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The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought

1997 - 2025

Current editor(s): José Luís Cardoso

From Taylor & Francis Journals
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Volume 20, issue 6, 2013

Editors' note pp. 863-864 Downloads
Gilbert Faccarello, Harald Hagemann, Danila Raskov and Amos Witztum
Economic history and history of economics: In praise of an old relationship pp. 865-881 Downloads
Annalisa Rosselli
Mably and the liberalisation of the grain trade: An economically and socially inefficient policy pp. 882-905 Downloads
Julie Ferrand
How cardinal utility entered economic analysis: 1909--1944 pp. 906-939 Downloads
Ivan Moscati
Race and nation in Marshall's histories pp. 940-956 Downloads
Simon John Cook
Come back Marshall, all is forgiven? Complexity, evolution, mathematics and Marshallian exceptionalism pp. 957-981 Downloads
Geoffrey Hodgson
Marshall and Ricardo on note convertibility and bimetallism pp. 982-999 Downloads
Ghislain Deleplace
Schumpeter's institution of money: Slipping off the border of economic theory and landing in economic sociology pp. 1000-1031 Downloads
C�cile Dangel-Hagnauer
Dealing with a dangerous golem: Gino Arias's corporative proposal pp. 1032-1070 Downloads
Omar Ottonelli
Further issues on the Keynes--Hume connection relating to the theory of financial markets in the General Theory pp. 1071-1100 Downloads
Anna Carabelli and Mario Cedrini
Gustav Cassel's purchasing power parity doctrine in the context of his views on international economic policy coordination pp. 1101-1121 Downloads
Denis V. Kadochnikov
On the origins of the Triffin dilemma pp. 1122-1150 Downloads
Ivo Maes

Volume 20, issue 5, 2013

The physiocrats' concept of labour: A difficulty in Marx's interpretation pp. 695-714 Downloads
Romuald Dupuy
Monetary policy on interest rates: a retrospective analysis since Thornton pp. 715-740 Downloads
Sylvie Diatkine
Mill versus Jevons on traditional sexual division of labour: Is gender equality efficient? pp. 741-775 Downloads
Virginie Gouverneur
When Italian economics "Was Second to None". Luigi Einaudi and the Turin School of Economics pp. 776-811 Downloads
Roberto Marchionatti, Francesco Cassata, Giandomenica Becchio and Fiorenzo Mornati
Taking the modern for nature: methodological individualism as an interesting mistake pp. 812-844 Downloads
Robert Urquhart
Unintended consequences: on the political economy of Karl Marx pp. 845-849 Downloads
Heinz Kurz
Economists in the Americas pp. 850-853 Downloads
Ana Bianchi
A Bibliography of Female Economic Thought to 1940 pp. 853-854 Downloads
Pat Hudson
Jean-Baptiste Say: Revolutionary, Entrepreneur, Economist pp. 854-857 Downloads
Thomas Hopkins

Volume 20, issue 4, 2013

Bank liquidity risk: From John Law (1705) to Walter Bagehot (1873) pp. 547-571 Downloads
Jérôme de Boyer des Roches
Utilitarianism and the role of utility in Adam Smith pp. 572-602 Downloads
Amos Witztum and Jeffrey T. Young
The specificity of manufacturing in Marx's economic thought pp. 603-624 Downloads
Fiona Tregenna
General equilibrium as competitive equilibrium: The significance of Walras' achievement from a Cournotian viewpoint pp. 625-645 Downloads
Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira and Ragip Ege
John Atkinson Hobson and the roots of John Dewey's economic thought pp. 646-665 Downloads
Phillip Deen
Istvan Hont (1947–2013) pp. 666-671 Downloads
Keith Tribe
The Economic Reader. Textbooks, Manuals and the Dissemination of the Economic Sciences During the 19th and Early 20th Centuries pp. 672-677 Downloads
Christopher Stray
Wealth and Life: A Study in Values pp. 677-679 Downloads
P. J. Cain
Money and Banking in Jean-Baptiste Say's Economic Thought pp. 680-683 Downloads
Alain Beraud
Schumpeter für Jedermann: Von der Rastlosigkeit des Kapitalismus pp. 684-687 Downloads
Esben Sloth Andersen
Markets, Planning and the Moral Economy: Business Cycle in the Progressive Era and the New Deal pp. 688-690 Downloads
Roger Backhouse

