Journal of International Money and Finance
1982 - 2024
Current editor(s): J. R. Lothian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 29, issue 8, 2010
- Larger crises cost more: Impact of banking sector instability on output growth pp. 1463-1481
- Dobromił Serwa
- Optimal central bank transparency pp. 1482-1507
- Carin Cruijsen, Sylvester Eijffinger and Lex H. Hoogduin
- The macroeconomic effects of monetary and fiscal policy in a small open economy: Does the exchange rate regime matter? pp. 1508-1528
- Reginald Darius
- Finance and growth in a bank-based economy: Is it quantity or quality that matters? pp. 1529-1545
- Michael Koetter and Michael Wedow
- Does better information about foreign shocks improve monetary policy? pp. 1546-1561
- Kang Yong Tan and Misa Tanaka
- Productivity shocks, budget deficits and the current account pp. 1562-1579
- Matthieu Bussiere, Marcel Fratzscher and Gernot Müller
- Emerging floaters: Pass-throughs and (some) new commodity currencies pp. 1580-1595
- Emanuel Kohlscheen
- Dollarization persistence and individual heterogeneity pp. 1596-1618
- Diego Winkelried and Paul Castillo
- Foreign exchange exposure of "domestic" corporations pp. 1619-1636
- Raj Aggarwal and Joel T. Harper
- Exchange rate pass-through to bilateral import prices pp. 1637-1651
- Janet Ceglowski
- Heterogeneity of agents and exchange rate dynamics: Evidence from the EMS pp. 1652-1669
- Eelke de Jong, Willem Verschoor and Remco Zwinkels
- The role of exchange rates in intertemporal risk-return relations pp. 1670-1686
- Turan G. Bali and Liuren Wu
- Modeling exchange rate dependence dynamics at different time horizons pp. 1687-1705
- Alexandra Dias and Paul Embrechts
- Nominal versus indexed debt: A quantitative horse race pp. 1706-1726
- Laura Alfaro and Fabio Kanczuk
- International money and stock market contingent claims pp. 1727-1751
- Christian Gourieroux, Alain Monfort and R. Sufana
- Trades of the living dead: Style differences, style persistence and performance of currency fund managers pp. 1752-1775
- Momtchil Pojarliev and Richard M. Levich
Volume 29, issue 7, 2010
- Observing bailout expectations during a total eclipse of the sun pp. 1193-1205
- Oscar Bernal, Kim Oosterlinck and Ariane Szafarz
- Incentive problems and the pattern of international risk sharing pp. 1206-1225
- Sylvester Eijffinger and Wolf Wagner
- The size of banking crises in credible fixed exchange rate regimes pp. 1226-1236
- Victoria Miller and Luc Vallée
- Habit formation, surplus consumption and return predictability: International evidence pp. 1237-1255
- Tom Engsted, Stuart Hyde and Stig V. Møller
- International stock return predictability under model uncertainty pp. 1256-1282
- Andreas Schrimpf
- Trader see, trader do: How do (small) FX traders react to large counterparties' trades? pp. 1283-1302
- Lukas Menkhoff and Maik Schmeling
- Loss aversion, asymmetric market comovements, and the home bias pp. 1303-1320
- Kevin Amonlirdviman and Carlos Carvalho
- Financial liberalization, bureaucratic corruption and economic development pp. 1321-1339
- Keith Blackburn and Gonzalo Forgues-Puccio
- Tracking U.S. inflation expectations with domestic and global indicators pp. 1340-1356
- Efrem Castelnuovo
- Inflation targeting: An indirect approach to assess the direct impact pp. 1357-1368
- Taner Yigit
- Cagan's paradox and money demand in hyperinflation: Revisited at daily frequency pp. 1369-1384
- Zorica Mladenovic and Pavle Petrovic
- Estimation of the equilibrium exchange rate: The CHEER approach pp. 1385-1397
- Piotr Keblowski and Aleksander Welfe
- A century of purchasing power parity confirmed: The role of nonlinearity pp. 1398-1405
- Hyeongwoo Kim and Young-Kyu Moh
- Cashflow news, the value premium and an asset pricing view on European stock market integration pp. 1406-1423
- Thomas Nitschka
- A new approach to forecasting exchange rates pp. 1424-1437
- Kenneth Clements and Yihui Lan
- A multinomial logit approach to exchange rate policy classification with an application to growth pp. 1438-1462
- Justin Dubas, Byung-Joo Lee and Nelson Mark
Volume 29, issue 6, 2010
- Fiscal and monetary policies and the cost of sudden stops pp. 973-987
- Michael Hutchison, Ilan Noy and Lidan Wang
- Monetary policy surprises and international bond markets pp. 988-1002
- Don Bredin, Stuart Hyde and Gerard O'Reilly
- Political monetary cycles and a de facto ranking of central bank independence pp. 1003-1023
- Sami Alpanda and Adam Honig
- On the role and effects of IMF seniority pp. 1024-1044
