Journal of Accounting and Economics
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. L. Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, T. Z. Lys and R. L. Watts From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 67, issue 2, 2019
- Agency costs and tax planning when the government is a major Shareholder pp. 255-277

- Mark Bradshaw, Guanmin Liao and Ma, Mark (Shuai)
- How does quasi-indexer ownership affect corporate tax planning? pp. 278-296

- Shuping Chen, Ying Huang, Ningzhong Li and Terry Shevlin
- The value relevance of taxes: International evidence on the proxy for profitability role of tax surprise pp. 297-305

- Jon N. Kerr
- An analyst by any other surname: Surname favorability and market reaction to analyst forecasts pp. 306-335

- Jay Heon Jung, Alok Kumar, Sonya S. Lim and Choong-Yuel Yoo
- Why do accruals predict earnings? pp. 336-356

- Jonathan Lewellen and Robert J. Resutek
- Relative performance evaluation and the timing of earnings release pp. 358-386

- Guojin Gong, Laura Yue Li and Huifang Yin
- Disclosure incentives when competing firms have common ownership pp. 387-415

- Jihwon Park, Jalal Sani, Nemit Shroff and Halbert White
- Who likes jargon? The joint effect of jargon type and industry knowledge on investors’ judgments pp. 416-437

- Hun-Tong Tan, Elaine Ying Wang and G-Song Yoo
- Portfolio performance manipulation in collateralized loan obligations pp. 438-462

- Maria Loumioti and Florin P. Vasvari
- Loan loss accounting and procyclical bank lending: The role of direct regulatory actions pp. 463-495

- P. Barrett Wheeler
- The effect of banks’ financial reporting on syndicated-loan structures pp. 496-520

- Anne Beatty, Scott Liao and Zhang, Haiwen (Helen)
Volume 67, issue 1, 2019
- Threat of entry and the use of discretion in banks’ financial reporting pp. 1-35

- Rimmy Tomy
- The effect of economic policy uncertainty on investor information asymmetry and management disclosures pp. 36-57

- Venky Nagar, Jordan Schoenfeld and Laura Wellman
- Managing the narrative: Investor relations officers and corporate disclosure✰ pp. 58-79

- Lawrence D. Brown, Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement and Nathan Y. Sharp
- Foreign competition for shares and the pricing of information asymmetry: Evidence from equity market liberalization pp. 80-97

- Karthik Balakrishnan, Rahul Vashishtha and Robert E. Verrecchia
- Investment bank monitoring and bonding of security analysts’ research pp. 98-119

- Oya Altınkılıç, Vadim S. Balashov and Robert S. Hansen
- Corporate culture and analyst catering⁎ pp. 120-143

- Joseph Pacelli
- Do practitioner assessments agree with academic proxies for audit quality? Evidence from PCAOB and internal inspections pp. 144-174

- Daniel Aobdia
- The effect of voluntary clawback adoption on non-GAAP reporting pp. 175-201

- Hangsoo Kyung, Hakyin Lee and Carol Marquardt
- Do women managers keep firms out of trouble? Evidence from corporate litigation and policies pp. 202-225

- Binay K. Adhikari, Anup Agrawal and James Malm
- Complexity of financial reporting standards and accounting expertise pp. 226-253

- Roman Chychyla, Andrew J. Leone and Miguel Minutti-Meza
Volume 66, issue 2, 2018
- Uncertainty about managers’ reporting objectives and investors’ response to earnings reports: Evidence from the 2006 executive compensation disclosures pp. 339-365

- Fabrizio Ferri, Ronghuo Zheng and Yuan Zou
- Theory, research design assumptions, and causal inferences pp. 366-373

- Christopher S. Armstrong and John D. Kepler
- Financing acquisitions with earnouts pp. 374-395

- Thomas W. Bates, Jordan B. Neyland and Yolanda Yulong Wang
- Discussion: Financing acquisitions with earnouts pp. 396-398

- Isil Erel
- Earnings announcement promotions: A Yahoo Finance field experiment pp. 399-414

- Alastair Lawrence, James Ryans, Estelle Sun and Nikolay Laptev
- Discussion of “earnings announcement promotions: A Yahoo Finance field experiment” pp. 415-418

- Joseph Engelberg
- U.S. worldwide taxation and domestic mergers and acquisitions pp. 419-438

- Jeremiah Harris and William O'Brien
- “U.S. worldwide taxation and domestic mergers and acquisitions” a discussion✰ pp. 439-447

- Novia X. Chen and Terry Shevlin
- Managing reputation: Evidence from biographies of corporate directors pp. 448-469

- Ian D. Gow, Aida Sijamic Wahid and Gwen Yu
- Discussion of “Managing reputation: Evidence from biographies of corporate directors✰ pp. 470-475

