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Energy Economics

1979 - 2025

Continuation of Journal of Energy Finance & Development.

Current editor(s): R. S. J. Tol, Beng Ang, Lance Bachmeier, Perry Sadorsky, Ugur Soytas and J. P. Weyant

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Volume 35, issue C, 2013

A stochastic fuel switching model for electricity prices pp. 5-13 Downloads
Georg Zachmann
Free EUAs and fuel switching pp. 14-21 Downloads
Paolo Falbo, Daniele Felletti and Silvana Stefani
The case of negative day-ahead electricity prices pp. 22-34 Downloads
Enzo Fanone, Andrea Gamba and Marcel Prokopczuk
A Mixed Integer Linear Programming model of a zonal electricity market with a dominant producer pp. 35-41 Downloads
Maria Teresa Vespucci, Mario Innorta and Guido Cervigni
Exogenous oil shocks, fiscal policies and sector reallocations in oil producing countries pp. 42-57 Downloads
Alessandro Cologni and Matteo Manera
Modeling and valuing make-up clauses in gas swing contracts pp. 58-73 Downloads
Enrico Edoli, Stefano Fiorenzani, Samuele Ravelli and Tiziano Vargiolu
Combining day-ahead forecasts for British electricity prices pp. 88-103 Downloads
Silvano Bordignon, Derek W. Bunn, Francesco Lisi and Fany Nan

Volume 34, issue S3, 2012

The role of Asia in mitigating climate change: Results from the Asia modeling exercise pp. S251-S260 Downloads
Katherine Calvin, Leon Clarke, Volker Krey, Geoffrey Blanford, Kejun Jiang, Mikiko Kainuma, Elmar Kriegler, Gunnar Luderer and P.R. Shukla
What are the starting points? Evaluating base-year assumptions in the Asian Modeling Exercise pp. S261-S271 Downloads
Vaibhav Chaturvedi, Stephanie Waldhoff, Leon Clarke and Shinichiro Fujimori
Urban and rural energy use and carbon dioxide emissions in Asia pp. S272-S283 Downloads
Volker Krey, Brian C. O'Neill, Bas van Ruijven, Vaibhav Chaturvedi, Vassilis Daioglou, Jiyong Eom, Leiwen Jiang, Yu Nagai, Shonali Pachauri and Xiaolin Ren
Baseline projections of energy and emissions in Asia pp. S284-S292 Downloads
Geoffrey J. Blanford, Steven K. Rose and Massimo Tavoni
Regional energy system variation in global models: Results from the Asian Modeling Exercise scenarios pp. S293-S305 Downloads
Leon Clarke, Volker Krey, John Weyant and Vaibhav Chaturvedi
Comparing model results to national climate policy goals: Results from the Asia modeling exercise pp. S306-S315 Downloads
Katherine Calvin, Allen Fawcett and Jiang Kejun
Framing and modeling of a low carbon society: An overview pp. S316-S324 Downloads
Mikiko Kainuma, Priyadarshi R. Shukla and Kejun Jiang
Exploring the future role of Asia utilizing a Scenario Matrix Architecture and Shared Socio-economic Pathways pp. S325-S338 Downloads
Jiyong Eom, Kate Calvin, Leon Clarke, Jae Edmonds, Sonny Kim, Robert Kopp, Page Kyle, Patrick Luckow, Richard Moss, Pralit Patel and Marshall Wise
The effect of urbanization on energy use in India and China in the iPETS model pp. S339-S345 Downloads
Brian C. O'Neill, Xiaolin Ren, Leiwen Jiang and Michael Dalton
GHG emission scenarios in Asia and the world: The key technologies for significant reduction pp. S346-S358 Downloads
Osamu Akashi, Yasuaki Hijioka, Toshihiko Masui, Tatsuya Hanaoka and Mikiko Kainuma
Decomposing the impact of alternative technology sets on future carbon emissions growth pp. S359-S365 Downloads
Karen Fisher-Vanden, Kathryn Schu, Ian Sue Wing and Katherine Calvin
Climate mitigation under an uncertain technology future: A TIAM-World analysis pp. S366-S377 Downloads
Maryse Labriet, Amit Kanudia and Richard Loulou
Asia's role in mitigating climate change: A technology and sector specific analysis with ReMIND-R pp. S378-S390 Downloads
Gunnar Luderer, Robert C. Pietzcker, Elmar Kriegler, Markus Haller and Nico Bauer
Assessment of GHG emission reduction pathways in a society without carbon capture and nuclear technologies pp. S391-S398 Downloads
Azusa Okagawa, Toshihiko Masui, Osamu Akashi, Yasuaki Hijioka, Kenichi Matsumoto and Mikiko Kainuma
Development and deployment of clean electricity technologies in Asia: A multi-scenario analysis using GTEM pp. S399-S409 Downloads
Raymond Mi, Helal Ahammad, Nina Hitchins and Edwina Heyhoe
The impact of residential, commercial, and transport energy demand uncertainties in Asia on climate change mitigation pp. S410-S420 Downloads
Tiina Koljonen and Antti Lehtilä
An assessment of the potentials of nuclear power and carbon capture and storage in the long-term global warming mitigation options based on Asian Modeling Exercise scenarios pp. S421-S428 Downloads
Shunsuke Mori
The benefit from reduced energy import bills and the importance of energy prices in GHG reduction scenarios pp. S429-S435 Downloads
Paul Dowling and Peter Russ
A developing Asia emission trading scheme (Asia ETS) pp. S436-S443 Downloads
Emanuele Massetti and Massimo Tavoni
The role of China in mitigating climate change pp. S444-S450 Downloads
Sergey Paltsev, Jennifer Morris, Yongxia Cai, Valerie Karplus and Henry Jacoby
Economic analysis of a low carbon path to 2050: A case for China, India and Japan pp. S451-S458 Downloads
Bert Saveyn, Leonidas Paroussos and Juan-Carlos Ciscar
Implications of greenhouse gas emission mitigation scenarios for the main Asian regions pp. S459-S469 Downloads
Bas van Ruijven, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Jasper van Vliet, Angelica Mendoza Beltran, Sebastiaan Deetman and Michel G.J. den Elzen
Synergies in the Asian energy system: Climate change, energy security, energy access and air pollution pp. S470-S480 Downloads
Oscar van Vliet, Volker Krey, David McCollum, Shonali Pachauri, Yu Nagai, Shilpa Rao and Keywan Riahi
Assessment of Copenhagen pledges with long-term implications pp. S481-S486 Downloads
Kenichi Wada, Fuminori Sano, Keigo Akimoto and Takashi Homma
Low carbon and clean energy scenarios for India: Analysis of targets approach pp. S487-S495 Downloads
Priyadarshi R. Shukla and Vaibhav Chaturvedi
Combining carbon tax and R&D subsidy for climate change mitigation pp. S496-S502 Downloads
Jong-Soo Lim and Yong-Gun Kim
Benefits of low carbon development in a developing country: Case of Nepal pp. S503-S512 Downloads
Ram M. Shrestha and Shree Raj Shakya

