The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
1997 - 2025
Current editor(s): José Luís Cardoso From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 18, issue 5, 2011
- Introduction: The history of economics as a history of practice pp. 635-642

- Harro Maas, Tiago Mata and John Davis
- European émigrés and the ‘Americanization’ of economics pp. 643-671

- Harald Hagemann
- A reluctant founding father: Placing Jacob Mincer in the history of (labor) economics pp. 673-695

- Pedro Teixeira
- Working the peripheral into the picture: The case of Thomas Hepburn in eighteenth-century Orkney pp. 697-714

- H. Furuya
- Pigouvian versus Marshallian tax: market failure, public intervention and the problem of externalities pp. 715-732

- Katia Caldari and Fabio Masini
- The Great Depression and the corporatist shift of Italian economists pp. 733-753

- Mario Pomini
- Three ways of linking laboratory endeavours to the realm of policies pp. 755-776

- Kyu Sang Lee
- When low is no good: Predatory pricing and U.S. antitrust law (1950--1980) pp. 777-806

- Nicola Giocoli
Volume 18, issue 4, 2011
- The making of institutional credit in England, 1600 to 1688 pp. 487-519

- Seiichiro Ito
- Lombard Enlightenment and Classical Political Economy pp. 521-550

- Pier Luigi Porta
- On the affiliation of phenomenology and ordoliberalism: Links between Edmund Husserl, Rudolf and Walter Eucken pp. 551-578

- Rainer Klump and Manuel Wörsdörfer
- Hayek's Geldtheoretische Untersuchungen: New insights from a 1925--29 typescript pp. 579-600

- Hansjörg Klausinger
- Will the true Francesco Ferrara please stand up? pp. 601-607

- Antonio Guccione
- The ‘true’ Francesco Ferrara on exchange and income distribution pp. 609-614

- Stefano Perri
- Gilles Dostaler (1946--2011) pp. 615-616

- Bradley W. Bateman and Catherine Martin
- Political Economy and Industrialism. Banks in Saint-Simonian Economic Thought pp. 617-619

- Philippe Steiner
- From Political Economy to Economics pp. 619-622

- H. Hanappi
- Die Disziplinierung des ökonomischen Wandels. Soziologische Analysen der Konjunkturforschung in Österreich pp. 622-626

- Hansjörg Klausinger
- John Kenneth Galbraith pp. 626-627

- Peter Rosner
Volume 18, issue 3, 2011
- 'Preferring that which you desire less': A Condillacian approach to choice under uncertainty pp. 321-352

- Arnaud Orain
- The creator, human conduct and the maximisation of utility in Gossen's economic theory pp. 353-379

- Philippe Steiner
- Richard Kahn's fellowship dissertation: The fate of 'The Economics of the Short Period' pp. 381-405

- Nahid Aslanbeigui and Guy Oakes
- Straightening the Phillips curve, 1968-1976 pp. 407-440

- John Maloney
- The neglect of comparison income: An historical perspective pp. 441-464

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- The Neoliberal Revolution in Eastern Europe. Economic Ideas in the Transition from Communism pp. 465-468

- Krzysztof Bandasz
- Adam Smith and the Character of Virtue Adam Smith and the Economy of the Passions pp. 468-471

- Monika Streissler
- Complex Economics. Individual and Collective Rationality pp. 471-475

- Ulrich Krause
- The Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution: A Critical History pp. 476-479

- Fabio Petri
Volume 18, issue 2, 2011
- R.G. Hawtrey on the national and international lender of last resort pp. 175-202

- Jerome de Boyer des Roches and Ricardo Solis Rosales
- Pigou on business cycles and unemployment: an anti-gold-standard view pp. 203-215

- Norikazu Takami
- Visiting-economists through Hirschman's eyes pp. 217-242

- Ana Bianchi
- The Janus face of Eli Heckscher: theory, history and method pp. 243-267

- Mats Lundahl
- Beauty contested: how much of Keynes' remains in behavioural economics' beauty contests? pp. 269-285

- Alessandro Lanteri and Anna Carabelli
- Economic Theory and Economic Thought, Essays in Honour of Ian Steedman pp. 287-289

- Fabio Petri
- Economic Theory and Economic Thought. Essays in Honour of Ian Steedman pp. 289-290

- Edwin Burmeister
- Criticisms of Classical Political Economy. Menger, Austrian economics and the German Historical School pp. 290-293

