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The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought

1997 - 2025

Current editor(s): José Luís Cardoso

From Taylor & Francis Journals
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Volume 12, issue 4, 2005

Adolphe Quetelet, the average man and the development of economic methodology pp. 565-582 Downloads
Bert Mosselmans
Strange brew: The antinomies of distribution in W.S. Jevons' Theory of Political Economy pp. 583-608 Downloads
Michael White
Equilibrium and Italian fiscal sociology: A reflection on the Pareto-Griziotti and Pareto-Sensini letters on fiscal theory pp. 609-633 Downloads
Michael McLure
Measurement, incentives and constraintsin Stigler's economics of science pp. 635-661 Downloads
Arthur Diamond
To be an independent thinker: an intellectual portrait of Staffan Burenstam Linder pp. 663-688 Downloads
Mats Lundahl
The contributions of Celso Furtado (1920-2004) to development economics pp. 689-700 Downloads
Tamas Szmrecsanyi
A tale of two traditions: Pierre Force's Self-interest before Adam Smith pp. 701-712 Downloads
Gilbert Faccarello
Pity, sympathy and self-interest: review of Pierre Force's Self-interest before Adam Smith pp. 713-721 Downloads
Jimena Hurtado
Two concepts of providence and two concepts of pity: A reply to Gilbert Faccarello and Jimena Hurtado pp. 723-731 Downloads
Pierre Force

Volume 12, issue 3, 2005

The Sraffa-enigma: Introduction pp. 373-378 Downloads
Luigi Pasinetti
Piero Sraffa: emigration and scientific activity (1921 - 45) pp. 379-402 Downloads
Nerio Naldi
Sraffa and the Marshallian tradition* pp. 403-423 Downloads
Annalisa Rosselli
Piero Sraffa at the university of Cambridge pp. 425-452 Downloads
Maria Cristina Marcuzzo
On a turning point in Sraffa's theoretical and interpretative position in the late 1920s pp. 453-492 Downloads
Pierangelo Garegnani
Removing an 'insuperable obstacle' in the way of an objectivist analysis: Sraffa's attempts at fixed capital pp. 493-523 Downloads
Heinz Kurz and Neri Salvadori
Joint production: Triumph of economic over mathematical logic?* pp. 525-552 Downloads
Bertram Schefold
Michio Morishima and history: an obituary pp. 553-557 Downloads
Takashi Negishi

Volume 12, issue 2, 2005

Rationality in Leviathan: Hobbes and his game-theoretic admirers pp. 191-213 Downloads
Mark Peacock
Jean Antoine Chaptal: from chemistry to political economy pp. 215-239 Downloads
Elsa Bolado and Lluis Argemi
De Viti de Marco, historian of economic analysis pp. 241-259 Downloads
Manuela Mosca
A question of incentive? Lionel Robbins and Dennis H. Robertson on the nature and determinants of the supply of labour pp. 261-278 Downloads
David Spencer
The Italian economists in parliament from 1860 to 1922: a quantitative analysis pp. 279-319 Downloads
Massimo Augello and Marco Guidi
Treating schizophrenia: a comment on Antoin Murphy's diagnosis of Henry Thornton's theoretical condition pp. 321-328 Downloads
Neil Skaggs
Rejoinder to Skaggs's Treating schizophrenia: a comment on Antoin Murphy's diagnosis of Henry Thornton's theoretical condition pp. 329-332 Downloads
Antoin Murphy
In Memoriam: Robert Heilbroner, 1919 - 2005 pp. 333-336 Downloads
William Milberg
Roy Harrod and the Keynesian revolution: his newly published correspondence pp. 337-355 Downloads
Walter Eltis

