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Energy Economics

1979 - 2025

Continuation of Journal of Energy Finance & Development.

Current editor(s): R. S. J. Tol, Beng Ang, Lance Bachmeier, Perry Sadorsky, Ugur Soytas and J. P. Weyant

From Elsevier
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Volume 28, issue 5-6, 2006

Introduction pp. 535-538 Downloads
John Houghton
Representing induced technological change in models for climate policy analysis pp. 539-562 Downloads
Ian Sue Wing
The effects of economic and policy incentives on carbon mitigation technologies pp. 563-578 Downloads
Richard Newell, Adam Jaffe and Robert N. Stavins
On the sources of technological change: Assessing the evidence pp. 579-595 Downloads
Leon Clarke, John Weyant and Alicia Birky
Innovation in climate policy models: Implementing lessons from the economics of R&D pp. 596-609 Downloads
David Popp
Technology and technical change in the MIT EPPA model pp. 610-631 Downloads
Henry D. Jacoby, John Reilly, James R. McFarland and Sergey Paltsev
Incorporating carbon capture and storage technologies in integrated assessment models pp. 632-652 Downloads
James R. McFarland and Howard J. Herzog
Analysis of variability and correlation in long-term economic growth rates pp. 653-666 Downloads
Mort Webster and Cheol-Hung Cho
Making enduring choices: Uncertainty and public policy pp. 667-676 Downloads
David J. Bjornstad and Michael McKee
Multiple equilibria in a stochastic implementation of DICE with abrupt climate change pp. 677-689 Downloads
Robert J. Lempert, Alan H. Sanstad and Michael E. Schlesinger
Technology development and energy productivity in China pp. 690-705 Downloads
Karen Fisher-Vanden, Gary Jefferson, Ma Jingkui and Xu Jianyi
Substitution and price elasticity estimates using inter-country pooled data in a translog cost model pp. 706-719 Downloads
Joyashree Roy, Alan H. Sanstad, Jayant A. Sathaye and Raman Khaddaria
Estimating energy-augmenting technological change in developing country industries pp. 720-729 Downloads
Alan H. Sanstad, Joyashree Roy and Jayant A. Sathaye
Magnitude and direction of technological transfers for mitigating GHG emissions pp. 730-741 Downloads
Zili Yang and William Nordhaus
Potential for reducing carbon emissions from non-Annex B countries through changes in technology pp. 742-762 Downloads
Paul M. Bernstein, W. David Montgomery and Sugandha D. Tuladhar

Volume 28, issue 4, 2006

Energy economics' most influential papers pp. 405-409 Downloads
Richard Tol and John P. Weyant
The applied theory of energy substitution in production pp. 410-425 Downloads
Henry Thompson
Flexible versus designated technologies and interfuel substitution pp. 426-443 Downloads
Alain Bousquet and Norbert Ladoux
The productivity and efficiency of the Australian electricity supply industry pp. 444-454 Downloads
Malcolm Abbott
Optimal expansion of a developing power system under the conditions of market economy and environmental constraints pp. 455-466 Downloads
Misak Avetisyan, David Bayless and Tigran Gnuni
Modeling and forecasting petroleum futures volatility pp. 467-488 Downloads
Perry Sadorsky
Real options for risk management in petroleum development investments pp. 489-505 Downloads
L.G. Chorn and S. Shokhor
Geometric Brownian Motion and structural breaks in oil prices: A quantitative analysis pp. 506-522 Downloads
Fernando Antonio Postali and Paulo Picchetti
Commodity convenience yield and risk premium determination: The case of the U.S. natural gas market pp. 523-534 Downloads
Song Zan Chiou Wei and Zhen Zhu

Volume 28, issue 3, 2006

Commodity storage valuation: A linear optimization based on traded instruments pp. 275-287 Downloads
Joe Wayne Byers
Sectoral and macroeconomic impacts of the large combustion plants in Poland: A general equilibrium analysis pp. 288-307 Downloads
Olga Kiuila and Grzegorz Peszko
Biomass and multi-product crops for agricultural and energy production--an AGE analysis pp. 308-325 Downloads
Adriana M. Ignaciuk and Rob Dellink
Efficiency of electric power generation in the United States: Analysis and forecast based on data envelopment analysis pp. 326-338 Downloads
Alexander Vaninsky
Performance and efficiency in Colombia's power distribution system: Effects of the 1994 reform pp. 339-369 Downloads
Carlos Pombo and Rodrigo Taborda
Decomposition of electricity demand in China's industrial sector pp. 370-384 Downloads
Paul A. Steenhof
Empirical assessment of the determinants of road energy demand in Greece pp. 385-403 Downloads
Michael Polemis