- Nikolay Nenovsky
- Barriers to Competition: The Evolution of the Debate pp. 293-296

- Alessandro Roncaglia
- Œuvres economiques completes pp. 296-306

- Manuela Mosca
- Auf der Suche nach Klarheit im Kosmos der Okonomie. Beitrage zur Wirtschaftstheorie. Wirtschaft - Forschung und Wissenschaft, Band 25 pp. 306-308

- Karl-Heinz Schmidt
- Allgemeine ('theoretische') Nationalokonomie. Vorlesungen 1894-1898 pp. 308-313

- Keith Tribe
Volume 18, issue 1, 2011
- Democritus's economic ideas in the context of classical political economy pp. 1-18

- Panayotis Michaelides, Ourania Kardasi and John Milios
- The Anglo-Irish context for William Edward Hearn's economic beliefs and the ultimate failure of his Plutology pp. 19-54

- Gregory Moore
- From the Great Depression to Bretton Woods: Jacob Viner and international monetary stabilization (1930-1945) pp. 55-84

- Sebastiano Nerozzi
- A social innovation or a product of its time? The Rehn-Meidner model's relation to contemporary economics and the Stockholm school pp. 85-123

- Lennart Erixon
- The remarkable transformation of the UV curve in economic theory pp. 125-153

- Peter Rodenburg
- La pensee economique allemande pp. 155-158

- Keith Tribe
- The Return to Keynes pp. 159-164

- Geoffrey Harcourt
- Michal Kalecki pp. 164-167

- J. E. King
Volume 17, issue 5, 2010
- Preface pp. 1111-1112

- Harald Hagemann, Heinz Kurz, Persefoni Tsaliki and Lefteris Tsoulfidis
- Stories about economics and technology pp. 1113-1126

- Robert Solow
- Cliometrics and technological change: a survey pp. 1127-1147

- Nicholas Crafts
- Technological progress and economic analysis from Petty to Smith pp. 1149-1168

- Hugh Goodacre
- 'Universal opulence': Adam Smith on technical progress and real wages pp. 1169-1182

- Tony Aspromourgos
- Technical progress, capital accumulation and income distribution in Classical economics: Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Karl Marx pp. 1183-1222

- Heinz Kurz
- Marx on technical change in the critical edition pp. 1223-1251

- Regina Roth
- Marshall's treatment of technological change in Industry and Trade pp. 1253-1269

- Peter Groenewegen
- Measuring productivity increase by long-run prices: the early analyses of G.R. Porter and R. Giffen pp. 1271-1291

- Arrigo Opocher
Volume 17, issue 4, 2010
- The challenge of the history of public economics pp. 537-542

- Gilbert Faccarello and Richard Sturn
- Public economics and history of economic thought: a personal memoir pp. 543-557

- Alan Peacock
- Two unpublished papers from the 1950s pp. 559-577

- Alan Peacock and Jack Wiseman
- Jeremy Bentham, the French Revolution, and the political economy of representation (1788 to 1789) pp. 579-605

- Marco Guidi
- Collective interest versus individual interest in Bentham's felicific calculus. Questioning welfarism and fairness pp. 607-634

- Antoinette Baujard
- Pareto, Pigou and third-party consumption: divergent approaches to welfare theory with implications for the study of public finance pp. 635-657

- Michael McLure
- Progressive indirect taxation and social justice in eighteenth-century France: Forbonnais and Graslin's fiscal system pp. 659-685

- Arnaud Orain
- History of public economics: The historical French school pp. 687-718

- Serge-Christophe Kolm
- Bold ideas. French liberal economists and the state: Say to Leroy-Beaulieu pp. 719-758

- Gilbert Faccarello
- Utility and justice: French liberal economists in the nineteenth century pp. 759-792

- Nathalie Sigot
- The foundations of justice in Jules Dupuit's thought pp. 793-812

- Philippe Poinsot
- Gustave Fauveau's contribution to fiscal theory pp. 813-835

- Claire Silvant
- Non-welfarism Avant la Lettre: Alfred Fouillee's political economy of justice pp. 837-864

- Laurent Dobuzinskis
- Natural law as inspiration to Adolph Wagner's theory of public intervention pp. 865-879

- Daniele Corado and Stefano Solari
- The idea of State in the Italian tradition of public finance pp. 881-907

- Amedeo Fossati
- Public expenditure in Italian public finance theory pp. 909-931

