Journal of International Money and Finance
1982 - 2024
Current editor(s): J. R. Lothian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 21, issue 7, 2002
- Incomplete markets, borrowing constraints, and the foreign exchange risk premium pp. 957-980
- Sylvain Leduc
- Are the gains from international portfolio diversification exaggerated? The influence of downside risk in bear markets pp. 981-1011
- K. C. Butler and D. C. Joaquin
- Arbitrage opportunities on the road to stabilization and reform pp. 1013-1034
- Angelos Antzoulatos
- Anticipated foreign military threat, arms accumulation, and the current account in a small open economy pp. 1035-1052
- Wen-ya Chang, Hsueh-fang Tsai and Ching-chong Lai
- Time-varying risk preferences and emerging market co-movements pp. 1053-1072
- Timothy K. Chue
Volume 21, issue 6, 2002
- Editorial pp. 693-693
- James Lothian
- Introduction pp. 695-698
- Michele Bagella, Iftekhar Hasan and James Lothian
- The internationalization of money and finance and the globalization of financial markets pp. 699-724
- James Lothian
- A century of current account dynamics pp. 725-748
- Alan Taylor
- International financial integration and economic growth pp. 749-776
- Hali Edison, Ross Levine, Luca Ricci and Torsten Slok
- Inflation thresholds and the finance-growth nexus pp. 777-793
- Peter Rousseau and Paul Wachtel
- Home bias and high turnover reconsidered pp. 795-805
- Francis Warnock
- Informational integration and FX trading pp. 807-831
- Martin Evans and Richard Lyons
- The pricing of emerging market country funds pp. 833-855
- C. S. Eun, S. Janakiramanan and L. W. Senbet
- The effects of cross-border bank mergers on bank risk and value pp. 857-877
- Yakov Amihud, Gayle L. DeLong and Anthony Saunders
- Measuring financial and economic integration with equity prices in emerging markets pp. 879-903
- Kate Phylaktis and Fabiola Ravazzolo
- The cost of capital in international financial markets: local or global? pp. 905-929
- Kees G. Koedijk, Clemens Kool, Peter C. Schotman and Mathijs van Dijk
- Emerging market liberalization and the impact on uncovered interest rate parity pp. 931-956
- Bill B. Francis, Iftekhar Hasan and Delroy M. Hunter
Volume 21, issue 5, 2002
- Effectiveness of IMF-supported stabilization programs in developing countries pp. 565-587
- Ayse Y. Evrensel
- On the dual characteristics of closed-end country funds pp. 589-618
- Bong-Soo Lee and Gwangheon Hong
- The determinants of foreign exchange intervention by central banks: evidence from Australia pp. 619-649
- Suk-Joong Kim and Jeffrey Sheen
- Does the Australian dollar real exchange rate display mean reversion pp. 651-666
- Ólan Henry and Nilss Olekalns
- Government expenditure and equilibrium real exchange rates pp. 667-692
- Ronald Balvers and Jeffrey Bergstrand
Volume 21, issue 4, 2002
- Technical analysis and the effectiveness of central bank intervention pp. 459-479
- Peter Saacke
- Exchange rate effects on the volume and variability of trade flows pp. 481-496
- John Barkoulas, Christopher Baum and Mustafa Caglayan
- Real exchange rates, trade balances and nominal shocks: evidence for the G-7 pp. 497-518
- L. A. Fisher and Hyeon-seung Huh
- Predicting recessions with interest rate spreads: a multicountry regime-switching analysis pp. 519-537
- R. Ahrens
- Budget deficits, inflation risk, and asset prices pp. 539-553
- Willem Thorbecke
- The Feldstein-Horioka puzzle revisited pp. 555-564
- Tsung-wu Ho
Volume 21, issue 3, 2002
- The dynamics of emerging market equity flows pp. 295-350
- Geert Bekaert, Campbell Harvey and R. L. Lumsdaine
- The euro as an international currency: explaining puzzling first evidence from the foreign exchange markets pp. 351-383
- Harald Hau, William Killeen and Michael Moore
- Present value tests of the current account with durables consumption pp. 385-412
- Talan Iscan
- Exchange rate stabilization in the ERM: identifying European monetary policy reactions pp. 413-434
