2006 - 2021
Current editor(s): Klemen Kavcic From University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Alen Jezovnik (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 6, issue 4, 2011
- Trust Management: Literature Review pp. 315-331

- Joanna Olga Paliszkiewicz
- Service Encounter Related Process Quality, Patient Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intention pp. 333-350

- Nandakumar Mekoth, George P. Babu, Vidya Dalvi, Nirmala Rajanala and Khuseyn Nizomadinov
- Analysis of the Innovative Climate in the Private and the Public Sector in Slovenia pp. 351-364

- Cene Bavec
- User Driven Innovation Construct Development pp. 365-379

- Tine Nagy and Mitja Ruzzier
- Knowledge Acquisitions in Slovenian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises pp. 381-398

- Doris Gomezelj Omerzel
- Brand I Feel Slovenia: Inclusion of the Key Areas’ Representatives in the Branding Process pp. 399-417

- Maja Konecnik Ruzzier, Nusa Petek, Petra Lapajne and Davorin Milinovic
Volume 6, issue 3, 2011
- Production Planning through Customized ERP at a Nordic Manufacturing Company pp. 211-223

- Amol Gore, Harri Haapasalo and Pekka Kess
- Students’ Perceptions of Their Business Competences and Entrepreneurial Intention pp. 225-243

- Marja-Liisa Kakkonen
- Economic Factors for Televison Programme Rating in Slovenia pp. 245-261

- Matjaz Dodic and Bojan Nastav
- Human Resource Managers and Their Ethical Dilemma pp. 263-281

- Mateja Primozic and Dana Mesner Andoljsek
- Student Expectations of Higher Education Institution Services in the Light of Service Differentiation pp. 283-305

- Marijana Sikosek and Borut Kodric
Volume 6, issue 2, 2011
- Emotional Intelligence and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour of Manufacturing Sector Employees: An Analysis pp. 107-125

- Susan Tee Suan Chin, R. N. Anantharaman and David Yoon Kin Tong
- Unicriterion Model: A Qualitative Decision Making Method That Promotes Ethics pp. 127-146

- Fernando Pimentel
- Analysis of Factors that Promote the Establishment of the Firm pp. 147-164

- Irena Kusce and Doris Gomezelj Omerzel
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Active Employment Policy pp. 165-176

- Lura Juznik Rotar
- Interpersonal Relationships and Work Content as Stress Factors among Middle Management pp. 177-189

- Polona Kozuh and Ana Arzensek
- Rationality of Management Buyout from the Behavioural Economics Theory pp. 191-204

- Gregor Zvipelj
Volume 6, issue 1, 2011
- The Current Intellectual Property Debate: A Citation-Based Analysis pp. 003-024

- Christian Linder and Sven Seidenstricker
- Online Corporate Learning in the Serbian Market pp. 025-041

- Vladimir Zocevic and Radojka Krneta
- Students’ and Teachers’ Attitudes toward E-study and Teaching Methods in Higher Education pp. 043-059

- Viktorija Sulcic
- Supplementary pension schemes, long-term sustaniability of public finances and financial stability in Slovenia pp. 061-083

- Ales Berk and Marko Simoneti
- Innovativeness of Employees in Bureaucratic Hotel Organizations pp. 085-099

- Metod Suligoj
Volume 5, issue 4, 2010
- Is There a ‘Glass Ceiling’ for Female Managers in Singapore Organizations? pp. 307-329

- Vlado Dimovski, Miha Skerlavaj and Mandy Mok Kim Man
- Gender Differences in the Perception of Work-Life Balance pp. 331-342

- Niharika Doble and M.V. Supriya
- Slovenian Employee Suggestion Systems: A Continuous Improvement Or a Continuous Stagnation? pp. 343-357

- Peter Fatur
- Some Aspects of Links between Leadership and Mobbing at Work pp. 359-373

- Alesa Svetic
- Empirical Testing of Associations Between Effects of Country-of-Origin and Perceived Brand Name Value pp. 375-391

- Tina Vukasovic and Štefan Bojnec
- International Week in Porto pp. 393-396

- Dragan Kesic
- 5th European Conference on Innovation and Enterpreunership pp. 397-401

- Elizabeta Zirnstein
Volume 5, issue 3, 2010
- Measuring Perceived Service Quality Using SERVQUAL: A Case Study of the Croatian Hotel Industry pp. 195-209

- Suzana Markovic and Sanja Raspor
- Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on International Trade pp. 211-224

- Sabina Kolesa
- Analysis of Factors of the Second-Hand Housing Prices in the City and Vicinity of Ljubljana pp. 225-242

- Sonja Friskovec and Aleksandre Janes
- Opinions on Competitive Supply and Efficient Energy Use pp. 243-260

- Drago Papler and Štefan Bojnec
- Cues of Nonverbal Communication and Persuasiveness of the Individual pp. 261-277

- Marija Paladin
- Neural Networks as a New Method of Solving Problems in Business and Possibilities of Their Use in Management pp. 279-291

- Anton Zidar and Roberto Biloslavo
- 4th International Conference pp. 293-296

- Viktorija Sulcic
Volume 5, issue 2, 2010
- Development of Integrated Management Systems in SMES in Serbia pp. 099-114

- Dejan Dordevic, Carica Besic, Danijela Milosevic and Srdan Bogetic
- Employee Compensation, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Growth of Companies in Service Industries pp. 115-130

- Jasna Auer Antoncic and Bostjan Antoncic
- Process Organization and Employee Satisfaction pp. 131-147

- Karmen Verle and Mirko Markic
- Gender Differences in Some Stress Symptoms and Intensity of Experiencing Stress Symptoms pp. 149-161

- Maja Mesko Stok, Mateja Videmsek, Joze Stihec, Zlatka Mesko Stok and Damir Karpljuk
- The Influence of the Development of Contextual Knowledge on Differentiating Competencies pp. 163-177

- Ramon Podreka and Roberto Biloslavo
- The International Conference on Algebra and its Applications pp. 179-181

- Ajda Fosner
- With the Conference on E-Learning Towards E-Training of the Serbian Police Force pp. 183-185

- Viktorija Sulcic
Volume 5, issue 1, 2010
- Sales Force Turnover: An Exploratory Study of the Indian Insurance Sector pp. 003-019

- Suman Pathak and Vibhuti Tripathi
- The Importance of Organizational Culture and Knowledge Management for the New Financial Services Development Efficiency pp. 021-036

- Mojca Nekrep
- The Meaning of Identification of True Causes of Organizational Crisis pp. 037-052

- Drago Dubrovski
- The Effect of the Reference Price System on Prices of Medicinal Products pp. 053-067

- Romana Kajdiz and Štefan Bojnec
- A Study on Defining Research Paradigms in Preparing Master’s Theses from the Field of Sociology pp. 069-084

- Anita Trnavcevic
- 10th international scientific conference MIC pp. 085-088

- Suzana Sedmak, Janez Šušteršič and Bojan Nastav
- Slovene Association of LSP Teachers Conference pp. 089-092

- Igor Riznar
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