Journal of International Money and Finance
1982 - 2024
Current editor(s): J. R. Lothian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 27, issue 8, 2008
- Informational linkages across trading regions: Evidence from foreign exchange markets pp. 1215-1243
- Fang Cai, Edward Howorka and Jon Wongswan
- Zooming out: The trade effect of the euro in historical perspective pp. 1244-1260
- Helge Berger and Volker Nitsch
- Productivity and equity market fundamentals: 80 years of evidence for 11 OECD countries pp. 1261-1283
- E Davis and Jakob Madsen
- Is the forward bias economically small? Evidence from European rates pp. 1284-1302
- Piet Sercu, Martina Vandebroek and Xueping Wu
- Russian equity market linkages before and after the 1998 crisis: Evidence from stochastic and regime-switching cointegration tests pp. 1303-1324
- Brian Lucey and Svitlana Voronkova
- Global monetary conditions versus country-specific factors in the determination of emerging market debt spreads pp. 1325-1336
- Mansoor Dailami, Paul Masson and Jean Jose Padou
- Net foreign asset positions and consumption dynamics in the international economy pp. 1337-1359
- Fabio Ghironi, Talan Iscan and Alessandro Rebucci
- The welfare implications of foreign exchange intervention pp. 1360-1382
- Wai-Ming Ho
- Local information in foreign exchange markets pp. 1383-1406
- Lukas Menkhoff and Maik Schmeling
- Asymmetric information and rational expectations: When is it right to be "wrong"? pp. 1407-1419
- Maria Demertzis and Andrew Hughes Hallett
- Assessing the importance of global shocks versus country-specific shocks pp. 1420-1429
- Kaouthar Souki and Walter Enders
- Does openness to trade make countries more vulnerable to sudden stops, or less? Using gravity to establish causality pp. 1430-1452
- Eduardo Cavallo and Jeffrey Frankel
Volume 27, issue 7, 2008
- The submission of limit orders or market orders: The role of timing and information in the Reuters D2000-2 system pp. 1056-1073
- Ingrid Lo and Stephen G. Sapp
- Foreign exchange risk and the cross-section of stock returns pp. 1074-1097
- James W. Kolari, Ted Moorman and Sorin M. Sorescu
- A new approach to modeling early warning systems for currency crises: Can a machine-learning fuzzy expert system predict the currency crises effectively? pp. 1098-1121
- Chin-Shien Lin, Haider Khan, Ruei-Yuan Chang and Ying-Chieh Wang
- Diversification in euro area stock markets: Country versus industry pp. 1122-1134
- Gerard A. Moerman
- Exchange rate pass-through and relative prices: An industry-level empirical investigation pp. 1135-1160
- Prasad Bhattacharya, Cem Karayalcin and Dimitrios Thomakos
- Measuring the persistence of deviations from purchasing power parity with a fractionally integrated STAR model pp. 1161-1176
- Aaron Smallwood
- Exploring different views of exchange rate regime choice pp. 1177-1197
- Fabrizio Carmignani, Emilio Colombo and Patrizio Tirelli
Volume 27, issue 6, 2008
- Dynamic effects of terms of trade shocks: The impact on debt and growth pp. 876-896
- Theo Eicher, Stefan Schubert and Stephen J Turnovsky
- Productivity shocks and the current account: An alternative perspective of capital market integration pp. 897-914
- Jörg Decressin and Piti Disyatat
- Some pitfalls in testing the law of one price in commodity markets pp. 915-925
- John Pippenger and Llad Phillips
- Consumption and real exchange rates with incomplete markets and non-traded goods pp. 926-948
- Gianluca Benigno and Christoph Thoenissen
- Monetary policy in the open economy revisited: The case for exchange-rate flexibility restored pp. 949-957
- Margarida Duarte and Maurice Obstfeld
- Is there a connection between monetary unification and real economic integration? Evidence from regime-switching stationarity tests pp. 958-970
- Mark Holmes and Nabil Maghrebi
- Exchange rate determination under interest rate rules pp. 971-993
- Gianluca Benigno and Pierpaolo Benigno
- Order flows, news, and exchange rate volatility pp. 994-1012
- Michael Frömmel, Alexander Mende and Lukas Menkhoff
- Cross-border listings, capital controls, and equity flows to emerging markets pp. 1013-1027
- Hali Edison and Francis Warnock
Volume 27, issue 5, 2008
- Applying regret theory to investment choices: Currency hedging decisions pp. 677-694
- Sébastien Michenaud and Bruno Solnik
- A model of the interactions between banking crises and currency crises pp. 695-706
- Michael Bleaney, Spiros Bougheas and Ilias Skamnelos
- Bank incentives, economic specialization, and financial crises in emerging economies pp. 707-732
- Amar Gande, Kose John and Lemma W. Senbet
- Closing international real business cycle models with restricted financial markets pp. 733-756
- Martin Boileau and Michel Normandin
- A structural VAR approach to the intertemporal model of the current account pp. 757-779
- Takashi Kano
