Energy Economics
1979 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Energy Finance & Development. Current editor(s): R. S. J. Tol, Beng Ang, Lance Bachmeier, Perry Sadorsky, Ugur Soytas and J. P. Weyant From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 25, issue 6, 2003
- Inference from concave stochastic frontiers and the covariance of firm efficiency measures across firms pp. 585-601

- Imad Dashti
- Functional forms in energy demand modeling pp. 603-613

- Jay Zarnikau
- Decomposition of aggregate energy intensity changes in two measures: ratio and difference pp. 615-624

- Ki-Hong Choi and B.W. Ang
- Why did the energy intensity fall in China's industrial sector in the 1990s? The relative importance of structural change and intensity change pp. 625-638

- ZhongXiang Zhang
- Resource allocation decision modeling for a Louisiana Public Benefit Fund program pp. 639-667

- Mark J. Kaiser and Allan G. Pulsipher
- Price asymmetry in the Dutch retail gasoline market pp. 669-689

- Leon Bettendorf, Stephanie A. van der Geest and Marco Varkevisser
- Optimal technological choices in meeting Australian energy policy goals pp. 691-712

- Paul W. Graham and David J. Williams
- Forecasting activity levels in the UK continental shelf: the role of perceptions pp. 713-739

- A. G. Kemp and A. S. Kasim
- Exchange rate of the US dollar and the J curve: the case of oil exporting countries pp. 741-765

- Ayoub Yousefi and Tony Wirjanto
Volume 25, issue 5, 2003
- Constructing forward price curves in electricity markets pp. 409-424

- Stein-Erik Fleten and Jacob Lemming
- Regime jumps in electricity prices pp. 425-434

- Ronald Huisman and Ronald Mahieu
- Market risk in commodity markets: a VaR approach pp. 435-457

- Pierre Giot and Sébastien Laurent
- Real options and a large producer: the case of electricity markets pp. 459-472

- Jussi Keppo and Hao Lu
- A natural monopoly in natural gas transmission pp. 473-485

- Daniel Gordon, K. Gunsch and C. V. Pawluk
- Can rural electric cooperatives survive in a restructured US electric market? An empirical analysis pp. 487-508

- Monica Lynne Greer
- Electricity trade and CO2 emission reductions in the Nordic countries pp. 509-526

- Jens Hauch
- The market for tradable GHG permits under the Kyoto Protocol: a survey of model studies pp. 527-551

- Urs Springer
- A statistical approach to conservation supply curves pp. 553-564

- Peter Willemé
- Valuing improvements in comfort from domestic energy-efficiency retrofits using a trade-off simulation model pp. 565-583

- J. Peter Clinch and John D. Healy
Volume 25, issue 4, 2003
- Energy prices in the presence of plant indivisibilities pp. 303-314

- Ronald Fischer and Pablo Serra
- How cost efficient are Australia's mining industries? pp. 315-329

- John Asafu-Adjaye and Renuka Mahadevan
- Measuring economies of scope for cogeneration systems in Korea: a nonparametric approach pp. 331-338

- Oh Sang Kwon and Won-Cheol Yun
- Exploration can cause falling non-renewable resource prices pp. 339-343

- John Boyce
- Strategic interaction on the UK Gas Transportation System: the St. Fergus and Bacton constraints pp. 345-358

- Mario Pagliero
- International comparisons of domestic energy consumption pp. 359-373

- Michiel De Nooij, Rene van der Kruk and Daan van Soest
- Contributions of weather and fuel mix to recent declines in US energy and carbon intensity pp. 375-396

- W. Bart Davis, Alan H. Sanstad and Jonathan G. Koomey
- Path-dependency and input substitution: implications for energy policy modelling pp. 397-407

- Gerard Kuper and Daan van Soest
Volume 25, issue 3, 2003
- Implementing a stochastic model for oil futures prices pp. 215-238