- Soyoung Kim
- A model of contagious currency crises with application to Argentina pp. 435-457
- Nada Choueiri
Volume 21, issue 2, 2002
- How does war shock the economy? pp. 145-162
- Bryan Caplan
- Can output explain the predictability and volatility of stock returns? pp. 163-182
- Rosa Rodriguez, Fernando Restoy and J. Ignacio Pena
- Common trends and convergence? South East Asian equity markets, 1988-1999 pp. 183-202
- Neil Manning
- Real trading patterns and prices in spot foreign exchange markets pp. 203-222
- Jon Danielsson and Richard Payne
- Testing for efficiency and rationality in foreign exchange markets--a review of the literature and research on foreign exchange market efficiency and rationality with comments pp. 223-239
- Peijie Wang and Trefor Jones
- Optimal currency risk hedging pp. 241-264
- Abraham Lioui and Patrice Poncet
- Return and volatility behavior of dually-traded stocks: the case of Hong Kong pp. 265-293
- Steven Shuye Wang, Oliver Rui and Michael Firth
Volume 21, issue 1, 2002
- Exchange rate fluctuations and disaggregated economic activity in the US: theory and evidence pp. 1-31
- Magda Kandil and Ida Mirzaie
- Exogenous shocks, contagion, and bank soundness: a macroeconomic framework pp. 33-52
- Mario I. Blejer, Ernesto V. Feldman and Andrew Feltenstein
- Currency substitution and speculative attacks on a currency board system pp. 53-78
- Shu-ki Tsang and Yue Ma
- Determinants of foreign direct investment across China pp. 79-113
- Qian Sun, Wilson Tong and Qiao Yu
- Central bank intervention and foreign exchange rates: new evidence from FIGARCH estimations pp. 115-144
- Michel Beine, Agnès Benassy-Quere and Christelle Lecourt
Volume 20, issue 7, 2001
- Technical analysis and central bank intervention pp. 949-970
- Christopher Neely and Paul A. Weller
- Extreme observations and diversification in Latin American emerging equity markets pp. 971-986
- Raul Susmel
- Distribution of parallel exchange rates in African countries pp. 987-1001
- Hippolyte Fofack and John P. Nolan
- What makes the stock market jump? An analysis of political risk on Hong Kong stock returns pp. 1003-1016
- Harold Y. Kim and Jianping Mei
- The saving-investment correlation puzzle is still a puzzle pp. 1017-1034
- Sunghyun Kim
Volume 20, issue 6, 2001
- Central bank operations: auction theory and empirical evidence pp. 737-741
- Juergen von Hagen
- A theory of treasury auctions pp. 743-767
- Arup Daripa
- Collateral and short squeezing of liquidity in fixed rate tenders pp. 769-792
- Kjell Nyborg and Ilya Strebulaev
- Rationing rules and European Central Bank auctions pp. 793-808
- Thomas Gresik
- Efficiency in auctions: theory and practiceUpdated copies of this paper can be found at pp. 809-838
- John Morgan
- The empirical performance of the ECB's repo auctions: evidence from aggregated and individual bidding data pp. 839-856
- Jörg Breitung and Dieter Nautz
- Why did the banks overbid? An empirical model of the fixed rate tenders of the European Central Bank pp. 857-870
- Juan Ayuso and Rafael Repullo
- European Central Bank operations: experimental investigation of the fixed rate tender pp. 871-893
- Karl-Martin Ehrhart
- The microstructure of the euro money market pp. 895-948
- Philipp Hartmann, Michele Manna and Andres Manzanares
Volume 20, issue 5, 2001
- Erratum to "The foreign-exchange costs of central bank intervention: evidence from Sweden" [Journal of International Money and Finance 20 (2001) 219-247] pp. 589-590
- Boo Sjoo and Richard J. Sweeney
- Emerging market debt: measuring credit quality and examining relative pricing pp. 591-609
- Robert Cumby and Tuvana Pastine
- Jumps and time-varying correlations in daily foreign exchange rates pp. 611-637
- Kook-Hyun Chang and Myung-Jig Kim
- Size distortions of tests of the null hypothesis of stationarity: evidence and implications for the PPP debate pp. 639-657
