Energy Economics
1979 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Energy Finance & Development. Current editor(s): R. S. J. Tol, Beng Ang, Lance Bachmeier, Perry Sadorsky, Ugur Soytas and J. P. Weyant From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 16, issue 4, 1994
- Electricity load and temperature: Issues in dynamic specification pp. 235-243

- John Peirson and Andrew Henley
- Accounting for technical progress in aggregate energy demand pp. 245-252

- Clifton T Jones
- Oil production and macroeconomic adjustment in the Indonesian economy pp. 253-270

- Charles Harvie and Atifah Thaha
- Export of Norwegian hydropower under a common European regime of environmental taxes pp. 271-280

- Eirik Schroder Amundsen, Jorgen Bjorndalen and Heine Rasmussen
- The economics of energy in agriculture: Chennat Gopalakrishnan Avebury, Aldershot 1994, 118pp, [UK pound]32.50 pp. 281-282

- Noel D Uri
Volume 16, issue 3, 1994
- Decomposition of industrial energy consumption: The energy intensity approach pp. 163-174

- Bw Ang
- Price, quality and regulation: An analysis of price capping and the reliability of electricity supply pp. 175-183

- Robert Fraser
- Forecasting nuclear power supply with Bayesian autoregression pp. 185-192

- Roderick Beck and John L Solow
- A capacity growth input-output model pp. 193-203

- Ew Henry
- The effects of energy taxes on the Kenyan economy: A CGE analysis pp. 205-215

- Haji Hatibu Haji Semboja
- Lifecycle analysis of gasoline expenditure patterns pp. 217-228

- Lorna Greening and Hann Tarn Jeng
Volume 16, issue 2, 1994
- Decomposition of industrial energy consumption: Some methodological and application issues pp. 83-92

- B.W. Ang and S. Y. Lee
- A cointegration analysis of petroleum futures prices pp. 93-97

- Apostolos Serletis
- Unbiasedness and time varying risk premia in the crude oil futures market pp. 99-105

- Imad A. Moosa and Nabeel E. Al-Loughani
- The nature of OPEC and oil price changes pp. 107-114

- D. P. T. Young
- Sources of change in industrial electricity use in the Taiwan economy, 1976-1986 pp. 115-120

- Chia-Yon Chen and Rong-Hwa Wu
- The impact of measurement error in the data on estimates of the agricultural demand for electricity in the USA pp. 121-131

- Noel D. Uri
- Quasi-experimental taxation elasticities of US gasoline demand pp. 133-137

- Rajeev Goel
- An empirical analysis of gasoline demand in Denmark using cointegration techniques pp. 139-143

- Jan Bentzen
- The relation between marginal product and price in US energy markets: Implications for climate change policy pp. 145-158

- Robert Kaufmann
Volume 16, issue 1, 1994
- Escaping the tolerance trap: Implications of rigidity in OPEC's output adjustment mechanism pp. 3-8

- Shawkat Hammoudeh and Vibhas Madan
- Behaviour of non-renewable natural resource firms under uncertainty: Optimizing or ad hoc pp. 9-21

- Michael J Mueller
- Capital-energy substitution and the multi-level CES production function pp. 22-26

- Kuo-Ping Chang
- Investment in competitive electricity: Scope for incentive contracts pp. 27-35

- A Kumar David and Kwok-po Wong
- Productivity changes in the Gas and Fuel Corporation of Victoria pp. 36-45

- Ahmed Rushdi
- On the unprofitability of utility demand-side conservation programmes pp. 46-53

- Franz Wirl
- Electricity consumption in manufactured housing pp. 54-62

- Sanford Berg and Christopher Taylor
- Using electricity data to measure capital utilization pp. 63-74

- Dominique Anxo and Thomas Sterner
Volume 15, issue 4, 1993
- Energy demand impact of incentive programmes: A non-parametric analysis for the Canadian Oil Substitution Program pp. 226-231

- G. Lafrance and D. Perron
- An econometric analysis of residential expenditures on energy conservation and renewable energy sources pp. 232-238

