Energy Economics
1979 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Energy Finance & Development. Current editor(s): R. S. J. Tol, Beng Ang, Lance Bachmeier, Perry Sadorsky, Ugur Soytas and J. P. Weyant From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 21, issue 6, 1999
- Price sensitivity of residential energy consumption in Norway pp. 493-515

- Runa Nesbakken
- Risk management in the oil industry: can information on long-run equilibrium prices be utilized? pp. 517-527

- Ole Gjolberg and Thore Johnsen
- Regulatory effects on electricity prices in Hong Kong pp. 528-544

- Pun-Lee Lam
- Estimation of the marginal abatement costs of airborne pollutants in Korea's power generation sector pp. 545-558

- Oh Sang Kwon and Won-Cheol Yun
- Linkages among energy, agriculture and environment in rural India pp. 559-583

- Jyoti K. Parikh and R. Ramanathan
Volume 21, issue 5, 1999
- The US SO2 auction: analysis and generalization pp. 403-416

- Gert Tinggaard Svendsen and Jan Lien Christensen
- Deregulation of the Nordic power market and environmental policy pp. 417-434

- Eirik S. Amundsen, Arvid Nesse and Sigve Tjøtta
- Cointegration analysis of spot electricity prices: insights on transmission efficiency in the western US pp. 435-448

- Arthur S. De Vany and W. Walls
- Oil price shocks and stock market activity pp. 449-469

- Perry Sadorsky
- The message in North American energy prices pp. 471-483

- Apostolos Serletis and John Herbert
- Defining 'total energy use' in economic studies: does the aggregation approach matter? pp. 485-492

- Jay Zarnikau
Volume 21, issue 4, 1999
- The regulating power market on the Nordic power exchange Nord Pool: an econometric analysis pp. 295-308

- Klaus Skytte
- Fuel economy standards in a model of automobile quality pp. 309-319

- Charles Plourde and Vassilios Bardis
- Short- and long-run elasticities of gasoline demand in India: An empirical analysis using cointegration techniques pp. 321-330

- R. Ramanathan
- Decomposition of aggregate carbon intensity for freight: trends from 10 OECD countries for the period 1971-1993 pp. 331-361

- Lorna Greening, Mike Ting and William B. Davis
- The impact of a carbon tax on the Susquehanna River Basin economy pp. 363-384

- Rajnish Kamat, Adam Rose and David Abler
- Electricity distribution as an unsustainable natural monopoly: a potential outcome of New Zealand's regulatory regime pp. 385-401

- Calum Gunn and Basil Sharp
Volume 21, issue 3, 1999
- Non-competitive market behaviour in the international coking coal market pp. 195-212

- Paul Graham, Sally Thorpe and Lindsay Hogan
- Pricing of electricity tariffs in competitive markets pp. 213-223

- Jussi Keppo and Mika Rasanen
- Modeling economies of scale: the case of US electric power companies pp. 225-237

- John J. Hisnanick and Kern O. Kymn
- Weather-induced changes in the tradeoff between SO2 and NOx at large power plants pp. 239-259

- Jonathan E. Leightner
- Sources of change in petroleum drilling productivity in onshore Louisiana in the US, 1977-1994 pp. 261-271

- Omowumi O. Iledare and Allan G. Pulsipher
- International comparisons of productivity and its determinants in the natural gas industry pp. 273-293

- Tai-Yoo Kim, Jeong-Dong Lee, Yearn H. Park and Boyoung Kim
Volume 21, issue 2, 1999
- Convergence to the long-run equilibrium: the case of natural gas markets pp. 95-110

- Donald Lien and Thomas H. Root
- Second-best energy policies for heterogeneous firms pp. 111-134

- Erik Verhoef and Peter Nijkamp
- The impact of energy derivatives on the crude oil market pp. 135-167

- Jeff Fleming and Barbara Ostdiek
- The demand for electricity in Israel pp. 168-183

- Michael Beenstock, Ephraim Goldin and Dan Nabot
- The impact of economic regulation on attempts to curb expense preference behavior: a micro-data analysis of CEO compensation schemes for electric utilities pp. 185-194

- Franklin Mixon and Kamal Upadhyaya
Volume 21, issue 1, 1999
- Regulator preferences and utility prices: evidence from natural gas distribution utilities pp. 1-15

- Christopher C. Klein and George H. Sweeney
- The taxation of drivers and the choice of car fuel type pp. 17-35

- Jan Rouwendal and Frans de Vries
- Household adjustment to gasoline price change: an analysis using 9 years of US survey data pp. 37-52

- Steven Puller and Lorna Greening
- Modelling the electricity consumption of cities: effect of urban density pp. 53-66