Volume 12, issue 1, 2005

The invention of the concept of social surplus: Petty in the Hartlib Circle pp. 1-24 Downloads
Tony Aspromourgos
'Misguided monetary messages': The Austrian case, 1931 - 34 pp. 25-45 Downloads
Hansjörg Klausinger
Patinkin and the Pigou effect: or how a Keynesian came to accept an anti-Keynesian argument pp. 47-72 Downloads
Goulven Rubin
Migration and Americanization: The special case of Belgian economics pp. 73-88 Downloads
Ivo Maes and Erik Buyst
A Humean theory of choice of which rationality may be one consequence pp. 89-111 Downloads
Marc-Arthur Diaye and André Lapidus
Why rationality is not a consequence of Hume's theory of choice pp. 113-118 Downloads
Robert Sugden
Why rationality may be a consequence of Hume's theory of choice pp. 119-126 Downloads
Marc-Arthur Diaye and André Lapidus
Perspectives on Michael A. Bernstein's A Perilous Progress: Economists and Public Purpose in Twentieth-Century America pp. 127-146 Downloads
Esther-Mirjam Sent, Roger Backhouse, AW Bob Coats, John Davis and Harald Hagemann
The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics Edited by J. E. King pp. 147-156 Downloads
Edward Nell
The Dutch and Portuguese-Jewish background of David Ricardo pp. 183-184 Downloads
Arnold Heertje

Volume 11, issue 4, 2004

Renaissance Cicero. The 'economic' virtues of >emph type="2">De Officiis>/emph> I, 22 in some sixteenth century commentaries pp. 507-523 Downloads
Gloria Vivenza
The theory of internal goods in nineteenth-century Russian classical economic thought pp. 525-554 Downloads
Joachim Zweynert
Missing links in Marshall's early thoughts on education pp. 555-578 Downloads
Simon Cook
Ferdinand Tonnies, Thorstein Veblen and Karl Marx: From community to society and back? pp. 579-606 Downloads
Rick Tilman
Eli Heckscher on intermittently free goods: A neglected anticipation of the theory of imperfect competition? pp. 607-621 Downloads
Andrea Maneschi
The hidden theology of Adam Smith: A belated reply to Hill pp. 623-628 Downloads
James Alvey
Further reflections on the 'Hidden Theology' of Adam Smith pp. 629-635 Downloads
Lisa Hill

Volume 11, issue 3, 2004

Introduction pp. 341-343 Downloads
Marco Guidi
The sceptic as an economist's philosopher? Humean utility as a positive principle pp. 345-375 Downloads
Richard Sturn
Ricardo and the Utilitarians pp. 377-403 Downloads
Sergio Cremaschi
'My Own Utopia'. The economics of Bentham's Panopticon pp. 405-431 Downloads
Marco Guidi
The 'Happiness transformation problem' in the Cambridge tradition pp. 433-451 Downloads
Luigino Bruni
Sympathy and its discontents: 'Greatest happiness' versus the 'general good' pp. 453-478 Downloads
Sandra Peart and David Levy

Volume 11, issue 2, 2004

Samuel Johnson on consumer demand, status, and positional goods pp. 183-207 Downloads
Peter Law
Whatever happened to Marshall's industrial economics? pp. 209-229 Downloads
Tiziano Raffaelli
Historical political economy in Russia, 1870 - 1913 pp. 231-253 Downloads
Vincent Barnett
The making of Beveridge's Unemployment (1909): three concepts blended pp. 255-280 Downloads
Atsushi Komine
The Dutch and Portuguese-Jewish background of David Ricardo pp. 281-294 Downloads
Arnold Heertje
Francis Ysidro Edgeworth's Catalan grandfather pp. 295-307 Downloads
Lluis Barbe

Volume 11, issue 1, 2004

Bernard Mandeville's heir: Adam Smith or Jean Jacques Rousseau on the possibility of economic analysis pp. 1-31 Downloads
Jimena Hurtado Prieto
Hegel's theory of economic nationalism: political economy in the Philosophy of Right pp. 33-52 Downloads
Takeshi Nakano
Learning to choose a commodity-money: Carl Menger's theory of imitation and the search monetary framework pp. 53-78 Downloads
Andrés Álvarez
An example of untranslatability: the conceptual structures of Marshall's and Keynes' conceptions of investment pp. 79-106 Downloads
Miguel Angel Duran and Manuel Montalvo
History of economics, economics and economic history in Britain, 1824 - 2000 pp. 107-127 Downloads
Roger Backhouse
Reason and sentiments: review of Emma Rothschild's Economic Sentiments: Adam Smith, Condorcet and the Enlightenment pp. 131-145 Downloads
Pascal Bridel and Christophe Salvat
Emma Rothschild on economic sentiments: and the true Adam Smith pp. 147-159 Downloads
Walter Eltis
Page updated 2025-03-25