Volume 34, issue S2, 2012

The role of border carbon adjustment in unilateral climate policy: Overview of an Energy Modeling Forum study (EMF 29) pp. S97-S110 Downloads
Christoph Böhringer, Edward Balistreri and Thomas F. Rutherford
Estimating carbon leakage and the efficiency of border adjustments in general equilibrium — Does sectoral aggregation matter? pp. S111-S126 Downloads
Justin Caron
The value-added of sectoral disaggregation: Implications on competitive consequences of climate change policies pp. S127-S142 Downloads
Victoria Alexeeva-Talebi, Christoph Böhringer, Andreas Löschel and Sebastian Voigt
Alternative designs for tariffs on embodied carbon: A global cost-effectiveness analysis pp. S143-S153 Downloads
Christoph Böhringer, Brita Bye, Taran Fæhn and Knut Einar Rosendahl
Border tax adjustments in the climate policy context: CO2 versus broad-based GHG emission targeting pp. S154-S167 Downloads
Madanmohan Ghosh, Deming Luo, Muhammad Shahid Siddiqui and Yunfa Zhu
The relevance of process emissions for carbon leakage: A comparison of unilateral climate policy options with and without border carbon adjustment pp. S168-S180 Downloads
Birgit Bednar-Friedl, Thomas Schinko and Karl W. Steininger
Fossil fuel supply, leakage and the effectiveness of border measures in climate policy pp. S181-S189 Downloads
Stefan Boeters and Johannes Bollen
Subglobal carbon policy and the competitive selection of heterogeneous firms pp. S190-S197 Downloads
Edward Balistreri and Thomas F. Rutherford
Fair, optimal or detrimental? Environmental vs. strategic use of border carbon adjustment pp. S198-S207 Downloads
Matthias Weitzel, Michael Hübler and Sonja Peterson
Unilateral climate policy design: Efficiency and equity implications of alternative instruments to reduce carbon leakage pp. S208-S217 Downloads
Christoph Böhringer, Jared Carbone and Thomas F. Rutherford
Climate policy and fiscal constraints: Do tax interactions outweigh carbon leakage? pp. S218-S227 Downloads
Carolyn Fischer and Alan Fox
A look inwards: Carbon tariffs versus internal improvements in emissions-trading systems pp. S228-S239 Downloads
Marco Springmann
Alternative approaches for levelling carbon prices in a world with fragmented carbon markets pp. S240-S250 Downloads
Elisa Lanzi, Jean Chateau and Rob Dellink

Volume 34, issue S1, 2012

From “Green Growth” to sound policies: An overview pp. S2-S6 Downloads
Richard Schmalensee
Energy and technology lessons since Rio pp. S7-S14 Downloads
James Edmonds, Katherine Calvin, Leon Clarke, Page Kyle and Marshall Wise
Investments and public finance in a green, low carbon, economy pp. S15-S28 Downloads
Carlo Carraro, Alice Favero and Emanuele Massetti
Financing for climate change pp. S29-S33 Downloads
Richard N. Cooper
Clean energy: Revisiting the challenges of industrial policy pp. S34-S42 Downloads
Adele C. Morris, Pietro S. Nivola and Charles L. Schultze
The elusive and expensive green job pp. S43-S52 Downloads
Diana Furchtgott-Roth
The potential role of carbon labeling in a green economy pp. S53-S63 Downloads
Mark Cohen and Michael P. Vandenbergh
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through operations and supply chain management pp. S64-S74 Downloads
Erica L. Plambeck
Greening Africa? Technologies, endowments and the latecomer effect pp. S75-S84 Downloads
Paul Collier and Anthony Venables
Green growth and the efficient use of natural resources pp. S85-S93 Downloads
John Reilly

