Journal of International Money and Finance
1982 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. R. Lothian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 32, issue C, 2013
- The impact of banking sector stability on the real economy pp. 1-16

- Terhi Jokipii and Pierre Monnin
- Private sector share of external debt and financial stability: Evidence from bank loans pp. 17-41

- Issam Hallak
- Learning to forecast the exchange rate: Two competing approaches pp. 42-76

- Paul De Grauwe and Agnieszka Markiewicz
- External and budget deficits in some developing countries pp. 77-98

- Foued Chihi and Michel Normandin
- Sudden stops and financial frictions: Evidence from industry-level data pp. 99-128

- Kevin Cowan and Claudio Raddatz
- The smallest firm effect: An international study pp. 129-155

- Lieven De Moor and Piet Sercu
- The relationship between the Renminbi future spot return and the forward discount rate pp. 156-168

- Yanping Zhao, Jakob de Haan, Bert Scholtens and Haizhen Yang
- Home bias and cross border taxation pp. 169-193

- Anil Mishra and Ronald Ratti
- Factor decomposition and diversification in European corporate bond markets pp. 194-213

- Mary Pieterse-Bloem and Ronald Mahieu
- Are fiscal deficits inflationary? pp. 214-233

- Hsin-Yi Lin and Hao-Pang Chu
- Real asset returns, inflation and activity in a small, open, Cash-in-Advance economy pp. 234-250

- Arman Mansoorian and Mohammed Mohsin
- The impact of bank capital on profitability and risk in Asian banking pp. 251-281

- Chien-Chiang Lee and Meng-Fen Hsieh
- Monetary policy shocks and financial conditions: A Monte Carlo experiment pp. 282-303

- Efrem Castelnuovo
- Nonlinear relationship between the real exchange rate and economic fundamentals: Evidence from China and Korea pp. 304-323

- Xiaolei Tang and Jizhong Zhou
- Financial integration, capital misallocation and global imbalances pp. 324-340

- Kenza Benhima
- Habit formation, adjustment costs, and international transmission of fiscal policy pp. 341-359

- Ramon A. Gonzalez-Hernandez and Cem Karayalcin
- Strategic monetary policy in interdependent economies: Gains from coordination reconsidered pp. 360-376

- Michael Evers
- Euro area money demand and international portfolio allocation: A contribution to assessing risks to price stability pp. 377-404

- Roberto De Santis, Carlo Favero and Barbara Roffia
- The link between life insurance activities and economic growth: Some new evidence pp. 405-427

- Chien-Chiang Lee, Chi-Chuan Lee and Yi-Bin Chiu
- The great intervention and massive money injection: The Japanese experience 2003–2004 pp. 428-443

- Tsutomu Watanabe and Tomoyoshi Yabu
- What determines Euro area bank CDS spreads? pp. 444-461

- Jan Annaert, Marc De Ceuster, Patrick Van Roy and Cristina Vespro
- Competitive depreciation and the role of distorting taxes in an interdependent economy pp. 462-477

- Satoko Takamatsu
- Grand corruption instead of commitment? Reconsidering time-inconsistency of monetary policy pp. 478-490

- Frank Bohn
- The “forward premium puzzle” and the sovereign default risk pp. 491-511

- Virginie Coudert and Valérie Mignon
- Exchange rate pass-through and inflation: A nonlinear time series analysis pp. 512-527

- Mototsugu Shintani, Akiko Hagiwara and Tomoyoshi Yabu
- The cyclical properties of disaggregated capital flows pp. 528-555

- Silvio Contessi, Pierangelo De Pace and Johanna Francis
- The real effects of banking shocks: Evidence from OECD countries pp. 556-578

- Oren Levintal
- Shadow banking and financial stability: European money market funds in the global financial crisis pp. 579-594

- Elias Bengtsson
- A positive theory of fixed-rate funds-supplying operations in an accommodative financial environment pp. 595-610

- Junnosuke Shino
- Exchange rates and individual good's price misalignment: Evidence of long-horizon predictability pp. 611-636

- Wei Dong and Deokwoo Nam
- Government intervention and firm investment: Evidence from international micro-data pp. 637-653

- Chen Lin and Sonia Man-lai Wong
- A new approach to tests of pricing-to-market pp. 654-667

- Joseph Byrne, Ekaterina Kortava and Ronald MacDonald
- How smooth is price discovery? Evidence from cross-listed stock trading pp. 668-699

- Haiqiang Chen, Paul Moon Sub Choi and Yongmiao Hong
- Does the euro dominate Central and Eastern European money markets? pp. 700-718

- Alexander Kadow, Mario Cerrato, Ronald MacDonald and Stefan Straetmans
- Conditional dependence structure between oil prices and exchange rates: A copula-GARCH approach pp. 719-738

- Riadh Aloui, Mohamed Ben Aissa and Duc Khuong Nguyen
- What factors cause foreign banks to stay in London? pp. 739-761

- Andrew Clare, Mohamed Azzim Gulamhussen and Carlos Pinheiro
- On the solvency of nations: Cross-country evidence on the dynamics of external adjustment pp. 762-780

- C. Bora Durdu, Enrique Mendoza and Marco Terrones
- Unconditional and conditional exchange rate exposure pp. 781-808

- Ines Chaieb and Stefano Mazzotta
- Debt and growth: New evidence for the euro area pp. 809-821

- Anja Baum, Cristina Checherita-Westphal and Philipp Rother
- Exchange rate volatility and the time-varying effects of aggregate shocks pp. 822-843

- Victor (Vic) Valcarcel
- Real exchange rate fluctuations and the relative importance of nontradables pp. 844-855

- Alice Ouyang and Ramkishen Rajan
- What drives China's current account? pp. 856-883

- Mathias Hoffmann
- Financial crises and cross-border banking: New evidence pp. 884-915

- Stefanie Kleimeier, Harald Sander and Sylvia Heuchemer
- Foreign institutional investment: Is governance quality at home important? pp. 916-940

- Nida Abdioglu, Arif Khurshed and Konstantinos Stathopoulos
- Oil shocks and the zero bound on nominal interest rates pp. 941-967

- Martin Bodenstein, Luca Guerrieri and Christopher J. Gust
- Does the exchange rate regime make a difference in inflation performance in developing and emerging countries?: The role of inflation targeting pp. 968-989

- Hiroyuki Yamada
- Marking-to-market government guarantees to financial systems – Theory and evidence for Europe pp. 990-1007

- Angelo Baglioni and Umberto Cherubini
- Taylor rules and exchange rate predictability in emerging economies pp. 1008-1031

- Jaqueson Galimberti and Marcelo Moura
- Predicting severe simultaneous recessions using yield spreads as leading indicators pp. 1032-1043

- Charlotte Christiansen
- Hoarding of international reserves in China: Mercantilism, domestic consumption and US monetary policy pp. 1044-1078

- Luigi Bonatti and Andrea Fracasso
- Can cross-country portfolio rebalancing give rise to forward bias in FX markets? pp. 1079-1096

- Sanders Chang
- Financial frictions and the strength of monetary transmission pp. 1097-1119

- Uluc Aysun, Ryan Brady and Adam Honig
- Foreign holdings of U.S. Treasuries and U.S. Treasury yields pp. 1120-1143

- Daniel Beltran, Maxwell Kretchmer, Jaime Marquez and Charles Thomas
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