mineral resources and their management: by John Bluden Longman, Harlow, UK, 1985, [UK pound]8.95, 302 pp pp. 152-152 Downloads
R. Kerry Turner
Canadian mineral policy past and present: The ambiguous legacy: by David Yudelman Centre for resource studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1985, 176 pp pp. 152-153 Downloads
Carmine Nappi
The economics of tin mining in Bolivia: by M. A. Ayub World Bank, Washington, DC, 1985 pp. 153-154 Downloads
Badar Iqbal
Large scale water transfers: emerging environmental and social experiences: edited by G.N. Golubev and A.K. Biswas Water Resources Series Vol 7, Tycooly Publishing, Oxford, UK, for the United Nations Environment Programme, 158 pp pp. 154-155 Downloads
M. J. Hall
State mineral enterprises: an investigation into their impact on international mineral markets: by Marian Radetzki Resources for the future, Washington, DC, 1985, $15.00, 150 pp pp. 155-156 Downloads
P. C. F. Crowson

Volume 12, issue 1, 1986

What do we owe the future? pp. 4-16 Downloads
Paul Streeten
Manganese nodule project economics: Factors relating to the Pacific region pp. 17-28 Downloads
Charles J. Johnson and James M. Otto
Maturity management: A new mineral policy for Canada pp. 29-39 Downloads
David Yudelman
Patterns in natural resource policy: The US experience pp. 40-46 Downloads
M. L. Livingston
Three views of the contribution of the extractive industries to the Western Australian economy pp. 47-61 Downloads
Robert Fraser
Commodity market instability: Empirical techniques for analysis pp. 62-72 Downloads
Susan E. Offutt and David Blandford
A note on Hotelling's rule pp. 73-74 Downloads
Andreas Pfingsten
Tenth annual symposium of the Uranium Institute,: Institution of electrical engineers, London, 3-5 September 1985 pp. 75-77 Downloads
Arthur Conway
CESCO international seminar on challenges of copper to the year 2000,: Santiago, Chile, 28-29 November 1985 pp. 77-79 Downloads
Juan O'Brien
The economics of forestry and natural resources: Per Olov Johansson and Karl Gustav Lofgren Basil Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 1985, 305 pp, [UK pound]29.50 pp. 79-81 Downloads
Raj Kumar

Volume 11, issue 4, 1985

Has the bell tolled for the North American mineral and metal industry? pp. 231-234 Downloads
Carmine Nappi
Financial failures in mining: Implications for LDC mineral policies pp. 235-244 Downloads
Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh
The carajas iron ore project: The strategy of a third world state- owned enterprise in a depressed market pp. 245-256 Downloads
Paulo de Sa and Isabel Marques
Japan's develop-for-import policy pp. 257-266 Downloads
T. E. Kolenda
The role of co-products in stabilizing the metal mining industry pp. 267-274 Downloads
Gary A. Campbell
Materials intensity of GDP: Research issues on the measurement and explanation of change pp. 275-283 Downloads
Richard Auty
Africa's shared water resources: Legal and institutional aspects of the Nile, Niger and Senegal River systems: by Bonaya Adhi Godana Frances Pinter, London, and Lynne Reinner Publishers, Boulder, CO, USA, 1985, 370 pp pp. 284-284 Downloads
Asit K. Biswas
The world copper market: by Gerard Wagenhals Springer Verlag, Berlin, West Germany, 1984, 190 pp, DM37.00, paperback pp. 285-285 Downloads
Alek Markowski and Marian Radetzki

Volume 11, issue 3, 1985

Effects of a dollar appreciation on dollar prices in international commodity markets pp. 158-159 Downloads
Marian Radetzki
Probability of continued Soviet mineral self-sufficiency pp. 160-176 Downloads
Philip R. Ballinger
Recent changes in international commodity agreements pp. 177-190 Downloads
P. N. Kirthisingha
Market efficiency, filter rules and buffer stock profitability pp. 191-200 Downloads
Paul Hallwood
The role of the CMEA's foreign trade monopolies in mineral markets pp. 201-212 Downloads
M. M. Kostecki
Pricing behaviour and market power in North American non-ferrous metal industries pp. 213-224 Downloads
Carmine Nappi
Australia's Antarctic policy options: edited by Stuart Harris Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 1984, 412 pp pp. 225-226 Downloads
Barbara Mitchell

Volume 11, issue 2, 1985

The significance of futures trading in minerals and oil pp. 74-86 Downloads
Rae Weston and Claudio Silverii
International commodity agreements: The role of consuming nations pp. 87-98 Downloads
Michael Rieber
Supply responses in tropical forestry: A Malaysian case study pp. 99-109 Downloads
Raj Kumar
Export efficiency of large projects: The case of aluminium smelters pp. 110-118 Downloads
Paul van Moeseke
New mine capacity from yet-to-be found copper deposits pp. 119-127 Downloads
Larry L. Dale, Daniel A. Hagen and Lynn J. Moses
Mineral exploration in the USSR and the USA pp. 128-140 Downloads
Roderick Eggert
Uranium resource appraisal: Past trends and outlook for adequacy of supply pp. 141-149 Downloads
A. Fujita and P. Silvennoinen
The minerals sector and the australian economy: Edited by L.H. Cook and M.G. Porter George Allen and Unwin, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, 1984, 324 pp, [UK pound]20.00 pp. 150-150 Downloads
M. H. Govett
Minerals handbook 1984-1985: by Phillip Crowson Macmillan, London, 1984, 294 pp pp. 150-151 Downloads
Marian Radetzki

Volume 11, issue 1, 1985

The copper and aluminum industries: A review of structural changes pp. 3-16 Downloads
JoseLuis Mardones, Enrique Silva and Cristian Martinez
Canadian manufacturing: The impacts of natural resource price increases on input demands and costs pp. 17-24 Downloads
M. A. Taher, Melville McMillan and Adolf Buse
The global environment: Past, present and future pp. 25-42 Downloads
Margaret R. Biswas and Asit K. Biswas
Futures markets and economic efficiency: A theoretical perspective pp. 43-48 Downloads
Michael Allingham
International commodity transactions: The role of the commodity futures trading commission pp. 49-62 Downloads
Jerry W. Markham and Kyra K. Bergin
Efficiency in Welsh coal mining: A comment pp. 63-64 Downloads
S. P. Chakravarty and D. E. Hojman
Petroleum company operations and agreements in the developing countries: by Raymond F. Mikesell Resources for the Future, Washington DC, 1984, 160 pp, $20.00 pp. 65-67 Downloads
Raj Kumar
Soviet trade in commodities The soviet impact on commodity markets: Edited by M.M. Kostecki Macmillan, London, 1984, 286 pp, $25.00 pp. 67-68 Downloads
Arthur W. Wright
Water for the third world: Fourth Congress of the Asian and Pacific Regional Division, International Association for Hydraulic Research, Orchid Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 11-13 September 1984 pp. 68-69 Downloads
Asit K. Biswas
International workshop on the international environmental law: Peace Palace, International Court of Justice, The Hague, The Netherlands, 12-14 November 1984 pp. 69-70 Downloads
Asit K. Biswas
Page updated 2025-03-28