Volume 34, issue 6, 2012

Ex post analysis of economic impacts from wind power development in U.S. counties pp. 1743-1754 Downloads
Jason Brown, John Pender, Ryan Wiser, Eric Lantz and Ben Hoen
Testing and estimating time-varying elasticities of Swiss gasoline demand pp. 1755-1762 Downloads
David Neto
Evaluating the relative strength of product-specific factors in fuel switching and stove choice decisions in Ethiopia. A discrete choice model of household preferences for clean cooking alternatives pp. 1763-1773 Downloads
Takeshi Takama, Stanzin Tsephel and Francis X. Johnson
Why do electricity prices jump? Empirical evidence from the Nordic electricity market pp. 1774-1781 Downloads
Jörgen Hellström, Jens Lundgren and Haishan Yu
Retesting the causality between energy consumption and GDP in China: Evidence from sectoral and regional analyses using dynamic panel data pp. 1782-1789 Downloads
Chuanguo Zhang and Jiao Xu
Internal, external and location factors influencing cofiring of biomass with coal in the U.S. northern region pp. 1790-1798 Downloads
Francisco Aguilar, Michael E. Goerndt, Nianfu Song and Stephen Shifley
The effect of the financial sector on the evolution of oil prices: Analysis of the contribution of the futures market to the price discovery process in the WTI spot market pp. 1799-1808 Downloads
Renan Silvério and Alexandre Szklo
Realized volatility and price spikes in electricity markets: The importance of observation frequency pp. 1809-1818 Downloads
Carl J. Ullrich
The importance of energy quality in energy intensive manufacturing: Evidence from panel cointegration and panel FMOLS pp. 1819-1825 Downloads
Brantley Liddle
Forecasting spot price volatility using the short-term forward curve pp. 1826-1833 Downloads
Erik Haugom and Carl J. Ullrich
The changing demand for energy in rich and poor countries over 25years pp. 1834-1844 Downloads
James L. Seale and Alexis A. Solano
The case for repeatable analysis with energy economy optimization models pp. 1845-1853 Downloads
Joseph F. DeCarolis, Kevin Hunter and Sarat Sreepathi
DEA environmental assessment of coal fired power plants: Methodological comparison between radial and non-radial models pp. 1854-1863 Downloads
Toshiyuki Sueyoshi and Mika Goto
Income inequality and carbon dioxide emissions: The case of Chinese urban households pp. 1864-1872 Downloads
Jane Golley and Xin Meng
Cost probability analysis of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel in the US pp. 1873-1881 Downloads
G.D. Recktenwald and M.R. Deinert
Cross-country convergence in energy and electricity consumption, 1971–2007 pp. 1882-1887 Downloads
Hassan Mohammadi and Rati Ram
Oil shocks and their impact on energy related stocks in China pp. 1888-1895 Downloads
David Broadstock, Hong Cao and Dayong Zhang
On the volatility–volume relationship in energy futures markets using intraday data pp. 1896-1909 Downloads
Julien Chevallier and Benoît Sévi
Structural change and convergence of energy intensity across OECD countries, 1970–2005 pp. 1910-1921 Downloads
Peter Mulder and Henri de Groot
Biofuels and economic development: A computable general equilibrium analysis for Tanzania pp. 1922-1930 Downloads
Channing Arndt, Karl Pauw and James Thurlow
Market efficiency and risk premia in short-term forward prices pp. 1931-1941 Downloads
Erik Haugom and Carl J. Ullrich
Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth relationship revisited: Evidence from G7 countries pp. 1942-1950 Downloads
Can Tugcu, Ilhan Ozturk and Alper Aslan
Oil prices and stock market in China: A sector analysis using panel cointegration with multiple breaks pp. 1951-1958 Downloads
Su-Fang Li, Hui-Ming Zhu and Keming Yu
Ancillary services in systems with high penetrations of renewable energy sources, the case of ramping pp. 1959-1971 Downloads
Alberto Lamadrid and Tim Mount
Household energy choices and fuelwood consumption: An econometric approach using French data pp. 1972-1981 Downloads
Stéphane Couture, Serge Garcia and Arnaud Reynaud
The challenging economics of energy security: Ensuring energy benefits in support to sustainable development pp. 1982-1989 Downloads
Helcio Blum and Luiz F.L. Legey
Asymmetric adjustments in the ethanol and grains markets pp. 1990-2002 Downloads
Chia-Lin Chang, Li-Hsueh Chen, Shawkat Hammoudeh and Michael McAleer
Pass-through of wholesale price to the end user retail price in the Norwegian electricity market pp. 2003-2012 Downloads
Faisal Mirza and Olvar Bergland
Prices or politics? The influence of markets and political party changes on oil and gas development in the United States pp. 2013-2020 Downloads
Karen Maguire
Considering macroeconomic indicators in the food before fuel nexus pp. 2021-2028 Downloads
Cheng Qiu, Gregory Colson, Cesar Escalante and Michael Wetzstein
The effect of the Fukushima nuclear accident on stock prices of electric power utilities in Japan pp. 2029-2038 Downloads
Shingo Kawashima and Fumiko Takeda
The impact of regulation on pricing behavior in the Spanish electricity market (2002–2005) pp. 2039-2045 Downloads
Aitor Ciarreta Antuñano and Maria Paz Espinosa
Strategic bidding in vertically integrated power markets with an application to the Italian electricity auctions pp. 2046-2057 Downloads
Bruno Bosco, Lucia Parisio and Matteo Pelagatti
Price and volatility dynamics between electricity and fuel costs: Some evidence for Spain pp. 2058-2065 Downloads
Dolores Furió and Helena Chuliá
Testing for price response asymmetries in the Spanish fuel market. New evidence from daily data pp. 2066-2071 Downloads
Jacint Balaguer and Jordi Ripollés
Is it in China's interest to implement an export carbon tax? pp. 2072-2080 Downloads
Ji Feng Li, Xin Wang and Ya Xiong Zhang
Towards a low-carbon economy: Coping with technological bifurcations with a carbon tax pp. 2081-2088 Downloads
Chunjie Chi, Tieju Ma and Bing Zhu
The economics of planning electricity transmission to accommodate renewables: Using two-stage optimisation to evaluate flexibility and the cost of disregarding uncertainty pp. 2089-2101 Downloads
Adriaan van der Weijde and Benjamin F. Hobbs
Distributional effects of carbon taxes: The case of Mexico pp. 2102-2115 Downloads
Fidel Gonzalez
Analysis of U.S. residential wood energy consumption: 1967–2009 pp. 2116-2124 Downloads
Nianfu Song, Francisco Aguilar, Stephen R. Shifley and Michael E. Goerndt
Volatility transmission and volatility impulse response functions in crude oil markets pp. 2125-2134 Downloads
Xiaoye Jin, Sharon Xiaowen Lin and Michael Tamvakis
The role of the trade channel in the propagation of oil supply shocks pp. 2135-2147 Downloads
Alessandro Maravalle
Threshold cointegration and nonlinear adjustment between CO2 and income: The Environmental Kuznets Curve in Spain, 1857–2007 pp. 2148-2156 Downloads
Vicente Esteve and Cecilio Tamarit
How market efficiency and the theory of storage link corn and ethanol markets pp. 2157-2166 Downloads
Mindy Mallory, Scott Irwin and Dermot Hayes
Forecasting energy market volatility using GARCH models: Can multivariate models beat univariate models? pp. 2167-2181 Downloads
Yudong Wang and Chongfeng Wu
Cointegration and causal relationships between energy consumption and output: Assessing the evidence from Australia pp. 2182-2188 Downloads
Md Shahiduzzaman and Khorshed Alam
Stochastic semi-nonparametric frontier estimation of electricity distribution networks: Application of the StoNED method in the Finnish regulatory model pp. 2189-2199 Downloads
Timo Kuosmanen
Modeling international trends in energy efficiency pp. 2200-2208 Downloads
David Stern
Energy efficiency policy in a non-cooperative world pp. 2209-2215 Downloads
Philippe Barla and Stef Proost
Managing the financial risks of electricity producers using options pp. 2216-2227 Downloads
S. Pineda and A.J. Conejo
Forecasting Italian electricity zonal prices with exogenous variables pp. 2228-2239 Downloads
Angelica Gianfreda and Luigi Grossi
Returns to scale and damages to scale on U.S. fossil fuel power plants: Radial and non-radial approaches for DEA environmental assessment pp. 2240-2259 Downloads
Toshiyuki Sueyoshi and Mika Goto

