Energy Economics
1979 - 2025
Continuation of Journal of Energy Finance & Development. Current editor(s): R. S. J. Tol, Beng Ang, Lance Bachmeier, Perry Sadorsky, Ugur Soytas and J. P. Weyant From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 26, issue 6, 2004
- Induced innovations and climate change policy pp. 937-960

- Guy Jakeman, Kevin Hanslow, Mike Hinchy, Brian S. Fisher and Kate Woffenden
- A dynamic analysis of interfuel substitution for Swedish heating plants pp. 961-976

- Runar Brannlund and Tommy Lundgren
- Causality between energy consumption and economic growth in India: a note on conflicting results pp. 977-983

- Shyamal Paul and Rabindra N. Bhattacharya
- Structural break, unit root, and the causality between energy consumption and GDP in Turkey pp. 985-994

- Galip Altinay and Erdal Karagol
- Economies of integration in the Spanish electricity industry using a multistage cost function pp. 995-1013

- Sergio Jara-Diaz, Francisco Ramos-Real and Eduardo Martinez-Budria
Volume 26, issue 5, 2004
- A generalized Fisher index approach to energy decomposition analysis pp. 757-763

- B.W. Ang, F.L. Liu and Hyun-Sik Chung
- Decomposition of energy and CO2 intensities of Thai industry between 1981 and 2000 pp. 765-781

- Subhes C. Bhattacharyya and Arjaree Ussanarassamee
- The empirical role of the exchange rate on the crude-oil price formation pp. 783-799

- Ayoub Yousefi and Tony Wirjanto
- Mechanisms of funding for Universal Service Obligations: the electricity case pp. 801-823

- François Mirabel and Jean-Christophe Poudou
- Strategic behaviour under regulatory benchmarking pp. 825-843

- Tooraj Jamasb, Paul Nillesen and Michael Pollitt
- Liquidity implications of a commitment period reserve at national and global levels pp. 845-868

- Erik Haites and Fanny Missfeldt
- Fuel switching: evidence from eight developing countries pp. 869-887

- Rasmus Heltberg
- Assessment of the global and regional geographical, technical and economic potential of onshore wind energy pp. 889-919

- Monique Hoogwijk, Bert de Vries and Wim Turkenburg
- Emission policies and the Nigerian economy: simulations from a dynamic applied general equilibrium model pp. 921-936

- Godwin Nwaobi
Volume 26, issue 4, 2004
- Introduction and overview pp. 501-515

- John P. Weyant
- Stabilization of CO2 in a B2 world: insights on the roles of carbon capture and disposal, hydrogen, and transportation technologies pp. 517-537

- Jae Edmonds, John Clarke, James Dooley, Son H. Kim and Steven J. Smith
- Technological learning for carbon capture and sequestration technologies pp. 539-564

- Keywan Riahi, Edward S. Rubin, Margaret R. Taylor, Leo Schrattenholzer and David Hounshell
- Potentials of hydrogen and nuclear towards global warming mitigation--expansion of an integrated assessment model MARIA and simulations pp. 565-578

- Shunsuke Mori and Takahiro Saito
- Responses to technology and taxes in a simulated world pp. 579-601

- Detlef P. van Vuuren, Bert de Vries, Bas Eickhout and Tom Kram
- The impact of learning-by-doing on the timing and costs of CO2 abatement pp. 603-619

- Alan Manne and Richard Richels
- Learn-by-doing and carbon dioxide abatement pp. 621-633

- Alan Manne and Leonardo Barreto
- Assessment of global warming mitigation options with integrated assessment model DNE21 pp. 635-653

- Keigo Akimoto, Toshimasa Tomoda, Yasumasa Fujii and Kenji Yamaji
- Response from a MARKAL technology model to the EMF scenario assumptions pp. 655-674

- Koen E. L. Smekens-Ramirez Morales
- Carbon concentration target and technological choice pp. 675-684

- Atsushi Kurosawa
- Representing energy technologies in top-down economic models using bottom-up information pp. 685-707

- J. R. McFarland, John Reilly and H. J. Herzog
- Analysis of global warming stabilization scenarios: the Asian-Pacific Integrated Model pp. 709-719

- Mikiko Kainuma, Yuzuru Matsuoka, Tsuneyuki Morita, Toshihiko Masui and Kiyoshi Takahashi
- Dynamics of carbon abatement in the Second Generation Model pp. 721-738

