Details about Karl Aiginger
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Short-id: pai25
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Working Papers
- Greece as a bridge to the most vibrant region of the next decades
Department of Economics Working Paper Series, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Also in Department of Economics Working Papers, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Department of Economics (2019)
- Neue Anforderungen an Industrie- und Strukturpolitik
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO
- Europa zwischen Globalisierung und Renationalisierung
Department of Economics Working Paper Series, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business View citations (1)
Also in Department of Economics Working Papers, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Department of Economics (2017) View citations (1)
- Europe taking the lead in responsible globalisation
Economics Discussion Papers, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) View citations (4)
- Political Rebound Effects as Stumbling Blocks for Socio-ecological Transition
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO
- This Can Still Be Europe's Century
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (1)
- Industrial Policy for a Sustainable Growth Path
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (33)
- A New Strategy for the European Periphery
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (9)
- Stylized facts on the interaction between income distribution and the Great Recession
Economics Discussion Papers, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) View citations (9)
See also Journal Article Stylized Facts on the Interaction between Income Distribution and the Great Recession, Research in Applied Economics, Macrothink Institute (2014) View citations (2) (2014)
- The "Greening" of Industrial Policy, Headwinds and a Possible Symbiosis
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (6)
- What can the EMU's peripheral counties learn from regional growth?
MENDELU Working Papers in Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Business and Economics View citations (2)
- A Systemic Industrial Policy to Pave a New Growth Path for Europe
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (24)
- Sozialpolitik bei Budgetengpässen und Fiskalpakt
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO
- Why Labour Market Response Differed in the Great Recession: The Impact of Institutions and Policy
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (11)
See also Journal Article Why Labor Market Response Differed in the Great Recession: The Impact of Institutions and Policy, DANUBE: Law and Economics Review, European Association Comenius - EACO (2012) View citations (15) (2012)
- Why Performance Differed Across Countries in the Recent Crisis. How Country Performance in the Recent Crisis Depended on Pre-crisis Conditions
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (8)
- Budget Consolidation in a Difficult Environment – Ten Guidelines Plus a Preliminary Reality Check
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO
- Post Crisis Policy: Some Reflections of a Keynesian Economist
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (8)
- The Great Recession versus the Great Depression: stylized facts on siblings that were given different foster parents
Economics Discussion Papers, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) View citations (18)
- Industriepolitik in Österreich: von selektiver Intervention zu einem systemischen Ansatz?
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (3)
- Strengthening the Resilience of an Economy. Strategies to Prevent another Crisis
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (9)
- The Current Economic Crisis: Causes, Cures and Consequences
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (8)
- The Great Recession vs. the Great Depression. Stylised Facts on Siblings that Were Given Different Foster Parents
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (3)
See also Journal Article The Great Recession vs. the Great Depression: Stylized facts on siblings that were given different foster parents, Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal (2007-2020), Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) (2010) View citations (18) (2010)
- The Impact of Competition on Macroeconomic Performance
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (3)
See also Chapter The Impact of Competition on Macroeconomic Performance, Chapters, Edward Elgar Publishing (2008) View citations (1) (2008)
- Performance Differences in Europe: Tentative Hypotheses on the Role of Institutions
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (3)
- Reform Perspectives on Welfare State Models in Global Capitalism
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (6)
- The Swedish Economic Model
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (1)
- The European Socio-Economic Model. Differences to the USA and Changes over Time
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (9)
See also Book The European Socio-economic Model. Differences to the USA and Changes Over Time, WIFO Studies, WIFO (2005) View citations (7) (2005)
- Labour Market Reforms and Economic Growth. The European Experience in the Nineties
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (3)
- A Three Tier Strategy for Successful European Countries in the Nineties
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (7)
- Catching-up in Europe: The Experiences of Portugal, Spain and Greece in the Nineties
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO
- Insufficient investment into future growth: the forgotten cause of low growth in Germany
Economics working papers, Department of Economics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
- The Relative Importance of Labour Market Reforms to Economic Growth
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (4)
- Competitive Economic Performance: The European View
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (22)
- Competitive Economic Performance: USA versus EU
wiiw Research Reports, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw View citations (4)
- Do Industrial Structures Converge? A Survey on the Empirical Literature on Specialisation and Concentration of Industries
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (18)
- Product Quality, Cost Asymmetry and the Welfare Loss of Oligopoly
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO
See also Journal Article Product Quality, Cost Asymmetry and the Welfare Loss of Oligopoly, International Journal of the Economics of Business, Taylor & Francis Journals (1999) (1999)
- The Privatization Experiment in Austria
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (4)
See also Journal Article The Privatisation Experiment in Austria, Austrian Economic Quarterly, WIFO (1999) View citations (2) (1999)
- The Use of Game Theoretical Models for Structure Performance Research
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO View citations (1)
- East European Trade and the Austrian Labour Market
CEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers View citations (12)
- The Usefulness of Oligopoly Models for Explaining Firm Differences in Profitability
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO
- Collusion, Concentration and Profits. An Empirical Confrontation of an Old Story and a Supergame Implication
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO
- The Size of Firms and Economic Performance. Industrial Economics in between Renaissance of Small Firms and Merger-Mania
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO
- Errors and Omissions in the Treatment of Backlogged Orders in Management Science Literature
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO
- The Impact of Uncertainty on the Optimal Decision of Risk Neutral Firms
WIFO Working Papers, WIFO
Journal Articles
- Der Wirtschaftshistoriker des WIFO mit breiter Forschungsagenda – Felix Butschek zum 90. Geburtstag
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 2022, 95, (3), 149-150
- Populism: Root Causes, Power Grabbing and Counter Strategy
Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, 2020, 55, (1), 38-42 View citations (1)
- Rebirth of Industrial Policy and an Agenda for the Twenty-First Century
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2020, 20, (2), 189-207 View citations (81)
- Industriepolitik — ineffizienter staatlicher Eingriff oder zukunftsweisende Option?
(Industrial Policy — Inefficient State Intervention or Forward-looking Option?)
Wirtschaftsdienst, 2019, 99, (2), 87-105
- Martin Feldstein (1939–2019)
Empirica, 2019, 46, (4), 797-798
- Das Tempo wird erklärt, nicht die Richtung
(Explaining Speed But Not Direction — A Critical Evaluation of Two Important Contributions by Nobel Laureate Paul M. Romer)
Wirtschaftsdienst, 2018, 98, (11), 786-790
- Fostering a Dynamic and Stable Neighborhood for Europe
Review of Economics & Finance, 2018, 14, 39-54
- How a Strong Europe Could Create More National Scope of Action
Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, 2017, 52, (4), 242-246 View citations (1)
- Wettbewerbsfähigkeit: vom "gefährlichen" Schlagwort zum Zukunftskompass. Die ökonomische Forschung und der Beitrag des WIFO
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 2017, 90, (12), 947-953
- A New Strategy for Europe
Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, 2016, 51, (4), 185-194 View citations (1)
- A Strategy Change for Europe: Old Myths Versus New Roads
Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, 2016, 51, (1), 28-33
Also in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, 2016, 51, (1), 28-33 (2016)
- Europe’s Path Towards the Socio-Ecological Transition
Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, 2016, 51, (4), 184-184
- Industriepolitik 2.0
(Industrial Policy 2.0)
Wirtschaftsdienst, 2016, 96, (8), 595-602
- Österreich 2025: Eine Agenda für erhöhte Dynamik, sozialen Ausgleich und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 2016, 89, (8), 573-591
- Industriepolitik als Motor einer Qualitätsstrategie mit gesellschaftlicher Perspektive
WSI-Mitteilungen, 2015, 68, (7), 507-515 View citations (2)
- Restarting Growth in Europe
Applied Economics Quarterly (formerly: Konjunkturpolitik), 2014, 60, (3), 179-214 View citations (1)
- Stylized Facts on the Interaction between Income Distribution and the Great Recession
Research in Applied Economics, 2014, 6, (3), 157-178 View citations (2)
See also Working Paper Stylized facts on the interaction between income distribution and the Great Recession, Economics Discussion Papers (2013) View citations (9) (2013)
- A Southern Europe strategy based on vision and industrial policy
EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía, 2013, 82, (01), 127-168 View citations (4)
- Erfolgsstrategien für die europäische Peripherie. Erkenntnisse für Südeuropa aus der Regionalökonomie
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 2013, 86, (6), 509-521 View citations (8)
- 85 Jahre WIFO: Gedanken zu Geschichte und Zukunft des Institutes
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 2012, 85, (6), 497-510 View citations (1)
- Weg aus dem Schuldenhaushalt: Ist eine Tilgung der Staatsschulden möglich?