Volume 28, issue 2, 2006

Editorial pp. 147-148 Downloads
Richard Tol and John P. Weyant
The political economy of an energy tax: The United Kingdom's Climate Change Levy pp. 149-158 Downloads
David Pearce
The sources of growth of the Canadian business sector's CO2 emissions, 1990-1996 pp. 159-169 Downloads
KaIs Dachraoui and Tarek Harchaoui
International inequalities in per capita CO2 emissions: A decomposition methodology by Kaya factors pp. 170-187 Downloads
Juan Duro and Emilio Padilla Rosa
ENTICE-BR: The effects of backstop technology R&D on climate policy models pp. 188-222 Downloads
David Popp
Choice of environmental policy in the presence of learning by doing pp. 223-242 Downloads
Nicholas Rivers and Mark Jaccard
Impact of switching production to bioenergy crops: The switchgrass example pp. 243-265 Downloads
Scott McDonald, Sherman Robinson and Karen Thierfelder
Provisional liquidation of futures hedge programs pp. 266-273 Downloads
Donald Lien and Soojong Kwak

Volume 28, issue 1, 2006

Oil and nuclear power: Past, present, and future pp. 1-25 Downloads
Ferenc L. Toth and Hans-Holger Rogner
Decomposing electric power plant emissions within a joint production framework pp. 26-43 Downloads
Carl Pasurka
The efficiency costs of separating carbon markets under the EU emissions trading scheme: A quantitative assessment for Germany pp. 44-61 Downloads
Christoph Bohringer, Tim Hoffmann and Casiano Manrique-de-Lara-Penate
Predicting price spikes in electricity markets using a regime-switching model with time-varying parameters pp. 62-80 Downloads
Timothy D. Mount, Yumei Ning and Xiaobin Cai
Price dynamics among U.S. electricity spot markets pp. 81-101 Downloads
Haesun Park, James W. Mjelde and David Bessler
Multi-gas scenarios to stabilize radiative forcing pp. 102-120 Downloads
Detlef P. van Vuuren, John Weyant and Francisco de la Chesnaye
Energy intensity in transition economies: Is there convergence towards the EU average? pp. 121-145 Downloads
Anil Markandya, Suzette Galinato and Dalia Streimikiene

Volume 27, issue 6, 2005

Evidence on the nature and extent of the relationship between oil prices and equity values in the UK pp. 819-830 Downloads
Idris El-Sharif, Dick Brown, Bruce Burton, Bill Nixon and Alex Russell
Modeling and forecasting cointegrated relationships among heavy oil and product prices pp. 831-848 Downloads
Alessandro Lanza, Matteo Manera and Massimo Giovannini
Electricity consumption and economic growth: Evidence from Turkey pp. 849-856 Downloads
Galip Altinay and Erdal Karagol
Structural breaks, energy consumption, and economic growth revisited: Evidence from Taiwan pp. 857-872 Downloads
Chien-Chiang Lee and Chun-Ping Chang
Cost-effectiveness of renewable electricity policies pp. 873-894 Downloads
Karen Palmer and Dallas Burtraw

Volume 27, issue 5, 2005

Fuel tourism in border regions: The case of Switzerland pp. 689-707 Downloads
Silvia Banfi, Massimo Filippini and Lester C. Hunt
Oil price volatility and the asymmetric response of gasoline prices to oil price increases and decreases pp. 708-730 Downloads
Stanislav Radchenko
Market structure in the US electricity industry: A long-term perspective pp. 731-751 Downloads
David R. Kamerschen, Peter Klein and David V. Porter
On the effectiveness of the anti-gaming policy between the day-ahead and real-time electricity markets in The Netherlands pp. 752-770 Downloads
Alexander Boogert and Dominique Dupont
Price and access charge discrimination in electricity distribution: An application to the Chilean case pp. 771-790 Downloads
Ricardo Raineri and Pablo Giaconi
An empirical examination of restructured electricity prices pp. 791-817 Downloads
Christopher Knittel and Michael Roberts

Volume 27, issue 4, 2005

Editorial pp. 551-552 Downloads
Richard Tol and John P. Weyant
U.S. oil and natural gas reserve prices, 1982-2003 pp. 553-571 Downloads
M.A. Adelman and G.C. Watkins
Lags in the response of gasoline prices to changes in crude oil prices: The role of short-term and long-term shocks pp. 573-602 Downloads
Stanislav Radchenko
International market integration for natural gas? A cointegration analysis of prices in Europe, North America and Japan pp. 603-615 Downloads
Boriss Siliverstovs, Guillaume L'Hegaret, Anne Neumann and Christian von Hirschhausen
Natural-gas futures: Bias, predictive performance, and the theory of storage pp. 617-637 Downloads
Bagher Modjtahedi and Nahid Movassagh
A large-scale linear complementarity model of the North American natural gas market pp. 639-665 Downloads
Steven A. Gabriel, Jifang Zhuang and Supat Kiet
Choice of nuclear power investments under price uncertainty: Valuing modularity pp. 667-685 Downloads
Christian Gollier, David Proult, Francoise Thais and Gilles Walgenwitz
Erratum to "Long-run gasoline demand for passenger cars: The role of income distribution" [Energy Economics, 27 (1), 25-58] pp. 687-687 Downloads
Karl Storchmann

