Journal of Accounting and Economics
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. L. Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, T. Z. Lys and R. L. Watts From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 52, issue 2, 2011
- Transparency and liquidity uncertainty in crisis periods pp. 101-125

- Mark Lang and Mark Maffett
- The effect of information quality on liquidity risk pp. 126-143

- Jeffrey Ng
- Liquidity risk and accounting information pp. 144-152

- Ronnie Sadka
- Panacea, Pandora's box, or placebo: Feedback in bank mortgage-backed security holdings and fair value accounting pp. 153-173

- Gauri Bhat, Richard Frankel and Xiumin Martin
- Mark-to-market regulatory accounting when securities markets are stressed: Lessons from the financial crisis of 2007–2009 pp. 174-177

- Adam C. Kolasinski
- Accounting standards and debt covenants: Has the “balance sheet approach” led to a decline in the use of balance sheet covenants? pp. 178-202

- Peter R. Demerjian
- From low-quality reporting to financial crises: Politics of disclosure regulation along the economic cycle pp. 209-227

- Jeremy Bertomeu and Robert P. Magee
- Towards a theory of accounting regulation: A discussion of the politics of disclosure regulation along the economic cycle pp. 228-234

- Alfred Wagenhofer
- Are voluntary disclosures that disavow the reliability of mandated fair value information informative or opportunistic? pp. 235-251

- Walter G. Blacconiere, James R. Frederickson, Marilyn F. Johnson and Melissa F. Lewis
Volume 52, issue 1, 2011
- Do delays in expected loss recognition affect banks' willingness to lend? pp. 1-20

- Anne Beatty and Scott Liao
- The effect of SOX on small auditor exits and audit quality pp. 21-40

- Mark L. DeFond and Clive Lennox
- Hometown advantage: The effects of monitoring institution location on financial reporting discretion pp. 41-61

- Benjamin C. Ayers, Santhosh Ramalingegowda and P. Eric Yeung
- Scale effects of R&D as reflected in earnings and returns pp. 62-80

- Mustafa Ciftci and William M. Cready
- Isolating the effect of disclosure on information risk pp. 81-99

- Wei Tang
Volume 51, issue 3, 2011
- The effect of cash flow forecasts on accrual quality and benchmark beating pp. 219-239

- John McInnis and Daniel W. Collins
- The impact of mandatory IFRS adoption on foreign mutual fund ownership: The role of comparability pp. 240-258

- Mark DeFond, Xuesong Hu, Mingyi Hung and Siqi Li
- Do the SEC's enforcement preferences affect corporate misconduct? pp. 259-278

- Simi Kedia and Shiva Rajgopal
- Understanding analysts' use of stock returns and other analysts' revisions when forecasting earnings pp. 279-299

- Michael B. Clement, Jeffrey Hales and Yanfeng Xue
- Endogenous overconfidence in managerial forecasts pp. 300-313

- Gilles Hilary and Charles Hsu
- Does board gender diversity improve the informativeness of stock prices? pp. 314-338

- Ferdinand Gul, Bin Srinidhi and Anthony C. Ng
Volume 51, issue 1-2, 2011
- Financial reporting quality and idiosyncratic return volatility pp. 1-20

- Shiva Rajgopal and Mohan Venkatachalam
- Why do CFOs become involved in material accounting manipulations? pp. 21-36

- Mei Feng, Weili Ge, Shuqing Luo and Terry Shevlin
- Consistency in meeting or beating earnings expectations and management earnings forecasts pp. 37-57

- William J. Kross, Byung T. Ro and Inho Suk
- The quality of accounting information in politically connected firms pp. 58-76

- Paul K. Chaney, Mara Faccio and David Parsley
- Evidence on differences between recognition and disclosure: A comparison of inputs to estimate fair values of employee stock options pp. 77-94

- Preeti Choudhary
- The unintended consequences of PCAOB auditing Standard Nos. 2 and 3 on the reliability of preliminary earnings releases pp. 95-114

- Scott N. Bronson, Chris E. Hogan, Marilyn F. Johnson and K. Ramesh
- Pension plan accounting estimates and the freezing of defined benefit pension plans pp. 115-133

- Joseph Comprix and Karl A. Muller
- Is silence golden? An empirical analysis of firms that stop giving quarterly earnings guidance pp. 134-150

- Shuping Chen, Dawn Matsumoto and Shiva Rajgopal
- Earnouts: A study of financial contracting in acquisition agreements pp. 151-170

- Matthew D. Cain, David J. Denis and Diane K. Denis
- Target ratcheting and effort reduction pp. 171-185

