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The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought

1997 - 2025

Current editor(s): José Luís Cardoso

From Taylor & Francis Journals
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Volume 27, issue 6, 2020

Introduction pp. 815-818 Downloads
André Lapidus, Jean-Sébastien Lenfant, Goulven Rubin and Hans-Michael Trautwein
Orthodox versus unorthodox views on Ricardo’s theory of money pp. 819-836 Downloads
Ghislain Deleplace
Simon Newcomb’s monetary theory: a reappraisal pp. 837-852 Downloads
Sofia Valeonti
Marx and the “Minsky moment” liquidity crises and reproduction crises in Das Kapital pp. 853-880 Downloads
Anthony De Grandi and Christian Tutin
Threadneedle street meets Lombard street: Bagehot and central bankers in the aftermath of the great recession pp. 881-900 Downloads
Emmanuel Carré and Sandrine Leloup
Jacob Marschak and the Cowles approaches to the theory of money and assets pp. 901-918 Downloads
Robert Dimand and Harald Hagemann
On Keynesian Economics and the Economics of Keynes after fifty years pp. 919-937 Downloads
Pierrick Clerc and Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
How macroeconomists lost control of stabilization policy: towards dark ages pp. 938-982 Downloads
Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf
Turgot’s calculations on the effects of indirect taxation pp. 983-1010 Downloads
Richard van den Berg and Daniel Russell
Loose ends? Discussing human capital and the economic value of education in the first half of the twentieth century1 pp. 1011-1032 Downloads
Pedro Teixeira

Volume 27, issue 5, 2020

On the political economy of fines. Rusche and Kirchheimer’s Punishment and Social Structure revisited pp. 661-681 Downloads
Patricia Faraldo-Cabana
Two views on neutral money: Wieser and Hayek versus Menger and Mises pp. 682-711 Downloads
Joseph T. Salerno, Carmen Elena Dorobat and Karl-Friedrich Israel
Against the orthodox: Walras and Laveleye’s reluctant alliance pp. 712-734 Downloads
Thomas Mueller
The “community of labour” in troubled times (1926–1944): François Perroux’s irrational foundations of economic expertise pp. 735-761 Downloads
Nicolas Brisset and Raphaël Fèvre
Lord William Wyndham Grenville’s manuscript notes on the first edition of David Ricardo’s Principles pp. 762-791 Downloads
Christophe Depoortère and Arnold Heertje
Gli economisti e la costruzione dell’Europa pp. 792-793 Downloads
Fabio Masini
The Routledge companion to literature and economics pp. 794-796 Downloads
Raphaël Fèvre
The economic thought of William Petty – exploring the colonialist roots of economics pp. 797-799 Downloads
Renee Prendergast
A contemporary historiography of economics pp. 799-801 Downloads
Louise Villeneuve
Great economic thinkers. An introduction – from Adam Smith to Amartya Sen pp. 801-803 Downloads
Daniela Donnini Macciò
Routledge handbook of the history of women’s economic thought pp. 803-805 Downloads
Frances Woolley
Politics and the Anthropocene pp. 806-807 Downloads
Antoine Missemer
Ideas in the history of economic development: the case of peripheral countries pp. 807-810 Downloads
Adriana Calcagno
Britain’s political economies. Parliament and economic life, 1660–1800 pp. 810-812 Downloads
Keith Tribe
Irving Fisher pp. 812-814 Downloads
David Laidler

Volume 27, issue 4, 2020

Macroeconomic statics and dynamics in a historical perspective pp. 471-475 Downloads
Sylvie Rivot and Hans-Michael Trautwein
Richard Cantillon’s stabilizing market dynamics pp. 476-499 Downloads
John Berdell and José M. Menudo
Images of competition and their impact on modern macroeconomics* pp. 500-522 Downloads
Bruna Ingrao and Claudio Sardoni
Keynes’ treatment of dynamics and stability in a monetary economy: the role played by expectations from the Tract on Monetary Reform to the General Theory pp. 523-548 Downloads
Sylvie Rivot
Looking for the rationale of the instability principle in Harrod’s Essay in dynamic theory: who is adjusting what? pp. 549-563 Downloads
Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
Macroeconomic dynamics at the Cowles Commission from the 1930s to the 1950s pp. 564-581 Downloads
Robert Dimand
(In)stability at the Cowles Commission (1939–1948) pp. 582-605 Downloads
Michaël Assous and Vincent Carret
Paul Samuelson’s ways to macroeconomic dynamics pp. 606-634 Downloads
Mauro Boianovsky
From dynamics to stabilisation: Albert Ando and Franco Modigliani’s contributions to the theory of economic growth and fluctuations (1959–1970)1 pp. 635-660 Downloads
Antonella Rancan

