Resources Policy
1974 - 2025
Current editor(s): R. G. Eggert From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 37, issue 4, 2012
- “One thing leads to another”—Commodities, linkages and industrial development pp. 408-416

- Mike Morris, Raphael Kaplinsky and David Kaplan
- The diversification of the global mining equipment industry – Going new places? pp. 417-424

- Masuma Farooki
- South African mining equipment and specialist services: Technological capacity, export performance and policy pp. 425-433

- David Kaplan
- Linkages in Ghana's gold mining industry: Challenging the enclave thesis pp. 434-442

- Robin Bloch and George Owusu
- What determines the breadth and depth of Zambia's backward linkages to copper mining? The role of public policy and value chain dynamics pp. 443-451

- Judith Fessehaie
- Determinants of backward linkages of oil and gas industry in the Nigerian economy pp. 452-460

- Adeolu O. Adewuyi and T. Ademola Oyejide
- Linkages to manufacturing in the resource sector: The case of the Angolan oil and gas industry pp. 461-467

- Zeferino Teka
- The view from below: ‘lock-in’ and local procurement in the African gold mining sector pp. 468-474

- Rebecca Hanlin and Christopher Hanlin
- Chinese construction companies in Angola: A local linkages perspective pp. 475-483

- Lucy Corkin
Volume 37, issue 3, 2012
- Long memory in energy futures markets: Further evidence pp. 261-272

- Yudong Wang and Chongfeng Wu
- Forecasting precious metal price movements using trader positions pp. 273-280

- Takvor H. Mutafoglu, Ekin Tokat and Hakki A. Tokat
- Natural resource dependence and the accumulation of physical and human capital in Latin America pp. 281-295

- Luisa Blanco and Robin Grier
- Is there a material Kuznets curve for aluminium? evidence from rich countries pp. 296-307

- Vishal Chandr Jaunky
- Small-scale mining in Ghana: The government and the galamsey pp. 308-314

- Benjamin A. Teschner
- Drainage and utilization of Chinese coal mine methane with a coal–methane co-exploitation model: Analysis and projections pp. 315-321

- Lei Wang and Yuan-Ping Cheng
- A dangerous bet: The challenges of formalizing artisanal mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo pp. 322-330

- Sara Geenen
- Chinese resource security policies and the restructuring of the Asia-Pacific iron ore market pp. 331-339

- Jeffrey D. Wilson
- Mineral reserves under price uncertainty pp. 340-345

- Geoffrey William Evatt, Mousa Omid Soltan and Paul V. Johnson
- Exploring the origins of ‘social license to operate’ in the mining sector: Perspectives from governance and sustainability theories pp. 346-357

- Jason Prno and D. Scott Slocombe
- Testing The Pearl Hypothesis: Natural resources and trust pp. 358-367

- Ivar Kolstad and Arne Wiig
- Impact of different public E&P policies on natural gas reserves and production in Pakistan pp. 368-374

- Faisal Jamil
- Economic impact measurement and evaluation of China's investment in geological exploration: The empirical analysis based on the data from 1999 to 2009 pp. 375-384

- Lu Linna, Yalin Lei and Ge Jianping
- Artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Burkina Faso: Suggestion of multi-agent methodology as a complementary support in elaborating a policy pp. 385-396

- Fenintsoa Andriamasinoro and Jean-Michel Angel
- Investor demand and spot commodity prices: Reply pp. 397-399

- John Tilton, David Humphreys and Marian Radetzki
- Investor demand and spot commodity prices: Reply 2 pp. 403-404

- John Tilton, David Humphreys and Marian Radetzki
Volume 37, issue 2, 2012
- Corporate Social Responsibility in the extractive industries: Experiences from developing countries pp. 131-137

- Gavin Hilson
- Corporate Social Responsibility and development in Africa: Redefining the roles and responsibilities of public and private actors in the mining sector pp. 138-143

- Bonnie Campbell
- Corporate social responsibility and petroleum development in sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Chad pp. 144-151

- Audrey C. Cash
- Enclave development and ‘offshore corporate social responsibility’: Implications for oil-rich sub-Saharan Africa pp. 152-159

