Journal of Accounting and Economics
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. L. Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, T. Z. Lys and R. L. Watts From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 64, issue 2, 2017
- When does the peer information environment matter? pp. 183-214

- Nemit Shroff, Rodrigo S. Verdi and Benjamin P. Yost
- Discussion of “When does the peer information environment matter?” pp. 215-220

- Dawn A. Matsumoto and Sarah Shaikh
- The evolution of 10-K textual disclosure: Evidence from Latent Dirichlet Allocation pp. 221-245

- Travis Dyer, Mark Lang and Lorien Stice-Lawrence
- Discussion of “the evolution of 10-K textual disclosure: Evidence from Latent Dirichlet Allocation” pp. 246-252

- Gregory S. Miller
- Commercial lending concentration and bank expertise: Evidence from borrower financial statements pp. 253-277

- Philip G. Berger, Michael Minnis and Andrew Sutherland
- Are concentrated banks better informed than diversified ones? pp. 278-283

- Philip E. Strahan
- The real effects of mandated information on social responsibility in financial reports: Evidence from mine-safety records pp. 284-304

- Hans B. Christensen, Eric Floyd, Lisa Liu and Mark Maffett
- Identification and generalizability in accounting research: A discussion of Christensen, Floyd, Liu, and Maffett (2017) pp. 305-312

- Stephen Glaeser and Wayne R. Guay
- Borrower private information covenants and loan contract monitoring pp. 313-339

- Richard Carrizosa and Stephen G. Ryan
- Discussion of “Borrower private information covenants and loan contract monitoring” pp. 340-345

- Valeri V. Nikolaev
- Do common inherited beliefs and values influence CEO pay? pp. 346-367

- Atif Ellahie, Ahmed Tahoun and İrem Tuna
- Discussion: Do common inherited beliefs and values influence CEO pay? pp. 368-370

- Lauren Cohen
Volume 64, issue 1, 2017
- Competition for talent under performance manipulation pp. 1-14

- Iván Marinovic and Paul Povel
- Does the PCAOB international inspection program improve audit quality for non-US-listed foreign clients? pp. 15-36

- Simon Yu Kit Fung, K.K. Raman and Zhu, Xindong (Kevin)
- CEO turnover in large banks: Does tail risk matter? pp. 37-55

- Abhishek Srivastav, Kevin Keasey, Sabur Mollah and Francesco Vallascas
- The effects of bank mergers on corporate information disclosure pp. 56-77

- Qi Chen and Rahul Vashishtha
- Private lenders’ demand for audit pp. 78-97

- Richard M. Baylis, Peter Burnap, Mark Clatworthy, Mahmoud A. Gad and Christopher K.M. Pong
- Is the SEC captured? Evidence from comment-letter reviews pp. 98-122

- Jonas Heese, Mozaffar Khan and Karthik Ramanna
- Employee quality and financial reporting outcomes pp. 123-149

- Andrew C. Call, John L. Campbell, Dan S. Dhaliwal and James R. Moon
- Does U.S. foreign earnings lockout advantage foreign acquirers? pp. 150-166

- Andrew Bird, Alexander Edwards and Terry Shevlin
- When does the bond price reaction to earnings announcements predict future stock returns? pp. 167-182

- Omri Even-Tov
Volume 63, issue 2, 2017
- Leaving before bad times: Does the labor market penalize preemptive director resignations? pp. 161-178

- Ying Dou
- Are all analysts created equal? Industry expertise and monitoring effectiveness of financial analysts pp. 179-206

- Daniel Bradley, Sinan Gokkaya, Xi Liu and Fei Xie
- Voluntary disclosure and strategic stock repurchases pp. 207-230

- Praveen Kumar, Nisan Langberg, Jacob Oded and K. Sivaramakrishnan
- Career concerns of banking analysts pp. 231-252

- Joanne Horton, George Serafeim and Shan Wu
- Insider versus outsider CEOs, executive compensation, and accounting manipulation pp. 253-261

- Prasart Jongjaroenkamol and Volker Laux
- Regulatory oversight and auditor market share pp. 262-287

- Daniel Aobdia and Nemit Shroff
- Languages and earnings management pp. 288-306

- Jaehyeon Kim, Yongtae Kim and Jian Zhou
- The effect of corporate taxation on bank transparency: Evidence from loan loss provisions pp. 307-328

- Kathleen Andries, John Gallemore and Martin Jacob
- A plain English measure of financial reporting readability pp. 329-357

- Samuel B. Bonsall, Andrew J. Leone, Brian P. Miller and Kristina Rennekamp
- Benefits and costs of Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404(b) exemption: Evidence from small firms’ internal control disclosures pp. 358-384