ifo Schnelldienst, 2012, 65, (05), 03-14
- Welfare, Wealth and Work for Europe – WWWforEurope: A New Development Strategy for Europe. Objective, Research Design and Project Consortium
Austrian Economic Quarterly, 2012, 17, (3), 224-230
- Welfare, Wealth and Work for Europe – WWWforEurope: Eine neue Entwicklungsstrategie für Europa. Zielsetzung des Projektes, Konzeption und Konsortium
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 2012, 85, (9), 699-705
- Why Labor Market Response Differed in the Great Recession: The Impact of Institutions and Policy
DANUBE: Law and Economics Review, 2012, (3), 1-19 View citations (15)
See also Working Paper Why Labour Market Response Differed in the Great Recession: The Impact of Institutions and Policy, WIFO Working Papers (2011) View citations (11) (2011)
- Consolidating the budget under difficult conditions — Ten guidelines viewed against Europe’s beginning consolidation programmes
Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, 2011, 46, (1), 36-42 View citations (1)
- Kurt Wilhelm Rothschild (1914–2010)
Empirica, 2011, 38, (1), 153-154
Revista Economica, 2011, 55, (2), 20-27 View citations (29)
- Why Growth Performance Differed across Countries in the Recent Crisis: the Impact of Pre-crisis Conditions
Review of Economics & Finance, 2011, 1, 35-52 View citations (26)
- Budgetkonsolidierung unter schwierigen Rahmenbedingungen – Zehn Leitlinien und erste Erfahrungen in der EU
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 2010, 83, (12), 941-954 View citations (2)
- Jan Stankovsky. Einem großen österreichischen Experten mit Visionen und internationalem Horizont zum 75. Geburtstag
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 2010, 83, (1), 115-116
- Optionen zur Konsolidierung der öffentlichen Haushalte in Österreich. Ausgangslage und Erfolgsbedingungen
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 2010, 83, (3), 219-232
- Options for the Consolidation of Public Budgets in Austria
Austrian Economic Quarterly, 2010, 15, (2), 184-197 View citations (1)
- The Great Recession vs. the Great Depression: Stylized facts on siblings that were given different foster parents
Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal (2007-2020), 2010, 4, 1-41 View citations (18)
See also Working Paper The Great Recession vs. the Great Depression. Stylised Facts on Siblings that Were Given Different Foster Parents, WIFO Working Papers (2009) View citations (3) (2009)
- Strengthening the resilience of an economy
Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, 2009, 44, (5), 309-316 View citations (11)
- Industrial Policy: A Dying Breed or A Re-emerging Phoenix
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2007, 7, (3), 297-323 View citations (59)
- Industrial Policy: Past, Diversity, Future; Introduction to the Special Issue on the Future of Industrial Policy
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2007, 7, (3), 143-146 View citations (12)
- Competitiveness: From a Dangerous Obsession to a Welfare Creating Ability with Positive Externalities
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2006, 6, (2), 161-177 View citations (82)
- Revisiting an Evasive Concept: Introduction to the Special Issue on Competitiveness
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2006, 6, (2), 63-66 View citations (20)
- Specialization and concentration: a note on theory and evidence
Empirica, 2006, 33, (4), 255-266 View citations (31)
