Resources Policy
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): R. G. Eggert From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 4, issue 4, 1978
- The new economic order and world mineral production and trade pp. 230-241

- M. H. Govett and G. J. S. Govett
- The effect of prices on the recycling of waste materials pp. 242-248

- Ron Edwards and David Pearce
- Metals recycling: A comparative national analysis pp. 249-256

- Richard P. Grace
- The capital shortage phenomenon: Its impact on the US mineral industries pp. 257-278

- Eli Sani
- Development of Australia's North-West shelf gas reserves pp. 279-286

- Susan Bambrick
- Statistical estimation of global mineral resources: In this rejoinder to W.G.B. Phillips' article in the December 1977 issue of Resources Policy, Gregg Marland argues that the paper contains fundamental mathematical deficiencies, presents a distorted view of global fossil fuel resources, and propagates errors through citing defective intermediate references pp. 287-289

- Gregg Marland
- Indian mineral resources -- a short review pp. 289-294

- S. C. Ray
- 6th mineral waste utilization symposium pp. 295-298

- Micheal E. Henstock
- Materials policy -- planning for consensus: Henniker V pp. 298-299

- Arthur H. Purcell
Volume 4, issue 3, 1978
- The future for coal in Western Europe pp. 151-159

- Joy Dunkerley
- The conflict between first cost and recyclability in the design of manufactured goods pp. 160-165

- Michael E. Henstock
- Optimal rate of natural resource depletion pp. 166-171

- Athol Fitzgibbons and Stuart Cochrane
- Fairness between generations and the social rate of discount pp. 172-177

- Partha Dasgupta
- US nonfuels minerals policy pp. 178-180

- William A. Vogely
- The raw material supply of the European Community: The importance of secondary raw materials pp. 181-188

- Benno W. K. Risch
- Resource diplomacy in a Canadian perspective pp. 189-193

- Jean-Paul Drolet
- Trends in foreign investment: Agreements in the resources industry pp. 194-199

- Raymond F. Mikesell
- Environmental attitudes in less developed countries pp. 200-204

- Ingo Walter
- Wishful thinking and reality in the concept of vertical integration of developing countries in metal production pp. 205-209

- W. Michalski
- Resources policy conference 78 discussion report: Session 1: Future supply and demand for resources pp. 210-211

- Sir Kingsley Dunham, Gerald Manners, M. H. Govett and G. J. S. Govett
- Resources policy conference 78 discussion report: Session 2: Monopoly in resources supply pp. 211-212

- Marian Radetzki, Surendra J. Patel, Helen Hughes and Shamsher Singh
- Resources policy conference 78 discussion report: Session 3: Optimal resource use pp. 212-214

- Michael E. Henstock, Athol Fitzgibbons, Stuart Cochrane and Partha Dasgupta
- Resources policy conference 78 discussion report: Session 4: National resources policies in developed countries pp. 214-215

- William A. Vogely, Benno Risch and Jean-Paul Drolet
- Resources policy conference 78 discussion report: Session 5: Resources issues and policies in less developed countries pp. 215-216

- Raymond F. Mikesell, Ingo Walter, Wolfgang Michalski and Patrick Coyne
Volume 4, issue 2, 1978
- A social appraisal of beverage containers recycling: A UK perspective pp. 78-89

- J. C. D. Fisher
- Resources policy conference 78 pp. 90-91

- David Pearce
- World supply of non fuel minerals: The geological constraints pp. 92-99

- Sir Kingsley Dunham
- The future markets for minerals: Some causes of uncertainty pp. 100-105

- Gerald Manners
- Geological supply and economic demand: The unresolved equation pp. 106-114

- M. H. Govett and G. J. S. Govett
- Market structure and bargaining power: A study of three international mineral markets pp. 115-125

- Marian Radetzki
- Energy policies and collective self-reliance of the Third World pp. 126-134

- Surendra J. Patel
- Economic rent: Incidence in selected metals and minerals pp. 135-145

- Helen Hughes and Shamsher Singh
- Conference report: Heading for recovery pp. 146-146

- Arthur Purcell
- A world of scarcities: critical issues in public policy: by David Novick 194 pp, [UK pound]6.95, Associated Business Programmes, London, 1976 pp. 147-147

- William Page
Volume 4, issue 1, 1978
- US materials policy: A legislative approach pp. 2-12

- Franklin P. Huddle
- Stabilization of the international copper market: A simulation study pp. 13-24

- K. N. Bhaskar, C. L. Gilbert and R. A. Perlman
- Commodity price stabilization: Its effects on procedures and consumers pp. 25-30

- J. D. A. Cuddy
- Malaysia's tin supply problems pp. 31-34

- John Thoburn
- Effects of taxes and royalties on copper mining investment in British Columbia pp. 35-44

- John F. Helliwell
- Resource conservation and environmental control pp. 45-52

- Julian Lowe and M. H. Atkins
- Energy savings from solid waste management options pp. 53-69

- Peter Love
- World modelling goes global pp. 70-71

- Fred Roberts
- Aluminium recovery pp. 71-71

- Arthur Purcell
- Throwaways to go? pp. 72-72

- Arthur Purcell
- Manganese - the other uses: A study of the non-steelmaking applications of manganese: Stanley A. Weiss 360 pp, [UK pound]15.00, Metal Bulletin Books Ltd, Worcester Park, Surrey, UK, 1977 pp. 73-73

