The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
1997 - 2025
Current editor(s): José Luís Cardoso From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 24, issue 6, 2017
- Introduction pp. 1131-1133

- José Luís Cardoso, Nathalie Sigot and Muriel Dal Pont Legrand
- The last generalists pp. 1134-1166

- Hans-Michael Trautwein
- A judicious and industrious compiler’: Mapping Postlethwayt's pp. 1167-1213

- Richard van den Berg
- Smith and Rousseau on envy in commercial societies pp. 1214-1246

- Claire Pignol and Benoît Walraevens
- How did it all begin? Adam Smith on the early and rude state of society and the age of hunters pp. 1247-1276

- Ecem Okan
- Between mathematical formalism, normative choice rules, and the behavioural sciences: The emergence of rational choice theories in the late 1940s and early 1950s pp. 1277-1317

- Catherine Herfeld
- Expected utility theory and experimental utility measurement, 1950–1985. From confidence to scepticism pp. 1318-1354

- Ivan Moscati
- “From warfare to welfare”: Contextualising Arrow and Schelling's models of racial inequalities (1968–1972) pp. 1355-1387

- Cléo Chassonnery-Zaïgouche and Lauren Larrouy
- Disequilibrium as the origin, originality, and challenges of Clower's microfoundations of monetary theory pp. 1388-1415

- Romain Plassard
- An activist revival in central banking? Lessons from the history of economic thought and central bank practice pp. 1416-1439

- Lilia Costabile and Gerald Epstein
Volume 24, issue 5, 2017
- Keynes, the socialisation of trade, and international monetary institutions pp. 979-997

- Betsy Jane Clary
- Austerity and repressive politics: Italian economists in the early years of the fascist government pp. 998-1026

- Clara Elisabetta Mattei
- Methodology, theory and inquiry in Italian economic and social thought: The making of Francesco Coletti pp. 1027-1052

- Jean-Guy Prévost, Stefano Spalletti and Stefano Perri
- Economic policy as expectations management: Keynes’ and Friedman's complementary approaches pp. 1053-1084

- Sylvie Rivot
- Friedrich Hayek's fleeting foray into 1940s colonial development pp. 1085-1106

- Chris Grocott
- , by Richard Cantillon, edited by Richard van den Berg /, by Richard Cantillon, edited by Antoin E. Murphy pp. 1107-1109

- Keith Tribe
- , by Fiorenzo Mornati pp. 1110-1113

- Michael McLure
- A Few Hares to Chase. The Economic Life and Times of Bill Phillips, by Alan Bollard pp. 1113-1116

- Marcel Boumans
- , by Manuela Mosca pp. 1116-1118

- Marianne Johnson
- Dompter Prométhée: Technologies et socialismes à l'âge romantique (1820–1870) pp. 1118-1122

- Guido Frison
- Kenneth J. Arrow 1921–2017 pp. 1123-1129

- Maurice Salles
Volume 24, issue 4, 2017
- Erratum pp. iii-iii

- The Editors
- Erratum pp. iv-iv

- The Editors
- Corrigendum pp. v-v

- The Editors
- Erratum pp. vi-vi

- The Editors
- Erratum pp. vii-viI

- The Editors
- Erratum pp. viii-viii

- The Editors
- Corrigendum pp. ix-ix

- The Editors
- Sæculum pp. 625-639

- Gilbert Faccarello
- Agency, exchange, and power in scholastic thought pp. 640-669

- Richard Sturn
- The concept of “lawfulness” in economic matters. Reading Ibn Rushd (Averroes) pp. 670-688

- Ragip Ege
- The necessity to work, according to John Calvin's duty of stewardship pp. 689-707

- Caroline Bauer
- Liberal Jansenists and interest-bearing loans in eighteenth-century France: a reappraisal pp. 708-741

- Arnaud Orain and Maxime Menuet
- Defending free trade after physiocracy: On Dugald Stewart's architectonic of passions, reason and Providence pp. 742-783

- Thomas Ruellou
- Theological themes in Ricardo's papers and correspondence pp. 784-808

- Sergio Cremaschi
- Religion and political economy in Saint-Simon pp. 809-827

- Pierre Musso
- A dance teacher for paralysed people? Charles de Coux and the dream of a Christian political economy pp. 828-875

- Gilbert Faccarello
- Religion and the sociological critique of political economy: Altruism and gift pp. 876-906

- Philippe Steiner
- Henry Sidgwick, moral order, and utilitarianism pp. 907-930

- Keith Tribe
- Pigou on philosophy and religion pp. 931-957

- Daniela Donnini Macciò
- Keynes and Christian socialism: Religion and the economic problem pp. 958-977

- David Andrews
Volume 24, issue 3, 2017
- A genealogy of the concept of merit wants pp. 409-440

- Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay
- Can you put free will into an equation? The debate on determinism and mathematics at the end of the nineteenth century pp. 441-464

- Thomas Mueller
- Economic beliefs and institutional politics: Human capital theory and the changing views of the World Bank about education (1950–1985) pp. 465-492

- Pedro Teixeira
- Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen and degrowth pp. 493-506

- Antoine Missemer
- From endogenous growth to stationary state: The world economy in the mathematical formulation of the Ricardian system pp. 507-527

- Neri Salvadori and Rodolfo Signorino
- The road to rationalisation: A history of “Where the Empirical Lives” (or has lived) in consumer choice theory pp. 555-588