- WIFO-Weißbuch: Mehr Beschäftigung durch Wachstum auf Basis von Innovation und Qualifikation
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 2006, 79, (11), 781-794 View citations (2)
- Editorial
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 2005, 78, (3), 135-137
- Explaining Differences in Economic Growth among OECD Countries
Empirica, 2005, 32, (1), 19-43 View citations (26)
- Helmut Kramer – Leiter des Österreichischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung 1981-2005
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 2005, 78, (6), 419-420
- Strategien zur Steigerung von Wachstum und Beschäftigung in Österreich
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 2005, 78, (6), 421-441
- Strategies for Higher Growth and Employment in Austria
Austrian Economic Quarterly, 2005, 10, (3), 93-113
- Industrial specialisation and geographic concentration: Two sides of the same coin? Not for the European Union
Journal of Applied Economics, 2004, 7, 231-248 View citations (71)
Also in Journal of Applied Economics, 2004, 07, (2), 18 (2004) View citations (61)
- Introduction to the Special Issue: Economic Agenda for the Twenty‐first Century
Review of International Economics, 2004, 12, (2), 175-177 View citations (1)
- The Economic Agenda: a View from Europe
Review of International Economics, 2004, 12, (2), 187-206 View citations (9)
- The Single Market and Geographic Concentration in Europe
Review of International Economics, 2004, 12, (1), 1-11 View citations (47)
- The three tier strategy followed by successful European countries in the 1990s
International Review of Applied Economics, 2004, 18, (4), 399-422 View citations (7)
- Can Innovation Explain the Increasing Growth Differences in the 1990s?
Austrian Economic Quarterly, 2002, 7, (3), 132-155
- Regional concentration in the United States and Europe: Who follows whom?
Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), 2002, 138, (4), 652-679 View citations (21)
- Do American and European Industrial Organization Economists Differ?
Review of Industrial Organization, 2001, 19, (4), 383-404 View citations (4)
- Measuring the Intensity of Quality Competition in Industries
Austrian Economic Quarterly, 2001, 6, (2), 73-101 View citations (8)
- Book reviews
Journal of Economics, 2000, 72, (1), 99-126
- Specialisation of European Manufacturing
Austrian Economic Quarterly, 2000, 5, (2), 81-92 View citations (21)
- Marktmacht im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1999, 72, (12), 797-809 View citations (5)
- Product Quality, Cost Asymmetry and the Welfare Loss of Oligopoly
International Journal of the Economics of Business, 1999, 6, (2), 165-180
See also Working Paper Product Quality, Cost Asymmetry and the Welfare Loss of Oligopoly, WIFO Working Papers (1997) (1997)
- The Privatisation Experiment in Austria
Austrian Economic Quarterly, 1999, 4, (4), 261-270 View citations (2)
See also Working Paper The Privatization Experiment in Austria, WIFO Working Papers (1997) View citations (4) (1997)
- A framework for evaluating the dynamic competitiveness of countries
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 1998, 9, (2), 159-188 View citations (34)
- Objectives, topics and methods in industrial organization during the nineties: Results from a survey
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 1998, 16, (6), 799-830 View citations (12)
- title{Does it Pay to be Flexible?
