The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
1997 - 2025
Current editor(s): José Luís Cardoso From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 23, issue 6, 2016
- Introduction pp. 867-869

- José Luís Cardoso, Antonella Stirati and Hans-Michael Trautwein
- A neglected contribution to monetary theory in the eighteenth century: Anders Wappengren on paper money, floating exchange rates, and purchasing power parity pp. 870-896

- Anders Ögren
- State versus market in the early historiography of the industrial revolution in Britain c.1890–1914 pp. 897-918

- Anthony Howe
- Financial diversification before modern portfolio theory: UK financial advice documents in the late nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century pp. 919-945

- Janette Rutterford and Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos
- Secular stagnation: The history of a macroeconomic heresy pp. 946-970

- Roger Backhouse and Mauro Boianovsky
- The interaction between Leontief and Sraffa: No meeting, no citation, no attention? pp. 971-1000

- Wilfried Parys
- Patinkin as a reader of Keynes’: Are wage cuts a good remedy to unemployment? pp. 1001-1031

- Sylvie Rivot
- On the Samuelson–Etula Master Function and the capital controversy pp. 1032-1058

- Ariel Dvoskin and Saverio Fratini
- Editorial Board pp. ebi-ebi

- The Editors
Volume 23, issue 5, 2016
- Hayek, Mach, and the re-ordering of mind pp. 693-717

- Maria N. Ivanova
- J.A. Schumpeter and T.B. Veblen on economic evolution: the dichotomy between statics and dynamics pp. 718-742

- Marlies Schütz and Andreas Rainer
- How should Engel's law be formulated? pp. 743-763

- Manisha Chakrabarty and Werner Hildenbrand
- Adam Smith and the “rich country–poor country” debate: eighteenth-century views on economic progress and international trade pp. 764-793

- Reinhard Schumacher
- Readings and translations of Karl Marx in Portugal (1852–1914) pp. 794-813

- Carlos Bastien
- The Hayek–Sraffa controversy in 1932 – a philosophy of science perspective pp. 814-834

- Christian Ydesen
- Whither Keynesian probability? Impolite techniques for decision-making pp. 835-862

- Carlo Zappia
Volume 23, issue 4, 2016
- Transcendental vs. comparative approaches to justice: a reappraisal of Sen's dichotomy pp. 521-543

- Ragip Ege, Herrade Igersheim and Charlotte Le Chapelain
- How to pay for the war in times of imperfect commitment: Adam Smith and David Ricardo on the sinking fund pp. 544-560

- Rodolfo Signorino
- Solow's Harrod: Transforming macroeconomic dynamics into a model of long-run growth pp. 561-596

- Verena Halsmayer and Kevin D. Hoover
- All in the best possible taste: Adam Smith and the leaders of fashion pp. 597-610

- Craig Smith
- Contrived desires, affluence, and welfare: J.K. Galbraith's Pigovian redistribution argument reconsidered pp. 611-640

- Alexander Douglas
- Thorstein Veblen's Darwinian framework and gene-culture coevolution theory pp. 641-672

- Serhat Kologlugil
- Conservative Economic Policymaking and the Birth of Thatcherism, 1964--1979, by Adrian Williamson/UK Monetary Policy from Devaluation to Thatcher, 1967--82, by Duncan Needham/Expansionary Fiscal Contraction: The Thatcher Government's 1981 Budget in Perspective, edited by Duncan Needham and Anthony Hotson pp. 673-679

- Roger Middleton
- Merkantilismus. Wiederaufnahme einer Debatte, Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte -- Beihefte 228, edited by Moritz Isenmann pp. 679-681

- Marten Seppel
- Revisiting Classical Economics: Studies in Long-Period Analysis, by Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori pp. 682-685

- Lefteris Tsoulfidis
- Rosa Luxemburg: Theory of Accumulation and Imperialism, by Tadeusz Kowalik pp. 685-688

- Alexandre Cunha
Volume 23, issue 3, 2016
- Malthus on causality pp. 349-377

- John Pullen
- Marx's critique of “eternal” political economy: how Mill is alien to Marx's attacks pp. 378-399

