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Journal of International Money and Finance

1982 - 2024

Current editor(s): J. R. Lothian

From Elsevier
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Volume 23, issue 7-8, 2004

Overview of the special issue on the euro five years on pp. 971-975 Downloads
Iftekhar Hasan and James Lothian
Rethinking the role of NCBs in the EMU pp. 977-996 Downloads
Russell Boyer
Learning and the monetary policy strategy of the European Central Bank pp. 997-1010 Downloads
Guay Lim and Paul McNelis
The impact of the euro on risk exposure of the world's major banking industries pp. 1011-1042 Downloads
Bill B. Francis and Delroy M. Hunter
The impact of European Central Bank Governing Council announcements on the foreign exchange market: a microstructural analysis pp. 1043-1051 Downloads
Michael Sager and Mark Taylor
The anticipated and concurring effects of the EMU: exchange rate volatility, institutions and growth pp. 1053-1080 Downloads
Michele Bagella, Leonardo Becchetti and Iftekhar Hasan
Purchasing power parity and the euro area pp. 1081-1107 Downloads
Kees G. Koedijk, Ben Tims and Mathijs van Dijk
The European Union currencies and the US dollar: from post-Bretton-Woods to the Euro pp. 1109-1136 Downloads
María Gadea, Antonio Montañés and Marcelo Reyes
The effect of the Euro on country versus industry portfolio diversification pp. 1137-1158 Downloads
Thomas Flavin
Searching for evidence of long-run PPP from a post-Bretton Woods panel: separating the wheat from the chaff pp. 1159-1186 Downloads
Chi-Young Choi
Financing decisions of firms and central bank policy pp. 1187-1207 Downloads
Ai Ting Goh and Jacques Olivier
Sterilization of short-term capital inflows--through lower interest rates? pp. 1209-1221 Downloads
Michael Kumhof

Volume 23, issue 6, 2004

A model of the joint distribution of banking and currency crises pp. 841-865 Downloads
Robert Flood and Nancy Marion
Testing the monetary model of exchange rate determination: a closer look at panels pp. 867-895 Downloads
David E. Rapach and Mark Wohar
Sterilization costs and exchange rate targeting pp. 897-915 Downloads
Kenneth Kletzer and Mark Spiegel
The price of democracy: sovereign risk ratings, bond spreads and political business cycles in developing countries pp. 917-946 Downloads
Steven Block and Paul Vaaler
An analysis of the use of derivatives by the Canadian mutual fund industry pp. 947-970 Downloads
Lewis D. Johnson and Wayne W. Yu

Volume 23, issue 5, 2004

Global transmission of interest rates: monetary independence and currency regime pp. 701-733 Downloads
Jeffrey Frankel, Sergio Schmukler and Luis Servén
Does the dynamic time consistency model of inflation explain cross-country differences in inflations dynamics? pp. 735-759 Downloads
John F. Boschen and Charles Weise
Measuring monetary policy interdependence pp. 761-783 Downloads
Paul Bergin and Oscar Jorda
Optimal bidding and hedging in international markets pp. 785-798 Downloads
Donald Lien and Kit Pong Wong
Explaining currency crises: a duration model approach pp. 799-816 Downloads
Merxe Tudela
Why is it so difficult to find an effect of exchange rate risk on trade? pp. 817-839 Downloads
Franc Klaassen

Volume 23, issue 4, 2004

The exchange rate and purchasing power parity: extending the theory and tests pp. 553-571 Downloads
Prakash Apte, Piet Sercu and Raman Uppal
The use of flow analysis in foreign exchange: exploratory evidence pp. 573-594 Downloads
Thomas Gehrig and Lukas Menkhoff
Economic fundamentals and self-fulfilling crises: further evidence from Mexico pp. 595-613 Downloads
George Bratsiotis and Wayne Robinson
Overshooting and the exchange rate disconnect puzzle: a reappraisal pp. 615-643 Downloads
Jean-Olivier Hairault, Lise Patureau and Thepthida Sopraseuth
International business cycles: the quantitative role of transportation costs pp. 645-671 Downloads
Morten Ravn and Elisabetta Mazzenga
Linear and nonlinear foreign exchange rate exposures of German nonfinancial corporations pp. 673-699 Downloads
Söhnke Bartram

Volume 23, issue 3, 2004

Overview of the special issue on banking, development and structural change pp. 305-310 Downloads
Iftekhar Hasan, James Lothian and Juha Tarkka
Does opening a stock exchange increase economic growth? pp. 311-331 Downloads
Scott Baier, Gerald Dwyer and Robert Tamura
Exporting financial institutions management via foreign direct investment mergers and acquisitions pp. 333-366 Downloads
Allen Berger, Claudia Buch, Gayle DeLong and Robert DeYoung
Commercial bank underwriting of credit-enhanced bonds: are there certification benefits to the issuer? pp. 367-384 Downloads
Anthony Saunders and Roger D. Stover
Financial system design and liquidity provision by banks and markets in a dynamic economy pp. 385-403 Downloads
Yiming Qian, Kose John and Teresa A. John
Measurement of contagion in banks' equity prices pp. 405-459 Downloads
Reint Gropp and Gerard Moerman
Convergence in euro-zone retail banking? What interest rate pass-through tells us about monetary policy transmission, competition and integration pp. 461-492 Downloads
Harald Sander and Stefanie Kleimeier
Banks' buffer capital: how important is risk pp. 493-513 Downloads
Kjersti-Gro Lindquist
Who pays for bank insolvency? pp. 515-551 Downloads
David Mayes

Volume 23, issue 2, 2004

On the performance of nominal income targeting as a strategy for monetary policy in a small open economy pp. 143-163 Downloads
Alfred Guender and Julie Tam
High public debt in currency crises: fundamentals versus signaling effects pp. 165-188 Downloads
Pierpaolo Benigno and Alessandro Missale
The international CAPM when expected returns are time-varying pp. 189-230 Downloads
David Ng
Many happy returns? Recidivism and the IMF pp. 231-251 Downloads
Graham Bird, Mumtaz Hussain and Joseph Joyce
The impact of IMF programs on asset values pp. 253-270 Downloads
R. A. Brealey and E. Kaplanis
More evidence on the dollar risk premium in the foreign exchange market pp. 271-282 Downloads
Dennis Bams, Kim Walkowiak and Christian Wolff
Exchange rate expectations: controlled experiments with artificial traders pp. 283-304 Downloads
Philip Marey

Volume 23, issue 1, 2004

Nonlinear dynamics in deviations from the law of one price: a broad-based empirical study pp. 1-25 Downloads
Lucio Sarno, Mark Taylor and Ibrahim Chowdhury
The credit crunch in East Asia: what can bank excess liquid assets tell us? pp. 27-49 Downloads
Pierre-Richard Agénor, Joshua Aizenman and Alexander Hoffmaister
International financial contagion in currency crises pp. 51-70 Downloads
Francesco Caramazza, Luca Ricci and Ranil Salgado
Expected returns, risk and the integration of international bond markets pp. 71-97 Downloads
David Barr and Richard Priestley
Currency spillovers and tri-polarity: a simultaneous model of the US dollar, German mark and Japanese yen pp. 99-111 Downloads
Ronald MacDonald and Ian Marsh
International capital mobility in the long run and the short run: can we still learn from saving-investment data? pp. 113-131 Downloads
Mathias Hoffmann
The dynamics of inflation and currency substitution in a small open economy pp. 133-142 Downloads
Miguel de Freitas
Page updated 2024-09-13