- Haircuts: Estimating investor losses in sovereign debt restructurings, 1998-2005 pp. 780-805
- Federico Sturzenegger and Jeromin Zettelmeyer
- Capital mobility in saving and investment: A time-varying coefficients approach pp. 806-815
- Paul Evans, Bong-Han Kim and Keun-Yeob Oh
- IMF bailouts and moral hazard pp. 816-830
- Jong-Wha Lee and Kwanho Shin
- Forward-rate target zones and exchange rate dynamics pp. 831-846
- Hwan Lin
- What has driven Chinese monetary policy since 1990? Investigating the People's bank's policy rule pp. 847-859
- Richard Burdekin and Pierre Siklos
Volume 27, issue 4, 2008
- U.S. dollar real exchange rates: Nonlinearity revisited pp. 516-528
- Robert Sollis
- Is foreign exchange intervention effective? Some microanalytical evidence from the Czech Republic pp. 529-546
- Antonio Scalia
- The effect of intervention frequency on the foreign exchange market: The Japanese experience pp. 547-559
- Takeshi Hoshikawa
- A new look at pass-through pp. 560-591
- Jay Shambaugh
- Term structure anomalies: Term premium or peso-problem? pp. 592-608
- Caroline Jardet
- Dynamic IS curves with and without money: An international comparison pp. 609-616
- Rik Hafer and Garett Jones
- Endogenous asymmetric information and international equity home bias: The effects of portfolio size and information costs pp. 617-635
- John Barron and Jinlan Ni
- Information flows during the Asian crisis: Evidence from closed-end funds pp. 636-653
- Benjamin Cohen and Eli Remolona
- Financial integration, economic instability and trade structure in emerging markets pp. 654-675
- Anthony Chambet and Rajna Gibson
Volume 27, issue 3, 2008
- Understanding the dynamic effects of government spending on foreign trade pp. 345-371
- Gernot Müller
- On the hidden links between financial and trade opening pp. 372-386
- Joshua Aizenman
- Credit, cronyism, and control: Evidence from the Americas pp. 387-410
- Michael S. Pagano
- The macroeconomic policy mix in a monetary union with flexible inflation targeting pp. 411-437
- Torben M. Andersen
- Daily effects of foreign exchange intervention: Evidence from official Bank of Canada data pp. 438-454
- Rasmus Fatum
- Monetary integration and the cost of borrowing pp. 455-479
- Marta Gómez-Puig
- Politically generated uncertainty and currency crises: Theory, tests, and forecasts pp. 480-497
- David Leblang and Shanker Satyanath
Volume 27, issue 2, 2008
- Overview of the special issue on Euro area expansion: Current state and future prospects pp. 165-168
- Angelos Kanas and Georgios Kouretas
- EMU enlargement, stabilization costs and insurance mechanisms pp. 169-187
- Antonio Afonso and Davide Furceri
- The trade and FDI effects of EMU enlargement pp. 188-208
- Jelle Brouwer, Richard Paap and Jean-Marie Viaene
- Optimal monetary policy in the euro area in the presence of heterogeneity pp. 209-226
- Sophocles Brissimis and Ifigeneia Skotida
- How is real convergence driving nominal convergence in the new EU Member States? pp. 227-248
- Sarah Lein, Miguel Leon-Ledesma and Carolin Nerlich
- The speed of euro adoption pp. 249-259
- Francesco Columba
- In search of a euro effect: Big lessons from a Big Mac Meal? pp. 260-276
- David Parsley and Shang-Jin Wei
- Gains from financial integration in the European Union: Evidence for new and old members pp. 277-294
- Yuliya Demyanyk and Vadym Volosovych
- Non-linear growth effects of financial development: Does financial integration matter? pp. 295-313
- Arjana Brezigar Masten, Fabrizio Coricelli and Igor Masten
- Portfolio performance and the Euro: Prospects for new potential EMU members pp. 314-330
- Rainer Haselmann and Helmut Herwartz
Volume 27, issue 1, 2008
- Central bank authorities' beliefs about foreign exchange intervention pp. 1-25
- Christopher Neely
- Macroeconomic volatility, debt dynamics, and sovereign interest rate spreads pp. 26-39
- Hans Genberg and Astrit Sulstarova
- Regime shifts and the stability of backward-looking Phillips curves in open economies pp. 40-53
- Efrem Castelnuovo
- Interest-rate rules and transitional dynamics in an endogenously growing open economy pp. 54-75
- Shu-hua Chen, Ming-Fu Shaw, Ching-chong Lai and Juin-jen Chang
- Real interest parity (RIP) over the 20th century: New evidence based on confidence intervals for the largest root and the half-life pp. 76-101
- Sofiane H. Sekioua
- Corporate international diversification and the cost of equity: European evidence pp. 102-123
- Robert Joliet and Georges Hübner
- When is a lower exchange rate pass-through associated with greater exchange rate exposure pp. 124-139
- Martin Flodén, Witness Simbanegavi and Fredrik Wilander
- The puzzling unit root in the real interest rate and its inconsistency with intertemporal consumption behavior pp. 140-155
- Kon S. Lai
- Evidence of purchasing power parity for the floating regime period pp. 156-164
- Claude Lopez
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