Review of Industrial Organization, 1998, 13, (5), 543-556 View citations (5)
- The Use of Unit Values to Discriminate between Price and Quality Competition
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1997, 21, (5), 571-92 View citations (108)
- Einfluß der neuen Industrieökonomie auf die Industriepolitik
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1996, 69, (7), 475-491
- Investitionen werden Aufschwung verlängern. Ergebnisse des WIFO-Investitionstests vom Frühjahr 1995
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1995, 68, (7), 470-481
- Investitionstätigkeit kommt in Schwung. Ergebnisse des WIFO-Investitionstests vom Herbst 1994
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1995, 68, (1), 31-41
- Investitionen springen mit Konjunkturbelebung an. Ergebnisse des Investitionstests vom Frühjahr 1994
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1994, 67, (7), 395-407
- Weiterhin zurückhaltende Investitionstätigkeit. Ergebnisse des Investitionstests vom Herbst 1993
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1994, 67, (1), 21-31
- Investitionskonjunktur bleibt schwach. Ergebnisse des Investitionstests vom Herbst 1992
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1993, 66, (1), 23-33
- Konjunkturabschwung schlägt auf Investitionen durch. Die Ergebnisse des Investitionstests vom Frühjahr 1993
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1993, 66, (7), 374-386
- Industrie stützt Investitionskonjunktur. Ergebnisse des Investitionstests vom Frühjahr 1992
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1992, 65, (7), 357-369
- Investitionskonjunktur hält weiter an. Ergebnisse des Investitionstests vom Frühjahr 1991
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1991, 64, (7), 400-411
- Wachstum der Investitionen hält an. Ergebnisse des Investitionstests vom Herbst 1990
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1991, 64, (1), 19-29
- Aus WIFO-Gutachten: Perspektiven der Nahrungsmittelerzeugung
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1990, 63, (9), 528-530
- Investitionen gewinnen an Schwung. Ergebnisse des Investitionstests vom Herbst 1989
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1990, 63, (1), 19-29
- Investitionskonjunktur weiter von der Industrie gestützt. Ergebnisse des Investitionstests vom Frühjahr 1990
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1990, 63, (7), 414-426
- Industrie stützt Belebung der Investitionskonjunktur. Ergebnisse des Investitionstests vom Frühjahr 1989
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1989, 62, (7), 459-473
- Investitionsbelebung noch uneinheitlich
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1989, 62, (1), 23-32
- Nachhaltige Belebung der Industriekonjunktur in Sicht
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1989, 62, (1), 33-36
- Der Fall Pöls - das Problem der relevanten Alternative bei der Entscheidung im Rahmen staatlicher Förderungen
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - WuG, 1987, 13, (1), 97-107
- Die Konkurrenzfähigkeit der österreichischen Wirtschaft
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1987, 60, (10), 599-618
- Die Entwicklung der österreichischen Aluminiumindustrie
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1986, 59, (10), 625-646
- Die Lagerhaltung in der österreichischen Wirtschaft
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1984, 57, (10), 588-617
- Die Top-Aktion. Eine neue Form der Investitionsförderung
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1982, 55, (10), 594-605 View citations (1)
- Die Selbstfinanzierungskraft der Industrie. Cash-Flow-Entwicklung 1956 bis 1979
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1980, 53, (1), 10-18
- Entwicklung des industriellen Cash-flows 1980
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1980, 53, (10), 535-542
- Unternehmensplanung in der österreichischen Industrie
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1980, 53, (8), 403-416
- Das Element "Vorsicht" in Zukunftsdaten
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1979, 52, (4), 167-184
- Konjunkturdiagnose durch Unternehmerbefragungen
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1977, 50, (8), 371-386 View citations (1)
- Selbstfinanzierung und Betriebsüberschuß der Industrie
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1976, 49, (10), 474-489
- Zum Rückschlag der Industrieproduktion 1975
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1975, 48, (11), 448-459
- Investitionspläne und Investitionen in der Industrie. Ursachen der Unterschätzungstendenz und ihre Korrektur für Prognosezwecke
WIFO Monatsberichte (monthly reports), 1973, 46, (7), 339-356
- FIW Policy Brief No. 29: Deficits and Strengths in Austrian Competitiveness. Applying a new concept and a European perspective
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (5)
- Making Ambitious Green Goals Compatible with Economic Dynamics by a Strategic Approach. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 30
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- New Dynamics for Europe: Reaping the Benefits of Socio-ecological Transition – Part I: Synthesis. WWWforEurope Deliverable No. 11
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (4)
- New Dynamics for Europe: Reaping the Benefits of Socio-ecological Transition. WWWforEurope Synthesis Report, Part I – Executive Summary
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (3)
- Activation as an Option for an Ageing Society
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Competitiveness of EU versus USA. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 29
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Neue Anforderungen an die Industrie-und Innovationspolitik in Österreich
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Regional Competitiveness Under New Perspectives. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 26
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (10)
- The Case for a New Policy Framework – Introduction
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- What Can We Learn About Labour Market Adjustment in Candidate Countries from Literature?
