Journal of Accounting and Economics
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. L. Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, T. Z. Lys and R. L. Watts From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 25, issue 3, 1998
- Commemorating the 25th Volume of the Journal of Accounting and Economics pp. 217-233

- Ross Watts
- Concentration without differentiation: A new look at the determinants of audit market concentration pp. 235-253

- Rajib Doogar and Robert F. Easley
- Using delegation and control systems to mitigate the trade-off between the performance-evaluation and belief-revision uses of accounting signals pp. 255-282

- V. G. Narayanan and Antonio Davila
- Accounting valuation, market expectation, and cross-sectional stock returns pp. 283-319

- Richard Frankel and Charles Lee
- Performance measurement systems, incentives, and the optimal allocation of responsibilities pp. 321-347

- Thomas Hemmer
- A model of negotiated transfer pricing pp. 349-384

- Igor Vaysman
- State and provincial corporate tax planning: income shifting and sales apportionment factor management pp. 385-406

- Kenneth J. Klassen and Douglas A. Shackelford
Volume 25, issue 2, 1998
- The relation between earnings and cash flows pp. 133-168

- Patricia M. Dechow, S. P. Kothari and Ross Watts
- Accounting earnings and executive compensation:: The role of earnings persistence pp. 169-193

- William R. Baber, Sok-Hyon Kang and Krishna R. Kumar
- Do nonlinearity, firm-specific coefficients, and losses represent distinct factors in the relation between stock returns and accounting earnings? pp. 195-214

- Robert C. Lipe, Lisa Bryant and Sally K. Widener
Volume 25, issue 1, 1998
- Relative valuation roles of equity book value and net income as a function of financial health pp. 1-34

- Mary E. Barth, William H. Beaver and Wayne R. Landsman
- Auditor changes and discretionary accruals pp. 35-67

- Mark L. DeFond and K. R. Subramanyam
- The impact of the 1989 change in bank capital standards on loan loss provisions and loan write-offs pp. 69-99

- Myung-Sun Kim and William Kross
- Underwriting relationships, analysts' earnings forecasts and investment recommendations pp. 101-127

- Hsiou-wei Lin and Maureen F. McNichols
Volume 24, issue 3, 1997
- Determinants of divisional performance evaluation practices pp. 243-273

- A. Scott Keating
- Adopting residual income-based compensation plans: Do you get what you pay for? pp. 275-300

- James S. Wallace
- Does EVA(R) beat earnings? Evidence on associations with stock returns and firm values pp. 301-336

- Gary C. Biddle, Robert M. Bowen and James S. Wallace
- The effects of taxes, regulation, earnings, and organizational form on life insurers' investment portfolio realizations pp. 337-361

- Julie H. Collins, Greg G. Geisler and Douglas A. Shackelford
- Management communications with securities analysts pp. 363-394

- Jennifer Francis, J. Douglas Hanna and Donna R. Philbrick
Volume 24, issue 2, 1997
- pp. 127-127

- . .
- Global organizations and taxes: An analysis of the dividend, interest, royalty, and management fee payments between U.S. multinationals' foreign affiliates pp. 151-173

- Julie H. Collins and Douglas A. Shackelford
- The economic determinants of accounting choices: The unique case of equity carve-outs under SAB 51 pp. 175-203

- John R. M. Hand and Terrance R. Skantz
- Market assessment of industry and firm earnings information pp. 205-218

- Benjamin Ayers and Robert N. Freeman
- A test of the free cash flow and debt monitoring hypotheses:: Evidence from audit pricing pp. 219-237

- Ferdinand Gul and Judy S. L. Tsui
Volume 24, issue 1, 1997
- Editorial data pp. 1-1

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts, Jerold Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari and Robert W. Holthausen
- The conservatism principle and the asymmetric timeliness of earnings pp. 3-37

- Sudipta Basu
- Changes in the value-relevance of earnings and book values over the past forty years pp. 39-67

- Daniel W. Collins, Edward L. Maydew and Ira S. Weiss
- The valuation of the foreign income of US multinational firms: a growth opportunities perspective pp. 69-97

