2006 - 2021
Current editor(s): Klemen Kavcic From University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Alen Jezovnik (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 4, issue 4, 2009
- Godfather Management? The Role of Leaders in Changing Organizational Culture in Transition Economies: A Hungarian-Romanian Comparison pp. 309-327

- Balázs Heidrich and Mónika-Anetta Alt
- The Impact of Antecedents of Trust on Cooperation in Logistics pp. 329-350

- Andreja Krizman
- Evaluation of Structures Regarding Internal Controls by Way of the COSO Method in a Trading Company pp. 351-369

- Karmen Markoja
- Computer and Internet Use in the First Triad of Primary School pp. 371-387

- Barbara Skabar and Viktorija Sulcic
- Social and Values Traps of Economic Transition in Slovenia pp. 389-398

- Loreta Kosec Zorko
- European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation – ECEI 2009 pp. 399-402

- Tina Bratkovic
Volume 4, issue 3, 2009
- The Relationship between Distinctive Capabilities, Strategy Types, Environment and the Export Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector pp. 205-223

- Mandy Mok Kim Man
- Factors of Mediation Success in Court Disputes pp. 225-242

- Tanja Sekirnik and Roberto Biloslavo
- Employee Involvement in Innovation as a Source of Sustained Competitive Advantage pp. 243-257

- Peter Fatur and Borut Likar
- Research Model of Strategic Repositioning of the Brand pp. 259-280

- Tina Vukasovic
- Evaluation of the Kangaroo School Mathematical Competition pp. 281-293

- Barbara Komel
- International Scientific Conference MOTSP 2009 pp. 295-298

- Aleksander Janes
- 3rd Slovenian MoodleMoot pp. 299-301

- Viktorija Sulcic
Volume 4, issue 2, 2009
- Tourism Development: Issues for Historic Walled Towns pp. 101-114

- Tomi Brezovec and David Bruce
- Global Challenges in the Domestic Appliances Industry pp. 115-130

- Dusan Gosnik
- Tips: Taxable or Non-Taxable Part of Employee Income pp. 131-147

- Andrej Raspor
- Influence of User Experience on Successfulness of E-Business pp. 149-168

- Roman Broz and Viktorija Sulcic
- Interdisciplinarity of the Network of Interorganizational Relationships pp. 169-188

- Iva Konda
- 4th international conference Management Theory and Practice pp. 189-192

- Ana Arzensek
Volume 4, issue 1, 2009
- Firm Size, Audit Regulation and Fraud Detection: Empirical Evidence from Iran pp. 5-19

- Mahdi Salehi and Ali Mansoury
- Cost of Equity Capital: An Example of Evaluation for Selected Slovene Joint-Stock Companies pp. 21-38

- Igor Stubelj
- Stress, Sports Activity, Health Condition and Lifestyle of Casino Park Employees pp. 39-52

- Damir Karpljuk, Maja Mesko, Mateja Videmsek and Suzana Mlinar
- An Example of Performing a Text Analysis in a Qualitative Research pp. 53-69

- Vasja Roblek
- Lie and Lying: Definition, Detection and Role in Management pp. 71-83

- Marija Karacic
- 9th Scientific Conference "Globalisation of Culture" pp. 85-88

- Armand Faganel
- 9th International Scientific Conference MIC 2008 in Barcelona pp. 89-93

- Suzana Sedmak, Marijana Pregarac and Janez Šušteršič
Volume 3, issue 4, 2008
- Organisational Culture and the Adoption of New Public-Management Practices pp. 309-327

- Heli Hookana
- Existence of an Equity Gap in Slovenia pp. 329-346

- Jaka Vadnjal and Marina Letonja
- E-business in Slovenian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises pp. 347-361

- Viktorija Sulcic
- Interests and Preferences of Primary School Pupils Regarding the Natural Science Education pp. 363-378

- Drago Skurjeni, Slavko Dolinsek and Rok Strasek
- Added Value: Does Information on it Complement Information on Company Profit? pp. 379-390

- Ales Bulezan
- 11th International Symposium on Organisational Science Development pp. 391-394

- Aleksander Janes
- 19th Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems pp. 395-397

- Armand Faganel
Volume 3, issue 3, 2008
- Interlocking Directorships in Polish Joint Stock Companies pp. 205-220

- Marek Pawlak
- Building Corporate Reputation through Corporate Governance pp. 221-233

- Cedomir Ljubojevic and Gordana Ljubojevic
- Process Format as a Factor in Increasing Buyer Satisfaction pp. 235-253

- Karmen Verle
- The Assessment of the iso 9001 Internal Audit Effects in the Case of the Company Mercator, plc pp. 255-272

- Milena Alic and Borut Rusjan
- From Taylor to Drucker: Management and Managing pp. 273-289

- Primoz Turk
- 2nd Slovenian MoodleMoot pp. 291-293

- Viktorija Sulcic
- 2nd My phd International Conference pp. 295-299

- Armand Faganel
Volume 3, issue 2, 2008
- The Globalization of Indian Hindi Movie Industry pp. 115-123

- Rajesh Pillania
- Supply Chain Design of a Radio Station: Case Study in Bulgaria pp. 125-135

- Vesselina Dimitrova
- Supply Chain Concept: A Case Study pp. 137-151

- Klemen Kavcic and Danijel Bratina
- Human Capital, Research and Development and Productivity Growth: Empirical Analysis for Slovenia pp. 153-164

- Matjaž Novak and Taja Spaija
- Level and Determinants of Housing Prices in Slovenia at Micro Level pp. 165-184

- Martin Romih and Štefan Bojnec
- Report on the 19th SPACE Conference pp. 185-189

- Rune Gulev
- 27th International Conference on Organizational Science Development pp. 191-194

- Massimo Manzin, Marijana Sikosek and Mateja Jerman
Volume 3, issue 1, 2008
- Hungarian and Romanian Agri-Food Trade in the European Union pp. 3-13

- József Fogarasi
- Corporate Entrepreneurship Performance: Slovenia and Romania pp. 15-38

- Bostjan Antoncic and Cezar Scarlat
- The Influence of Restructuring Business Practices to Satisfy Customers: The Case of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia pp. 39-54

- Tina Janus and Massimo Manzin
- Paperless Office pp. 55-68

- Dejan Sraml
- The Relevance of Competencies of Business Study Graduates at the Labour Market pp. 69-84

- Doris Gomezelj Omerzel and Ana Azevedo
- Bologna Process After 2010 or the End of the Beginning pp. 85-98

- Karmen Rodman
- Measuring Law and Institutions pp. 99-103

- Janez Šušteršič
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