Journal of International Money and Finance
1982 - 2024
Current editor(s): J. R. Lothian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 26, issue 8, 2007
- Extreme interdependence and extreme contagion between emerging markets pp. 1261-1291
- Giorgio Fazio
- Regional vulnerability: The case of East Asia pp. 1292-1310
- Ashoka Mody and Mark Taylor
- Financial integration and the price of world covariance risk: Large- vs. small-cap stocks pp. 1311-1337
- Wei Huang
- Varying the VaR for unconditional and conditional environments pp. 1338-1354
- John Cotter
- Accounting for real exchange rate changes in East Asia pp. 1355-1377
- David Parsley
- The spirit of capitalism, asset pricing and growth in a small open economy pp. 1378-1402
- Turalay Kenc and Selahattin Dibooglu
- Macroeconomic shocks, structural change and real exchange rates: Evidence from historical data pp. 1403-1423
- Vito Muscatelli, Franco Spinelli and Carmine Trecroci
- GDP growth and currency valuation: The case of the dollar pp. 1424-1449
- Peter Vlaar
Volume 26, issue 7, 2007
- The choice of exchange rate regimes in developing countries: A multinomial panel analysis pp. 1071-1094
- Juergen von Hagen and Jizhong Zhou
- Exchange-rate-based stabilization: Imperfect competition and supply-side effects pp. 1095-1112
- Hyuk-jae Rhee
- Inflation targeting and exchange rate pass-through pp. 1113-1150
- Alessandro Flamini
- Solvency vs competition: Hobson's choice for the Fed pp. 1151-1173
- Lester G. Telser
- Why U.S. money does not cause U.S. output, but does cause Hong Kong output pp. 1174-1186
- Gabriel Rodríguez and Nicholas Rowe
- Currency and credit markets pp. 1187-1205
- John Bilson and Deborah Cernauskas
- Dynamic correlation analysis of financial contagion: Evidence from Asian markets pp. 1206-1228
- Thomas Chiang, Bang Jeon and Huimin Li
- Is there really a "border effect"? pp. 1229-1238
- Akm Morshed
- Revisiting the home bias puzzle: Downside equity risk pp. 1239-1260
- Rachel A. Campbell and Roman Kräussl
Volume 26, issue 6, 2007
- Central bank learning, terms of trade shocks and currency risk: Should only inflation matter for monetary policy? pp. 865-886
- Guay Lim and Paul McNelis
- Empirical analysis of the exchange rate channel in Japan pp. 887-904
- Jun Nagayasu
- The impact of discount rate changes on market interest rates: Evidence from three European countries and Japan pp. 905-923
- Anoop Rai, Rama Seth and Sunil K. Mohanty
- Declining exchange rate pass-through to U.S. import prices: The potential role of global factors pp. 924-947
- Mario Marazzi and Nathan Sheets
- On the returns generating process and the profitability of trading rules in emerging capital markets pp. 948-973
- John Hatgioannides and Spyros Mesomeris
- Market impact costs of institutional equity trades pp. 974-1000
- Jacob Bikker, Laura Spierdijk and Pieter van der Sluis
- The Harberger-Laursen-Metzler effect under capital market imperfections pp. 1001-1015
- Kevin Huang and Qinglai Meng
- Linear and nonlinear exchange rate exposure pp. 1016-1037
- Richard Priestley and Bernt Ødegaard
- Uncovered interest rate parity and the term structure pp. 1038-1069
- Geert Bekaert, Min Wei and Yuhang Xing
Volume 26, issue 5, 2007
- Overview of conference volume "Financial and Commercial Integrations" pp. 657-662
- Joshua Aizenman, James Lothian and Brian Pinto
- A stable international monetary system emerges: Inflation targeting is Bretton Woods, reversed pp. 663-681
- Andrew Rose
- Sources for financing domestic capital - Is foreign saving a viable option for developing countries? pp. 682-702
- Joshua Aizenman, Brian Pinto and Artur Radziwill
- Global price dispersion: Are prices converging or diverging? pp. 703-729
- Paul Bergin and Reuven Glick
- Trade liberalization, capital account liberalization and the real effects of financial development pp. 730-761
- Matias Braun and Claudio Raddatz
- The overvaluation of Renminbi undervaluation pp. 762-785
- Yin-Wong Cheung, Menzie Chinn and Eiji Fujii
- Comment on Cheung, Chinn and Fujii, "The Overvaluation of Renminbi Undervaluation" pp. 786-787
- Barry Eichengreen
- International financial integration through equity markets: Which firms from which countries go global? pp. 788-813
- Stijn Claessens and Sergio Schmukler
- Capital controls, capital flow contractions, and macroeconomic vulnerability pp. 814-840
- Sebastian Edwards