- Gonzalo Cortazar and Eduardo S. Schwartz
- Estimating oil price 'Value at Risk' using the historical simulation approach pp. 239-253

- J. David Cabedo and Ismael Moya
- A spatial mean-variance MIP model for energy market risk analysis pp. 255-268

- Zuwei Yu
- Higher prices at Canadian gas pumps: international crude oil prices or local market concentration? An empirical investigation pp. 269-288

- Anindya Sen
- Price relationships in the petroleum market: an analysis of crude oil and refined product prices pp. 289-301

- Frank Asche, Ole Gjolberg and Teresa Volker
Volume 25, issue 2, 2003
- Energy disruptions, interfirm price effects and the aggregate economy pp. 119-136

- Hillard G. Huntington
- Do oil price shocks matter? Evidence for some European countries pp. 137-154

- Juncal Cuñado and Fernando Pérez de Gracia
- Crude oil price fluctuations and Saudi Arabia's behaviour pp. 155-173

- Roberto De Santis
- Rockets and feathers revisited: an international comparison on European gasoline markets pp. 175-190

- Marzio Galeotti, Alessandro Lanza and Matteo Manera
- Short-run, long-run and cross elasticities of gasoline demand in Brazil pp. 191-199

- Denisard Alves and Rodrigo De Losso da Silveira Bueno
- Elasticities of demand for gasoline in Canada and the United States pp. 201-214

- C. J. Nicol
Volume 25, issue 1, 2003
- Dynamic translog and linear logit models: a factor demand analysis of interfuel substitution in US industrial energy demand pp. 1-21

- Giovanni Urga and Chris Walters
- Dematerialization in Finnish energy use, 1972-1996 pp. 23-32

- J. W. Sun
- Energy consumption and GDP: causality relationship in G-7 countries and emerging markets pp. 33-37

- Ugur Soytas and Ramazan Sari
- Comparing structural decomposition analysis and index pp. 39-64

- Rutger Hoekstra and Jeroen van den Bergh
- Stationarity, structural change and specification in a demand system: the case of energy pp. 65-92

- Ian D. McAvinchey and Andreas Yannopoulos
- Underlying trends and seasonality in UK energy demand: a sectoral analysis pp. 93-118

- Lester C. Hunt, Guy Judge and Yasushi Ninomiya
Volume 24, issue 6, 2002
- Volatility transmission in the oil and natural gas markets pp. 525-538

- Bradley Ewing, Farooq Malik and Ozkan Ozfidan
- Time-varying risk premiums in petroleum futures prices pp. 539-556

- Perry Sadorsky
- World crude oil and natural gas: a demand and supply model pp. 557-576

- Noureddine Krichene
- An empirical exploration of the world oil price under the target zone model pp. 577-596

- Linghui Tang and Shawkat Hammoudeh
- Price rigidity in the downstream petroleum industry in New Zealand: where does it happen? pp. 597-613

- Sarath B. Delpachitra
- The effect of uncertainty and aggregate investments on crude oil price dynamics pp. 615-628

- Jostein Tvedt
- An empirical analysis of lumpy investment: the case of US petroleum refining industry pp. 629-645

- Hirokatsu Asano
Volume 24, issue 5, 2002
- The costs of natural gas distribution pipelines: the case of SCGM, Quebec pp. 425-438

- Jean-Thomas Bernard, Denis Bolduc and Annie Hardy
- Study of efficiency and productivity growth in opencast and underground coal mining in India: a DEA analysis pp. 439-453

- Mudit Kulshreshtha and Jyoti K. Parikh
- Project valuation when there are two cashflow streams pp. 455-467

- Magne Emhjellen and Chris M. Alaouze
- The cost of phasing out nuclear power:: a quantitative assessment of alternative scenarios for Germany pp. 469-490

- Christoph Bohringer, Tim Hoffmann and Stefan Vögele
- The effect of sulfur regulations on the U.S. electric power industry: a generalized cost approach pp. 491-508

