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Resources Policy

1974 - 2025

Current editor(s): R. G. Eggert

From Elsevier
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Volume 18, issue 4, 1992

Mineral endowment, public policy and competitiveness: A survey of issues pp. 237-249 Downloads
John Tilton
Mineral endowment, public policy and competitiveness>: A survey of issues by John Tilton pp. 250-251 Downloads
Tapani Erling
Geographical shifts in the competitive strength of mineral production since 1960, and their causes pp. 252-256 Downloads
Phillip Crowson
Geographical shifts in the competitive strength of mineral production since 1960, and their causes by Phillip Crowson pp. 267-269 Downloads
Magnus Ericsson
Collapse of the state and competitiveness: Evidence from African and post- socialist countries pp. 270-281 Downloads
Olivier Bomsel
Collapse of the state and competitiveness in mining and metallurgy: Some experience drawn from African and post- socialist countries by Olivier Bomsel pp. 282-282 Downloads
Hakan Myrlund
Corporate strategy, location of investments and competitiveness: The case of Trelleborg/Boliden pp. 283-284 Downloads
Bengt Lofkvist and Mati Sallert
Corporate strategy, location of investments and competitiveness: The case of Trelleborg/Boliden by Bengt Lofkvist and Mati Sallert pp. 293-293 Downloads
Lennart Widenfalk
Product development and competitiveness: The experience of LKAB pp. 294-294 Downloads
Kjell Ronnback
Product development and competitiveness by Kjell Ronnback pp. 303-303 Downloads
Anders Tollsten
Save the porphyries: Mining the Earth John E. Young Worldwatch Institute, July 1992, 53pp pp. 304-305 Downloads
Richard J. Ward
South Africa's labour empire: A history of black migrancy to the gold mines J. Crush, A. Jeeves and D. Yudelman man Westview Press, Boulder, CO and Oxford, UK, 1991 pp. 305-305 Downloads
G. Maude

Volume 18, issue 3, 1992

Natural resources in a high-tech economy: Scarcity versus resourcefulness pp. 154-166 Downloads
Anthony Scott and Peter Pearse
Political risk analysis: Past and present pp. 167-178 Downloads
Janie Chermak
Australia's North-West shelf gas project: A general equilibrium analysis of its impact on the Australian economy pp. 179-190 Downloads
Peter J. Higgs and Alan Powell
Managing Greenland's mineral revenues: A trust fund approach pp. 191-204 Downloads
Graham R. Poole, Michael Pretes and Knud Sinding
Energy and minerals in the former Soviet republics: Distribution, development potential and policy issues pp. 205-229 Downloads
James P. Dorian and Vitaly T. Borisovich

Volume 18, issue 2, 1992

Editorial pp. 75-75 Downloads
David Humpreys and Roderick Eggert
Nuclear resources and nationalism: The Brazilian case pp. 76-83 Downloads
Newton Muller Pereira
Financial planning and analysis techniques of mining firms: A note on Canadian practice pp. 84-91 Downloads
Huguette Blanco and Louis R. Zanibbi
Australia's resource sectors: Challenges and opportunities in the 1990s pp. 92-106 Downloads
Ira Sohn
Copper consumption in the USA: Main determinants and structural changes pp. 107-121 Downloads
Joaquin Vial
The material composition of product and new materials pp. 122-136 Downloads
Mark C. Roberts
Byproduct uranium pp. 137-147 Downloads
A. D. Owen
International commodity-market models: Advances in methodology and applications: Edited by O. Guvenen, W.C. Labys and J.-S. Lesourd Chapman and Hall, London, 1991, [UK pound]45 pp. 148-149 Downloads
Margaret Slade

Volume 18, issue 1, 1992

The decline and rise of the multinational corporation in the metal mineral industry pp. 2-8 Downloads
Radetzki Marian
The Bolivian mining crisis pp. 9-20 Downloads
Rolando Jordan and Alyson Warhurst
Determinants of innovation in copper mining: the Chilean experience pp. 21-31 Downloads
Juanita Gana
Invisible inventories: the case of copper pp. 32-44 Downloads
Marian Radetzki and John Tilton
Forecasting rough diamond prices: a non-linear optimization model of dominant firm behaviour pp. 45-58 Downloads
Michael von Saldern
Geologic diversity as a measure of mineral resources potential in India pp. 59-66 Downloads
M. V. B. Raju and G. B. Misra
Annotated bibliographies of mineral deposits in Europe: Part 2: Western and South Central Europe: By John Drew Ridge, Pergamon Press, 1990, 473 pp pp. 67-68 Downloads
Half Zantop
Minerals Handbook 1990-1991: By Philip Crowson, Macmillan, 1990, 335 pp pp. 68-68 Downloads
Marian Radetzki