- D. Wade Hands
- Journal and Notebooks of a Year in France May 1820 - July 1821: A Complete Edition with a Facsimile Reprint of the Rediscovered Notebook of John Stuart Mill in Kwansei Gakuin University and Transcribed Text, Annotation and Comparative Studies, by J. S. Mill's pp. 589-591

- Georgios Varouxakis
- Macroeconomics and the Phillips Curve Myth, by James Forder pp. 591-597

- Roger Middleton
- Écrits d ′économie politique, 1816–1842, Œuvres Économiques Complètes vol. IV; Nouveaux principes d′économie politique, ou de la richesse dans ses rapports avec la population, Œuvres Économiques Complètes vol. V, by J.C.L. Simonde de Sismondi, edited by P. Bridel, F. Dal Degan and N. Eyguesier pp. 597-599

- Thomas Hopkins
- The German Historical School and European Economic Thought, by José Luís Cardoso, Michalis Psalidopoulos (ed.) pp. 599-602

- Birsen Filip
- Economic Thought: A Brief History, by Heinz D. Kurz, translated by Jeremiah Reiner/A Brief History of Political Economy: Tales of Marx, Keynes and Hayek, by Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth pp. 603-606

- Roger Backhouse
- Architects of the Euro: Intellectuals in the Making of European Monetary Union, edited by Kenneth Dyson and Ivo Maes/The Euro and the Battle of Ideas, by Markus Brunnermeier, Harold James and Jean-Pierre Landau pp. 606-611

- Charles Goodhart
- Tony Atkinson 1944–2017: A lifetime commitment to the study of inequality pp. 612-623

- Agnar Sandmo
Volume 24, issue 2, 2017
- The distance between Buchanan's “An Economic Theory of Clubs” and Tiebout's “A Pure Theory of Local Public Expenditures”. New insights based on an unpublished manuscript pp. 205-237

- Peter Boettke and Alain Marciano
- How modern economics learned French: Jacques Drèze and the foundation of CORE pp. 238-273

- Till Düppe
- Pigou, Del Vecchio, and Sraffa: the 1955 International “Antonio Feltrinelli” Prize for the Economic and Social Sciences pp. 274-286

- Rogério Arthmar and Michael McLure
- On the definition of externality as a missing market pp. 287-318

- Nathalie Berta
- Producer co-operatives in nineteenth-century British economic thought pp. 319-340

- Joseph Persky
- Race, competition, and institutional change in J.R. Commons pp. 341-368

- Abdallah Zouache
- Hidden links in the warranted rate of growth: the supermultiplier way out pp. 369-394

- Óscar Dejuán
- The Economy of the Word: Language, History and Economics, by Keith Tribe pp. 395-399

- Roger Middleton
- , A Critical and Variorum, edited by Vilfredo Pareto pp. 399-402

- Paolo Scapparone
- Ökonomische Theoriegeschichte im zeithistorischen Kontext. Ausgewählte Aufsätze, by Heinz Rieter, edited by Elisabeth Allgöwer, Carsten Kasprzok, and Joachim Zweynert pp. 402-403

- Roman Köster
- The World the Game Theorists Made, by Paul Erickson pp. 403-406

- Philippe van Basshuysen
- Calcul et morale. Coûts de l'esclavage et valeur de l’émancipation (XVIII-XIX siècle), by Caroline Oudin-Bastide and Philippe Steiner pp. 406-408

- Richard Whatmore
Volume 24, issue 1, 2017
- An unrecorded Physiocratic précis by Charles Richard de Butré and the experiment of Karl Friedrich of Baden-Durlach in Dietlingen pp. 1-24

- Gabriel Sabbagh
- Heterogenesis of ends: Herbert Spencer and the Italian economists pp. 25-57

- Claudia Sunna and Manuela Mosca
- Why is money important in Jean-Baptiste Say's analysis? pp. 58-79

- Gilles Jacoud
- Say's involvement in the 1819 French edition of Ricardo's and the issue of rent pp. 80-118

- Christophe Depoortère
- Veblen's Discounted Expected Earnings Streams: Monopoly and Make-Believe pp. 119-142

- Craig Allan Medlen
- The wage–employment relationship in Modigliani's 1944 article pp. 143-174

- Antonella Rancan
- Nature's Gifts. The Australian Lectures of Henry George on the Ownership of Land & other Natural Resources, by John Pullen pp. 175-176

- Keith Tribe
- Essays on Keynesian and Kaldorian Economics, by Antony P. Thirlwall pp. 177-178

- Sylvie Rivot
- Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: A Reader's Guide, by Jerry Evensky pp. 179-180

- Terry Peach
- Why Minsky Matters, by L. Randall Wray pp. 181-184

- Charles Goodhart
- The Elgar Companion to David Ricardo, edited by Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori pp. 184-187

- Fabio Petri
- Arthur Cecil Pigou, by N. Aslanbeigui and G. Oakes pp. 187-190

- Daniela Donnini Macciò
- Finding Equilibrium: Arrow, Debreu, McKenzie and the Problem of Scientific Credit, by Till Düppe and E. Roy Weintraub pp. 190-192

- Nicholas Gane
- Yuichi Shionoya (1932–2015) pp. 193-196

- Kiichiro Yagi
- Marcello De Cecco (1939–2016) pp. 197-200

- Carlo Panico
- Tiziano Raffaelli (1950–2016) pp. 201-203

- Marco Dardi
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