- Gordon Bodnar and Joseph Weintrop
- Earnings management to avoid earnings decreases and losses pp. 99-126

- David Burgstahler and Ilia Dichev
Volume 23, issue 3, 1997
- Editorial data pp. 223-223

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts, Jerold Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari and Robert W. Holthausen
- Financial reporting, tax costs, and book-tax conformity pp. 225-248

- David A. Guenther, Edward L. Maydew and Sarah E. Nutter
- Earnings disclosures and stockholder lawsuits pp. 249-282

- Douglas J. Skinner
- Stock price effects of the allowance of LIFO for tax purposes pp. 283-308

- Morton Pincus
- Political cost incentives for earnings management in the cable television industry pp. 309-337

- Kimberly Galligan Key
Volume 23, issue 2, 1997
- Editorial data pp. 113-113

- S. P. Kothari, Robert W. Holthausen, Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Smoothing income in anticipation of future earnings pp. 115-139

- Mark L. DeFond and Chul W. Park
- Estimation of benchmark performance standards: An application to public school expenditures pp. 141-161

- Nicholas Dopuch and Mahendra Gupta
- Disclosure policy choices of UK firms receiving modified audit reports pp. 163-187

- Carol A. Frost
- An experimental investigation of multi-defendant bargaining in 'joint and several' and proportionate liability regimes pp. 189-221

- Nicholas Dopuch, Daniel E. Ingberman and Ronald R. King
Volume 23, issue 1, 1997
- Editorial data pp. 1-1

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Five year report on the Journal of Accounting and Economics pp. 3-6

- Ray Ball, Ross Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Teams, repeated tasks, and implicit incentives pp. 7-30

- Anil Arya, John Fellingham and Jonathan Glover
- Changes in hospital service mix and cost allocations in response to changes in Medicare reimbursement schemes pp. 31-51

- Leslie Eldenburg and Sanjay Kallapur
- An empirical study of tax audits in China on international transfer pricing pp. 83-112

- K. Hung Chan and Lynne Chow
Volume 22, issue 1-3, 1996
- Editorial data pp. 1-1

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Value-relevance of nonfinancial information: The wireless communications industry pp. 3-30

- Eli Amir and Baruch Lev
- The value-relevance of nonfinancial information: A discussion pp. 31-42

- Terry Shevlin
- An empirical analysis of the economic implications of fair value accounting for investment securities pp. 43-77

- Anne Beatty, Sandra Chamberlain and Joseph Magliolo
- Fair value disclosures by bank holding companies pp. 79-117

- Elizabeth A. Eccher, K. Ramesh and S. Ramu Thiagarajan
- An investigation of capital market reactions to pronouncements on fair value accounting pp. 119-154

- Marcia Millon Cornett, Zabihollah Rezaee and Hassan Tehranian
- Abandoning the transactions-based accounting model: Weighing the evidence pp. 155-175

- Thomas Lys
- Discretionary behavior with respect to allowances for loan losses and the behavior of security prices pp. 177-206

- William H. Beaver and Ellen E. Engel
- Reinsurance and the management of regulatory ratios and taxes in the property--casualty insurance industry pp. 207-240

- Ron Adiel
- Earnings, regulatory capital, and tax management: Comments pp. 241-247

- Douglas A. Shackelford
- The pricing of discretionary accruals pp. 249-281

- K. R. Subramanyam
- Dividend-based earnings management: Empirical evidence from Finland pp. 283-312

- Eero Kasanen, Juha Kinnunen and Jyrki Niskanen
- What motivates managers' choice of discretionary accruals? pp. 313-325

- Victor L. Bernard and Douglas J. Skinner
- Value-relevance of banks' derivatives disclosures pp. 327-355

- Mohan Venkatachalam
- Market valuation of employee stock options pp. 357-391

- David Aboody
- Are disclosures about bank derivatives and employee stock options 'value-relevant'? pp. 393-405

- Douglas J. Skinner
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