Volume 27, issue 3, 2020

Introduction to ‘Economists and Saint-Simonism’ pp. 361-367 Downloads
Michel Bellet
Auguste and Léon Walras and Saint-Simonianism* pp. 368-387 Downloads
Gilles Jacoud and Jean-Pierre Potier
Pareto and Saint-Simonianism. The history of a criticism pp. 388-409 Downloads
Thierry Demals and Alexandra Hyard
Industrialism in the mirror: Edward S. Mason, reader of the Saint-Simonians pp. 410-427 Downloads
Ludovic Frobert
Piero Sraffa’s St. Simonian temptations. An examination of the Sraffa Papers pp. 428-459 Downloads
Michel Bellet and Adrien Lutz
Capital and Ideology and Capital et idéologie pp. 460-462 Downloads
Nicolas Brisset
Capitalism, Alone pp. 463-465 Downloads
Federico D’Onofrio
Essays in Keynesian Persuasion pp. 465-467 Downloads
Constantinos Repapis
Adam Smith: Sytematic Philosopher and Public Thinker pp. 467-468 Downloads
Robin Paul Malloy
Sophie de Grouchy’s Letters on Sympathy – A Critical Engagement with Adam Smith’s the Theory of Moral Sentiments pp. 468-470 Downloads
Biancamaria Fontana

Volume 27, issue 2, 2020

The Standard Narrative about DSGE Models in Central Banks’ Technical Reports pp. 163-193 Downloads
Francesco Sergi
Rationalising the supply-and-demand cross, 1838–1890 pp. 194-208 Downloads
Tony Aspromourgos
A road not taken? A brief history of care in economic thought pp. 209-229 Downloads
John Davis and Robert McMaster
Marx on alienation and employee capital participation pp. 230-247 Downloads
Tobias Henschen
A reappraisal of Galbraith’s challenge to Consumer Sovereignty: preferences, welfare and the non-neutrality thesis* pp. 248-275 Downloads
Alexandre Chirat
Donum, exchange and common good in Aquinas: the dawn of civil economy pp. 276-297 Downloads
Paolo Santori
Marxism before Marxism: Nikolaj Sieber and the birth of Russian social-democracy pp. 298-323 Downloads
François Allisson, Federico D’Onofrio, Danila Raskov and Leonid D. Shirokorad
A brief prehistory of the theory of the firm pp. 324-325 Downloads
Manuela Mosca
War in the history of economic thought. Economists and the question of war and Economists and war. A heterodox perspective pp. 325-327 Downloads
Pepijn Brandon
A history of Australasian economic thought pp. 327-329 Downloads
Simon Guttmann
Report on the agrarian law (1795) and other writings pp. 329-332 Downloads
Adriana Luna-Fabritius
The sovereign consumer: a new intellectual history of neoliberalism pp. 333-334 Downloads
Luiz Felipe Bruzzi Curi
Lionel Robbins on the principles of economic analysis – the 1930s lectures pp. 335-337 Downloads
Pedro Teixeira
Wilhelm Röpke (1899–1966) a liberal political economist and conservative social philosopher pp. 337-339 Downloads
Charles Rose
Wassily Leontief et la science économique pp. 339-341 Downloads
Antoine Missemer
The value of applied economics: the life and work of Arthur (A.J.) Brown pp. 341-344 Downloads
Roger Middleton
La technologie générale: Johann beckmann, entwurf der algemeinen technologie/projet de technologie générale (1806) pp. 344-346 Downloads
Måns Jansson
Ricardo on money. A reappraisal pp. 347-350 Downloads
German Feldman
City of debtors: a century of fringe finance pp. 350-352 Downloads
Mary O’Sullivan
La politique du merveilleux. Une autre histoire du système de law (1695–1795) pp. 353-356 Downloads
Antoin Murphy
Development: the re-balancing of economic powers pp. 356-359 Downloads
Davide Gualerzi

Volume 27, issue 1, 2020

Editors’ note pp. 1-1 Downloads
Muriel Dal Pont Legrand, Richard Sturn and Hans-Michael Trautwein
C. S. Peirce’s theory of abductive expectations pp. 2-44 Downloads
James Wible
A critical note on the new english title for Walras Éléments pp. 45-48 Downloads
Michael McLure
Guicciardini and economic (in)equality pp. 49-65 Downloads
Nikola Regent
The distinction between relative and positive profit: Sir James Steuart after Adam Smith and the Classics pp. 66-85 Downloads
Ferdinando Meacci
The controversy over intellectual property in nineteenth-century France: a comparative analysis between Proudhon and Walras pp. 86-107 Downloads
Rémy Guichardaz
The Marshallian demand curve revisited pp. 108-130 Downloads
Marek Hudik
Central banking under the gold standard: Rist versus Hawtrey on the policy of the bank of France from 1928 to 1931 pp. 131-153 Downloads
Lucy Brillant and Pierre-Hernan Rojas
Routledge handbook of the history of global economic thought pp. 154-156 Downloads
Daniela Donnini Macciò
Luigi L. Pasinetti: An intellectual biography. Leading scholar and system builder of the Cambridge School of Economics pp. 156-158 Downloads
Maria Cristina Marcuzzo
Calculated values. Finance, politics and the quantitative age pp. 158-160 Downloads
Antoin E. Murphy
Das Verhältnis von Staat und Ökonomie: Walter Euckens Ordoliberalismus im Angesicht der Schwächung des nationalstaatlichen Regulierungsmonopols pp. 160-162 Downloads
Stefan Kolev
Page updated 2025-03-25