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (1)
- What do We Know About the New Economy?
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Industrial Policy for a Sustainable Growth Path. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 13
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (19)
- Moving Towards a New Growth Model. WWWforEurope Deliverable No. 3
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- The Europe 2020 Strategy at Midterm: Disappointing Assessment Calls for an Urgent Change Driven by Long-run Priorities. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 17
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (4)
- A New Strategy for the European Periphery. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 1
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (9)
- Competitiveness under New Perspectives. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 44
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (45)
- The "Greening" of Industrial Policy, Headwinds and a Possible Symbiosis. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 3
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (7)
- What Can the EMU's Peripheral Countries Learn From Regional Growth? WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 7
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (5)
- Policy Options for the Development of Peripheral Regions and Countries of Europe. WWWforEurope Policy Brief No. 2
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (22)
- Reconciling the Short and the Long Run: Governance Reforms to Solve the Crisis and Beyond. WWWforEurope Policy Brief No. 1
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (13)
- Zentralasien und Südkaukasus – Wirtschaftsentwicklung und Bedeutung für Österreichs Außenwirtschaft
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (4)
- Österreichs außenwirtschaftliche Beziehungen zur Schwarzmeerregion und deren wirtschaftliche Perspektiven. Update 2011
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Optionen zur Konsolidierung der öffentlichen Haushalte in Österreich
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (4)
- Optionen zur Konsolidierung der öffentlichen Haushalte in Österreich. Executive Summary
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (10)
- Options for the Consolidation of Government Budget in Austria. Executive Summary
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Österreichs außenwirtschaftliche Beziehungen zur Schwarzmeerregion und deren wirtschaftliche Perspektiven
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (5)
- Evaluation of Government Funding in RTDI from a Systems Perspective in Austria. Synthesis Report
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (18)
- Systemevaluierung der österreichischen Forschungsförderung und -finanzierung. Teilberichte
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (4)
- Ziele und Optionen der Steuerreform. Plädoyer für einen anspruchsvollen Ansatz
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (10)
- WIFO White Paper: Towards Higher Employment via Economic Growth Based on Innovation and Qualification. Summary
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (1)
- Zur Aussagekraft der PISA-2006-Ergebnisse: Chancen und Herausforderungen für den österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Teilstudie 10: Produktivitätssteigernde Infrastrukturinvestitionen
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (3)
- Teilstudie 11: Maßnahmen zur Belebung der privaten Inlandsnachfrage
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (3)
- Teilstudie 12: Wachstumsimpulse durch die öffentliche Hand
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (2)
- Teilstudie 13: Exporte von Waren und Dienstleistungen stärken die Nachfrage
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (7)
- Teilstudie 14: Aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Teilstudie 15: Arbeitsmarktflexibilität und soziale Absicherung
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (2)
- Teilstudie 16: Alternde Dienstleistungsgesellschaft
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Teilstudie 17: Wachstums- und Beschäftigungschancen im Tourismus
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Teilstudie 18: Elemente einer Wachstumspolitik für den ländlichen Raum
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (4)
- Teilstudie 19: Wettbewerb und Regulierung
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (11)
