Journal of Accounting and Economics
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. L. Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, T. Z. Lys and R. L. Watts From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 11, issue 4, 1989
- Editorial data pp. 293-293

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Financial statement analysis and the prediction of stock returns pp. 295-329

- Jane A. Ou and Stephen H. Penman
- The behavior of daily stock market trading volume pp. 331-359

- Bipin B. Ajinkya and Prem C. Jain
- Why do firms terminate their overfunded pension plans? pp. 361-398

- Jacob K. Thomas
- An empirical analysis of the factors underlying the decision to remove excess assets from overfunded pension plans pp. 399-418

- H. Fred Mittelstaedt
Volume 11, issue 2-3, 1989
- Editorial data pp. 107-107

- Ray Ball, Rose L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Ungarbled earnings and dividends: An analysis and extension of the Beaver, Lambert, and Morse valuation model pp. 109-115

- James Ohlson
- An analysis of intertemporal and cross-sectional determinants of earnings response coefficients pp. 143-181

- Daniel W. Collins and S. P. Kothari
- Collection of information about publicly traded firms: Theory and evidence pp. 183-206

- Ravi Bhushan
- Changes in the probability of bankruptcy and equity value pp. 207-224

- David Burgstahler, James Jiambalvo and Eric Noreen
- Informational efficiency and the information content of earnings during the market crash of October 1987 pp. 225-254

- Robert M. Bowen, Marilyn F. Johnson and Terry Shevlin
- Firm characteristics and analyst following pp. 255-274

- Ravi Bhushan
Volume 11, issue 1, 1989
- Managers' earnings forecasts and intra-industry information transfers pp. 3-33

- Jerry C. Y. Han, John J. Wild and K. Ramesh
- The impact of SFAS no. 8 on equity prices of early and late adopting firms: An events study and cross-sectional analysis pp. 35-69

- William K. Salatka
- Characteristics of firms correcting previously reported quarterly earnings pp. 71-93

- William Kinney and Linda S. McDaniel
- An analysis of stock price reaction to management change in distressed firms pp. 95-106

- Karl-Adam Bonnier and Robert F. Bruner
Volume 10, issue 4, 1988
- Editorial data pp. 275-275

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Economic consequences of accounting standards: The lease disclosure rule change pp. 277-310

- Eugene Imhoff and Jacob K. Thomas
- Stock price reactions as surrogates for the net cash flow effects of corporate policy decisions pp. 311-334

- William N. Lanen and Rex Thompson
- A comparison of the financial characteristics of December and non-December year-end companies pp. 335-344

- David B. Smith and Susan Pourciau
Volume 10, issue 3, 1988
- Relevant costs, congestion and stochasticity in production environments pp. 171-197

- Rajiv D. Banker, Srikant M. Datar and Sunder Kekre
- Corporate taxes and defined benefit pension plans pp. 199-237

- Jacob K. Thomas
Volume 10, issue 2, 1988
- Editorial data pp. 87-87

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Non-linearities and nominal contracting effects: The case of the depreciation tax shield pp. 89-110

- Paul Zarowin
- Economic vs. accounting depreciation pp. 111-125

- Moshe Kim and Giora Moore
- The proposed introduction of current cost accounting in the U.K.: Determinants of corporate preference pp. 127-149

- Timothy G. Sutton
- Economic incentives for the voluntary disclosure of current cost financial statements pp. 151-167

- Jilnaught Wong
Volume 10, issue 1, 1988
- Editorial data pp. 1-1

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Managerial competition, information costs, and corporate governance: The use of accounting performance measures in proxy contests pp. 3-36

- Linda Elizabeth DeAngelo
- Political costs and an intraperiod accounting choice for export tax credits pp. 37-51

- Jilnaught Wong
- Analysts' forecasts as earnings expectations pp. 53-83

- Patricia C. O'brien
Volume 9, issue 3, 1987
- Editorial data pp. 229-229

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- On cross-sectional analysis in accounting research pp. 231-258

- Andrew A. Christie
- The derived demand for consolidated financial reporting pp. 259-285

- Greg Whittred
- Executive compensation and executive incentive problems: An empirical analysis pp. 287-310

- Wilbur Lewellen, Claudio Loderer and Kenneth Martin
Volume 9, issue 2, 1987
- Editorial data pp. 109-109

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Firm size and the information content of prices with respect to earnings pp. 111-138

- Daniel W. Collins, S. P. Kothari and Judy Dawson Rayburn
- The information content of security prices: A second look pp. 139-157

- William H. Beaver, Richard A. Lambert and Stephen G. Ryan
- An evaluation of alternative proxies for the market's assessment of unexpected earnings pp. 159-193

- Lawrence D. Brown, Robert L. Hagerman, Paul A. Griffin and Mark E. Zmijewski
- The association between accounting earnings and security returns for large and small firms pp. 195-228

- Robert N. Freeman
Volume 9, issue 1, 1987
- Editorial data pp. 1-1

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- The first eight years of the journal of accounting and economics pp. 3-6

- Ray Ball, Ross Watts and Jerold L. Zimmerman
- The effect of accounting procedure changes on CEOs' cash salary and bonus compensation pp. 7-34

- Paul M. Healy, Sok-Hyon Kang and Krishna G. Palepu
- Determinants of corporate pension funding strategy pp. 35-59

- Jere R. Francis and Sara Ann Reiter
- Security analyst superiority relative to univariate time-series models in forecasting quarterly earnings pp. 61-87

- Lawrence D. Brown, Robert L. Hagerman, Paul A. Griffin and Mark E. Zmijewski
- Intra-industry information releases: A recursive systems approach pp. 89-106

- Greg J. Clinch and Norman A. Sinclair
Volume 8, issue 3, 1986
- Editorial data pp. 173-173

- Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Managerial discretion in the choice among financial reporting alternatives pp. 175-195

- Robert E. Verrecchia
- The effect of preferred stock rating changes on preferred and common stock prices pp. 197-215

- Scott E. Stickel
- Accounting for leases by lessees pp. 217-237

- Samir El-Gazzar, Steve Lilien and Victor Pastena
Volume 8, issue 2, 1986
- Editorial data pp. 91-91

- Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Abnormal stock returns associated with media disclosures of `subject to' qualified audit opinions pp. 93-117

- Nicholas Dopuch, Robert W. Holthausen and Richard W. Leftwich
- Signalling by direct disclosure under asymmetric information pp. 119-142

- Patricia J. Hughes
- Characteristics of firms electing early adoption of SFAS 52 pp. 143-158

- Frances L. Ayres
- Information quality and the valuation of new issues pp. 159-172

- Sheridan Titman and Brett Trueman
Volume 8, issue 1, 1986
- Editorial data pp. 1-1

- Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Predicting takeover targets: A methodological and empirical analysis pp. 3-35

- Krishna G. Palepu
- Accounting for interest by real estate developers pp. 37-51

- Ian Zimmer
- Why do managers voluntarily release earnings forecasts? pp. 53-71

- Brett Trueman
- Audit technology and preferences for auditing standards pp. 73-89

- William Kinney
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