Volume 20, issue 3, 2013

Beyond the principle of population: Malthus's Essay pp. 399-425 Downloads
Klaus Hofmann
On the origins of vertical unbundling: The case of the French transportation industry in the nineteenth century pp. 426-438 Downloads
Guy Numa
Sraffa's 1930 manuscripts on the representative firm and Marshall's theory of value and business profit pp. 439-465 Downloads
Antonella Stirati
Vilfredo Pareto's influence on the Italian tradition in public finance: A critical assessment of Mauro Fasiani's appraisal pp. 466-488 Downloads
Amedeo Fossati
The comparability of the aggregates revisited pp. 489-512 Downloads
Erik K. Olsen
Foundations of Modern International Thought pp. 513-517 Downloads
Ryan Walter
The Great Persuasion. Reinventing Free Markets since the Depression pp. 517-522 Downloads
Sylvie Rivot
Revolutionary Commerce. Globalization and the French Monarchy pp. 522-532 Downloads
Thierry Demals
William Petty and the Ambitions of Political Arithmetick pp. 532-536 Downloads
Alessandro Roncaglia
Essays on Marx's theory of money pp. 536-542 Downloads
Susumu Takenaga

Volume 20, issue 2, 2013

Irving Fisher's restatement of the quantity theory pp. 167-173 Downloads
Rebeca Gomez Betancourt and Jérôme de Boyer des Roches
Professor Fisher and the quantity theory -- a significant encounter pp. 174-205 Downloads
David Laidler
Fisher and Wicksell on money: A reconstructed conversation pp. 206-237 Downloads
Mauro Boianovsky
The reception of Fisher's Purchasing Power of Money in England pp. 238-260 Downloads
Sylvie Diatkine
Origins and developments of Irving Fisher's compensated dollar plan pp. 261-283 Downloads
Rebeca Gomez Betancourt and Jérôme de Boyer des Roches
David Hume and Irving Fisher on the quantity theory of money in the long run and the short run pp. 284-304 Downloads
Robert Dimand
Irving Fisher's debt deflation analysis: From the Purchasing Power of Money (1911) to the Debt-deflation Theory of the Great Depression (1933) pp. 305-322 Downloads
Michaël Assous
The impact of Fisher's Purchasing Power of Money in the German Language Area pp. 323-348 Downloads
Harald Hagemann
French economists and the purchasing power of money pp. 349-371 Downloads
Alain B�raud
The reception of Irving Fisher in Argentina: Alejandro Bunge and Raúl Prebisch pp. 372-398 Downloads
Florencia Sember

Volume 20, issue 1, 2013

An unpublished letter of David Ricardo on the double standard of money pp. 1-28 Downloads
Ghislain Deleplace, Christophe Depoortère and Nicolas Rieucau
Richard Price, miracles and the origins of Bayesian decision theory pp. 29-57 Downloads
Geoffrey Poitras
Humboldt and the economists on natural resources, institutions and underdevelopment (1752 to 1859) pp. 58-88 Downloads
Mauro Boianovsky
L. Walras and C. Menger: two ways on the path of modern monetary theory pp. 89-124 Downloads
Andrés Álvarez and Vincent Bignon
On Robinson, Penrose, and the resource-based view pp. 125-147 Downloads
Lowell Jacobsen
A Theory of Social and Economic Evolution. Great Thinkers in Economics Series pp. 148-150 Downloads
Richard Sturn
The Economies of Hellenistic Societies, Third to First Centuries BC pp. 150-158 Downloads
Bertram Schefold
Finanzkapital und Finanzsysteme “Das Finanzkapital” von Rudolf Hilferding pp. 158-162 Downloads
Guenther Chaloupek
Die Wissenschaft der Außenseiter. Die Krise der Nationalökonomie in der Weimarer Republik pp. 162-165 Downloads
Carsten Kasprzok
Page updated 2025-03-25