- Jan Bouwens and Peter Kroos
- The valuation impact of reconciling pro forma earnings to GAAP earnings pp. 186-202

- Huai Zhang and Liu Zheng
- Challenges and opportunities in disclosure research--A discussion of [`]the financial reporting environment: Review of the recent literature' pp. 204-218

- Philip G. Berger
Volume 51, issue 1, 2011
- Financial reporting quality and idiosyncratic return volatility pp. 1-20

- Shiva Rajgopal and Mohan Venkatachalam
- Why do CFOs become involved in material accounting manipulations? pp. 21-36

- Mei Feng, Weili Ge, Shuqing Luo and Terry Shevlin
- Consistency in meeting or beating earnings expectations and management earnings forecasts pp. 37-57

- William J. Kross, Byung T. Ro and Inho Suk
- The quality of accounting information in politically connected firms pp. 58-76

- Paul K. Chaney, Mara Faccio and David Parsley
- Evidence on differences between recognition and disclosure: A comparison of inputs to estimate fair values of employee stock options pp. 77-94

- Preeti Choudhary
- The unintended consequences of PCAOB auditing Standard Nos. 2 and 3 on the reliability of preliminary earnings releases pp. 95-114

- Scott N. Bronson, Chris E. Hogan, Marilyn F. Johnson and K. Ramesh
- Pension plan accounting estimates and the freezing of defined benefit pension plans pp. 115-133

- Joseph Comprix and Karl A. Muller
- Is silence golden? An empirical analysis of firms that stop giving quarterly earnings guidance pp. 134-150

- Shuping Chen, Dawn Matsumoto and Shiva Rajgopal
- Earnouts: A study of financial contracting in acquisition agreements pp. 151-170

- Matthew D. Cain, David J. Denis and Diane K. Denis
- Target ratcheting and effort reduction pp. 171-185

- Jan Bouwens and Peter Kroos
- The valuation impact of reconciling pro forma earnings to GAAP earnings pp. 186-202

- Huai Zhang and Liu Zheng
- Challenges and opportunities in disclosure research—A discussion of ‘the financial reporting environment: Review of the recent literature’ pp. 204-218

- Philip G. Berger
Volume 50, issue 2-3, 2010
- A review of tax research pp. 127-178

- Michelle Hanlon and Shane Heitzman
- The role of information and financial reporting in corporate governance and debt contracting pp. 179-234

- Christopher S. Armstrong, Wayne R. Guay and Joseph P. Weber
- Corporate governance myths: Comments on Armstrong, Guay, and Weber pp. 235-245

- James A. Brickley and Jerold L. Zimmerman
- Implications for GAAP from an analysis of positive research in accounting pp. 246-286

- S.P. Kothari, Karthik Ramanna and Douglas J. Skinner
- Discussion of "Implications for GAAP from an analysis of positive research in accounting" pp. 287-295

- Richard Lambert
- The financial reporting environment: Review of the recent literature pp. 296-343

- Anne Beyer, Daniel A. Cohen, Thomas Z. Lys and Beverly R. Walther
- Understanding earnings quality: A review of the proxies, their determinants and their consequences pp. 344-401

- Patricia Dechow, Weili Ge and Catherine Schrand
- Earnings quality research: Advances, challenges and future research pp. 402-409

- Mark L. DeFond
- Accounting anomalies and fundamental analysis: A review of recent research advances pp. 410-454

- Scott Richardson, Irem Tuna and Peter Wysocki
- Accounting anomalies and fundamental analysis: An alternative view pp. 455-466

- Jonathan Lewellen
Volume 50, issue 1, 2010
- Accrual-based and real earnings management activities around seasoned equity offerings pp. 2-19

- Daniel A. Cohen and Paul Zarowin
- Post loss/profit announcement drift pp. 20-41

- Karthik Balakrishnan, Eli Bartov and Lucile Faurel
- Market demand for conservative analysts pp. 42-57

- Artur Hugon and Volkan Muslu
- Will a departure from tax-based accounting encourage tax noncompliance? Archival evidence from a transition economy pp. 58-73

- K. Hung Chan, Kenny Z. Lin and Phyllis L.L. Mo
- Employee stock options and future firm performance: Evidence from option repricings pp. 74-92

- David Aboody, Nicole Bastian Johnson and Ron Kasznik
- Financial executive qualifications, financial executive turnover, and adverse SOX 404 opinions pp. 93-110

- Chan Li, Lili Sun and Michael Ettredge
- Book-tax conformity, earnings persistence and the association between earnings and future cash flows pp. 111-125

- T.J. Atwood, Michael S. Drake and Linda A. Myers
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