- Darius Miller
- Analysts’ stock ownership and stock recommendations pp. 476-498

- Jesse Chan, Steve Lin, Yong Yu and Wuyang Zhao
- Discussion of “analyst stock ownership and stock recommendations” pp. 499-505

- Daniel Bradley
Volume 66, issue 1, 2018
- Equilibrium voluntary disclosures, asset pricing, and information transfers pp. 1-24

- Ronald A. Dye and John S. Hughes
- Strategic estimation of asset fair values pp. 25-45

- Kathleen W. Hanley, Alan D. Jagolinzer and Stanislava (Stas) Nikolova
- Analysts’ GAAP earnings forecasts and their implications for accounting research pp. 46-66

- Mark T. Bradshaw, Theodore E. Christensen, Kurt H. Gee and Benjamin C. Whipple
- Transparency and firm innovation pp. 67-93

- Zhong, Rong (Irene)
- Size management by European private firms to minimize proprietary costs of disclosure pp. 94-122

- Darren Bernard, David Burgstahler and Devrimi Kaya
- Does credit reporting lead to a decline in relationship lending? Evidence from information sharing technology pp. 123-141

- Andrew Sutherland
- Public tax-return disclosure pp. 142-162

- Jeffrey L. Hoopes, Leslie Robinson and Joel Slemrod
- The effects of proprietary information on corporate disclosure and transparency: Evidence from trade secrets pp. 163-193

- Stephen Glaeser
- Performance-vesting provisions in executive compensation pp. 194-221

- J. Carr Bettis, John Bizjak, Jeffrey Coles and Swaminathan Kalpathy
- Earnings notifications, investor attention, and the earnings announcement premium pp. 222-243

- Kimball Chapman
- The effects of bank regulators and external auditors on loan loss provisions pp. 244-265

- Allison Nicoletti
- The effects of internal board networks: Evidence from closed-end funds pp. 266-290

- Matthew E. Souther
- Not all clawbacks are the same: Consequences of strong versus weak clawback provisions pp. 291-317

- Michael H.R. Erkens, Ying Gan and Burcin Yurtoglu
- GDP management to meet or beat growth targets pp. 318-338

- Changjiang Lyu, Kemin Wang, Frank Zhang and Xin Zhang
Volume 65, issue 2, 2018
- Accounting standards, regulatory enforcement, and innovation pp. 221-236

- Volker Laux and Phillip C. Stocken
- Social networks in the global banking sector pp. 237-269

- Joel F. Houston, Jongsub Lee and Felix Suntheim
- Scope for renegotiation in private debt contracts pp. 270-301

- Valeri V. Nikolaev
- The consequences to analyst involvement in the IPO process: Evidence surrounding the JOBS Act pp. 302-330

- Michael Dambra, Laura Casares Field, Matthew T. Gustafson and Kevin Pisciotta
- Unionization, product market competition, and strategic disclosure pp. 331-357

- Daniel Aobdia and Lin Cheng
- Corporate jets and private meetings with investors pp. 358-379

- Brian J. Bushee, Joseph Gerakos and Lian Fen Lee
- Firm performance, reporting goals, and language choices in narrative disclosures pp. 380-398

- H. Scott Asay, Robert Libby and Kristina Rennekamp
Volume 65, issue 1, 2018
- Management earnings forecasts and other forward-looking statements pp. 1-20

- Zahn Bozanic, Darren T. Roulstone and Andrew Van Buskirk
- Earnings management, audit adjustments, and the financing of corporate acquisitions: Evidence from China pp. 21-40

- Clive Lennox, Zi-Tian Wang and Xi Wu
- Enforceability of non-compete covenants, discretionary investments, and financial reporting practices: Evidence from a natural experiment pp. 41-60

- Tai-Yuan Chen, Guochang Zhang and Yi Zhou
- Information bundling and securities litigation pp. 61-84

- Barbara A. Bliss, Frank Partnoy and Michael Furchtgott
- Reporting choices in the shadow of bank runs pp. 85-108

- Pingyang Gao and Xu Jiang
- When knowledge is power: Evidence from the municipal bond market pp. 109-128

- Christine Cuny
- Transaction costs and competition among audit firms in local markets pp. 129-147

- Ling Chu, Dan A. Simunic, Minlei Ye and Ping Zhang
- Asymmetric timely loss recognition, adverse shocks to external capital, and underinvestment: Evidence from the collapse of the junk bond market pp. 148-168

- Jaewoo Kim
- The effect of mandatory CSR disclosure on firm profitability and social externalities: Evidence from China pp. 169-190

- Yi-Chun Chen, Mingyi Hung and Yongxiang Wang
- Bank CEO materialism: Risk controls, culture and tail risk pp. 191-220

- Robert M. Bushman, Robert H. Davidson, Aiyesha Dey and Abbie Smith
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