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The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought

1997 - 2025

Current editor(s): José Luís Cardoso

From Taylor & Francis Journals
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst ().

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Volume 21, issue 6, 2014

Introduction pp. 947-949 Downloads
Annalisa Rosselli and Richard van den Berg
"Quorum pars magna fui": On the Cantillon-Marx connection pp. 950-976 Downloads
Oleg Ananyin
"Let your science be human": David Hume and the honourable merchant pp. 977-990 Downloads
Margaret Schabas
Why didn't Charasoff and Remak use Perron-Frobenius mathematics? pp. 991-1014 Downloads
Wilfried Parys
A history of the theories on Optimum Currency Areas pp. 1015-1038 Downloads
Fabio Masini
Keynes's activity on the cotton market and the theory of the 'normal backwardation': 1921-1929 pp. 1039-1059 Downloads
Carlo Cristiano and Nerio Naldi
Keynes's General Theory, Treatise on Money and Tract on Monetary Reform: different theories, same methodological approach? pp. 1060-1084 Downloads
Anna Carabelli and Mario Cedrini
A reconsideration of the role of forward-market arbitrage in Keynes' and Hicks' theories of the term structure of interest rates pp. 1085-1101 Downloads
Lucy Brillant
A note on the notions of risk-premium and liquidity-premium in Hicks's and Keynes's analyses of the term structure of interest rates pp. 1102-1108 Downloads
Luca Fantacci, Maria Cristina Marcuzzo and Eleonora Sanfilippo

Volume 21, issue 5, 2014

Special issue: Business cycle theory as a basis for economic policy pp. 755-759 Downloads
Pascal Bridel and Muriel Dal Pont Legrand
Economics of the crisis and the crisis of economics pp. 760-774 Downloads
Axel Leijonhufvud
On the importance of institutions and forms of organisation in Piero Sraffa's economics: the case of business cycles, money, and economic policy pp. 775-800 Downloads
Richard Arena
Mr Keynes, the Classics and the new Keynesians: A suggested formalisation pp. 801-838 Downloads
Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
Three macroeconomic syntheses of vintage 1937: Hicks, Haberler, and Lundberg pp. 839-870 Downloads
Hans-Michael Trautwein
Lange's 1938 model: dynamics and the "optimum propensity to consume" pp. 871-898 Downloads
Michaël Assous and Roberto Lampa
Toward a non-linear theory of economic fluctuations: Allais's contribution to endogenous business cycle theory in the 1950s pp. 899-919 Downloads
Alain Raybaut
The "Treasury View": An (un-)expected return? pp. 920-942 Downloads
Pascal Bridel

Volume 21, issue 4, 2014

Turgot's Valeurs et monnaies: our incomplete knowledge of an incomplete manuscript pp. 549-582 Downloads
Richard van den Berg
Liberal economic discourse on colonial practices and the rejection of the British Empire (1750-1815)1 pp. 583-604 Downloads
Alain Clément
Public Finance in Spain in the early twentieth century pp. 605-634 Downloads
Jesús Astigarraga and Juan Zabalza
The 'Wigforss Connection': the Stockholm School vs. Keynes debate revisited pp. 635-663 Downloads
Martin Kragh
Enrico Barone's 'Ministry of Production': Content and Context pp. 664-698 Downloads
Michael E. Bradley and Manuela Mosca
Consumer power and market control: Exploring consumer behaviour in affluent contexts (1946-1980) pp. 699-723 Downloads
José M. Edwards
Backhouse and Boianovsky on "disequilibrium theory". A review article of transforming modern macroeconomics. Exploring disequilibrium microfoundations, 1956-2003 pp. 724-742 Downloads
Michel De Vroey
Response to De Vroey pp. 743-749 Downloads
Roger Backhouse and Mauro Boianovsky

