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Research Memorandum

From Maastricht University, Maastricht Research School of Economics of Technology and Organization (METEOR)
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89: Consumers' trade-off between relationship, service package, and price: an empirical study in the car industry Downloads
G.J. Odekerken-Schröder, J. Ouwersloot, J.G.A.M. Lemmink and J. Semeijn
88: Web Service Retrieval by Structured Models Downloads
U. Guentzer, R.J. Müller, S. Muller and R.D. Schimkat
77: Investments In Consumer Relationships - A Critical Reassessment And Model Extension Downloads
Kristof de Wulf, G.J. Odekerken-Schröder and P. van Kenhove
70: Earnings management: the effects of national audit environment, audit quality and international capital markets Downloads
S.J. Maijoor and Ann Vanstraelen
69: Voluntary adoption of non-local GAAP in the European Union: a study of determinants Downloads
R.J.R. Cuijpers, W.F.J. Buijink and S.J. Maijoor
67: Independent opinions? Downloads
Franz Dietrich and K. Spiekermann
67: When greediness fails: examples from stochastic scheduling Downloads
M.J. Uetz
66: Epistemic democracy with defensible premises Downloads
Franz Dietrich and K. Spiekermann
66: An empirical analysis of limited recourse project finance Downloads
Stefanie Kleimeier and W.L. Megginson
65: Directed generosity and network formation: network dimension matters Downloads
Ben D'Exelle and Arno Riedl
64: Strategy-proof voting rules on a multidimensional policy space for a continuum of voters with elliptic preferences Downloads
Hans Peters, Souvik Roy and A.J.A. Storcken
64: The effect of decision weights in bargaining problems Downloads
Hans Peters and V. Koebberling
63: Competition and critical mass Downloads
J. Bos, Y.L. Chan, J.W. Kolari and J. Yuan
62: A preference foundation for constant loss aversion Downloads
Hans Peters
62: Backtesting value-at-risk: a GMM duration-based test Downloads
Bertrand Candelon, G. Colletaz, Christophe Hurlin and S. Tokpavi
62: Towards a single retail banking market?: new evidence from euroland Downloads
S. Kleimeier and Harald Sander
61: Local search performance guarantees for restricted related parallel machine scheduling Downloads
D. Recalde, C. Rutten, P. Schuurman and Tjark Vredeveld
61: The crime reducing effect of education Downloads
Stephen Machin, Olivier Marie and Sunčica Vujić
61: Contagion and causality: an empirical investigation of four Asian crisis episodes Downloads
Harald Sander and Stefanie Kleimeier
60: Bundling in exchange markets with indivisible goods Downloads
Bettina Klaus, Dinko Dimitrov and C.J. Haake
60: On the manipulability of approval voting and related scoring rules Downloads
Hans Peters, Souvik Roy and A.J.A. Storcken
60: European financial market integration: evidence on the emergence of a single Eurozone retail banking market Downloads
Stefanie Kleimeier and Harald Sander
60: Satisfaction with social contacts of older Europeans Downloads
Eric Bonsang and Arthur van Soest
59: The impact of need for social affiliation and consumer relationship proneness on behavioral intentions: an empirical study in a hairdresser's context Downloads
J.M.M. Bloemer, G.J. Odekerken-Schröder and L. Kestens
59: Satisfaction with job and income among older individuals across European countries Downloads
Eric Bonsang and Arthur van Soest
59: Nonlinear dynamics in Nasdaq dealer quotes Downloads
Bart Frijns and P.C. Schotman
59: Monotonicity and nash implementation in matching markets with contracts Downloads
C.J. Haake and Bettina Klaus
59: Strongly rational sets for normal-form games Downloads
Gilles Grandjean, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch
58: The psychology behind commitment and loyalty: an empirical study in a bank setting Downloads
J.M.M. Bloemer, G.J. Odekerken-Schröder and H. Martens
58: Why do low-educated workers invest less in further training? Downloads
Didier Fouarge, Trudie Schils and Andries de Grip
58: Leadership in a post-merger context: the importance of people skills over politics Downloads
M.G. Heijltjes and H. Velde ter
58: Monotonicity and nash implementation in matching markets with contracts Downloads
C.J. Haake and Bettina Klaus
58: A pure variation of risk in first-price auctions Downloads
Oliver Kirchkamp, J. Philipp Reiss and Abdolkarim Sadrieh
58: Why inflation targeting central banks seem to follow a standard Taylor rule Downloads
S. Kuehn and J. Muysken
57: Repeated games with voluntary information purchase Downloads
J. Flesch and A. Perea ý Monsuwé
57: The component fairness solution for cycle-free graph games Downloads
P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Gerard van der Laan and Adolphus Talman
57: Efficient coordination in weakest-link games Downloads
Arno Riedl, Ingrid Rohde and Martin Strobel
57: A reason-based theory of rational choice Downloads
Franz Dietrich and Christian List
57: Spurious regression in nonstationary panels with cross-unit cointegration Downloads
Jean-Pierre Urbain and Joakim Westerlund
57: Theory of the firm: bargaining and competitive equilibrium Downloads
V. Britz, P. Jean-Jacques Herings and Arkadi Predtetchinski
57: Experimental labor markets and policy considerations: incomplete contracts and macroeconomic aspects Downloads
Fortuna Casoria and Arno Riedl
57: Quid-pro-quo or winner-takes-it-all?: an analysis of corporate leniency programs and lessons to learn for EU and US policies Downloads
Eberhard Feess and Markus Walzl
56: Constraints and dedication as drivers for relationship commitment: an empirical study in a health-care context Downloads
G.J. Odekerken-Schröder and J.M.M. Bloemer
56: Optimal value commitment in bilateral bargaining Downloads
V. Britz
56: Weighted distances between preferences Downloads
Burak Can
56: Manipulation under k-approval scoring rules Downloads
Hans Peters, Souvik Roy and A.J.A. Storcken
56: Estimation and model selection of copulas with an application to exchange rates Downloads
H. Manner
56: The online target date assignment problem Downloads
S. Heinz, S.O. Krumke, N. Megow, J. Rambau, A. Tuscherer and T. Vredeveld
56: Lag length selection for unit root tests in the presence of nonstationary volatility Downloads
Giuseppe Cavaliere, Peter Phillips, Stephan Smeekes and Robert Taylor
56: Detrending bootstrap unit root tests Downloads
Stephan Smeekes
56: Testing for error correction in panel data Downloads
Joakim Westerlund
Page updated 2024-09-16
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