Journal of Accounting and Economics
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. L. Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, T. Z. Lys and R. L. Watts From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 59, issue 2, 2015
- Strategic silence, insider selling and litigation risk pp. 119-142

- Mary Brooke Billings and Matthew C. Cedergren
- Information asymmetry and capital structure: Evidence from regulation FD pp. 143-162

- Reining Petacchi
- Why do analysts revise their stock recommendations after earnings announcements? pp. 163-181

- Ari Yezegel
- The effect of tax and nontax country characteristics on the global equity supply chains of U.S. multinationals pp. 182-202

- Scott D. Dyreng, Bradley P. Lindsey, Kevin S. Markle and Douglas A. Shackelford
- Effects of managerial labor market on executive compensation: Evidence from job-hopping pp. 203-220

- Huasheng Gao, Juan Luo and Tilan Tang
- Public pension accounting rules and economic outcomes pp. 221-241

- James Naughton, Reining Petacchi and Joseph Weber
- Alternative information sources and information asymmetry reduction: Evidence from small business debt pp. 242-263

- Gavin Cassar, Christopher D. Ittner and Ken S. Cavalluzzo
- Do rating agencies cater? Evidence from rating-based contracts pp. 264-283

- Pepa Kraft
- Mandatory disclosure and asymmetry in financial reporting pp. 284-299

- Jeremy Bertomeu and Robert P. Magee
Volume 59, issue 1, 2015
- The economic effects of financial derivatives on corporate tax avoidance pp. 1-24

- Michael P. Donohoe
- Discretionary disclosures using a certifier pp. 25-40

- Iván Marinovic and Sri S. Sridhar
- Geographic proximity and analyst coverage decisions: Evidence from IPOs pp. 41-59

- Patricia C. O'Brien and Hongping Tan
- CEO tenure and earnings management pp. 60-79

- Ashiq Ali and Weining Zhang
- Do financial market developments influence accounting practices? Credit default swaps and borrowers׳ reporting conservatism pp. 80-104

- Xiumin Martin and Sugata Roychowdhury
- Do baths muddy the waters or clear the air? pp. 105-117

- K. Stephen Haggard, John S. Howe and Andrew A. Lynch
Volume 58, issue 2, 2014
- Cash flow asymmetry: Causes and implications for conditional conservatism research pp. 173-200

- Daniel W. Collins, Paul Hribar and Tian, Xiaoli (Shaolee)
- Audit committee financial expertise and earnings management: The role of status pp. 208-230

- Patrick G. Badolato, Dain Donelson and Matthew Ege
- Industry concentration and corporate disclosure policy pp. 240-264

- Ashiq Ali, Sandy Klasa and Eric Yeung
- A review of archival auditing research pp. 275-326

- Mark DeFond and Jieying Zhang
- Issues raised by studying DeFond and Zhang: What should audit researchers do? pp. 327-338

- John Donovan, Richard Frankel, Joshua Lee, Xiumin Martin and Hojun Seo
- Financial accounting in the banking industry: A review of the empirical literature pp. 339-383

- Anne Beatty and Scott Liao
- Thoughts on financial accounting and the banking industry pp. 384-395

- Robert M. Bushman
Volume 58, issue 1, 2014
- Macro to micro: Country exposures, firm fundamentals and stock returns pp. 1-20

- Ningzhong Li, Scott Richardson and İrem Tuna
- The Sarbanes–Oxley act and cross-listed foreign private issuers pp. 21-40

- Xi Li
- Have capital market anomalies attenuated in the recent era of high liquidity and trading activity? pp. 41-58

- Tarun Chordia, Avanidhar Subrahmanyam and Qing Tong
- Differences in the information environment prior to seasoned equity offerings under relaxed disclosure regulation pp. 59-78

- Sarah B. Clinton, Joshua White and Tracie Woidtke
- Large shareholders and disclosure strategies: Evidence from IPO lockup expirations pp. 79-95

- Yonca Ertimur, Ewa Sletten and Jayanthi Sunder
- Knowledge, compensation, and firm value: An empirical analysis of firm communication pp. 96-116

- Feng Li, Michael Minnis, Venky Nagar and Madhav Rajan
- Implications of power: When the CEO can pressure the CFO to bias reports pp. 117-141

- Henry L. Friedman
- Broker-hosted investor conferences pp. 142-166

- T. Clifton Green, Russell Jame, Stanimir Markov and Musa Subasi
Volume 57, issue 2, 2014
- The impact of issuer-pay on corporate bond rating properties: Evidence from Moody׳s and S&P׳s initial adoptions pp. 89-109

- Samuel B. Bonsall
- Outside directors and board advising and monitoring performance pp. 110-131

- Kyonghee Kim, Elaine Mauldin and Sukesh Patro
- Investors׳ reaction to the use of poison pills as a tax loss preservation tool pp. 132-148

- Stephanie A. Sikes, Tian, Xiaoli (Shaolee) and Ryan Wilson
- Commitment to social good and insider trading pp. 149-175

