Journal of Accounting and Economics
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. L. Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, T. Z. Lys and R. L. Watts From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 49, issue 3, 2010
- On the use of instrumental variables in accounting research pp. 186-205

- David F. Larcker and Tjomme O. Rusticus
- On the relationship between analyst reports and corporate disclosures: Exploring the roles of information discovery and interpretation pp. 206-226

- Xia Chen, Qiang Cheng and Kin Lo
- Do management earnings forecasts incorporate information in accruals? pp. 227-246

- Weihong Xu
- Executive pay and "independent" compensation consultants pp. 247-262

- Kevin J. Murphy and Tatiana Sandino
- The incentives of compensation consultants and CEO pay pp. 263-280

- Brian Cadman, Mary Ellen Carter and Stephen Hillegeist
Volume 49, issue 1-2, 2010
- Fair value accounting and gains from asset securitizations: A convenient earnings management tool with compensation side-benefits pp. 2-25

- Patricia M. Dechow, Linda A. Myers and Catherine Shakespeare
- In defense of fair value: Weighing the evidence on earnings management and asset securitizations pp. 26-33

- Mary Barth and Daniel Taylor
- Sarbanes-Oxley and corporate risk-taking pp. 34-52

- Leonce L. Bargeron, Kenneth M. Lehn and Chad J. Zutter
- The chilling effect of Sarbanes-Oxley: A discussion of Sarbanes-Oxley and corporate risk-taking pp. 53-57

- Aiyesha Dey
- How does internal control regulation affect financial reporting? pp. 58-74

- Jennifer Altamuro and Anne Beatty
- The federal deposit insurance corporation improvement act, bank internal controls and financial reporting quality pp. 75-83

- Ryan LaFond and Haifeng You
- Auditing the auditors: Evidence on the recent reforms to the external monitoring of audit firms pp. 84-103

- Clive Lennox and Jeffrey Pittman
- How should the auditors be audited? Comparing the PCAOB Inspections with the AICPA Peer Reviews pp. 104-108

- Mark L. DeFond
- The joint effects of materiality thresholds and voluntary disclosure incentives on firms' disclosure decisions pp. 109-132

- Shane Heitzman, Charles Wasley and Jerold Zimmerman
- Materiality and voluntary disclosures pp. 133-135

- Kin Lo
- Audit committee compensation and the demand for monitoring of the financial reporting process pp. 136-154

- Ellen Engel, Rachel M. Hayes and Xue Wang
- Corporate compensation policies and audit fees pp. 155-160

- Peter Wysocki
- Acquisition profitability and timely loss recognition pp. 161-178

- Jere R. Francis and Xiumin Martin
- Discussion of: "Acquisition profitability and timely loss recognition" by J. Francis and X. Martin pp. 179-183

- Sugata Roychowdhury
Volume 48, issue 2-3, 2009
- How does financial reporting quality relate to investment efficiency? pp. 112-131

- Gary C. Biddle, Gilles Hilary and Rodrigo S. Verdi
- Estimation and empirical properties of a firm-year measure of accounting conservatism pp. 132-150

- Mozaffar Khan and Ross L. Watts
- Auditor choice in privatized firms: Empirical evidence on the role of state and foreign owners pp. 151-171

- Omrane Guedhami, Jeffrey A. Pittman and Walid Saffar
- Investor perceptions of board performance: Evidence from uncontested director elections pp. 172-189

- Paul E. Fischer, Jeffrey D. Gramlich, Brian P. Miller and Hal D. White
- Internal control and management guidance pp. 190-209

- Mei Feng, Chan Li and Sarah McVay
- Perceived competition, profitability and the withholding of information about sales and the cost of sales pp. 210-230

- Elisabeth Dedman and Clive Lennox
Volume 48, issue 1, 2009
- Optimal impairment rules pp. 2-16

- Robert Göx and Alfred Wagenhofer
- On the information role of stock recommendation revisions pp. 17-36

- Oya AltInkIlIç and Robert S. Hansen
- Why do insiders trade? Evidence based on unique data on Swedish insiders pp. 37-53

- Juha-Pekka Kallunki, Henrik Nilsson and Jörgen Hellström
- Economic consequences of firms' depreciation method choice: Evidence from capital investments pp. 54-68

- Scott B. Jackson, (Kelvin) Liu, Xiaotao and Mark Cecchini
- Peer firms in relative performance evaluation pp. 69-89

- Ana Albuquerque
- Earnings guidance and market uncertainty pp. 90-109

- Jonathan L. Rogers, Douglas J. Skinner and Andrew Van Buskirk
Volume 47, issue 3, 2009
- The impact of conservatism on management earnings forecasts pp. 192-207

- Kai Wai Hui, Steve Matsunaga and Dale Morse
- The effect of earnings surprises on information asymmetry pp. 208-225

- Stephen Brown, Stephen A. Hillegeist and Kin Lo
- Is PIN priced risk? pp. 226-243