Volume 21, issue 3, 2014

Smith on happiness: towards a gravitational theory pp. 359-391 Downloads
Laurie Bréban
From bounties on exportation to the natural and market price of labour: Smith versus Ricardo1 pp. 392-420 Downloads
Ferdinando Meacci
Sarantis Archigenes (Serandi Arsizen), Pellegrino Rossi and the spread of the classical approach in the Ottoman Empire pp. 421-447 Downloads
Erdem Ozgur and Hamdi Genc
Beveridge's analysis of unemployment in 1909: the reserve of labour pp. 448-466 Downloads
Jocelyn Poirel
The instability principle revisited: an essay in Harrodian dynamics pp. 467-484 Downloads
Olivier Bruno and Muriel Dal-Pont Legrand
Neither Lausanne nor Cambridge: Pantaleoni and the missing boundary between economics and sociology pp. 485-519 Downloads
Marco Dardi
Ronald Harry Coase, 1910-2013 pp. 520-525 Downloads
Matthias Klaes
The Historiography of Economics: The Collected Papers of A.W. Coats: Volume III pp. 526-529 Downloads
John Maloney
The Great Depression in Europe: Economic Thought and Policy in a National Context pp. 529-532 Downloads
Roger Middleton
Casualties of Credit: The English Financial Revolution, 1620-1720 pp. 533-536 Downloads
Tony Aspromourgos
Shaky Foundations: The Politics-Patronage-Social Science Nexus in Cold War America. Studies in Modern Science, Technology, and the Environment series pp. 537-541 Downloads
Beatrice Cherrier
The Hesitant Hand: Taming Self-Interest in the History of Economic Ideas pp. 541-544 Downloads
Bülent Temel

Volume 21, issue 2, 2014

The ancient art of economics pp. 201-229 Downloads
Dotan Leshem
Wages and work effort in English economic thought, 1670-1770 pp. 230-251 Downloads
Anastassios Karayiannis and Ioannis Katselidis
Bentham and Owen on entrepreneurship and social reform pp. 252-277 Downloads
Estrella Trincado and Manuel Santos-Redondo
Scitovsky's The Joyless Economy and the economics of happiness pp. 278-303 Downloads
Maurizio Pugno
Multinational firms, peripheral industrialisation and the recovery of national decision centres: the contribution of Celso Furtado pp. 304-341 Downloads
Renata Bianconi and Alexandre Minda
Geschichte des ökonomischen Denkens by Heinz D. Kurz pp. 342-344 Downloads
Keith Tribe
Keynes and Friedman on Laissez-Faire and Planning. Where to Draw the Line? by Sylvie Rivot pp. 344-350 Downloads
Stephanie Blankenburg
Œuvres économiques complètes by Jean-Claude-Léonard Simonde de Sismondi pp. 350-354 Downloads
Philippe Steiner

Volume 21, issue 1, 2014

Editorial pp. 1-3 Downloads
José Cardoso, Gilbert Faccarello, Heinz Kurz and Antoin E. Murphy
Scholastic just price versus current market price: is it merely a matter of labelling? pp. 4-20 Downloads
Fabio Monsalve
Entrepreneurship, risk and income distribution in Adam Smith pp. 21-40 Downloads
Tony Aspromourgos
Negotiating free trade in fact and theory: the diplomacy and doctrine of Condy Raguet pp. 41-77 Downloads
Stephen Meardon
The institutionalisation of political economy in Italy and Spain (1860-1900): a comparative approach pp. 78-106 Downloads
Javier San-Juli�n-Arrupe
Carl Menger's theory of money's origins: Responding to revisionism pp. 107-141 Downloads
Alla Semenova
The Hicks-Malinvaud average period of production and 'marginal productivity': A critical assessment pp. 142-157 Downloads
Saverio Fratini
Monetary Theory and Policy from Hume and Smith to Wicksell. Money, Credit, and the Economy pp. 158-166 Downloads
Ghislain Deleplace
Rethinking the Keynesian Revolution pp. 167-170 Downloads
Neil T. Skaggs
Economic Essays by David Ricardo pp. 170-172 Downloads
Terry Peach
Defending the History of Economic Thought pp. 172-176 Downloads
Heinz Kurz
Oeconomica. Introduction, Translation and Commentaries pp. 177-178 Downloads
Bertram Schefold
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography Part 1. Influences from Mises to Bartley pp. 178-183 Downloads
Birsen Filip
The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Myths pp. 183-187 Downloads
Andreas Rainer
The Institutional Movement in American Economics, 1918-1947 pp. 187-192 Downloads
Pedro Teixeira
Keynes Hayek: The Clash that Defined Modern Economics pp. 192-196 Downloads
Jeremy Shearmur
Page updated 2025-03-25