- Feng Gao, Ling Lei Lisic and Ivy Xiying Zhang
- The role of bank monitoring in borrowers׳ discretionary disclosure: Evidence from covenant violations pp. 176-195

- Rahul Vashishtha
- Why have measures of earnings quality changed over time? pp. 196-217

- Anup Srivastava
- Accounting conservatism and managerial risk-taking: Corporate acquisitions pp. 218-240

- Todd D. Kravet
- Political connections and SEC enforcement pp. 241-262

- Maria M. Correia
Volume 57, issue 1, 2014
- Does freezing a defined benefit pension plan affect firm risk? pp. 1-21

- Helen Choy, Juichia Lin and Micah S. Officer
- The turn-of-the-year effect and tax-loss-selling by institutional investors pp. 22-42

- Stephanie A. Sikes
- Destination taxation and evasion: Evidence from U.S. inter-state commodity flows pp. 43-57

- William Fox, LeAnn Luna and Georg Schaur
- Accounting misstatements following lawsuits against auditors pp. 58-75

- Clive Lennox and Bing Li
- Accounting earnings and gross domestic product pp. 76-88

- Yaniv Konchitchki and Panos N. Patatoukas
Volume 56, issue 2, 2013
- Earnings quality: Evidence from the field pp. 1-33

- Ilia D. Dichev, John R. Graham, Campbell R. Harvey and Shiva Rajgopal
- Did the SEC impact banks' loan loss reserve policies and their informativeness? pp. 42-65

- Paul J. Beck and Ganapathi S. Narayanamoorthy
- CEO compensation and corporate risk: Evidence from a natural experiment pp. 79-101

- Todd A. Gormley, David A. Matsa and Todd Milbourn
- Non-discretionary conservatism: Evidence and implications pp. 112-133

- Alastair Lawrence, Richard Sloan and Yuan Sun
- Understanding discretion in conservatism: An alternative viewpoint pp. 134-146

- Sugata Roychowdhury and Xiumin Martin
- Mandatory IFRS reporting and changes in enforcement pp. 147-177

- Hans B. Christensen, Luzi Hail and Christian Leuz
- Proxy advisory firms and stock option repricing pp. 149-169

- David F. Larcker, Allan L. McCall and Gaizka Ormazabal
- Tax avoidance and geographic earnings disclosure pp. 170-189

- Ole-Kristian Hope, Ma, Mark (Shuai) and Wayne B. Thomas
- Disentangling mandatory IFRS reporting and changes in enforcement pp. 178-188

- Mary E. Barth and Doron Israeli
- Post-listing performance and private sector regulation: The experience of London's Alternative Investment Market pp. 189-215

- Joseph Gerakos, Mark Lang and Mark Maffett
- Estimation sample selection for discretionary accruals models pp. 190-211

- Frank Ecker, Jennifer Francis, Per Olsson and Katherine Schipper
- Accounting restatements, governance and municipal debt financing pp. 212-227

- William R. Baber, Angela K. Gore, Kevin T. Rich and Jean X. Zhang
- The separation of ownership and control and corporate tax avoidance pp. 228-250

- Brad A. Badertscher, Sharon P. Katz and Sonja O. Rego
- Market reaction to earnings news: A unified test of information risk and transaction costs pp. 251-266

- Qi Zhang, Charlie X. Cai and Kevin Keasey
- Economic effects of SOX Section 404 compliance: A corporate insider perspective pp. 267-290

- Cindy R. Alexander, Scott W. Bauguess, Gennaro Bernile, Yoon-Ho Alex Lee and Jennifer Marietta-Westberg
- Debt, equity, and capital investment pp. 291-310

- Scott B. Jackson, Timothy M. Keune and Leigh Salzsieder
- Personally tax aggressive executives and corporate tax sheltering pp. 311-328

- James A. Chyz
Volume 56, issue 1, 2013
- Does investment efficiency improve after the disclosure of material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting? pp. 1-18

- Mei Cheng, Dan Dhaliwal and Yuan Zhang
- Mitigating incentive conflicts in inter-firm relationships: Evidence from long-term supply contracts pp. 19-39

- Anna Costello
- Do managers define non-GAAP earnings to meet or beat analyst forecasts? pp. 40-56

- Jeffrey T. Doyle, Jared N. Jennings and Mark T. Soliman
- Performance shocks and misreporting pp. 57-72

- Joseph Gerakos and Andrei Kovrijnykh
- Preannouncing competitive decisions in oligopoly markets pp. 73-90

- Carlos Corona and Lin Nan
- Insider trading restrictions and top executive compensation pp. 91-112

- David J. Denis and Jin Xu
- Accrual reversals, earnings and stock returns pp. 113-129

- Eric J. Allen, Chad R. Larson and Richard G. Sloan
- Individual investors and financial disclosure pp. 130-147

- Alastair Lawrence
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