- Partha Mohanram and Shiva Rajgopal
- Effect of derivative accounting rules on corporate risk-management behavior pp. 244-264

- Haiwen Zhang
- Earnings quality: Some evidence on the role of auditor tenure and auditors' industry expertise pp. 265-287

- Ferdinand Gul, Simon Yu Kit Fung and Bikki Jaggi
Volume 47, issue 1-2, 2009
- The impact of the options backdating scandal on shareholders pp. 2-26

- Gennaro Bernile and Gregg A. Jarrell
- Taxes and the backdating of stock option exercise dates pp. 27-49

- Dan Dhaliwal, Merle Erickson and Shane Heitzman
- Discussion of "The impact of the options backdating scandal on shareholders" and "Taxes and the backdating of stock option exercise dates" pp. 50-58

- Christopher S. Armstrong and David F. Larcker
- What determine financial analysts' career outcomes during mergers? pp. 59-86

- Joanna Shuang Wu and Amy Y. Zang
- Discussion of "What Determines Financial Analysts' Career Outcomes During Mergers?" pp. 87-90

- Paul M. Healy
- Sell-side debt analysts pp. 91-107

- Rick Johnston, Stanimir Markov and Sundaresh Ramnath
- An empirical analysis of changes in credit rating properties: Timeliness, accuracy and volatility pp. 108-130

- Mei Cheng and Monica Neamtiu
- A tale of two intermediaries: A discussion of Johnston, Markov and Ramnath (2009), and Cheng and Neamtiu (2009) pp. 131-135

- Adam C. Kolasinski
- Shareholder litigation and changes in disclosure behavior pp. 136-156

- Jonathan L. Rogers and Andrew Van Buskirk
- Discussion of [`]shareholder litigation and changes in disclosure behavior' pp. 157-159

- Michelle Lowry
- Earnings volatility and earnings predictability pp. 160-181

- Ilia D. Dichev and Wei Tang
- Earnings persistence pp. 182-190

- Richard Frankel and Lubomir Litov
Volume 46, issue 2-3, 2008
- The rise of deferred tax assets in Japan: The role of deferred tax accounting in the Japanese banking crisis pp. 218-239

- Douglas J. Skinner
- The role of information asymmetry and financial reporting quality in debt trading: Evidence from the secondary loan market pp. 240-260

- Regina Wittenberg-Moerman
- Economic consequences of increasing the conformity in accounting for uncertain tax benefits pp. 261-278

- Peter J. Frischmann, Terry Shevlin and Ryan Wilson
- The market reaction to Arthur Andersen's role in the Enron scandal: Loss of reputation or confounding effects? pp. 279-293

- Karen K. Nelson, Richard A. Price and Brian R. Rountree
- An unintended consequence of book-tax conformity: A loss of earnings informativeness pp. 294-311

- Michelle Hanlon, Edward L. Maydew and Terry Shevlin
- A positive theory of flexibility in accounting standards pp. 312-333

- Ronald A. Dye and Sri S. Sridhar
- Financial analysts' forecast revisions and managers' reporting behavior pp. 334-348

- Anne Beyer
- The impact of the SEC's regulation of non-GAAP disclosures pp. 349-365

- Frank Heflin and Charles Hsu
- Using tax return data to simulate corporate marginal tax rates pp. 366-388

- John R. Graham and Lillian Mills
- The effect of "invisible" tax preferences on investment and tax preference measures pp. 389-404

- Leslie A. Robinson and Richard Sansing
Volume 46, issue 1, 2008
- Is accruals quality a priced risk factor? pp. 2-22

- John E. Core, Wayne R. Guay and Rodrigo Verdi
- Effect of personal taxes on managers' decisions to sell their stock pp. 23-46

- Li Jin and S.P. Kothari
- Institutional stakeholdings and better-informed traders at earnings announcements pp. 47-61

- Ashiq Ali, Sandy Klasa and Oliver Zhen Li
- Earnings management, lawsuits, and stock-for-stock acquirers' market performance pp. 62-77

- Guojin Gong, Henock Louis and Amy X. Sun
- Voluntary disclosures and information production by analysts pp. 78-100

- Nisan Langberg and K. Sivaramakrishnan
- The role of tax regulation and compensation contracts in the decision to voluntarily expense employee stock options pp. 101-111

- Walter G. Blacconiere, Marilyn F. Johnson and Melissa F. Lewis
- State ownership, the institutional environment, and auditor choice: Evidence from China pp. 112-134

- Qian Wang, T.J. Wong and Lijun Xia
- Managerial legal liability coverage and earnings conservatism pp. 135-153

- Hyeesoo H. Chung and Jinyoung P. Wynn
- Do directors perform for pay? pp. 154-171

- Renee Adams and Daniel Ferreira
- Dynamic incentives and retirement pp. 172-200

- Florin Sabac
- Analyst responsiveness and the post-earnings-announcement drift pp. 201-215

- Yuan Zhang
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