The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
1997 - 2025
Current editor(s): José Luís Cardoso From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 28, issue 6, 2021
- Introduction pp. 889-891

- Richard van den Berg, Pencho Penchev and Hans-Michael Trautwein
- On continuity and general equilibrium: Pareto, Cassel, and the foundations of neoclassical economics pp. 892-909

- Rogério Arthmar and Michael McLure
- The Turkish Kadro pioneers of a Balkan Dependencia in the interwar period: rethinking underemployment, monetary policy, and technology pp. 910-939

- Eyüp Özveren and M. Erdem Özgür
- From “science as measurement” to “measurement and theory”: the Cowles Commission and contrasting empirical methodologies at the University of Chicago, 1943 to 1955 pp. 940-964

- Robert Dimand and Sylvie Rivot
- The marginalization of absolute and relative income hypotheses of consumption and the role of fiscal policy pp. 965-984

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- William Nordhaus: A disputable Nobel [Prize]? Externalities, climate change, and governmental action pp. 985-1004

- Fabio Masini
- A prosopography of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought pp. 1005-1024

- Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay and Andrej Svorenčík
- “It might be good to know on whose shoulders we stand – and why”: a conversation with Heinz Rieter pp. 1025-1040

- Hans-Michael Trautwein and Heinz Rieter
- Obituary: Takumi Tsuda (1929–2021) pp. 1041-1043

- Tamotsu Nishizawa and Richard van den Berg
- Against “Capitalism”: Eugene McCarraher on “The Enchantments of Mammon” — A Review Essay pp. 1044-1054

- A. M. C. Waterman
- Raising Keynes. A twenty-first-century general theory pp. 1055-1057

- Peter Spahn
- The soul of classical political economy: James M. Buchanan from the archives pp. 1057-1058

- Jacob Jensen
- A History of Czech Economic Thought pp. 1059-1060

- Julius Horvath
- Futures past. Economic forecasting in the 20th and 21st century pp. 1061-1063

- Marius Kuster
Volume 28, issue 5, 2021
- The paradox of value in the teaching of the Church Fathers pp. 695-707

- Joost Hengstmengel
- On the origins and consequences of Simon’s modular approach to bounded rationality in economics pp. 708-732

- Enrico Petracca
- Chester Barnard’s systems-theoretic approach to organisation theory: a reconstruction pp. 733-752

- Vladislav Valentinov and Steffen Roth
- The part played by general equilibrium in the liquidity preference vs loanable funds episode (1936–1956) pp. 753-786

- Pascal Bridel
- Money in the debt relationship: notes on the medieval conceptualisation of money in Accursius and Bartolus of Sassoferrato pp. 787-810

- Tommaso Brollo
- Central bank independence, a not so new idea in the history of economic thought: a doctrine in the 1920s pp. 811-843

- Adriano Do Vale
- Jacques Lacan and game theory: an early contribution to common knowledge reasoning pp. 844-869

- Pierre Courtois and Tarik Tazdaït
- Roy Harrod pp. 870-873

- Mauro Boianovsky
- Towards an economics of natural equals. A documentary history of the early Virginia School pp. 873-875

- Alain Marciano
- Veblen: the making of an economist who unmade economics pp. 875-877

- Geoffrey Hodgson
- Democratising the economic debate. Pluralism and research evaluation pp. 877-880

- Maria Cristina Marcuzzo
- Paul Samuelson: Master of modern economics pp. 880-883

- Roger Backhouse
- Ricardo’s theory of growth and accumulation: a modern view pp. 883-886

- Ajit Sinha
- Max Weber, Praktische Nationalökonomie. Vorlesungen 1895–1899 pp. 886-888

- Keith Tribe
Volume 28, issue 4, 2021
- Fisher-Modigliani-Miller organisational finance theory and the financialisation of contemporary societies pp. 499-522

- Tiago Cardão-Pito
- The economist and the secret agent. Strategies to introduce the British model of society into Sicily of 1812.1 pp. 523-558

- Fabrizio Simon
- Why the kinked demand curve may still be useful pp. 559-576

- Gary M. Galles and Robert L. Sexton
- The 100% money proposal of the 1930s: an avatar of the Currency School’s reform ideas? pp. 577-598

- Samuel Demeulemeester
- Analysis risk and commercial risk: the first treatment of usury in Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on the Sentences pp. 599-634

- Pierre Januard
- Some notes on Gossen’s “submerged and forgotten” approach to consumption and time pp. 635-653

- Sergio Nisticò
- Andreas Andréadès: economic liberalism’s dilemmas in the interwar period pp. 654-678

- Yorgos Stassinopoulos
- F. A. Hayek and the epistemology of politics: the curious task of economics pp. 679-680

- Francesco Di Iorio
- Recharting the history of economic thought pp. 680-682

- Pavel Kuchař
- Expectations. Theory and applications from historical perspective pp. 683-684

- James Forder
- The Friedman-Lucas Transition in Macroeconomics: A Structuralist Approach pp. 684-687

- Sylvie Rivot
- Commerce and manners in Edmund Burke’s political economy pp. 687-689