- Ronald D. Sands
- An integrated analysis of policies that increase investments in advanced energy-efficient/low-carbon technologies pp. 739-755

- Donald Hanson and Laitner, John A. "Skip"
Volume 26, issue 3, 2004
- The energy intensity of transition countries pp. 283-295

- Jan Cornillie and Sam Fankhauser
- The ex post impact of an energy tax on household energy demand pp. 297-317

- Peter H. G. Berkhout, Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell and Jos C. Muskens
- Estimating residential demand for electricity in Greece pp. 319-334

- George Hondroyiannis
- Disaggregate energy consumption, employment and income in Turkey pp. 335-344

- Ramazan Sari and Ugur Soytas
- Coping with the cold: space heating and the urban poor in developing countries pp. 345-357

- Xun Wu, Julian Lampietti and Anke Sofia Meyer
- Farmers' willingness to pay for power in India: conceptual issues, survey results and implications for pricing pp. 359-369

- Rafiq Dossani and V. Ranganathan
- Effects of allocative inefficiency on resource allocation and energy substitution in Pakistan's manufacturing pp. 371-388

- Abid Burki and Mahmood ul Hasan Khan
- Random fractal structures in North American energy markets pp. 389-399

- Apostolos Serletis and Ioannis Andreadis
- Testing for common features in North American energy markets pp. 401-414

- Apostolos Serletis and Ricardo Rangel-Ruiz
- Shares, gaps and the economy's response to oil disruptions pp. 415-424

- Hillard G. Huntington
- Hedgers, funds, and small speculators in the energy futures markets: an analysis of the CFTC's Commitments of Traders reports pp. 425-445

- Dwight R. Sanders, Keith Boris and Mark Manfredo
- Ex-ante analysis of welfare change for a liberalization of the natural gas market pp. 447-461

- Jeong-Dong Lee, Jongsu Lee and Tai-Yoo Kim
- Electrical energy usage over the business cycle pp. 463-485

- Mark Thoma
- Optimal natural resources management under uncertainty with catastrophic risk pp. 487-499

- Tsujimura Motoh
Volume 26, issue 2, 2004
- Household electricity end-use consumption: results from econometric and engineering models pp. 179-200

- Bodil Merethe Larsen and Runa Nesbakken
- Residential electricity demand in Taiwan pp. 201-224

- Pernille Holtedahl and Fred Joutz
- Energy use and output growth in Canada: a multivariate cointegration analysis pp. 225-238

- Khalifa H. Ghali and Mohammed El-Sakka
- An empirical analysis of the determinants of high bonus bids for petroleum leases in the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) pp. 239-259

- Omowumi O. Iledare, Allan G. Pulsipher, Williams O. Olatubi and Dmitry V. Mesyanzhinov
- A general equilibrium assessment of rebound effects pp. 261-282

- Sverre Grepperud and Ingeborg Rasmussen
Volume 26, issue 1, 2004
- Editorial pp. v-vi

- Richard Tol and John P. Weyant
- Effects of human behavior on aggregate carbon intensity of personal transportation: comparison of 10 OECD countries for the period 1970-1993 pp. 1-30

- Lorna Greening
- Economic growth and interfactor/interfuel substitution in Korea pp. 31-50

- Won G. Cho, Kiseok Nam and Jose A. Pagan
- Causal relationship between energy consumption and GDP revisited: the case of Korea 1970-1999 pp. 51-59

- Wankeun Oh and Kihoon Lee
- Cointegration and causality between electricity consumption and GDP: empirical evidence from Malawi pp. 61-68

- Charles Jumbe
- Disaggregated industrial energy consumption and GDP: the case of Shanghai, 1952-1999 pp. 69-75

- Yemane Wolde-Rufael
- The impact of electricity supply on economic growth in Sri Lanka pp. 77-85

- Risako Morimoto and Chris Hope
- The demand for residential, industrial and total electricity, 1973-1998 pp. 87-100

- David R. Kamerschen and David V. Porter
- Revaluing the hierarchy of paper recycling pp. 101-122

- Eva Samakovlis
- Estimating the rebound effect in US manufacturing energy consumption pp. 123-134

- Jan Bentzen
- The impact of the Asian crisis on the behavior of US and international petroleum prices pp. 135-160

- Shawkat Hammoudeh and Huimin Li
- Clean air policy and oxygenated fuels: do we get what we pay for? pp. 161-177

- Kevin Rask
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