- Abigail Ackah-Baidoo
- Social responsibility and resource extraction: Are Chinese oil companies different? pp. 160-167

- Scott Pegg
- Elusive Partnerships: Gas extraction and CSR in Bangladesh pp. 168-174

- Katy Gardner, Zahir Ahmed, Fatema Bashir and Masud Rana
- Sustainable supply chains—minerals and sustainable development, going beyond the mine pp. 175-178

- Anne-Marie Fleury and Bejamin Davies
- Mission impossible?: Adopting a CSR-based business model for extractive industries in developing countries pp. 179-184

- Keith Slack
- Development on whose terms?: CSR discourse and social realities in Papua New Guinea's extractive industries sector pp. 185-193

- Emma Gilberthorpe and Glenn Banks
- A clash of cultures (and lawyers): Anglo Platinum and mine-affected communities in Limpopo Province, South Africa pp. 194-204

- Leanne A. Farrell, Ralph Hamann and Eric Mackres
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for exploration: Consultants, companies and communities in processes of engagements pp. 205-211

- Sabine Luning
- Corporate social responsibility in the mining industry: Perspectives from stakeholder groups in Argentina pp. 212-222

- Diana Mutti, Natalia Yakovleva, Diego Vazquez-Brust and Martín H. Di Marco
- Why be poor when we can be rich? Constructing responsible mining in El Pangui, Ecuador pp. 223-232

- Ximena S. Warnaars
- The science of corporate social responsibility (CSR): Contamination and conflict in a mining project in the southern Ecuadorian Andes pp. 233-240

- Teresa A. Velásquez
- Perspectives on community representation within the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative: Experiences from south-east Madagascar pp. 241-250

- Shirley M. Smith, Derek D. Shepherd and Peter T. Dorward
- How can public–private partnerships contribute to security and human rights policy and practice in the extractive industries? A case study of The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) pp. 251-260

- Rachel Perks
Volume 37, issue 1, 2012
- Public preferences for timeliness and quality of mine site rehabilitation. The case of bauxite mining in Western Australia pp. 1-9

- Michael Burton, Shegufa Jasmine Zahedi and Ben White
- Economic risk and mineral taxation on Indigenous lands pp. 10-18

- O’Faircheallaigh, Ciaran and Ginger Gibson
- Coltan from Central Africa, international trade and implications for any certification pp. 19-29

- Raimund Bleischwitz, Monika Dittrich and Chiara Pierdicca
- Trends in real commodity prices: How real is real? pp. 30-47

- Viviana Fernandez
- Indigenous engagement in Australian mine water management: The alignment of corporate strategies with national water reform objectives pp. 48-58

- Marcus Barber and Sue Jackson
- Some observations on copper yields and ore grades pp. 59-72

- Phillip Crowson
- Input–output analysis in an oil-rich economy: The case of Azerbaijan pp. 73-80

- Ilkin M. Sabiroglu and Samad Bashirli
- Optimal production scale of open pit mining operations with uncertain metal supply and long-term stockpiles pp. 81-89

- Mohammad Waqar Ali Asad and Roussos Dimitrakopoulos
- Optimum cutting age for timber resources with carbon sequestration pp. 90-92

- Y. Gunalay and E. Kula
- The time dimension and lithium resource constraints for electric vehicles pp. 93-103

- Duncan Kushnir and Björn A. Sandén
- Multiproduct mine output and the case of mining waste utilization pp. 104-108

- Daniel J. Packey
- Determination of the effect of operating cost uncertainty on mining project evaluation pp. 109-117

- Hesam Dehghani and Majid Ataee-pour
- Is corporate social responsibility possible in the mining sector? Evidence from Catalan companies pp. 118-125

- Carla Vintró, Jordi Fortuny, Lluís Sanmiquel, Modesto Freijo and Joaquín Edo
- Geoconservation versus legislation and resources policy: New achievements, new questions—Comment on Cairncross (Resources Policy, 2011) The National Heritage Resource Act (1999): Can legislation protect South Africa's rare geoheritage resources? pp. 126-129

- Dmitry A. Ruban
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