Volume 34, issue 5, 2012

Gas release and transport capacity investment as instruments to foster competition in gas markets pp. 1251-1258 Downloads
Corinne Chaton, Farid Gasmi, Marie-Laure Guillerminet and Juan-Daniel Oviedo
Inter-technology knowledge spillovers for energy technologies pp. 1259-1270 Downloads
Gregory Nemet
Homeowners' preferences for adopting innovative residential heating systems: A discrete choice analysis for Germany pp. 1271-1283 Downloads
Carl Michelsen and Reinhard Madlener
Oil price movements and stock markets revisited: A case of sector stock price indexes in the G-7 countries pp. 1284-1300 Downloads
Bi-Juan Lee, Chin Wei Yang and Bwo-Nung Huang
Cross hedging jet-fuel price exposure pp. 1301-1309 Downloads
Zeno Adams and Mathias Gerner
A characterization of oil price behavior — Evidence from jump models pp. 1310-1317 Downloads
Marc Gronwald
The cost of providing electricity to Africa pp. 1318-1328 Downloads
Orvika Rosnes and Haakon Vennemo
Pricing emission permits in the absence of abatement pp. 1329-1340 Downloads
Beat Hintermann
Liquidity and dirty hedging in the Nordic electricity market pp. 1341-1355 Downloads
Dennis Frestad
Evaluating the application of different pricing regimes and low carbon investments in the European electricity market pp. 1356-1369 Downloads
Giorgia Oggioni and Yves Smeers
Oil price shocks and transportation firm asset prices pp. 1370-1379 Downloads
Raj Aggarwal, Aigbe Akhigbe and Sunil K. Mohanty
Correlations between biofuels and related commodities before and during the food crisis: A taxonomy perspective pp. 1380-1391 Downloads
Ladislav Krištoufek, Karel Janda and David Zilberman
Decomposition of the environmental inefficiency of the meta-frontier with undesirable output pp. 1392-1399 Downloads
Ching-Ren Chiu, Je-Liang Liou, Pei-Ing Wu and Chen-Ling Fang
The effect of ethanol listing on corn prices: Evidence from spot and futures markets pp. 1400-1406 Downloads
Riza Demirer, Ali Kutan and Fanglin Shen
Global warming and electricity demand in the rapidly growing city of Delhi: A semi-parametric variable coefficient approach pp. 1407-1421 Downloads
Eshita Gupta
Returns to Scale and Damages to Scale with Strong Complementary Slackness Conditions in DEA Assessment: Japanese Corporate Effort on Environment Protection pp. 1422-1434 Downloads
Toshiyuki Sueyoshi and Mika Goto
Measuring contagion between energy market and stock market during financial crisis: A copula approach pp. 1435-1446 Downloads
Xiaoqian Wen, Yu Wei and Dengshi Huang
Jump spillovers in energy futures markets: Implications for diversification benefits pp. 1447-1464 Downloads
Qingfu Liu and Anthony H. Tu
The Arctic: No big bonanza for the global petroleum industry pp. 1465-1474 Downloads
Lars Lindholt and Solveig Glomsrød
Accounting for household heterogeneity in general equilibrium economic growth models pp. 1475-1483 Downloads
N.B. Melnikov, B.C. O'Neill and M.G. Dalton
US residential energy demand and energy efficiency: A stochastic demand frontier approach pp. 1484-1491 Downloads
Massimo Filippini and Lester C. Hunt
Technical efficiency, shadow price of carbon dioxide emissions, and substitutability for energy in the Chinese manufacturing industries pp. 1492-1497 Downloads
Myunghun Lee and Ning Zhang
Estimating the marginal cost of quality improvements: The case of the UK electricity distribution companies pp. 1498-1506 Downloads
Tooraj Jamasb, Luis Orea and Michael Pollitt
Non-parametric and parametric modeling of biodiesel, sunflower oil, and crude oil price relationships pp. 1507-1513 Downloads
Islam Hassouneh, Teresa Serra, Barry Goodwin and José M. Gil
Rising household diesel consumption in the United States: A cause for concern? Evidence on asymmetric pricing pp. 1514-1522 Downloads
Jack Fosten
Stochastic carbon sinks for combating carbon dioxide emissions in the EU pp. 1523-1531 Downloads
Ing-Marie Gren, Mattias Carlsson, Katarina Elofsson and Miriam Munnich
Cross-country differences in the effects of oil shocks pp. 1532-1547 Downloads
Gert Peersman and Ine Van Robays
Energy substitutability and modernization of energy-consuming technologies pp. 1548-1556 Downloads
Natali Hritonenko and Yuri Yatsenko
Efficiency, productivity and environmental policy: A case study of power generation in the EU pp. 1557-1568 Downloads
Jūratė Jaraite-Kažukauskė and Corrado Di Maria
The impact of geologic variability on capacity and cost estimates for storing CO2 in deep-saline aquifers pp. 1569-1579 Downloads
Jordan K. Eccles, Lincoln Pratson, Richard Newell and Robert B. Jackson
The effects of a natural gas boom on employment and income in Colorado, Texas, and Wyoming pp. 1580-1588 Downloads
Jeremy Weber
A critical empirical study of three electricity spot price models pp. 1589-1616 Downloads
Fred Espen Benth, Rüdiger Kiesel and Anna Nazarova
Population density and efficiency in energy consumption: An empirical analysis of service establishments pp. 1617-1622 Downloads
Masayuki Morikawa
Biofuel supply chain design under competitive agricultural land use and feedstock market equilibrium pp. 1623-1633 Downloads
Yun Bai, Yanfeng Ouyang and Jong-Shi Pang
Reverse globalization: Does high oil price volatility discourage international trade? pp. 1634-1643 Downloads
Shiu-Sheng Chen and Kai-Wei Hsu
Optimal transmission regulation of an integrated energy market pp. 1644-1655 Downloads
Thomas Tangerås
OPEC news announcements: Effects on oil price expectation and volatility pp. 1656-1663 Downloads
Harald Schmidbauer and Angi Rösch
Valuing fuel diversification in power generation capacity planning pp. 1664-1674 Downloads
Malte Sunderkötter and Christoph Weber
Reforming the power sector in transition: Do institutions matter? pp. 1675-1682 Downloads
Rabindra Nepal and Tooraj Jamasb
Causality between market liquidity and depth for energy and grains pp. 1683-1692 Downloads
Ramazan Sari, Shawkat Hammoudeh, Chia-Lin Chang and Michael McAleer
Residential electricity consumption in Seattle pp. 1693-1699 Downloads
Thomas Fullerton, David A. Juarez and Adam G. Walke
Model based Monte Carlo pricing of energy and temperature Quanto options pp. 1700-1712 Downloads
Massimiliano Caporin, Juliusz Preś and Hipolit Torro
Rational habits in gasoline demand pp. 1713-1723 Downloads
K. Rebecca Scott
International comparison of industrial CO2 emission trends and the energy efficiency paradox utilizing production-based decomposition pp. 1724-1741 Downloads
Kyunam Kim and Yeonbae Kim

