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Journal of International Money and Finance

1982 - 2024

Current editor(s): J. R. Lothian

From Elsevier
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Volume 25, issue 8, 2006

On the distributional effects of exchange rate fluctuations pp. 1207-1225 Downloads
Cédric Tille
On the inadequacy of newswire reports for empirical research on foreign exchange interventions pp. 1226-1240 Downloads
Andreas Fischer
The accuracy of reports of foreign exchange intervention by the Bank of Japan: Does Tokyo know more? pp. 1241-1256 Downloads
Yuanchen Chang
How can IMF policy eliminate country moral hazard and account for externalities? pp. 1257-1276 Downloads
Thomas Weithoner
Consumption-smoothing in a small, cyclically volatile open economy: Evidence from New Zealand pp. 1277-1295 Downloads
Kunhong Kim, Viv Hall and Robert Buckle
Size matters: The impact of financial liberalization on individual firms pp. 1296-1318 Downloads
Peter Christoffersen, Hyunchul Chung and Vihang Errunza
Optimal liberalization of financial markets pp. 1319-1335 Downloads
Khang Min Lee and Nathalie Moyen
Openness, the sacrifice ratio, and inflation: Is there a puzzle? pp. 1336-1347 Downloads
Joseph Daniels and David VanHoose

Volume 25, issue 7, 2006

Market timing by global fund managers pp. 1029-1050 Downloads
Debra A. Glassman and Leigh A. Riddick
When do central bank interventions influence intra-daily and longer-term exchange rate movements? pp. 1051-1071 Downloads
Kathryn Dominguez
The cost of technical trading rules in the Forex market: A utility-based evaluation pp. 1072-1089 Downloads
Hans Dewachter and Marco Lyrio
One minute in the life of the DM/US$: Public news in an electronic market pp. 1090-1102 Downloads
John Carlson and Melody Lo
Inflation shoe leather costs and average inflation rates across countries pp. 1103-1129 Downloads
Turan G. Bali and Thom Thurston
Stock markets and the real exchange rate: An intertemporal approach pp. 1130-1145 Downloads
Benoit Mercereau
Financial intermediary development and growth volatility: Do intermediaries dampen or magnify shocks? pp. 1146-1167 Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Mattias Lundberg and Giovanni Majnoni
Testing the uncovered interest parity using traded volatility, a time-varying risk premium and heterogeneous expectations pp. 1168-1186 Downloads
Nicholas Sarantis
Testing for multiple regimes in the tail behavior of emerging currency returns pp. 1187-1205 Downloads
Bertrand Candelon and Stefan Straetmans

Volume 25, issue 6, 2006

Policy instrument choice and non-coordinated monetary policy in interdependent economies pp. 855-873 Downloads
Giovanni Lombardo and Alan Sutherland
The exchange rate - A shock-absorber or source of shocks? A study of four open economies pp. 874-893 Downloads
Michael Artis and Michael Ehrmann
A currency union for Hong Kong and Mainland China? pp. 894-911 Downloads
Xinpeng Xu
Target zones for exchange rates and policy changes pp. 912-931 Downloads
Edward Driffill and Martin Sola
The determinants of financing obstacles pp. 932-952 Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Luc Laeven and Vojislav Maksimovic
Towards a new early warning system of financial crises pp. 953-973 Downloads
Matthieu Bussiere and Marcel Fratzscher
Structural breaks and diversification: The impact of the 1997 Asian financial crisis on the integration of Asia-Pacific real estate markets pp. 974-991 Downloads
Richard Gerlach, Patrick Wilson and Ralf Zurbruegg
Exchange rate pegs and foreign exchange exposure in East and South East Asia pp. 992-1009 Downloads
David Parsley and Helen Popper
The effects of capital controls on international capital flows in the presence of asymmetric information pp. 1010-1027 Downloads
Rebecca Neumann

Volume 25, issue 5, 2006

How well can the New Open Economy Macroeconomics explain the exchange rate and current account? pp. 675-701 Downloads
Paul Bergin
Inside the crisis: An empirical analysis of banking systems in distress pp. 702-718 Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Enrica Detragiache and Poonam Gupta
Volatility impulse responses for multivariate GARCH models: An exchange rate illustration pp. 719-740 Downloads
Christian Hafner and Helmut Herwartz
Are our FEERs justified? pp. 741-759 Downloads
Giacomo Barisone, Rebecca Driver and Simon Wren-Lewis
Y2K fears and safe haven trading of the U.S. dollar pp. 760-779 Downloads
Aditya Kaul and Stephen Sapp
Institutional uncertainty and the maturity of international loans pp. 780-794 Downloads
Neven Valev
The evolution of stock market integration in the post-liberalization period - A look at Latin America pp. 795-826 Downloads
Delroy M. Hunter
The Copula-GARCH model of conditional dependencies: An international stock market application pp. 827-853 Downloads
Eric Jondeau and Michael Rockinger

