Working Papers
From George Mason University, Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Shams Bahabib (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 1084: Learning and Acyclicity in the Market Game
- Arthur Dolgopolov and Cesar Martinelli
- 1083: Non-exclusive Group Contests: An Experimental Analysis
- Daniel Houser and Jian Song
- 1082: Costly Waiting in Dynamic Contests: Theory and Experiment
- Daniel Houser and Jian Song
- 1081: Asymmetric Shocks in Contests: Theory and Experiment
- Daniel Houser and Jian Song
- 1080: Economic Consequences of Mass Migration: The Venezuelan Exodus in Peru
- Cynthia Boruchowicz, Cesar Martinelli and Susan Parker
- 1079: Learning Language: An Experiment
- Daniel Houser and Yang Yang
- 1078: An Algebraic Approach to Revealed Preference
- Mikhail Freer and Cesar Martinelli
- 1077: Accountability and Grand Corruption
- Cesar Martinelli
- 1076: Swings, News, and Elections
- Saptarshi Ghosh, Nidhi Jain, Cesar Martinelli and Jaideep Roy
- 1075: Assignment Markets: Theory and Experiments
- Arthur Dolgopolov, Daniel Houser, Cesar Martinelli and Thomas Stratmann
- 1074: Business Drinking: Evidence from A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment
- Daniel Houser and Jianxin Wang
- 1073: Competition with Indivisibilities and Few Traders
- Cesar Martinelli, Jianxin Wang and Weiwei Zheng
- 1072: If Wages Fell During a Recession
- Joy Buchanan and Daniel Houser
- 1071: The Economic Legacy of General Velasco: Long-Term Consequences of Interventionism
- Cesar Martinelli and Marco Vega
- 1070: A Functional Approach to Revealed Preference
- Mikhail Freer and Cesar Martinelli
- 1069: Collective Experimentation: Optimal Exploration
- David Austen-Smith and Cesar Martinelli
- 1068: The Monetary and Fiscal History of Peru, 1960-2017
- Cesar Martinelli and Marco Vega
- 1067: Social Preferences and Social Curiosity
- Weiwei Tasch and Daniel Houser
- 1066: Collective Experimentation: A Laboratory Study
- Mikhail Freer, Cesar Martinelli and Siyu Wang
- 1065: Communication and Information in Games of Collective Decision: A Survey of Experimental Results
- Cesar Martinelli and Thomas R. Palfrey
- 1064: Revisiting Gender Differences in Ultimatum Bargaining: Experimental Evidence from the US and China
- Shuwen Li, Xiandong Qin and Daniel Houser
- 1063: Do Females Always Generate Small Bubbles? Experimental Evidence from U.S. and China
- Jianzin Wang, Daniel Houser and Hui Xu
- 1062: What if Wages Fell During a Recession?
- Joy A. Buchanan and Daniel Houser
- 1061: Smile, Dictator, You’re on Camera
- Joy A. Buchanan, Matthew K. McMahon, Matthew Simpson and Bart Wilson
- 1060: Delegating Altruism: Toward an Understanding of Agency in Charitable Giving
- Luigi Butera and Daniel Houser
- 1059: General Revealed Preferences
- Cesar Martinelli and Mikhail Freer
- 1058: Cheating and Incentives: Learning from a Policy Experiment
- Cesar Martinelli, Susan Parker, Ana Cristina PeÌ rez-Gea and Rodimiro Rodrigo
- 1057: Electoral Accountability and Responsive Democracy
- John Duggan and Cesar Martinelli
- 1056: The Political Economy of Dynamic Elections: A Survey and Some New Results
- John Duggan and Cesar Martinelli
- 1055: Political Economics of Broadcast Media
- Alejandro Castañeda and Cesar Martinelli
- 1054: Dishonesty: From Parents to Children
- Daniel Houser, John List, Marco Piovesan, Anya Samek and Joachim Winter
- 1053: Luck, Choice and Responsibility: An Experimental Study of Fairness Views
- Johanna Mollerstrom, Bjorn-Atle Reme and Erik Sørensen
- 1052: Demanding or Deferring? The Economic Value of Communication with Attitude
- Siyu Wang and Daniel Houser
- 1051: Matching with Quotas
- Mikhail Freer and Mariia Titova
- 1050: Richer (and Holier) than Thou? The Effect of Relative Income Improvements on Demand for Redistribution
- Mounir Karadja, Johanna Mollerstrom and David Seim
- 1049: Exploring Network Behavior Using Cluster Analysis
- Rong Rong and Daniel Houser
- 1048: Raising the Price of Talk: An Experimental Analysis of Transparent Leadership
- Daniel Houser, David Levy, Kail Padgitt, Sandra J. Peart and Erte Xiao
- 1047: A Field Study of Chinese Migrant Workers' Attitudes Toward Risks, Strategic Uncertainty, and Competitiveness
- Li Hao, Daniel Houser, Lei Mao and Marie Claire Villeval
- 1046: Deception in Networks: A Laboratory Study
- Rong Rong and Daniel Houser
- 1045: Beware of Popular Kids Bearing Gifts: A Framed Field Experiment
- Jingnan Chen, Daniel Houser, Natalia Montinari and Marco Piovesan
- 1044: An Experiment on Protecting Intellectual Property
- Joy Buchanan and Bart Wilson
- 1043: Sign Me Up! A Model and Field Experiment on Volunteering
- Erte Xiao and Daniel Houser
- 1042: The Construction of Morals
- Daniel Chen and Susan Yeh
- 1041: Good News, Bad News, and Social Image: The Market for Charitable Giving
- Luigi Butera and Jeffrey Horn
- 1040: Room Effects
- Marco Castillo, Greg Leo and Ragan Petrie
- 1039: Perceptions, Intentions, and Cheating
- Li Hao and Daniel Houser
- 1038: Promises and Lies: An Experiment on Detecting Deception
- Jingnan Chen and Daniel Houser
- 1037: Going Negative: The Persuasive Effect of Tone and Information on Campaign Fundraising and Voter Turnout
- Jared Barton, Marco Castillo and Ragan Petrie
- 1036: Cognitive Resource Depletion, Choice Consistency, and Risk Preferences
- Marco Castillo, David Dickinson and Ragan Petrie
- 1035: Growing Stars: A Laboratory Analysis of Network Formation
- Rong Rong and Daniel Houser
Papers sorted by number 1084 1034