- Biancamaria Fontana
- The first socialization debate (1918) and early efforts towards socialisation pp. 689-691

- Roberto Lampa
- Progress Through Regression: The Life Story of the Empirical Cobb-Douglas Production Function pp. 691-693

- Matthew T. Panhans
Volume 28, issue 3, 2021
- On “effectual demand” and the “extent of the market” in Adam Smith and David Ricardo pp. 305-323

- Alex Thomas
- An intellectual boost for Italy’s Europeanisation: the contribution of the influential think tanks Arel and Nomisma (1978–1993) pp. 324-351

- Luca Sandonà
- Keynes’s state planning: from Bolshevism to The General Theory pp. 352-374

- João Sicsú
- The Stockholm School in a new age – Erik Lundberg’s changing views of the Rehn-Meidner Model pp. 375-403

- Lennart Erixon
- Léon Walras and The Wealth of Nations: what did he really learn from Adam Smith? pp. 404-418

- Kayoko Misaki
- Institutions, economy and politics: the debate between Commons and North pp. 419-435

- Philippe Broda
- The dismal science down under: responses to Thomas Carlyle amongst Australasian Economists, c. 1880–1920 pp. 436-455

- Alexander Jordan
- Calculating without money. Theories of in-kind accounting of Alexander Chayanov, Otto Neurath and the early Soviet experiences pp. 456-477

- Eric Magnin and Nikolay Nenovsky
- The most Frischian among the Norwegian Economists pp. 478-482

- Ariane Dupont Kieffer
- The economics book: from Xenophon to Cryptocurrency, 250 milestones in the history of economics pp. 483-484

- Astrid Van den Bossche
- The betrayal of liberal economics pp. 485-489

- Richard Sturn
- A history of feminist and gender economics pp. 489-491

- Agnès Le Tollec
- Measuring utility. From the marginal revolution to behavioural economics pp. 492-493

- Thomas Müller
- Marginalism pp. 493-495

- Guy Numa
- Narrative economics: how stories go viral and drive major economic events pp. 496-497

- Roberto Romani
Volume 28, issue 2, 2021
- Maffeo Pantaleoni on labour exchange: bridge between neoclassicism and Fascism pp. 179-200

- Motohiro Okada
- Robert Torrens’ model of trade and growth: genesis and implications for the discovery of comparative advantage pp. 201-228

- Michael Gaul
- The economics of trade liberalization: Charles S. Peirce and the Spanish Treaty of 1884 pp. 229-248

- James Wible and Kevin D. Hoover
- Bent Hansen’s theory of inflation 19511 pp. 249-272

- Claes-Henric Siven
- How speculation became respectable: early theories on financial and commodity markets pp. 273-291

- Paolo Paesani and Annalisa Rosselli
- Economics and performativity. Exploring limits, theories and cases pp. 292-295

- Philippe Steiner
- Méditations sur l’économie politique pp. 295-297

- Keith Tribe
- The visionary realism of German economics: from the thirty years’ war to the cold war pp. 297-299

- Erik Grimmer-Solem
- Adam Smith. La découverte du capitalisme et de ses limites pp. 300-302

- Annalisa Rosselli
- A philosopher’s economist: Hume and rise of capitalism pp. 302-304

- Christopher J. Berry
Volume 28, issue 1, 2021
- A trilogy of debt. The emancipatory virtue of public debt in saint-simonian, liberal and socialist discourses in nineteenth century France (1825–1852) pp. 1-30

- Clément Coste
- Paul van Zeeland, a monetary economist between two worlds pp. 31-45

- Rebeca Gomez Betancourt and Ivo Maes
- New economic geography: history and debate pp. 46-82

- José Gaspar
- On the transmission of Keynes’ and Keynesian ideas in Brazil through Eugênio Gudin’s Principles of Monetary Economics pp. 83-102

- Victor Cruz e Silva, Marco Cavalieri and Marcelo Curado
- Sraffa on Marshall’s theory of value in the Cambridge lectures: achievements in an unfinished criticism pp. 103-125

- Attilio Trezzini
- Frank H. Knight on social values in economic consumption: an archival note pp. 126-141

- Luca Fiorito and Massimiliano Vatiero
- Smith’s Wealth of Nations and the economic past: setting the scene for economic history? pp. 142-163

- Manolis Manioudis and Dimitris Milonakis
- The Elgar companion to John Maynard Keynes pp. 164-168

- Carlo Cristiano
- The marginal revolutionaries: how Austrian economists fought the war of ideas pp. 168-170

- Erwin Dekker
- Monopoly power and competition. The Italian Marginalist perspective pp. 170-172

- Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay
- Histoire de la pensée économique pp. 172-175

- Till Düppe
- Neue Perspektiven Auf Die Politische Ökonomie von Karl Marx Und Friedrich Engels: Die Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Studien Zur Entwicklung Der Ökonomischen Theorie. Schriften Des Vereins Für Socialpolitik (SVS), Band 115/XXXIV pp. 175-177

- Bruno Höfig
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