- Isabelle Lariviere and Gaetan Lafrance
- A hybrid economic-engineering model for natural gas production pp. 67-94

- Janie Chermak, James Crafton, Suzanne M. Norquist and Robert Patrick
Volume 20, issue 5-6, 1998
- Sensitivity of climate change mitigation estimates to assumptions about technical change pp. 473-493

- Hadi Dowlatabadi
- Technological change and the timing of mitigation measures pp. 495-512

- Arnulf Grubler and Sabine Messner
- Power shifts: the dynamics of energy efficiency pp. 513-537

- Ottmar Edenhofer and Carlo C. Jaeger
- Decision making under uncertainty and inertia constraints: sectoral implications of the when flexibility pp. 539-555

- Franck Lecocq, Jean-Charles Hourcade and Minh Ha Duong
- Short-term decisions under long-term uncertainty pp. 557-569

- Richard Tol
- Uncertainty propagation within an integrated model of climate change1 pp. 571-598

- R. Zapert, P. S. Gaertner and J. A. Filar
- Quasi-option value and climate policy choices pp. 599-620

- Minh Ha-Duong
Volume 20, issue 4, 1998
- A computable general equilibrium model of energy, economy and equity interactions in Pakistan pp. 347-373

- Farzana Naqvi
- Household ownership of electric room air conditioners pp. 375-387

- Isamu Matsukawa and Nariyasu Ito
- Conservation tillage and the use of energy and other inputs in US agriculture pp. 389-410

- Noel D. Uri
- Electricity substitution: some local industrial evidence pp. 411-419

- A. H. Barnett, Keith Reutter and Henry Thompson
- Residential energy demand in OECD-countries and the role of irreversible efficiency improvements pp. 421-442

- Reinhard Haas and Lee Schipper
- Integrating the bottom-up and top-down approach to energy-economy modelling: the case of Denmark pp. 443-461

- Henrik Klinge Jacobsen
Volume 20, issue 3, 1998
- The synthesis of bottom-up and top-down in energy policy modeling pp. 233-248

- Christoph Bohringer
- Estimated substitution elasticities of a nested CES production function approach for Germany pp. 249-264

- Claudia Kemfert
- The cyclical behavior of monthly NYMEX energy prices pp. 265-271

- Apostolos Serletis and Todd Kemp
- Gasoline demand revisited: an international meta-analysis of elasticities pp. 273-295

- Molly Espey
- Petrol price asymmetries revisited pp. 297-308

- Barry Reilly and Robert Witt
- Aggregate impacts of the proposed reduction in the motor fuels excise tax in the United States1 pp. 309-323

- Noel D. Uri and Roy Boyd
- Clean air and renewable fuels: the market for fuel ethanol in the US from 1984 to 1993 pp. 325-345

- Kevin N. Rask
Volume 20, issue 2, 1998
- Market power in the Australian power market pp. 121-133

- Donna Brennan and Jane Melanie
- Response bias in a conjoint analysis of power outages pp. 135-156

- Michael Beenstock, Ephraim Goldin and Yoel Haitovsky
- Residential energy demand and the interaction of price and temperature: British experimental evidence pp. 157-171

- Andrew Henley and John Peirson
- Comparative energy and environmental policy for the residential sector: applying Dutch standards to the UK housing stock pp. 173-202

- Charles Hargreaves, Nick Johnstone, Fouad Laroui and Marko van Leeuwen
- Coal subsidization and nuclear phase-out in a general equilibrium model for Germany pp. 203-222

- Heinz Welsch
- Is the gas supply market a natural monopoly? Econometric evidence from the British Gas regions pp. 223-232

- Philip Burns and Thomas G. Weyman-Jones
Volume 20, issue 1, 1998
- Energy efficiency and structural change in the Netherlands, 1980-1990 pp. 1-28

- Jacco Farla, Rob Cuelenaere11 and Kornelis Blok
- Understanding industrial energy use: structural and energy intensity changes in Ontario industry pp. 29-41

- Douglas T. Gardner and Mahmoud A. T. Elkhafif
- Decomposition of aggregate carbon intensity for the manufacturing sector: comparison of declining trends from 10 OECD countries for the period 1971-1991 pp. 43-65

- Lorna Greening, William B. Davis and Lee Schipper
- Assessing the energy intensities of imports pp. 67-83

- J. J. Battjes, K. J. Noorman and W. Biesiot
- Changes in energy consumption and energy intensity: A complete decomposition model pp. 85-100

- J. W. Sun
- Economic modelling approaches to cost estimates for the control of carbon dioxide emissions1 pp. 101-120

- ZhongXiang Zhang and Henk Folmer
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