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Details about Fabian Lindner

Workplace:Fachbereich Wirtschafts- und Rechtwissenschaften (Department of Economics and Law), Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (Berlin University of Applied Sciences), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Fabian Lindner.

Last updated 2024-06-10. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pli851

Jump to Journal Articles

Working Papers


  1. Die Asset Meltdown Hypothese - ein kritischer Literaturueberblick
    IMK Studies, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads
  2. Nachhaltigkeit der Wirtschaftspolitik in Zeiten von Corona und Inflation
    IMK Studies, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads


  1. Nachhaltigkeit der Wirtschaftspolitik in der Corona-Krise
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads


  1. Das Neue Magische Viereck der Wirtschaftspolitik
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads


  1. Changes of the price level and the nominal exchange rate can have quite different impacts on the trade balance
    IMK Working Paper, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads


  1. The Role of nominal wages in trade and current account surpluses
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (11)
  2. Wie Nachhaltig ist Deutschland? Das Neue Magische Viereck der Wirtschaftspolitik 2008-2016
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads
  3. Zur Rolle der Nominallöhne für die Handels- und Leistungsbilanzüberschüsse
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Auf langsamer Fahrt
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads
  2. Deutsche Konjunktur trotz globaler Unsicherheit aufwärtsgerichtet
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (2)
  3. Did Scarce Global Savings Finance the US Real Estate Bubble? The “Global Saving Glut” thesis from a Stock Flow Consistent Perspective
    IMK Working Paper, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads
  4. Im Aufschwung - Prognose der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung 2015/2016
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads
  5. Inlandsnachfrage stabilisiert den Aufschwung
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads


  1. Binnennachfrage treibt den Aufschwung an - Prognose Update: Deutsche Konjunktur zue Jahresmitte 2014
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Der gefährdete Aufschwung - Prognose der Wirtschafzlichen Entwicklung 2014/2015
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (1)
  3. Deutschland im Aufschwung - Risiken bleiben
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (4)
  4. Privater Investitionsstau in Deutschland?
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (6)
  5. The Interaction of Mortgage Credit and Housing Prices in the US
    IMK Working Paper, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (7)
  6. The housing wealth effect on consumption reconsidered
    Economics Discussion Papers, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) Downloads View citations (2)
    Also in IMK Working Paper, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (2013) Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Banken treiben Eurokrise
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (14)
  2. Deutschland stagniert - Prognose-Update:Deutsche Konjunktur zur Jahresmitte 2013
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads
  3. Does Saving Increase the Supply of Credit? A Critique of Loanable Funds Theory
    IMK Working Paper, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (16)
    See also Journal Article Does Saving Increase the Supply of Credit? A Critique of Loanable Funds Theory, World Economic Review, World Economics Association (2015) Downloads View citations (12) (2015)
  4. Explaining the German Employment Miracle in the Great Recession – The Crucial Role of Temporary Working Time Reductions
    IMK Working Paper, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (15)
  5. Is the supply side all that counts?
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (4)
  6. Krise überwunden? Prognose der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung 2013/2014
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (2)
  7. Nur das Angebot zählt?
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (7)
  8. Zögerliche Konjunkturbelebung - Deutsche Konjunktur zur Jahreswende 2013/2014
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads


  1. Auf Messers Schneide - Prognose der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung 2013
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads
  2. Auf schwankendem Grund - Prognose-Update: Deutsche Konjunktur zur Jahresmitte 2012
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads
  3. Im Sog der Krise
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (1)
  4. Quo vadis Krise? Zwischenbilanz und Konzept für einen stabilen Euroraum
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (7)
  5. Saving does not finance Investment: Accounting as an indispensableguide to economic theory
    IMK Working Paper, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (5)
  6. Where now for the euro area crisis? Interim assessment and a model for a stable euro area
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Schuldenschnitt für Griechenland - ein gefährlicher Irrweg für den Euroraum
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (4)
  2. Voraussetzungen einer erfolgreichen Konsolidierung Griechenlands
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (3)


  1. De la crise au miracle?
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads
  2. From a source of weakness to a tower of strength?
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (3)
  3. Vom Krisenherd zum Wunderwerk?
    IMK Report, IMK at the Hans Boeckler Foundation, Macroeconomic Policy Institute Downloads View citations (12)

Journal Articles


  1. Kein Wachstum ist auch keine Lösung: Eine Kritik an Degrowth- und Postwachstumsansätzen
    Wirtschaftsdienst, 2023, 103, (8), 564-569 Downloads


  1. Insolvenzregime für Staaten: ein gefährlicher Irrweg für den Euroraum
    (Insolvency Regime for States: A Dangerous Path for the Euro Area)
    Wirtschaftsdienst, 2019, 99, (2), 133-140 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Dringend gebraucht — aktive Wirtschaftspolitik, um Außenhandelsüberschüsse abzubauen
    (Why Germany Needs an Active Economic Policy to Reduce Its Foreign Trade Deficit)
    Wirtschaftsdienst, 2018, 98, (9), 644-650 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. The German employment miracle in the Great Recession: the significance and institutional foundations of temporary working-time reductions
    Oxford Economic Papers, 2018, 70, (1), 206-224 Downloads View citations (13)


  1. A third era of credit theory? Endogenous money from Wolfgang Stützel's balance mechanics perspective
    European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 2017, 14, (1), 13-22 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Der deutsche Leistungsbilanzüberschuss — Fluch oder Segen?
    (German Current Account Surplus — Bane or Boon?)
    Wirtschaftsdienst, 2016, 96, (11), 787-805 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Does Saving Increase the Supply of Credit? A Critique of Loanable Funds Theory
    World Economic Review, 2015, 2015, (4), 1 Downloads View citations (12)
    See also Working Paper Does Saving Increase the Supply of Credit? A Critique of Loanable Funds Theory, IMK Working Paper (2013) Downloads View citations (16) (2013)
  2. Wege zur Finanzierung der öffentlichen Infrastruktur
    Wirtschaftsdienst, 2015, 95, (7), 447-467 Downloads


  1. Haben die knappen Weltersparnisse die US-Immobilienblase finanziert?
    Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - WuG, 2014, 40, (1), 33-61 Downloads


  1. Can Germany be an Example for the Crisis Countries?
    Economia & lavoro, 2013, (3), 151-162 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Investition in die Zukunft? Zur Entwicklung des deutschen Auslandsvermögens
    Wirtschaftsdienst, 2013, 93, (3), 189-197 Downloads View citations (8)
Page updated 2024-10-31