- Arthur Purcell
- South Africa's strategic minerals: Pieces on a continental chessboard: W.C.J. Van Rensburg and D.A. Pretorius 156 pp, [UK pound]7.97, Valiant Publishers, Johannesburg, 1977 pp. 74-74

- Chris de Beer
- The mining industry and the developing countries: Rex Bosson and Bension Varon 292 pp, [UK pound]3.50 (paperback), [UK pound]8.25 (cloth), published for the World Bank by Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1977 pp. 74-74

- Bill Watts
Volume 3, issue 4, 1977
- Future markets: An alternative for stabilizing secondary materials markets? pp. 230-236

- Roger C. Dower and Robert C. Anderson
- Seabed resources and international law pp. 237-242

- Robert Stein and Ingo Walter
- UK metal reclamation: Prospects for improvement pp. 243-260

- L. Whalley and V. E. Broadie
- Long-term resource demand: Models for projection pp. 261-267

- Stephen Wright
- Statistical estimation of global mineral resources pp. 268-280

- W. G. B. Phillips
- The world tungsten economy: An econometric model pp. 281-291

- C. Suan Tan
- Substitution -- no alternative?: Conference on Materials substitution: Availability, energy, and environmental factors, sponsored by the American Society for Metals and co-sponsored by the Office of Technology Assessment of the US Congress and the Federation of Materials Societies. Chicago, 27-28 September 1977 pp. 292-292

- Arthur Purcell
- Fantasy and a miracle: Fifth World Congress of Economists on Economic Growth and Resources, organized by the International Economic Association, Tokyo, Japan, 29 August- 3 September 1977 pp. 293-294

- Ferdinand E. Banks
Volume 3, issue 3, 1977
- The other end of the telescope: A community approach to resource recovery pp. 154-164

- David R. Jackson
- US federal tax policy: The evolution of percentage depletion for minerals pp. 165-178

- Robert C. Anderson, Alan S. Miller and Richard D. Spiegelman
- Materials information systems for public policy making pp. 179-188

- Leonard L. Fischman
- Swedish perspectives on the future of raw materials pp. 189-194

- Staffan Sohlman
- Soviet resources policy: Foreign investment, resources and the tenth five-year plan pp. 195-202

- Daniel S. Papp
- International commodity policy: The integrated programme for commodities and the common fund pp. 203-208

- J. D. A. Cuddy
- Instability in primary commodity markets pp. 209-221

- Paul Hallwood
- Caution--if not gloom: Canadian minerals in global perspective, Plenary Session of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 79th Annual General Meeting, Ottawa, 18 April 1977 pp. 222-223

- M. H. Govett
- Materials and energy resources: Report of the research committee working party on materials and energy resources: Institution of Chemical Engineers, London, 1976 pp. 223-225

- C. M. Buckley
- Mercury contamination: A human tragedy: by Patricia and Frank D'ltri Wiley Interscience, New York, 1977 pp. 223-223

- David Pearce
- The economics of natural resources: Ferdinand E. Banks 267 pp, Plenum Publishing Corp, New York, 1976 pp. 225-226

- Marian Radetzki
- The paper chain: Christine Thomas 104pp, [UK pound]2.00, Earth Resources Research Ltd, 40 James Street, London W1, 1977 pp. 226-227

- Margaret Wray
Volume 3, issue 2, 1977
- Resource conservation and pricing pp. 78-86

- Robert Anderson
- Economics and recycling pp. 87-95

- John A. Butlin
- Effect of tax laws on mineral exploration in Canada pp. 96-107

- John DeYoung
- The post-war tin agreements: An assessment pp. 108-117

- C. L. Gilbert
- Mineral commodity stabilisation: The producers' view pp. 118-126

- Marian Radetzki
- Long-term adequacy of metal resources pp. 127-133

- D. A. Singer
- Marxism-Leninism and natural resources: The Soviet outlook pp. 134-148

- Daniel S. Papp
- External benefits of buffer stocks pp. 149-149

- Paul Hallwood
- The impact of the mining industries on the Canadian economy: by R.W. Boadway and J.M. Treddenick, Centre for Resources Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 1977, 116pp pp. 150-151

- G. J. S. Govett
- When Values Conflict: Essays on environmental analysis, discourse and decision: edited by Lawrence H. Tribe, Corinne S. Schelling, and John Voss, published for the American Academy of Arts and Science by Ballinger Publishing Co, Cambridge, Mass, 1976, 178 + xv pp pp. 151-152

- Richard Lecomber
Volume 3, issue 1, 1977
- Natural resource availability: Some economic aspects pp. 2-12

- F. E. Banks
- Non-ferrous metals and economic growth: The future demand for lead pp. 13-22

- F. Roberts
- Waste reduction: Issues and policies pp. 23-38

- W. David Conn
- Brazil's mineral development: Potential and problems pp. 39-59

- Bruce Lloyd and Erica Wheeler
- US uranium deposits: A geostatistical model pp. 60-70

- M. W. Drew
- The Bellagio conference on the economics of recycling: Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio, Italy, 12-16 November 1976. Sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society pp. 71-73

- Ingo Walter
- Principles and creation of non-waste technology (NWT) and production: Paris, 29 November-4 December, 1976. Organised by UN Economic Commission for Europe pp. 74-74

- A. H. Purcell
- Structure and properties of a wilderness travel simulator: An application to the Spanish peaks area: V. Kerry Smith and J.V. Krutilla Resources for the Future Inc, published by Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore & London, xi + 173pp, [UK pound]8.40 pp. 75-76

- David Pearce
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