Volume 25, issue 4, 2006

Fixed versus flexible: Lessons from EMS order flow pp. 551-579 Downloads
William P. Killeen, Richard Lyons and Michael Moore
The effectiveness of central bank intervention in the EMS: The post 1993 experience pp. 580-597 Downloads
Peter Brandner, Harald Grech and Helmut Stix
Return and volatility linkages between the US and the German stock market pp. 598-613 Downloads
Dirk Baur and Robert Jung
Exchange rate pass-through to domestic prices: Does the inflationary environment matter? pp. 614-639 Downloads
Ehsan Choudhri and Dalia Hakura
Creditor moral hazard in stock markets: Empirical evidence from Indonesia and Korea pp. 640-654 Downloads
Ayse Y. Evrensel and Ali Kutan
Globalization and changing patterns in the international transmission of shocks in financial markets pp. 655-674 Downloads
Michael Bordo and Antu Murshid

Volume 25, issue 3, 2006

Emerging markets finance: Overview of the special issue pp. 349-357 Downloads
Kate Phylaktis
Institutions, capital flows and financial integration pp. 358-369 Downloads
James Lothian
Growth volatility and financial liberalization pp. 370-403 Downloads
Geert Bekaert, Campbell R. Harvey and Christian Lundblad
Stock market liberalization and the information environment pp. 404-428 Downloads
Kee-Hong Bae, Warren Bailey and Connie X. Mao
Corporate governance provisions and firm ownership: Firm-level evidence from Eastern Europe pp. 429-444 Downloads
Leora Klapper, Luc Laeven and Inessa Love
Can you teach old dogs new tricks? On complementarity of human capital and incentives pp. 445-458 Downloads
Jana P. Fidrmuc and Jan Fidrmuc
Sources of firms' industry and country effects in emerging markets pp. 459-475 Downloads
Kate Phylaktis and Lichuan Xia
What drives credit risk in emerging markets? The roles of country fundamentals and market co-movements pp. 476-502 Downloads
Diana Diaz Weigel and Gordon Gemmill
Currency crises: Are they all the same? pp. 503-527 Downloads
Graciela Kaminsky
Linkages between extreme stock market and currency returns pp. 528-550 Downloads
Phornchanok Cumperayot, Tjeert Keijzer and Roy Kouwenberg

Volume 25, issue 2, 2006

Effectiveness of official daily foreign exchange market intervention operations in Japan pp. 199-219 Downloads
Rasmus Fatum and Michael Hutchison
Offshore hedging strategy of Japan-based wheat traders under multiple sources of risk and hedging costs pp. 220-236 Downloads
Hyun Jin and Won W. Koo
Exchange rates and investment good prices: A cross-industry comparison pp. 237-256 Downloads
Stuart Landon and Constance Smith
Current account and real exchange rate dynamics in the G7 countries pp. 257-274 Downloads
Jaewoo Lee and Menzie Chinn
Specification tests of international asset pricing models pp. 275-307 Downloads
Xiaoyan Zhang
Political risk and capital flight pp. 308-329 Downloads
Quan Vu Le and Paul J. Zak
Money, inflation and output in Romania, 1992-2000 pp. 330-347 Downloads
Nina Budina, Wojciech Maliszewski, George de Menil and Geomina Turlea

Volume 25, issue 1, 2006

Foreign exchange markets: Overview of the special issue pp. 1-6 Downloads
Kees G. Koedijk, James Lothian and Mathijs van Dijk
The (partial) rehabilitation of interest rate parity in the floating rate era: Longer horizons, alternative expectations, and emerging markets pp. 7-21 Downloads
Menzie Chinn
Do asymmetric and nonlinear adjustments explain the forward premium anomaly? pp. 22-47 Downloads
Richard Baillie and Rehim Kilic
The forward premium in a model with heterogeneous prior beliefs pp. 48-70 Downloads
Eric Fisher
Asset price based estimates of sterling exchange rate risk premia pp. 71-92 Downloads
Jan Groen and Ravi Balakrishnan
The long-run volatility puzzle of the real exchange rate pp. 93-124 Downloads
Ricardo Hausmann, Ugo Panizza and Roberto Rigobon
Currency crises and institutions pp. 125-145 Downloads
Pattama L. Shimpalee and Janice Boucher Breuer
On the long-term effectiveness of exchange rate communication and interventions pp. 146-167 Downloads
Marcel Fratzscher
What defines `news' in foreign exchange markets? pp. 168-198 Downloads
Kathryn Dominguez and Freyan Panthaki
Page updated 2024-09-13