Volume 17, issue 4, 1991

Understanding crude steel consumption: The perils of ignoring the role of technological change pp. 258-270 Downloads
Chris McSweeney and Minoru Hirosako
Licensing resource tracts: A comparison of auction and discretionary systems pp. 271-283 Downloads
Robert Fraser
Minerals and metals production technology: A survey of recent developments pp. 284-300 Downloads
Magnus Ericsson
The potential supply of energy minerals in Australia pp. 301-315 Downloads
R. N. Lawrey and A. D. Owen
Advanced materials: Information and analysis needs pp. 316-331 Downloads
T. Randall Curlee and Sujit Das
Welfare gains from aluminium recycling in the USA pp. 332-341 Downloads
David Westenbarger, Roy Boyd and Chulho Jung
The lead and zinc industries: Long-term prospects: Alfredo J. Dammert and Jasbir G.S. Chhabra World Bank Commodity Working Paper No 22, World Bank, Washington, DC, 1990 pp. 342-342 Downloads
Thomas Baack

Volume 17, issue 3, 1991

Mismanaged mineral dependence: Zambia 1970-90 pp. 170-183 Downloads
R. M. Auty
Similarities and differences in the economics of metals and industrial minerals pp. 184-195 Downloads
David Humphreys
Forecasting steel demand in China pp. 196-210 Downloads
Dongling Chen, Kenneth Clements, E. John Roberts and Ernst Weber
The European non-ferrous metals industry: 1993 and beyond pp. 211-225 Downloads
Paulo de Sa
Investment in copper: Through thick and thin pp. 226-235 Downloads
P. C. F. Crowson
A spatial equilibrium analysis of world iron ore trade pp. 236-248 Downloads
Solomon H. Toweh and Richard T. Newcomb
Energy and mineral resource systems: An introduction: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990, 150 pp pp. 249-249 Downloads
B. A. Tapp and J. R. Watkins
World metal demand: Trends and prospects: The Mineral Economics and Policy Program of Resources for the Future and the Colorado School of Mines, Published by Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, 1990, 341 pp pp. 250-251 Downloads
John Tilton
Beyond the oil era: Arab mineral resources and future development: Mansell Publishing, London, 1990, [UK pound]27.50 pp. 251-251 Downloads
M. R. Khawlie

Volume 17, issue 2, 1991

Living with cyclical instability: Preface pp. 90-90 Downloads
David Humphreys and Roderick Eggert
An empirical and conceptual introduction pp. 91-99 Downloads
Roderick Eggert
Managing cyclical businesses pp. 100-113 Downloads
Robin G. Adams
Evaluating cyclical projects pp. 114-123 Downloads
Jaime Guzman
Finance for a cyclical industry pp. 124-132 Downloads
Elizabeth L. Robinson
Taxation for a cyclical industry pp. 133-148 Downloads
Raj Kumar
Marketing in a cyclical business: Lessons from the molybdenum industry pp. 149-157 Downloads
M. M. Lavite
Resource-based industrialization: Sowing the oil in eight developing countries: R. M. Auty Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK, 1990, 294 pp, US$ 55.00 pp. 158-159 Downloads
Raj Kumar
Mining and metallurgy investment in the Third World: The end of large projects?: Olivier Bomsel with Isabel Marques, Djibril Ndiaye, Paulo De Sa Development Centre, OECD, Paris, 1990, 221 pp, 135 FF pp. 158-158 Downloads
Raymond F. Mikesell
Primary commodity prices: Economic models and policy: Edited by L. Alan Winters and David Sapsford Cambridge University Press, 1990 pp. 160-161 Downloads
W. C. Labys
Oil and gas forecasting: Reflections of a petroleum geologist: Lawrence J. Drew International Association for Mathematical Geology Studies in Mathematical Geology No 2, Oxford University Press, 1990, 252 pp, US$ 45.00 pp. 161-162 Downloads
David Morehouse
Mining and the environment 2: A reference list: Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1990, [UK pound]20.00 pp. 162-162 Downloads
Roderick Eggert

Volume 17, issue 1, 1991

Embodied copper: Trade, intensity of use and consumption forecasts pp. 2-12 Downloads
Khalid Al-Rawahi and Michael Rieber
Aluminium price behaviour: A decade on the LME pp. 13-21 Downloads
Shernaz Choksi
Cost structure of India's iron and steel industry: Allocative efficiency, economies of scale and biased technical progress pp. 22-30 Downloads
Raghbendra Jha, M. Narsimha Murty, Satya Paul and Balbir S. Sahni
Diversification in a small oil exporting economy: The impact of the Dutch disease on Kuwait's industrialization pp. 31-41 Downloads
Robert E. Looney
USSR-Mongolia: A minerals association about to end pp. 42-53 Downloads
James P. Dorian
Metals biotechnology for developing countries and case studies from the Andean group, Chile and Canada pp. 54-68 Downloads
Alyson Warhurst
The economic causes and consequences of the Bougainville crisis pp. 69-85 Downloads
Herb Thompson
Concise encyclopedia of mineral resources: Edited by Donald D. Carr and Norman Herz Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1989, 426 pp, $145 pp. 86-86 Downloads
Emil Attanasi
Public policies for environmental protection: Edited by Paul R. Portney Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1978, 308 pp, $25.00 pp. 87-88 Downloads
Wade Martin
Non-renewable resources: Extraction programs and markets series: Fundamentals of pure and applied economics: John M. Hartwick Harwood Academic Publishers, New York, 1989 pp. 88-88 Downloads
Robert C. Drury
Page updated 2025-03-28