Volume 34, issue 4, 2012

Energy consumption-GDP nexus: Heterogeneous panel causality analysis pp. 865-873 Downloads
K. Ali Akkemik and Koray Göksal
Agent-based analysis of the impact of the imbalance pricing mechanism on market behavior in electricity balancing markets pp. 874-881 Downloads
Reinier A.C. van der Veen, Alireza Abbasy and Rudi A. Hakvoort
Exploring renewable energy pricing with analytic network process — Comparing a developed and a developing economy pp. 882-891 Downloads
Ibrahim Iskin, Tugrul Daim, Gulgun Kayakutlu and Mehmet Altuntas
Electricity Futures Prices: Indirect Storability, Expectations, and Risk Premiums pp. 892-898 Downloads
Ronald Huisman and Mehtap Kilic
Modeling extreme dependence between European electricity markets pp. 899-904 Downloads
Erik Lindström and Fredrik Regland
Returns to Scale, Damages to Scale, Marginal Rate of Transformation and Rate of Substitution in DEA Environmental Assessment pp. 905-917 Downloads
Toshiyuki Sueyoshi and Mika Goto
Transportation and storage under a dynamic price cap regulation process pp. 918-929 Downloads
Michèle Breton and Mohammed Kharbach
Is energy intensity important for the productivity growth of EET adopters? pp. 930-941 Downloads
Kostantinos Kounetas, Ioannis Mourtos and Kostas Tsekouras
Edgeworth Price Cycles and intertemporal price discrimination pp. 942-954 Downloads
Michael Noel
Market power analysis for oil pipelines facing excess demand pp. 955-960 Downloads
David W. Savitski
Natural gas demand at the utility level: An application of dynamic elasticities pp. 961-969 Downloads
Leila Dagher
Contract theory and implications for perennial energy crop contracting pp. 970-979 Downloads
Corinne Alexander, Rastislav Ivanic, Stephanie Rosch, Wallace Tyner, Steven Y. Wu and Joshua R. Yoder
Where does energy R&D come from? Examining crowding out from energy R&D pp. 980-991 Downloads
David Popp and Richard Newell
Implementing the EU renewable target through green certificate markets pp. 992-1000 Downloads
Finn Roar Aune, Hanne Marit Dalen and Cathrine Hagem
The price of policy risk — Empirical insights from choice experiments with European photovoltaic project developers pp. 1001-1011 Downloads
Sonja Lüthi and Rolf Wüstenhagen
Comparison of extended mean-reversion and time series models for electricity spot price simulation considering negative prices pp. 1012-1032 Downloads
Dogan Keles, Massimo Genoese, Dominik Möst and Wolf Fichtner
The Clean Development Mechanism and low carbon development: A panel data analysis pp. 1033-1040 Downloads
Yongfu Huang and Terry Barker
Identifying critical supply chain paths that drive changes in CO2 emissions pp. 1041-1050 Downloads
Yuko Oshita
Why do some emerging economies proactively accelerate the adoption of renewable energy? pp. 1051-1057 Downloads
Ruhul A. Salim and Shuddhasattwa Rafiq
Optimal path for China's strategic petroleum reserve: A dynamic programming analysis pp. 1058-1063 Downloads
Y. Bai, D.Q. Zhou, P. Zhou and L.B. Zhang
Fuel switching and climate and energy policies in the European power generation sector: A generalized Leontief model pp. 1064-1073 Downloads
Fredrik Pettersson, Patrik Söderholm and Robert Lundmark
Energy content in manufacturing exports: A cross-country analysis pp. 1074-1081 Downloads
João Amador
Long memory and disaggregated energy consumption: Evidence from fossils, coal and electricity retail in the U.S pp. 1082-1087 Downloads
Nicholas Apergis and Chris Tsoumas
Decomposition of aggregate CO2 emissions within a joint production framework pp. 1088-1097 Downloads
Xing-Ping Zhang, Ya-Kun Tan, Qin-Liang Tan and Jiahai Yuan
Oil price, agricultural commodity prices, and the dollar: A panel cointegration and causality analysis pp. 1098-1104 Downloads
Saban Nazlioglu and Ugur Soytas
Sustainable economic development and the environment: Theory and evidence pp. 1105-1114 Downloads
Luisito Bertinelli, Eric Strobl and Benteng Zou
Clustering in crude oil prices and the target pricing zone hypothesis pp. 1115-1123 Downloads
Rakesh Bharati, Susan Crain and Vincent Kaminski
Pollution from the electric power sector in Japan and efficient pollution reduction pp. 1124-1130 Downloads
Kyohei Matsushita and Fumihiro Yamane
Real-Time Pricing in the Nordic Power markets pp. 1131-1142 Downloads
Maria Kopsakangas Savolainen and Rauli Svento
The impact of power market structure on CO2 cost pass-through to electricity prices under quantity competition – A theoretical approach pp. 1143-1152 Downloads
Jos Sijm, Yihsu Chen and Benjamin F. Hobbs
Modelling energy spot prices: Empirical evidence from NYMEX pp. 1153-1169 Downloads
Nikos Nomikos and Kostas Andriosopoulos
On the link between forward energy prices: A nonlinear panel cointegration approach pp. 1170-1175 Downloads
Marc Joëts and Valérie Mignon