- James E. Long
- Diversification of primary energy consumption in six West European countries: Quantification and analysis by means of measures of concentration pp. 239-244

- Leo van Hove
- Production-sharing contracts and decision-making in oil production: The case of Indonesia pp. 245-256

- Purnomo Yusgiantoro and Frank S. T. Hsiao
- Long-term relationships of major macro-variables in a resource-related economic model of Australia: A cointegration analysis pp. 257-261

- Charles Harvie and Tran van Hoa
- Market barriers to energy efficiency pp. 262-272

- Richard B. Howarth and Bo Andersson
- Conceptual energy and environmental problems of economic policy in the former USSR pp. 273-284

- A. S. Nekrasov
- Forecasting weekly electricity consumption: A case study pp. 285-296

- J. V. Ringwood, P. C. Austin and W. Monteith
- Applied general equilibrium modelling: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1991 pp. 297-299

- Lars Westberg
Volume 15, issue 3, 1993
- An evaluation of the effects of the tax on refined petroleum products in the Philippines pp. 154-165

- Noel D. Uri and Roy Boyd
- Least cost selection of energy conservation measures for regulated gas utilities pp. 166-175

- Vladimir A. Greenberg and Stuart L. Harshbarger
- A comparison of cost-based pricing rules for natural gas distribution utilities pp. 176-182

- Christopher C. Klein
- Nuclear power in Eastern Europe: Learning or forgetting curves? pp. 183-189

- Roland Sturm
- Reliability, risk aversion and the positive theory of public enterprise pp. 190-196

- Robert Fraser
- Pigouvian penalty for oil spills pp. 197-204

- Robert E. Kohn
- Ordered logit model for residential electricity demand in Korea pp. 205-209

- Tae Yong Jung
- Estimating shifts in real income and real spending pp. 210-221

- E. W. Henry
Volume 15, issue 2, 1993
- Environmental policies: Market responses and incentives pp. 67-70

- Homa Motamen-Scobie
- Does a target-capacity utilization rule fulfill OPEC's economic objectives? pp. 71-79

- Steven Suranovic
- Hydroelectric rent and precipitation variability: The case of Norway pp. 81-91

- Eirik S. Amundsen and Sigve Tjøtta
- Residential energy demand: additional empirical evidence by minority household type pp. 93-100

- David Poyer and Martin Williams
- Optimal participation rate under risk pp. 101-104

- Michele Breton
- Energy prices and the aggregate production function pp. 105-110

- David J. Smyth
- Energy forecasts for Western Australia 1992-2010 pp. 111-122

- Lee R. Charleson and Ernst Weber
- Modelling energy technologies in a competitive market pp. 123-129

- John F. Clarke and J. A. Edmonds
- Industry energy use and structural change: A case study of The People's Republic of China pp. 131-136

- Jin-ping Huang
- Energy and economic growth in the USA: A multivariate approach pp. 137-150

- David Stern
Volume 15, issue 1, 1993
- A new model for sustainable growth in the energy industry pp. 3-7

- Susan McFaddin and Maclyn Clouse
- Short- and long-run elasticities in energy demand: A cointegration approach pp. 9-16

- Jan Bentzen and Tom Engsted
- Market information and price volatility in petroleum derivatives spot and futures markets: Some New York evidence pp. 17-24

- S. M. Khalid Nainar
- Industrial energy use in Ontario from 1962 to 1984 pp. 25-32

- Douglas Gardner
- Income and the recycling effort: a maximization problem pp. 33-38

- Cynthia Saltzman, Vijaya G. Duggal and Mary L. Williams
- Effect of the 1973 oil price embargo: A non-parametric analysis pp. 39-48

- Rajeev Goel and Mathew J. Morey
- OECD oil demand: Estimated response surfaces for nine world oil models pp. 49-56

- Hillard G. Huntington
- Capacity utilization and new source bias: Evidence from the US electric power industry pp. 57-60

- Timothy J. Stanton
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