- Philippe Gillig
- The value and security of money. Metallic and fiduciary media in Ferdinando Galiani's Della moneta pp. 400-424

- Lilia Costabile
- The individual and the market: Paul Samuelson on (homothetic) Santa Claus economics pp. 425-452

- D.W. Hands
- The monetary economics of Jules Dupuit pp. 453-477

- Guy Numa
- “Psychological” elements in business cycle theories: old approaches and new insights pp. 478-507

- Niels Geiger
- Mark Blaug: Rebel with Many Causes, edited by Marcel Boumans and Matthias Klaes pp. 508-510

- James Forder
- The Idea of Commercial Society in the Scottish Enlightenment, by Christopher J. Berry pp. 510-512

- Alexandre Cunha
- James Tobin. Great Thinkers in Economics Series, by Robert Dimand pp. 512-516

- Michael McLure
Volume 23, issue 2, 2016
- On some ‘Austrian’ misreadings of Cantillon's notions of intrinsic value and market price pp. 173-197

- Matteo Menegatti
- An unpleasant dilemma for contemporary general equilibrium theory pp. 198-225

- Ariel Dvoskin
- Progress beyond growth: Some insights from Marshall's final book pp. 226-245

- Katia Caldari and Tamotsu Nishizawa
- Population and economic growth: Ancient and modern pp. 246-271

- Elise Brezis and Warren Young
- Early contributions to the economics of consumption as a social phenomenon pp. 272-296

- Attilio Trezzini
- Was Bentham a primitive rational choice theory predecessor? pp. 297-322

- Svetoslav Danchev
- Economics and Other Branches -- In the Shade of the Oak Tree: Essays in Honour of Pascal Bridel, edited by Roberto Baranzini and François Allison pp. 323-326

- Richard van den Berg
- Hayek: a collaborative biography. Part II: Austria, America and the rise of Hitler, 1899--1933/Part III: fraud, fascism and free market religion/Part IV: England, the ordinal revolution and the road to serfdom, 1931--1950/Part V: Hayek's great society of free men/Part VI: good dictators, sovereign producers and Hayek's ‘ruthless consistency’, edited by Robert Leeson pp. 326-328

- Roger Backhouse
- Money as Organization, Gustavo del Vecchio's Theory, by G. Tusset pp. 329-332

- Roberto Scazzieri
- Real Business Cycle Models in Economics, by Warren Young pp. 332-337

- Pedro Duarte
- Giorgio Israel (6 March 1945--25 September 2015) pp. 338-344

- Bruna Ingrao
Volume 23, issue 1, 2016
- Joseph Schumpeter and Thorstein Veblen on technological determinism, individualism and institutions pp. 1-30

- Theofanis Papageorgiou and Panayotis Michaelides
- Hayek and the Great Depression of 1929: Did he really change his mind? pp. 31-58

- Antonio Magliulo
- Political economy and the ‘modern view’ as reflected in the history of economic thought pp. 59-81

- Mário Graça Moura and Antonio Almodovar
- On Keynes on inflation and unemployment pp. 82-101

- Joan O'Connell
- The economics of the division of labour in early Chinese literature: With particular comparison to the ancient Greek thought pp. 102-126

- Guang-Zhen Sun
- Causality and normal states in economics and other disciplines pp. 127-151

- Sergio Parrinello
- Les Éphémérides du citoyen et les Nouvelles Éphémérides économiques 1765--1788. Documents et tables complètes, by Bernard Herencia pp. 152-154

- Loïc Charles
- Keynes's Economic Consequences of the Peace: A Reappraisal, edited by Jens Hölscher and Matthias Klaes pp. 154-159

- Roger Middleton
- Utilitarianism and Malthus' Virtue Ethics: Respectable, Virtuous and Happy, by Sergio Cremaschi/Malthus: The Life and Legacies of an Untimely Prophet, Robert J. Mayhew pp. 159-164

- Ryan Walter
- Globalisation and the Critique of Political Economy. New Insights from Marx's Writings, by Lucia Pradella pp. 164-167

- Rolf Peter Sieferle
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