Are “flexible” taxation mechanisms effective in stabilizing fuel prices? An evaluation considering wholesale fuel markets pp. 1176-1186 Downloads
Marina Di Giacomo, Massimiliano Piacenza and Gilberto Turati
Oil price shocks and European industries pp. 1187-1195 Downloads
Bert Scholtens and Cenk Yurtsever
Modularity analysis of the Canadian natural gas sector pp. 1196-1207 Downloads
Vlad Ivanenko
Capital stock-labor-energy substitution and production efficiency study for China pp. 1208-1213 Downloads
Xuanming Su, Weisheng Zhou, Ken'Ichi Nakagami, Hongbo Ren and Hailin Mu
Environmental pricing of externalities from different sources of electricity generation in Chile pp. 1214-1225 Downloads
Claudia Aravena, W. George Hutchinson and Alberto Longo
Oil exploration and perceptions of scarcity: The fallacy of early success pp. 1226-1233 Downloads
Kristofer Jakobsson, Bengt Söderbergh, Simon Snowden, Chuan-Zhong Li and Kjell Aleklett
A dynamic programming model of China's strategic petroleum reserve: General strategy and the effect of emergencies pp. 1234-1243 Downloads
Gang Wu, Yi-Ming Wei, Chris Nielsen, Xi Lu and Michael B. McElroy
International coal trade and restrictions on coal consumption pp. 1244-1249 Downloads
David A. Riker

Volume 34, issue 3, 2012

Estimation of elasticity price of electricity with incomplete information pp. 627-633 Downloads
Xavier Labandeira, Jose Labeaga and Xiral López-Otero
Efficiency-based rank assessment for electric power industry: A combined use of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and DEA-Discriminant Analysis (DA) pp. 634-644 Downloads
Toshiyuki Sueyoshi and Mika Goto
Returns to scale and damages to scale under natural and managerial disposability: Strategy, efficiency and competitiveness of petroleum firms pp. 645-662 Downloads
Toshiyuki Sueyoshi and Mika Goto
Environmental assessment by DEA radial measurement: U.S. coal-fired power plants in ISO (Independent System Operator) and RTO (Regional Transmission Organization) pp. 663-676 Downloads
Toshiyuki Sueyoshi and Mika Goto
An analysis of factors that influence the technical efficiency of Malaysian thermal power plants pp. 677-685 Downloads
Kok Fong See and Timothy Coelli
Weak and strong disposability vs. natural and managerial disposability in DEA environmental assessment: Comparison between Japanese electric power industry and manufacturing industries pp. 686-699 Downloads
Toshiyuki Sueyoshi and Mika Goto
DEA radial and non-radial models for unified efficiency under natural and managerial disposability: Theoretical extension by strong complementary slackness conditions pp. 700-713 Downloads
Toshiyuki Sueyoshi and Mika Goto
Permit price dynamics in the U.S. SO2 trading program: A cointegration approach pp. 714-722 Downloads
Mohamed Amine Boutabba, Olivier Beaumais and Sandrine Lardic
Estimating the shadow prices of SO2 and NOx for U.S. coal power plants: A convex nonparametric least squares approach pp. 723-732 Downloads
Maethee Mekaroonreung and Andrew Johnson
Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption-growth nexus: Evidence from a panel error correction model pp. 733-738 Downloads
Nicholas Apergis and James Payne
Income level and the energy consumption–GDP nexus: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 739-746 Downloads
Mulugeta S. Kahsai, Chali Nondo, Peter V. Schaeffer and Tesfa G. Gebremedhin
Economic growth and electricity consumption in former Soviet Republics pp. 747-753 Downloads
Melike Bildirici and Fazıl Kayıkçı
Wind power learning rates: A conceptual review and meta-analysis pp. 754-761 Downloads
Åsa Lindman and Patrik Söderholm
A review of uncertainties in technology experience curves pp. 762-771 Downloads
Sonia Yeh and Edward S. Rubin
The price of wind power in China during its expansion: Technology adoption, learning-by-doing, economies of scale, and manufacturing localization pp. 772-785 Downloads
Yueming Qiu and Laura D. Anadon
Drilling speed—the relevance of experience pp. 786-794 Downloads
Petter Osmundsen, Kristin Roll and Ragnar Tveterås
Improving the energy efficiency of buildings: The impact of environmental policy on technological innovation pp. 795-806 Downloads
Joëlle Noailly
Information acquisition as an American option pp. 807-816 Downloads
Babak Jafarizadeh
A utility based approach to energy hedging pp. 817-827 Downloads
John Cotter and Jim Hanly
Crude oil price forecasting: Experimental evidence from wavelet decomposition and neural network modeling pp. 828-841 Downloads
Rania Jammazi and Chaker Aloui
Population aging and carbon emissions in OECD countries: Accounting for life-cycle and cohort effects pp. 842-849 Downloads
Tobias Menz and Heinz Welsch
Economics of CCS for coal plants: Impact of investment costs and efficiency on market diffusion in Europe pp. 850-863 Downloads
Richard Lohwasser and Reinhard Madlener