- Weili Ge, Allison Koester and Sarah McVay
- Bond repurchase objectives and the repurchase method choice pp. 385-403

- Hagit Levy and Ron Shalev
- The effects of SFAS 157 disclosures on investment decisions pp. 404-427

- Michael Iselin and Allison Nicoletti
- IRS and corporate taxpayer effects of geographic proximity pp. 428-453

- Thomas R. Kubick, G. Brandon Lockhart, Lillian F. Mills and John R. Robinson
- Corruption in bank lending: The role of timely loan loss recognition pp. 454-478

- Brian Akins, Yiwei Dou and Jeffrey Ng
- Third-party consequences of short-selling threats: The case of auditor behavior pp. 479-498

- Ole-Kristian Hope, Danqi Hu and Wuyang Zhao
- Properties of optimal accounting rules in a signaling game pp. 499-512

- Xu Jiang and Ming Yang
Volume 63, issue 1, 2017
- Earnings management and annual report readability pp. 1-25

- Kin Lo, Felipe Ramos and Rafael Rogo
- Does managerial sentiment affect accrual estimates? Evidence from the banking industry pp. 26-50

- Paul Hribar, Samuel J. Melessa, R. Christopher Small and Jaron H. Wilde
- The effect of voluntary disclosure on stock liquidity: New evidence from index funds pp. 51-74

- Jordan Schoenfeld
- Conditionally conservative fair value measurements pp. 75-98

- Marc Badia, Miguel Duro, Fernando Penalva and Stephen Ryan
- Perverse incentives of special purpose acquisition companies, the “poor man's private equity funds” pp. 99-120

- Lora Dimitrova
- Earnings expectations and employee safety pp. 121-141

- Judson Caskey and N. Bugra Ozel
- Takeover defenses: Entrenchment and efficiency pp. 142-160

- Sanjeev Bhojraj, Partha Sengupta and Suning Zhang
Volume 62, issue 2, 2016
- The economic consequences of extending the use of fair value accounting in regulatory capital calculations pp. 183-203

- Justin Chircop and Zoltán Novotny-Farkas
- The economic consequences of extending the use of fair value accounting in regulatory capital calculations: A discussion pp. 204-208

- Christian Laux
- Using unstructured and qualitative disclosures to explain accruals pp. 209-227

- Richard Frankel, Jared Jennings and Joshua Lee
- Discussion of using unstructured and qualitative disclosures to explain accruals pp. 228-233

- Gerard Hoberg
- Guiding through the Fog: Financial statement complexity and voluntary disclosure pp. 234-269

- Wayne Guay, Delphine Samuels and Daniel Taylor
- Do managers really guide through the fog? On the challenges in assessing the causes of voluntary disclosure pp. 270-276

- Travis Dyer, Mark Lang and Lorien Stice-Lawrence
- Rank and file employees and the discovery of misreporting: The role of stock options pp. 277-300

- Andrew C. Call, Simi Kedia and Shivaram Rajgopal
- Discussion of: Rank and file employees and the discovery of misreporting: The role of stock options pp. 301-304

- Richard G. Sloan
- Is the risk of product market predation a cost of disclosure? pp. 305-325

- Darren Bernard
- Discussion of “Is the risk of product market predation a cost of disclosure?” pp. 326-332

- Nemit Shroff
Volume 62, issue 1, 2016
- Director networks and informed traders pp. 1-23

- Ferhat Akbas, Felix Meschke and M. Babajide Wintoki
- Further evidence on the strategic timing of earnings news: Joint analysis of weekdays and times of day pp. 24-45

- Roni Michaely, Amir Rubin and Alexander Vedrashko
- The bright side of managerial over-optimism pp. 46-64

- Gilles Hilary, Charles Hsu, Benjamin Segal and Rencheng Wang
- Understanding the relation between accruals and volatility: A real options-based investment approach pp. 65-86

- Salman Arif, Nathan Marshall and Teri Lombardi Yohn
- Voluntary disclosure incentives: Evidence from the municipal bond market pp. 87-102

- Christine Cuny
- Aggregate earnings surprises, monetary policy, and stock returns pp. 103-120

- Lindsey A. Gallo, Rebecca N. Hann and Congcong Li
- Do information releases increase or decrease information asymmetry? New evidence from analyst forecast announcements pp. 121-138

- Dan Amiram, Edward Owens and Oded Rozenbaum
- The activities of buy-side analysts and the determinants of their stock recommendations pp. 139-156

- Lawrence D. Brown, Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement and Nathan Y. Sharp
- Real effects of the audit choice pp. 157-181

- Asad Kausar, Nemit Shroff and Hal White
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