Volume 27, issue 3, 2005

Stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions: Assessing the intergenerational costs and benefits of the Kyoto Protocol pp. 369-386 Downloads
Y. Okan Kavuncu and Shawn D. Knabb
Energy demand and energy-related CO2 emissions in Greek manufacturing: Assessing the impact of a carbon tax pp. 387-413 Downloads
Nikolaos Floros and Andriana Vlachou
Energy consumption and GDP in developing countries: A cointegrated panel analysis pp. 415-427 Downloads
Chien-Chiang Lee
Energy productivity across developed and developing countries in 10 manufacturing sectors: Patterns of growth and convergence pp. 429-453 Downloads
Asami Miketa and Peter Mulder
The asymmetry of the impact of oil price shocks on economic activities: An application of the multivariate threshold model pp. 455-476 Downloads
Bwo-Nung Huang, M.J. Hwang and Hsiao-Ping Peng
Modelling the non-linear response of Spanish electricity demand to temperature variations pp. 477-494 Downloads
Julian Moral-Carcedo and Jose Vicens-Otero
Network-constrained Cournot models of liberalized electricity markets: the devil is in the details pp. 495-525 Downloads
Karsten Neuhoff, Julian Barquin, Maroeska G. Boots, Andreas Ehrenmann, Benjamin F. Hobbs, Fieke A.M. Rijkers and Miguel Vazquez
Causality in variance and the type of traders in crude oil futures pp. 527-539 Downloads
Ramaprasad Bhar and Shigeyuki Hamori
Electricity consumption and ICT in the French service sector pp. 541-550 Downloads
Fabrice Collard, Patrick Fève and Franck Portier

Volume 27, issue 2, 2005

The first step in restructuring the US electric industry pp. 225-235 Downloads
A.H. Barnett, Keith A. Reutter and Henry Thompson
Governance of electricity transmission systems pp. 237-255 Downloads
John Boyce and Aidan Hollis
Network access charges, vertical integration, and property rights structure--experiences from the German electricity markets pp. 257-278 Downloads
Christian Growitsch and Thomas Wein
Earnings management under price regulation: Empirical evidence from the Spanish electricity industry pp. 279-304 Downloads
Belen Gill-de-Albornoz and Manuel Illueca
Unilateral and collusive market power in the electricity pool of England and Wales pp. 305-315 Downloads
Derek W. Bunn and Maria Martoccia
Measuring market power in electricity generation: A long-term perspective using a programming model pp. 317-335 Downloads
R. Tamaschke, G. Docwra and R. Stillman
Transmission of prices and price volatility in Australian electricity spot markets: a multivariate GARCH analysis pp. 337-350 Downloads
Andrew Worthington, Adam Kay-Spratley and Helen Higgs
Stochastic factor model for electricity spot price--the case of the Nordic market pp. 351-367 Downloads
Iivo Vehviläinen and Tuomas Pyykkonen

Volume 27, issue 1, 2005

Technology detail in a multisector CGE model: transport under climate policy pp. 1-24 Downloads
Andreas Schafer and Henry D. Jacoby
Long-Run Gasoline demand for passenger cars: the role of income distribution pp. 25-58 Downloads
Karl Storchmann
Improving behavioral realism in hybrid energy-economy models using discrete choice studies of personal transportation decisions pp. 59-77 Downloads
Matt Horne, Mark Jaccard and Ken Tiedemann
Why fuel prices differ pp. 79-92 Downloads
Piet Rietveld and Stefan van Woudenberg
The determinants of aggregate energy use in West Germany: factor substitution, technological change, and trade pp. 93-111 Downloads
Heinz Welsch and Carsten Ochsen
Modernisation of existing and new construction of power plants in Germany: results of an optimisation model pp. 113-137 Downloads
Hans-Gunter Schwarz
Modeling technology adoption as an irreversible investment under uncertainty: the case of the Turkish electricity supply industry pp. 139-163 Downloads
Reinhard Madlener, Gurkan Kumbaroglu and Volkan Ediger
On the importance of the supply side in demand-side management pp. 165-180 Downloads
Carolyn Fischer
California electricity futures: the NYMEX experience pp. 181-194 Downloads
Jonathan S. Moulton
Energy consumption in China: past trends and future directions pp. 195-208 Downloads
Paul Crompton and Yanrui Wu
The productivity-inflation nexus: the case of the Australian mining sector pp. 209-224 Downloads
Renuka Mahadevan and John Asafu-Adjaye
Page updated 2025-03-28