Volume 34, issue 2, 2012

The determinants of household energy demand in rural Beijing: Can environmentally friendly technologies be effective? pp. 381-388 Downloads
Zhang Jingchao and Koji Kotani
Factors affecting wood energy consumption by U.S. households pp. 389-397 Downloads
Nianfu Song, Francisco Aguilar, Stephen R. Shifley and Michael E. Goerndt
Estimation of elasticities for domestic energy demand in Mozambique pp. 398-409 Downloads
Maria de Fátima S.R. Arthur, Craig A. Bond and Bryan Willson
Urban energy transition and technology adoption: The case of Tigrai, northern Ethiopia pp. 410-418 Downloads
Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Alemu Mekonnen, Menale Kassie and Gunnar Köhlin
Measuring the welfare effects of reducing a subsidy on a commodity using micro-models: An application to Kuwait's residential demand for electricity pp. 419-425 Downloads
Mahmoud A.M. BuShehri and Michael Wohlgenant
Exploring the potential for energy conservation in French households through hybrid modeling pp. 426-445 Downloads
Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet, Céline Guivarch and Philippe Quirion
Consumer preferences for automobile energy-efficiency grades pp. 446-451 Downloads
Yoonmo Koo, Chang Seob Kim, Junhee Hong, Ie-Jung Choi and Jongsu Lee
An empirical study of direct rebound effect for passenger transport in urban China pp. 452-460 Downloads
H. Wang, P. Zhou and D.Q. Zhou
Heterogeneity in the rebound effect: Further evidence for Germany pp. 461-467 Downloads
Manuel Frondel, Nolan Ritter and Colin Vance
Distribution charges for consumers and microgeneration considering load elasticity sensitivity pp. 468-475 Downloads
Paulo E. Steele Santos, Jose W. Marangon Lima, Rafael C. Leme and Tiago G. Leite Ferreira
Energy consumption, output and trade in South America pp. 476-488 Downloads
Perry Sadorsky
Explaining the (non-) causality between energy and economic growth in the U.S.—A multivariate sectoral analysis pp. 489-499 Downloads
Christian Gross
The electricity consumption versus economic growth of the Polish economy pp. 500-510 Downloads
Henryk Gurgul and Łukasz Lach
Energy consumption and economic growth nexus in Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain and Turkey: An ARDL bounds test approach (1965–2009) pp. 511-517 Downloads
José Alberto Fuinhas and António Marques
Coal consumption, CO2 emission and economic growth in China: Empirical evidence and policy responses pp. 518-528 Downloads
Harry Bloch, Shuddhasattwa Rafiq and Ruhul Salim
Regulation and electricity market integration: When trade introduces inefficiencies pp. 529-535 Downloads
Etienne Billette de Villemeur and Pierre-Olivier Pineau
The economics of storage, transmission and drought: integrating variable wind power into spatially separated electricity grids pp. 536-541 Downloads
Hugh Scorah, Amy Sopinka and Gerrit van Kooten
Efficiency effects of observed and unobserved heterogeneity: Evidence from Norwegian electricity distribution networks pp. 542-548 Downloads
Christian Growitsch, Tooraj Jamasb and Heike Wetzel
How to fit demand side management (DSM) into current Chinese electricity system reform? pp. 549-557 Downloads
Yongzhen Yu
Optimum policy for integration of renewable energy sources into the power generation system pp. 558-567 Downloads
M. Suruz Miah, N.U. Ahmed and Monjur Chowdhury
Power marketer pricing behavior in the California Power Exchange pp. 568-575 Downloads
Tyler Hodge and Carol Dahl
A data envelopment analysis-based framework for the relative performance evaluation of competing crude oil prices' volatility forecasting models pp. 576-583 Downloads
Bing Xu and Jamal Ouenniche
A metric and topological analysis of determinism in the crude oil spot market pp. 584-591 Downloads
John Barkoulas, Atreya Chakraborty and Arav Ouandlous
A critical view on temperature modelling for application in weather derivatives markets pp. 592-602 Downloads
Jūratė Šaltytė Benth and Fred Espen Benth
Oil price uncertainty and the Canadian economy: Evidence from a VARMA, GARCH-in-Mean, asymmetric BEKK model pp. 603-610 Downloads
Sajjadur Rahman and Apostolos Serletis
On the impacts of oil price fluctuations on European equity markets: Volatility spillover and hedging effectiveness pp. 611-617 Downloads
Mohamed Arouri, Jamel Jouini and Duc Khuong Nguyen
A nonparametric GARCH model of crude oil price return volatility pp. 618-626 Downloads
Aijun Hou and Sandy Suardi

