Journal of Accounting and Economics
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. L. Zimmerman, S. P. Kothari, T. Z. Lys and R. L. Watts From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 17, issue 3, 1994
- Debt-covenant violations and managers' accounting responses pp. 281-308

- Amy Patricia Sweeney
- Accounting information and internal performance evaluation: Evidence from Texas banks pp. 331-358

- David W. Blackwell, James A. Brickley and Michael S. Weisback
- Dividend payout ratios as determinants of earnings response coefficients: A test of the free cash flow theory pp. 359-375

- Sanjay Kallapur
- Accounting earnings and future economic rents: An empirical analysis pp. 377-400

- Anwer S. Ahmed
Volume 17, issue 1-2, 1994
- Market response to financial reports pp. 3-40

- Joel S. Demski and Gerald A. Feltham
- Public disclosure, private information collection, and short-term trading pp. 69-94

- Maureen McNichols and Brett Trueman
- Contracting cost determinants of GAAP for joint ventures in an unregulated environment pp. 95-111

- Greg Whittred and Ian Zimmer
- Accounting choice in troubled companies pp. 113-143

- Harry DeAngelo, Linda DeAngelo and Douglas J. Skinner
- Debt covenant violation and manipulation of accruals pp. 145-176

- Mark L. DeFond and James Jiambalvo
- Compensation policies and financial characteristics of real estate investment trusts pp. 177-205

- Joseph H. Golec
- The association between audit quality, retained ownership, and firm-specific risk in U.S. vs. Canadian IPO markets pp. 207-228

- Peter M. Clarkson and Dan A. Simunic
- Extensions and violations of the statutory SEC form 10-K filing requirements pp. 229-254

- Andrew W. Alford, Jennifer J. Jones and Mark E. Zmijewski
- Are overhead costs strictly proportional to activity?: Evidence from hospital departments pp. 255-278

- Eric Noreen, Eric Noreen and Naomi Soderstrom
Volume 16, issue 4, 1993
- Editorial data pp. 381-381

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Myopic management behavior with efficient, but imperfect, financial markets: A comparison of information asymmetries in the U.S. and Japan pp. 383-405

- Robert Jacobson and David Aaker
- The investment opportunity set and accounting procedure choice: Preliminary evidence pp. 407-445

- Douglas J. Skinner
- Risk-free incentive contracts: Eliminating agency cost using option-based compensation schemes pp. 447-473

- Thomas Hemmer
Volume 16, issue 1-3, 1993
- Editorial data pp. 1-1

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Accounting income, stock price, and managerial compensation pp. 3-23

- Robert M. Bushman and Raffi J. Indjejikian
- Incentive efficiency of compensation based on accounting and market performance pp. 25-53

- Oliver Kim and Yoon Suh
- Accounting earnings and top executive compensation pp. 55-100

- Richard G. Sloan
- The use of accounting and security price measures of performance in managerial compensation contracts: A discussion pp. 101-123

- Richard A. Lambert
- Additional evidence on the association between the investment opportunity set and corporate financing, dividend, and compensation policies pp. 125-160

- Jennifer J. Gaver and Kenneth M. Gaver
- Growth, corporate policies, and the investment opportunity set pp. 161-165

- George P. Baker
- Board composition, ownership structure, and hostile takeovers pp. 167-198

- Anil Shivdasani
- Corporate governance and hostile takeovers pp. 199-208

- Michael Weisbach
- Managerial discretion, organizational structure, and corporate performance: A study of leveraged recapitalizations pp. 209-236

- David J. Denis and Diane K. Denis
- Highly leveraged transactions and managerial discretion over investment policy: An overview pp. 237-240

- Larry Y. Dann
- CEO compensation and components of earnings in bank holding companies pp. 241-272

- Greg Clinch and Joseph Magliolo
- Financial performance surrounding CEO turnover pp. 273-315

- Kevin Murphy and Jerold Zimmerman
- Earnings management and nonroutine executive changes pp. 317-336

- Susan Pourciau
- Earnings and management incentives: Comments pp. 337-347

- Abbie Smith
- Stock-based incentive compensation and investment behavior pp. 349-372

- John M. Bizjak, James A. Brickley and Jeffrey Coles
- Stock-based incentives and investment decisions: A comment pp. 373-380

- Karen Hopper Wruck
Volume 15, issue 4, 1992
- Editorial data pp. 443-443

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- A theory of responsibility centers pp. 445-484

- Nahum Melumad, Dilip Mookherjee and Stefan Reichelstein
- Optimistic reporting in the property- casualty insurance industry pp. 485-508

- Kathy Ruby Petroni
- An earnings prediction approach to examining intercompany information transfers pp. 509-523

- Robert Freeman and Senyo Tse
Volume 15, issue 2-3, 1992
- Editorial data pp. 115-115

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Aggregate accounting earnings can explain most of security returns: The case of long return intervals pp. 119-142

- Peter D. Easton, Trevor S. Harris and James Ohlson
- Information in prices about future earnings: Implications for earnings response coefficients pp. 143-171

- S. P. Kothari and Richard G. Sloan
- Price-earnings regressions in the presence of prices leading earnings: Earnings level versus change specifications and alternative deflators pp. 173-202

- S. P. Kothari
- Association between accounting performance measures and stock prices: A test of the life cycle hypothesis pp. 203-227

- Joseph H. Anthony and K. Ramesh
- The effects of qualified audit opinions on earnings response coefficients pp. 229-247

- Sung K. Choi and Debra C. Jeter
- Permanent versus transitory components of annual earnings and estimation error in earnings response coefficients pp. 249-264

- Ashiq Ali and Paul Zarowin
- Earnings news and small traders: An intraday analysis pp. 265-302

- Charles Lee
- The relative and complementary performance of analyst and security-price-based measures of expected earnings pp. 303-316

- Pieter Elgers and Dennis Murray
- The earnings-price anomaly pp. 319-345

- Ray Ball
- Summary financial statement measures and analysts' forecasts of earnings pp. 347-372

- Thomas L. Stober
- The prediction of stock returns using financial statement information pp. 373-411

- Robert W. Holthausen and David F. Larcker
- Fundamental analysis and subsequent stock returns pp. 413-442

- Anthony C. Greig
Volume 15, issue 1, 1992
- Editorial data pp. 1-1

- Ray Ball, Ross L. Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- Five year report on the journal of accounting & economics pp. 3-6

- Ray Ball, Ross Watts and Jerold Zimmerman
- The effect of book income adjustment in the 1986 alternative minimum tax on corporate financial reporting pp. 7-26

- Dan Dhaliwal and Shiing-wu Wang
- The market valuation implications of net periodic pension cost components pp. 27-62

- Mary E. Barth, William H. Beaver and Wayne R. Landsman
- Communication of nonearnings information at the financial statements release date pp. 63-86

- Bong H. Han, Ross Jennings and James Noel
- Economic determinants of accounting policy choice: The case of current cost accounting in the U.K pp. 87-114

- Kenneth W. Lemke and Michael J. Page
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