- Domenicantonio Fausto
- Common welfare versus the spirit of private enterprise: the experience of Italian municipalization from 1880 to 1930 pp. 933-956

- Piero Bini and Daniela Parisi
- The residual character of externalities pp. 957-973

- Maurice Lagueux
- The three roles of the 'Coase theorem' in Coase's works pp. 975-1000

- Elodie Bertrand
- Rawls's justice theory and its relations to the concept of merit goods pp. 1001-1030

- Ragip Ege and Herrade Igersheim
- Get by with a little help from my friends: A recent history of charitable organisations in economic theory pp. 1031-1046

- Alasdair Rutherford
- Government and the provision of public goods:from equilibrium models to mechanismdesign pp. 1047-1077

- Monique Florenzano
- Public economics after neoliberalism: a theoretical-historical perspective pp. 1079-1106

- Yahya Madra and Fikret Adaman
Volume 17, issue 3, 2010
- Vanity and the love of system in Theory of Moral Sentiments pp. 383-404

- Daniel Diatkine
- Marshall on welfare, or: the 'utilitarian' meets the 'evolver' pp. 405-437

- Marco Dardi
- Conventionalism and liberalism in Jacques Rueff's early works (1922 to 1929) pp. 439-470

- Ludovic Frobert
- The arrow of time in economics: from Robinson's critique to the new historical economics pp. 471-492

- Michael Turk
- The historical place of the 'Friedman—Phelps' expectations critique pp. 493-511

- James Forder
- Aiming for a 'Higher Prize'Paul Anthony Samuelson (1915-2009) pp. 513-520

- Heinz Kurz
- The Intellectual Foundations of Alfred Marshall's Economic Science: A Rounded Globe of Knowledge pp. 521-525

- Marco Dardi
- The Isolated State in Relation to Agriculture and Political Economy, Part III: Principles for the Determination of Rent, the Most Advantageous Rotation Period and the Value of Stands of Varying Age in Pinewoods pp. 525-527

- Ernst Helmstadter
Volume 17, issue 2, 2010
- Rabbinical perspectives on money in seventeenth-century Ottoman Egypt pp. 163-197

- Daniel Schiffman
- Money, exchange and division of labour in Rousseau's economic philosophy pp. 199-228

- Claire Pignol
- The future of the working classes: a comparison between J.S. Mill and A. Marshall pp. 229-253

- Arrigo Opocher
- Function, mind and novelty: organismic concepts and Richard M. Goodwin formation at Harvard, 1932 to 1934 pp. 255-277

- Mauro Caminati
- 'Public goods' before Samuelson: interwar Finanzwissenschaft and Musgrave's synthesis pp. 279-312

- Richard Sturn
- Stabilizing consumer choice: the role of 'true dynamic stability' and related concepts in the history of consumer choice theory pp. 313-343

- D. Wade Hands
- Keeping Faith, Losing Faith: Religious Belief and Political Economy pp. 345-348

- Ian Steedman
- Carl Menger entre Aristote et Hayek. Aux sources de l'economie moderne pp. 349-352

- Keith Tribe
- The General Theory of Economic Evolution pp. 352-356

- Rita Strohmaier
- Mathematical Economics and the Dynamics of Capitalism, Goodwin's Legacy Continued pp. 356-359

- Wolfgang Eichert
- Joan Robinson pp. 359-364

- Harvey Gram
- Piero Sraffa pp. 364-367

- Susan Pashkoff
- The Political Economy of Work pp. 367-370

- Enrico Levrero
- Free Riding pp. 370-375

- Richard Sturn
Volume 17, issue 1, 2010
- The valuation of decision and individual welfare: a Humean approach pp. 1-28

- André Lapidus
- In defence of Adam Smith's theory of value pp. 29-48

- Ajit Sinha
- Paper money and national distress: William Huskisson and the early theories of credit, speculation and crises pp. 49-85

- Daniele Besomi
- The corporative third way in Social Catholicism (1830 to 1918) pp. 87-113

- Stefano Solari
- E. W. Kemmerer's contribution to the quantity theory of money pp. 115-140

- Rebeca Gomez Betancourt
- The Economics of Karl Marx: Analysis and Applications pp. 141-144

- Fabio Petri
- A History of Economic Theory Essays in honour of Takashi Negishi pp. 145-147

- Warren Young
- Jacob Mincer: A Founding Father of Modern Labour Economics pp. 151-155

- Robert Goldfarb
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