Volume 34, issue 1, 2012

Coordinating cross-border congestion management through auctions: An experimental approach to European solutions pp. 1-13 Downloads
Céline Jullien, Virginie Pignon, Stéphane Robin and Carine Staropoli
How much should we pay for interconnecting electricity markets? A real options approach pp. 14-30 Downloads
Álvaro Cartea and Carlos González-Pedraz
Investment in new power generation under uncertainty: Benefits of CHP vs. condensing plants in a copula-based analysis pp. 31-44 Downloads
Günther Westner and Reinhard Madlener
Irreversible investment, uncertainty, and ambiguity: The case of bioenergy sector pp. 45-53 Downloads
Pierre-André Jouvet, Elodie Le Cadre and Caroline Orset
Electricity capacity investment under risk aversion: A case study of coal, gas, and concentrated solar power pp. 54-61 Downloads
Lin Fan, Catherine Norman and Anthony G. Patt
The inevitability of capacity underinvestment in competitive electricity markets pp. 62-77 Downloads
Irena Milstein and Asher Tishler
A simple dynamic energy capacity model pp. 78-81 Downloads
James P. Gander
The emergence and evolution of regional convergence clusters in China's energy markets pp. 82-94 Downloads
Hengyun Ma and Les Oxley
Will history repeat itself? Economic convergence and convergence in energy use patterns pp. 95-104 Downloads
Michael Jakob, Markus Haller and Robert Marschinski
The globalization of steam coal markets and the role of logistics: An empirical analysis pp. 105-116 Downloads
Aleksandar Zaklan, Astrid Cullmann, Anne Neumann and Christian von Hirschhausen
Price discount, inventories and the distortion of WTI benchmark pp. 117-124 Downloads
Chung-Wei Kao and Jer-Yuh Wan
Does OPEC still exist as a cartel? An empirical investigation pp. 125-131 Downloads
Vincent Brémond, Emmanuel Hache and Valérie Mignon
OPEC's oil exporting strategy and macroeconomic (in)stability pp. 132-136 Downloads
Luís Aguiar-Conraria and Yi Wen
Cartelization in gas markets: Studying the potential for a “Gas OPEC” pp. 137-152 Downloads
S.A. Gabriel, Knut Einar Rosendahl, Rudolf Egging-Bratseth, H.G. Avetisyan and S. Siddiqui
An evaluation of alternative scenarios for the Gazprom monopoly of Russian gas exports pp. 153-161 Downloads
Marina Tsygankova
Much ado about Hotelling: Beware the ides of Hubbert pp. 162-170 Downloads
Douglas B. Reynolds and Jungho Baek
Attribution of changes in Divisia real energy intensity index — An extension to index decomposition analysis pp. 171-176 Downloads
Ki-Hong Choi and B.W. Ang
Structural decomposition analysis applied to energy and emissions: Some methodological developments pp. 177-188 Downloads
Bin Su and B.W. Ang
Estimating the demand for gasoline in developing countries: Senegal pp. 189-194 Downloads
Seydina Ousmane Sene
Estimating the supply and demand of gasoline using tax data pp. 195-200 Downloads
David Coyle, Jason DeBacker and Richard Prisinzano
Demand for gasoline is more price-inelastic than commonly thought pp. 201-207 Downloads
Tomas Havranek, Zuzana Irsova and Karel Janda
Inventories and upstream gasoline price dynamics pp. 208-214 Downloads
Gerard Kuper
Stock prices of clean energy firms, oil and carbon markets: A vector autoregressive analysis pp. 215-226 Downloads
Surender Kumar, Shunsuke Managi and Akimi Matsuda
Oil prices, exchange rates and emerging stock markets pp. 227-240 Downloads
Syed Abul Basher, Alfred A. Haug and Perry Sadorsky
Co-movement of energy commodities revisited: Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis pp. 241-247 Downloads
Lukas Vacha and Jozef Baruník
Correlations and volatility spillovers between oil prices and the stock prices of clean energy and technology companies pp. 248-255 Downloads
Perry Sadorsky
Testing the Masters Hypothesis in commodity futures markets pp. 256-269 Downloads
Scott Irwin and Dwight R. Sanders
The economic value of co-movement between oil price and exchange rate using copula-based GARCH models pp. 270-282 Downloads
Chih-Chiang Wu, Huimin Chung and Yu-Hsien Chang
Forecasting the conditional volatility of oil spot and futures prices with structural breaks and long memory models pp. 283-293 Downloads
Mohamed Arouri, Amine Lahiani, Aldo Lévy and Duc Khuong Nguyen
Volatility regimes, asymmetric basis effects and forecasting performance: An empirical investigation of the WTI crude oil futures market pp. 294-306 Downloads
Kuang-Liang Chang
Forecasting hourly electricity prices using ARMAX–GARCH models: An application to MISO hubs pp. 307-315 Downloads
Emily Hickey, David G. Loomis and Hassan Mohammadi
Modeling and explaining the dynamics of European Union Allowance prices at high-frequency pp. 316-326 Downloads
Christian Conrad, Daniel Rittler and Waldemar Rotfuß
Carbon price drivers: Phase I versus Phase II equilibrium? pp. 327-334 Downloads
Anna Creti, Pierre-André Jouvet and Valérie Mignon
Integration of the global carbon markets pp. 335-349 Downloads
Bruce Mizrach
Economic structure and strategies for greenhouse gas mitigation pp. 350-357 Downloads
Erin S. Minihan and Ziping Wu
Greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and economic growth: A panel cointegration analysis from Canadian industrial sector perspective pp. 358-364 Downloads
Mahamat Hamit-Haggar
Land-based mitigation in climate stabilization pp. 365-380 Downloads
Steven K. Rose, Helal Ahammad, Bas Eickhout, Brian Fisher, Atsushi Kurosawa, Shilpa Rao, Keywan Riahi and Detlef P. van Vuuren
Page updated 2025-03-28