Journal of Accounting and Economics
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. L. Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, T. Z. Lys and R. L. Watts From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 34, issue 1-3, 2003
- Information distribution within firms: evidence from stock option exercises pp. 3-31

- Steven Huddart and Mark Lang
- Discussion of "Information distribution within firms: evidence from stock option exercises" pp. 33-41

- Ron Kasznik
- Market valuations in the New Economy: an investigation of what has changed pp. 43-67

- John E. Core, Wayne R. Guay and Andrew Van Buskirk
- Time-series coefficient variation in value-relevance regressions: a discussion of Core, Guay, and Van Buskirk and new evidence pp. 69-87

- S. P. Kothari and Jay Shanken
- The structure and performance consequences of equity grants to employees of new economy firms pp. 89-127

- Christopher D. Ittner, Richard A. Lambert and David F. Larcker
- Stock-based pay in new economy firms pp. 129-147

- Kevin Murphy
- Open versus closed conference calls: the determinants and effects of broadening access to disclosure pp. 149-180

- Brian J. Bushee, Dawn A. Matsumoto and Gregory S. Miller
- Should firms disclose everything to everybody? A discussion of "Open vs. closed conference calls: the determinants and effects of broadening access to disclosure" pp. 181-187

- Douglas J. Skinner
- Internet downturn: finding valuation factors in Spring 2000 pp. 189-236

- Elizabeth K. Keating, Thomas Z. Lys and Robert P. Magee
- Discussion of "The Internet downturn: Finding valuation factors in Spring 2000" pp. 237-247

- Jonathan Lewellen
- Discretionary disclosure and stock-based incentives pp. 283-309

- Venky Nagar, Dhananjay Nanda and Peter Wysocki
- Discussion of "Compensation policy and discretionary disclosure" pp. 311-318

- Mary E. Barth
Volume 33, issue 3, 2002
- Editorial data pp. 277-277

- Ross L. Watts, Jerold Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, Thomas Z. Lys and Douglas J. Skinner
- Discretionary disclosure, efficiency, and signal informativeness pp. 279-311

- Suil Pae
- Stock price reaction and value relevance of recognition versus disclosure: the case of stock-based compensation pp. 343-373

- Hassan Espahbodi, Pouran Espahbodi, Zabihollah Rezaee and Hassan Tehranian
- Audit committee, board of director characteristics, and earnings management pp. 375-400

- April Klein
- Corporate ownership structure and the informativeness of accounting earnings in East Asia pp. 401-425

- Joseph P. H. Fan and T. J. Wong
Volume 33, issue 2, 2002
- Editorial data pp. 143-143

- Ross Watts, Jerold Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, Thomas Z. Lys and Douglas J. Skinner
- Empirical evidence on the relation between stock option compensation and risk taking pp. 145-171

- Shivaram Rajgopal and Terry Shevlin
- The rewards to meeting or beating earnings expectations pp. 173-204

- Eli Bartov, Dan Givoly and Carla Hayn
- The importance of accounting changes in debt contracts: the cost of flexibility in covenant calculations pp. 205-227

- Anne Beatty, K. Ramesh and Joseph Weber
- Auditor independence and fee dependence pp. 253-275

- Allen Craswell, Donald J. Stokes and Janet Laughton
Volume 33, issue 1, 2002
- Editorial data pp. 1-1

- Ross Watts, Jerold Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, Thomas Z. Lys and Douglas J. Skinner
- Stock options for undiversified executives pp. 3-42

- Brian J. Hall and Kevin Murphy
- Empirical tests of budget ratcheting and its effect on managers' discretionary accrual choices pp. 43-67

- Andrew Leone and Steve Rock
- Informational costs and benefits of creating separately identifiable operating segments pp. 69-90

- Frank Gigler and Thomas Hemmer
- Litigation risk and audit fees: evidence from UK firms cross-listed on US markets pp. 91-115

- Ananth Seetharaman, Ferdinand Gul and Stephen G. Lynn
- Corporate multistate tax planning: benefits of multiple jurisdictions pp. 117-139

- Sanjay Gupta and Lillian Mills
- Erratum to "Use of R2 in accounting research: measuring changes in value relevance over the last four decades": [Journal of Accounting and Economics 28 (1999) 83-115] pp. 141-141

- Stephen Brown, Kin Lo and Thomas Lys
Volume 32, issue 1-3, 2001
- Editorial Data pp. 1-1

- Ross Watts, Jerold Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, Thomas Z. Lys and Douglas J. Skinner
- Contracting theory and accounting pp. 3-87

- Richard A. Lambert
- Discussion of "Contracting theory and accounting" pp. 89-96