- Teilstudie 1: Determinanten des Wirtschaftswachstums im OECD-Raum
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Teilstudie 20: Neugründung und Entwicklung von Unternehmen
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (4)
- Teilstudie 21: Umweltpolitik als Teil einer Wachstumsstrategie
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (2)
- Teilstudie 22: Modellsimulationen ausgewählter wirtschaftspolitischer Maßnahmen
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (5)
- Teilstudie 2: Wachstum und Beschäftigung in Europa seit 1995
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (1)
- Teilstudie 3: Wachstum, Strukturwandel und Produktivität. Disaggregierte Wachstumsbeiträge für Österreich von 1990 bis 2004
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (1)
- Teilstudie 4: Europäische Wirtschaftspolitik: Binnenmarkt, WWU, Lissabon, Erweiterung
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Teilstudie 5: Der Einfluss der Finanz- und Kapitalmarktsysteme
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Teilstudie 6: Bevölkerungsentwicklung und Migration
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Teilstudie 7: Die Rolle des Staates
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (3)
- Teilstudie 8: Forschung und Innovation als Motor des Wachstums
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (4)
- Teilstudie 9: Aus- und Weiterbildung als Voraussetzung für Innovation
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (7)
- WIFO-Weißbuch: Mehr Beschäftigung durch Wachstum auf Basis von Innovation und Qualifikation. Zusammenfassung
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (6)
- Strategien zur Erhöhung von Wachstum und Beschäftigung in Österreich
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (2)
- The European Socio-economic Model. Differences to the USA and Changes Over Time
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (7)
See also Working Paper The European Socio-Economic Model. Differences to the USA and Changes over Time, WIFO Working Papers, WIFO (2005) View citations (9) (2005)
- Erste Evaluierung der makroökonomischen Effekte der Steuerreform 2004/05
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- An Age of Diminished Taxation?
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Competitiveness in the Science-Based Economy – The Irish Experience
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Eastern Enlargement: Some Basics
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Economic Policies – Old and New?
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Economic Policy Consulting: Some Personal Reflections
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Economic Policy Issues for the Next Decade
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Economic Policy for the 21st Century
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Economic and Social Policy in an Ageing Europe: Employment and Pensions
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Empirical Economic Research and Economic Policy Advice: Some Remarks
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Health not Wealth
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Institutional Aspects of EU Enlargement
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Institutions and Innovation in the European Union
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- International Tax Competition: A New Framework for Analysis
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (1)
- Optimal Path into the EMU: Big Bang or Gradualism?
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Political Economy in Economic Policy Advice
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Population Ageing – A Problem not a Crisis
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- The Case for Straightening Out Macroeconomic Policy in the European Union
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- The Development of Tax Structures in the EU Member States
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- The Future of Macroeconomic Policy in the European Union
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- The German Pension Reform – A Major Improvement on a PAYG System
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- The Public Policy Challenge of the New Economy
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Towards a Positive Equilibrium for Ageing Societies
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- What Future For The EC Budget?