- Mehmet Caner and Lutz Kilian
- Introducing new futures contracts: reinforcement versus cannibalism pp. 659-675
- Joost Pennings and Raymond M. Leuthold
- Central bank interventions and exchange rate band regimes pp. 677-700
- Gabriela Mundaca
- Money demand in Euroland pp. 701-713
- Michael Funke
- Living with the "enemy": an analysis of foreign investment in the Japanese equity market pp. 715-735
- Yasushi Hamao and Jianping Mei
Volume 20, issue 4, 2001
- Currency traders and exchange rate dynamics: a survey of the US market pp. 439-471
- Yin-Wong Cheung and Menzie Chinn
- The real-interest-differential model after 20 years pp. 473-495
- Alan Isaac and Suresh de Mel
- International transmission of anticipated inflation under alternative exchange-rate regimes pp. 497-519
- Jill A. Holman and Felix Rioja
- Nominal exchange-rate prediction: evidence from a nonlinear approach pp. 521-532
- Jyh-Lin Wu and Show-Lin Chen
- An empirical reassessment of target-zone nonlinearities pp. 533-548
- Anthony Garratt, Zacharias Psaradakis and Martin Sola
- Secondary market efficiency for LDC bank loans and international private lending, 1985-1993 pp. 549-562
- Yasuyuki Sawada
- Long and short term dynamic causal transmission amongst international stock markets pp. 563-587
- Rumi Masih and Abul Masih
Volume 20, issue 3, 2001
- Exchange rates and firms' liquidity: evidence from ADRs pp. 297-325
- Roger D. Huang and Hans Stoll
- 'Once-in-a-generation' yen volatility in 1998: fundamentals, intervention, and order flow pp. 327-347
- Jun Cai, Yan-Leung Cheung, Raymond S. K. Lee and Michael Melvin
- Global property investment and the costs of international diversification pp. 349-366
- Piet Eichholtz, Kees Koedijk and Mark Schweitzer
- Volatility spillovers in East European black-market exchange rates pp. 367-378
- Alan E. H. Speight and David G. McMillan
- Nonlinear adjustment to purchasing power parity in the post-Bretton Woods era pp. 379-399
- Christopher Baum, John Barkoulas and Mustafa Caglayan
- Measuring and estimating exchange market pressure in the EU pp. 401-418
- Eric Pentecost, Charlotte Van Hooydonk and Andre Van Poeck
- The lifetime of a unilateral target zone: some extended results pp. 419-438
- Simon Broome
Volume 20, issue 2, 2001
- The effects of industry structure on economic exposure pp. 149-164
- Richard C. Marston
- Why real interest rates, cost of capital and price/earnings ratios vary across countries pp. 165-189
- Bhagwan Chowdhry and Sheridan Titman
- Systematic jump risks in a small open economy: simultaneous equilibrium valuation of options on the market portfolio and the exchange rate pp. 191-218
- Melanie Cao
- The foreign-exchange costs of central bank intervention: evidence from Sweden pp. 219-247
- Boo Sjoo and Richard J. Sweeney
- Unit root tests for panel data pp. 249-272
- In Choi
- Exchange rate exposure, hedging, and the use of foreign currency derivatives pp. 273-296
- George Allayannis and Eli Ofek
Volume 20, issue 1, 2001
- Forecasting daily exchange rate volatility using intraday returns pp. 1-23
- Martin Martens
- Can Markov switching models replicate chartist profits in the foreign exchange market? pp. 25-41
- Hans Dewachter
- Privatization, political risk and stock market development in emerging economies pp. 43-69
- Enrico Perotti and Pieter van Oijen
- Tests of conditional asset pricing models in the Brazilian stock market pp. 71-90
- René Garcia and Marco Bonomo
- Exchange rate dynamics in anticipation of time-contingent regime switching: modelling the effects of a possible delay pp. 91-113
- Bernd Wilfling and Wolfgang Maennig
- Long memory and nonlinear mean reversion in Japanese yen-based real exchange rates pp. 115-132
- Yin-Wong Cheung and Kon S. Lai
- Evaluating forecasts from SETAR models of exchange rates pp. 133-148
- Michael Clements and Jeremy Smith
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