- Robert P. Magee
- Essays on disclosure pp. 97-180

- Robert E. Verrecchia
- An evaluation of "essays on disclosure" and the disclosure literature in accounting pp. 181-235

- Ronald A. Dye
- Financial accounting information and corporate governance pp. 237-333

- Robert M. Bushman and Abbie J. Smith
- Financial accounting and corporate governance: a discussion pp. 335-347

- Richard G. Sloan
- Assessing empirical research in managerial accounting: a value-based management perspective pp. 349-410

- Christopher D. Ittner and David F. Larcker
- Conjectures regarding empirical managerial accounting research pp. 411-427

- Jerold Zimmerman
Volume 31, issue 1-3, 2001
- Editorial data pp. 1-1

- Ross L. Watts, Jerold Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, Thomas Z. Lys and Douglas J. Skinner
- The relevance of the value-relevance literature for financial accounting standard setting pp. 3-75

- Robert W. Holthausen and Ross Watts
- The relevance of the value relevance literature for financial accounting standard setting: another view pp. 77-104

- Mary E. Barth, William H. Beaver and Wayne R. Landsman
- Capital markets research in accounting pp. 105-231

- S. P. Kothari
- Market efficiency and accounting research: a discussion of 'capital market research in accounting' by S.P. Kothari pp. 233-253

- Charles Lee
- Empirical research on accounting choice pp. 255-307

- Thomas D. Fields, Thomas Z. Lys and Linda Vincent
- Discussion of empirical research on accounting choice pp. 309-319

- Jennifer Francis
- Empirical tax research in accounting pp. 321-387

- Douglas A. Shackelford and Terry Shevlin
- Empirical tax research in accounting: A discussion pp. 389-403

- Edward L. Maydew
- Information asymmetry, corporate disclosure, and the capital markets: A review of the empirical disclosure literature pp. 405-440

- Paul M. Healy and Krishna G. Palepu
- A review of the empirical disclosure literature: discussion pp. 441-456

- John E. Core
Volume 30, issue 3, 2000
- Editorial data pp. 243-243

- Ross L. Watts, Jerold Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, Thomas Z. Lys and Douglas J. Skinner
- Performance standards in incentive contracts pp. 245-278

- Kevin Murphy
- Going-concern initial public offerings pp. 279-313

- Michael Willenborg and J.C.James C. McKeown
- An empirical analysis of continuing improvements following the implementation of a performance-based compensation plan pp. 315-350

- Rajiv D. Banker, S.-Y.Seok-Young Lee, Gordon Potter and Dhinu Srinivasan
- Analyst following and count-data econometrics pp. 351-373

- Steve Rock, Stanley Sedo and Michael Willenborg
- Does size matter? The influence of large clients on office-level auditor reporting decisions pp. 375-400

- J. Kenneth Reynolds and Jere R. Francis
- Accounting standards and value relevance of financial statements: An international analysis pp. 401-420

- Mingyi Hung
- Discretionary-accruals models and audit qualifications pp. 421-452

- Eli Bartov, Ferdinand Gul and J.S.L.Judy S. L. Tsui
Volume 30, issue 2, 2000
- Editorial data pp. 123-123

- Ross L. Watts, Jerold Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, Thomas Z. Lys and Douglas J. Skinner
- The reliability of investment property fair value estimates pp. 125-158

- J. Richard Dietrich, Mary S. Harris and Karl A. MullerIII
- The effects of regulatory and contracting costs on banks' choice of accounting method for other postretirement employee benefits pp. 159-186

- K. Ramesh and Lawrence Revsine
- The use of accounting flexibility to reduce labor renegotiation costs and manage earnings pp. 187-208

- Julia D'Souza, John Jacob and K. Ramesh
- Do analysts generate trade for their firms? Evidence from the Toronto stock exchange pp. 209-226

- P. J. A. Irvine
- Applying reverse regression techniques in earnings-return analyses pp. 227-240

- William M. Cready, David N. Hurtt and Jim A. Seida
- Corrigendum to "The effect of international institutional factors on properties of accounting earnings"; [Journal of Accounting and Economics 29 (2000) 1-51] pp. 241-241

- Ray Ball, S. P. Kothari and Ashok Robin
Volume 30, issue 1, 2000
- The effect of tax accounting rules on capital structure and discretionary accruals pp. 1-31

- Michael J. Calegari
- Do capital gain tax rate increases affect individual investors' trading decisions? pp. 33-57

- Jim A. Seida and William F. Wempe
- The effect of transaction structure on price: Evidence from subsidiary sales pp. 59-97

- Merle Erickson and Shiing-wu Wang
- The impact of state taxes on self-insurance pp. 99-122

- Bin Ke, Kathy R. Petroni and Douglas A. Shackelford
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