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Wirtschaftspolitik zur Steigerung des Wirtschaftswachstums
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (5)
- Der Einfluss von Steuern und Förderungen auf Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Investitionsdynamik in Österreich
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (8)
- Steuerliche Anreize für Forschung und Entwicklung. Internationaler Vergleich und Reformvorschläge für Österreich
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Structural Change and Economic Growth
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (14)
- Strukturwandel und Wirtschaftswachstum. Die industriepolitische Bedeutung des österreichischen Struktur-Performance-Paradoxons
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (1)
- Marktmacht im Einzelhandel
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (4)
- Analyse des bestehenden Kooperationsgeschehens
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Industriestandort Steiermark
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Kooperationen in einem erweiterten Europa. Industrielle Mittelbetriebe im Transformationsprozeß der MOEL
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (5)
- Qualität und Defizite des Industriestandorts Österreich
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (13)
- Die qualitative Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der österreichischen Industrie
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Chancen und Gefährdungspotentiale der Ostöffnung. Konsequenzen für die österreichische Wirtschaft
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (1)
- Chancen und Gefährdungspotentiale der Ostöffnung: Konsequenzen für die österreichische Wirtschaft. Teil 1: Problemstellung und theoretische Betroffenheit
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Chancen und Gefährdungspotentiale der Ostöffnung: Konsequenzen für die österreichische Wirtschaft. Teil 2: Freihandelsabkommen, Unternehmerbefragung, Kostenvergleich
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Chancen und Gefährdungspotentiale der Ostöffnung: Konsequenzen für die österreichische Wirtschaft. Teil 3: Branchenuntersuchung und Zusammenfassung des Gesamtprojekts
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Perspektiven der Nahrungs- und Genußmittelerzeugung
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Perspektiven der Nahrungsmittelerzeugung
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Umweltabgaben und Steuerreform
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (1)
- Die gemeinsamen regionalen Sonderförderungsaktionen des Bundes und der Länder
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Effizienzprüfung der Top-Aktionen
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Volkswirtschaftliche Effekte der Steuerreform 1988
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Anhang: Auswirkungen einer Senkung der Lohn- bzw. Einkommensteuer auf die Gesamtwirtschaft
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Arbeitskosten und Produktivität als Determinanten der kostenbestimmten Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der österreichischen Industrie
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Das technologische Profil der österreichischen Wirtschaft im Spiegel des Außenhandels
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Der Strukturwandel im Energiebereich
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Der Verarbeitungsgrad der österreichischen Exporte
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Die Direktförderung der Industrie und des produzierenden Gewerbes in Österreich in den Jahren 1984 und 1985
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Die internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Österreichs. Österreichische Strukturberichterstattung – Kernbericht 1986
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Dienstleistungen und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Einleitung zum Kernbericht 1986
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Finanzierungsbedingungen als Komponente der österreichischen Wettbewerbsposition
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Inflation, Produktivität und Lohnsteigerungen. Ein Vergleich mit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Internationaler Industriestrukturvergleich
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Mittelfristige Wirtschaftsperspektiven Österreichs 1985 bis 1990
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Modelltheoretische Überlegungen zum Begriff der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Struktur- und Wettbewerbseffekte im Außenhandel: Österreich im internationalen Vergleich. Eine "Constant-Market-Share"-Analyse
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Strukturelle Wettbewerbsfähigkeit am Beispiel der österreichischen Elektroindustrie
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Technologische Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Österreichs
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Transportkosten als Wettbewerbskomponente der österreichischen Wirtschaft
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Verschiebungen der sektoralen, beruflichen und ausbildungsspezifischen Struktur der Arbeitskräfte in Österreich
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Zusammenfassende Wertung der Konkurrenzposition der österreichischen Wirtschaft
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Österreichs Export im internationalen Wettbewerb
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Weltwirtschaft und unternehmerische Strategien. Wirtschaftspolitik im Spannungsfeld zum Innovationsprozeß
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (1)
- Unternehmensorganisation und wirtschaftlicher Strukturwandel
WIFO Studies, WIFO View citations (1)
- Ziele, Instrumente und Effizienz der Investitionsförderung in Österreich
WIFO Studies, WIFO
- Regional competitiveness: connecting an old concept with new goals
Chapter 7 in Handbook of Regions and Competitiveness, 2017, pp 155-191 View citations (9)
- Globalization and Business - Innovation in a Borderless World Economy
A chapter in The Evaluation of the Finnish National Innovation System, 2009, pp 103-146 View citations (2)
- The Impact of Competition on Macroeconomic Performance
Chapter 14 in The Economics of Corporate Governance and Mergers, 2008 View citations (1)
See also Working Paper The Impact of Competition on Macroeconomic Performance, WIFO (2008) View citations (3) (2008)
- Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade
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