- Myunghun Lee
- National CO2 policy and externalities: some general equilibrium results for Switzerland pp. 509-522

- Stefan Felder and Reto Schleiniger
- Erratum to "The Danish Green Certificate System: some simple analytical results": [Energy Economics 23 (2001) 489-509] pp. 523-524

- Eirik S. Amundsen and Jorgen Birk Mortensen
Volume 24, issue 4, 2002
- Allocative inefficiency and the capital-energy controversy pp. 305-318

- Dimitris Christopoulos and Mike Tsionas
- Energy consumption and economic growth: assessing the evidence from Greece pp. 319-336

- George Hondroyiannis, Sarantis Lolos and Evangelia Papapetrou
- Factor substitution, and economies of scale and utilisation in Kuwait's crude oil industry pp. 337-354

- Naief Al-Mutairi and Nadeem A. Burney
- Energy and national income in Korea: further evidence on the role of omitted variables pp. 355-365

- Yong U. Glasure
- Welfare specifications and optimal control of climate change: an application of fund pp. 367-376

- Richard Tol
- Economic, energy and greenhouse emissions impacts of some consumer choice, technology and government outlay options pp. 377-403

- Manfred Lenzen and Christopher J. Dey
- Global warming and the energy efficiency of Spanish industry pp. 405-423

- Maria L. Feijoo, Juan F. Franco and Jose M. Hernandez
Volume 24, issue 3, 2002
- Investing without credible inter-period regulations: a bargaining approach with application to investments in natural resources pp. 167-182

- Kjell Bjørn Nordal
- Optimal taxation of exhaustible resource under monopoly pp. 183-197

- Jeong-Bin Im
- The must-run dispatch auction in an electricity market pp. 199-216

- G. Pritchard
- Market power analysis for the Colombian electricity market pp. 217-229

- Alfredo Garcia and Luis E. Arbelaez
- Pricing natural gas distribution in Mexico pp. 231-248

- Jose Carlos Ramirez and Juan Rosellon
- European market integration for gas? Volume flexibility and political risk pp. 249-265

- Frank Asche, Petter Osmundsen and Ragnar Tveterås
- Space-heating and water-heating energy demands of the aged in the US pp. 267-284

- Huei-Chu Liao and Tsai-Feng Chang
- Market transition and regional adjustments in the Polish coal industry pp. 285-303

- Wojciech Suwala and Walter C. Labys
Volume 24, issue 2, 2002
- Oil production responses to price changes: an empirical application of the competitive model to OPEC and non-OPEC countries pp. 97-106

- Harri Ramcharran
- An analysis of factors affecting price volatility of the US oil market pp. 107-119

- C. W. Yang, M. J. Hwang and B. N. Huang
- Value of an option to purchase electric power -- the case of uncertain consumption pp. 121-137

- Karan Bhanot
- The Cournot competition in the spatial equilibrium model pp. 139-154

- Chin W. Yang, Ming J. Hwang and Soong N. Sohng
- Economic viability of stand-alone solar photovoltaic system in comparison with diesel-powered system for India pp. 155-165

- Mohanlal Kolhe, Sunita Kolhe and J. C. Joshi
Volume 24, issue 1, 2002
- Endogenous technological change in climate change modelling pp. 1-19

- Bob van der Zwaan, Reyer Gerlagh, G., Klaassen and L. Schrattenholzer
- Costs of compliance with the Kyoto Protocol: a developing country perspective pp. 21-39

- Roy Boyd and Maria E. Ibarraran
- Impact of energy efficiency policy to productive efficiency of electricity distribution industry in the Philippines pp. 41-54

- Romeo Pacudan and Elaine de Guzman
- Temperature and seasonality influences on Spanish electricity load pp. 55-70

- Angel Pardo, Vicente Meneu and Enric Valor
- A Markov switching model of the conditional volatility of crude oil futures prices pp. 71-95

- Wai Mun Fong and Kim Hock See
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