- Collateral damage: Exchange controls and international trade pp. 841-863
- Shang-Jin Wei and Zhiwei Zhang
Volume 26, issue 4, 2007
- Financial globalization and integration pp. 495-499
- Marcel Fratzscher and Philipp Hartmann
- Explaining the global pattern of current account imbalances pp. 500-522
- Joseph Gruber and Steven B. Kamin
- US imbalances: The role of technology and policy pp. 523-545
- Rudolfs Bems, Luca Dedola and Frank Smets
- Current account balances, financial development and institutions: Assaying the world "saving glut" pp. 546-569
- Menzie Chinn and Hiro Ito
- Currency appreciation and current account adjustment pp. 570-586
- Michael Devereux and Hans Genberg
- Home bias and international risk sharing: Twin puzzles separated at birth pp. 587-605
- Bent Sorensen, Yi-Tsung Wu, Oved Yosha and Yu Zhu
- Model uncertainty, financial market integration and the home bias puzzle pp. 606-630
- Lieven Baele, Crina Pungulescu and Jenke ter Horst
- Home bias in global bond and equity markets: The role of real exchange rate volatility pp. 631-655
- Michael Fidora, Marcel Fratzscher and Christian Thimann
Volume 26, issue 3, 2007
- Volatility spillovers across international swap markets: The US, Japan, and the UK pp. 329-341
- Francis In
- Long memory and structural changes in the forward discount: An empirical investigation pp. 342-363
- Kyongwook Choi and Eric Zivot
- Does the real interest parity hypothesis hold? Evidence for developed and emerging markets pp. 364-382
- Alex Ferreira and Miguel Leon-Ledesma
- The effectiveness of foreign exchange intervention in emerging market countries: Evidence from the Czech koruna pp. 383-402
- Piti Disyatat and Gabriele Galati
- Informational contagion of bank runs in a third-generation crisis model pp. 403-429
- Victor Vaugirard
- Global regional sources of risk in equity markets: Evidence from factor models with time-varying conditional skewness pp. 430-453
- Aamir Hashmi and Anthony S Tay
- Currency preferences and the Australian dollar pp. 454-467
- Geoffrey Kingston and Martin Melecký
- Incomplete exchange rate pass-through and simple monetary policy rules pp. 468-494
- Malin Adolfson
Volume 26, issue 2, 2007
- Fed intervention, dollar appreciation, and systematic risk pp. 167-192
- Richard J. Sweeney
- What prompts Japan to intervene in the Forex market? A new approach to a reaction function pp. 193-212
- Takatoshi Ito and Tomoyoshi Yabu
- Evaluating the impacts of foreign direct investment, aid and saving in developing countries pp. 213-228
- Hidefumi Kasuga
- Inflation, output growth, and nominal and real uncertainty: Empirical evidence for the G7 pp. 229-250
- Stilianos Fountas and Menelaos Karanasos
- "Optimal" inflation under dollarization pp. 251-264
- Kazutaka Kurasawa and Alvin L. Marty
- An empirical assessment of currency devaluation in East Asian countries pp. 265-283
- Yoonbai Kim and Yung-Hsiang Ying
- Why common factors in international bond returns are not so common pp. 284-304
- Christophe Perignon, Daniel Smith and Christophe Villa
- The impact of EMU on the equity cost of capital pp. 305-327
- Gikas Hardouvelis, Dimitrios Malliaropulos and Richard Priestley
Volume 26, issue 1, 2007
- Investment restrictions and the cross-border flow of information: Some empirical evidence pp. 1-25
- Warren Bailey, Connie X. Mao and Kulpatra Sirodom
- Integration and competition in the European financial markets pp. 26-45
- Juan Fernandez de Guevara, Joaquin Maudos and Francisco Perez
- Where does price discovery occur for stocks traded in multiple markets? Evidence from Hong Kong and London pp. 46-63
- Sumit Agarwal, Chunlin Liu and S. Ghon Rhee
- Asymmetry in business fluctuations: International evidence on Friedman's plucking model pp. 64-85
- Francisco Nadal De Simone and Sean Clarke
- Interest rate linkages in the Eurocurrency market: Contemporaneous and out-of-sample Granger causality tests pp. 86-103
- Zijun Wang, Jian Yang and Qi Li
- The cyclical nature of North-South FDI flows pp. 104-130
- Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Ugo Panizza and Ernesto Stein
- A Cardan's discriminant approach to predicting currency crashes pp. 131-148
- Seng Kee Koh, Wai Mun Fong and Fabrice Chan
- A cross-country financial accelerator: Evidence from North America and Europe pp. 149-165
- Ashoka Mody, Lucio Sarno and Mark Taylor
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