- Diego Saravia
- Central bank intervention and the intraday process of price formation in the currency markets pp. 1045-1061
- Paolo Pasquariello
- A Markov switching analysis of contagion in the EMS pp. 1062-1075
- Alex (Alexandros) Mandilaras and Graham Bird
- Smooth breaks and non-linear mean reversion: Post-Bretton Woods real exchange rates pp. 1076-1093
- Dimitris Christopoulos and Miguel Leon-Ledesma
- Information footholds: Isolating local presence as a factor in analyst performance and trading pp. 1094-1107
- Charles Chang
- Can trade costs in goods explain home bias in assets? pp. 1108-1123
- Eric van Wincoop and Francis Warnock
- Dollarization does promote trade pp. 1124-1130
- Shu Lin and Haichun Ye
- Can a real business cycle model without price and wage stickiness explain UK real exchange rate behaviour? pp. 1131-1150
- David Meenagh, A. Patrick Minford, Eric Nowell and Prakriti Sofat
- Solving exchange rate puzzles with neither sticky prices nor trade costs pp. 1151-1170
- Michael Moore and Maurice Roche
- Going multinational under exchange rate uncertainty pp. 1171-1191
- Henry Aray and Javier Gardeazabal
Volume 29, issue 5, 2010
- Dependence structure between the equity market and the foreign exchange market-A copula approach pp. 743-759
- Cathy Ning
- Does the currency regime shape unhedged currency exposure? pp. 760-769
- Ila Patnaik and Ajay Shah
- Investigating nonlinearities in real exchange rate adjustment: Threshold cointegration and the dynamics of exchange rates and relative prices pp. 770-790
- Hironobu Nakagawa
- Time-varying integration, interdependence and contagion pp. 791-818
- Lieven Baele and Koen Inghelbrecht
- A happy "half way-house"? Medium term inflation targeting in New Zealand pp. 819-839
- Kirdan Lees and Sam Warburton
- Nominal exchange rate volatility, relative price volatility, and the real exchange rate pp. 840-856
- Srideep Ganguly and Janice Boucher Breuer
- Long memory versus structural breaks in modeling and forecasting realized volatility pp. 857-875
- Kyongwook Choi, Wei-Choun Yu and Eric Zivot
- The impact of monetary policy shocks on stock prices: Evidence from Canada and the United States pp. 876-896
- Yun Daisy Li, Talan Iscan and Kuan Xu
- Testing conditional asset pricing models: An emerging market perspective pp. 897-918
- Javed Iqbal, Robert Brooks and Don Galagedera
- How well does nonlinear mean reversion solve the PPP puzzle? pp. 919-937
- Stephen Norman
- Do high interest rates deter speculative attacks? - Evidence and some theory pp. 938-950
- Kevin Grier and Shu Lin
- China as a reserve sink: The evidence from offset and sterilization coefficients pp. 951-972
- Alice Ouyang, Ramkishen Rajan and Thomas D. Willett
Volume 29, issue 4, 2010
- The emerging global financial architecture: What's new and what's old? pp. 599-602
- Joshua Aizenman, Reuven Glick and James Lothian
- The immoderate world economy pp. 603-614
- Maurice Obstfeld
- The emerging global financial architecture: Tracing and evaluating new patterns of the trilemma configuration pp. 615-641
- Joshua Aizenman, Menzie Chinn and Hiro Ito
- Foreign currency debt, financial crises and economic growth: A long-run view pp. 642-665
- Michael Bordo, Christopher Meissner and David Stuckler
- Controlling capital? Legal restrictions and the asset composition of international financial flows pp. 666-684
- Mahir Binici, Michael Hutchison and Martin Schindler
- The international transmission of interest rate shocks: The Federal Reserve and emerging markets in Latin America and Asia pp. 685-703
- Sebastian Edwards
- Inflation targeting and business cycle synchronization pp. 704-727
- Robert P. Flood and Andrew Rose
- Does the global fireman inadvertently add fuel to the fire? New evidence from institutional investors' response to IMF program announcements pp. 728-741
- Shang-Jin Wei, Zhiwei Zhang and Qingyuan Du
Volume 29, issue 3, 2010
- Why does sovereign risk differ for domestic and external debt? Evidence from Scandinavia, 1938-1948 pp. 387-402
- Daniel Waldenström
- Investing under model uncertainty: Decision based evaluation of exchange rate forecasts in the US, UK and Japan pp. 403-422
- Anthony Garratt and Kevin Lee
- Trading the forward bias: Are there limits to speculation? pp. 423-441
- Markus Hochradl and Christian Wagner
- Current account sustainability in the US: What did we really know about it? pp. 442-459
- Dimitris Christopoulos and Miguel Leon-Ledesma
- Should inflation-targeting central banks respond to exchange rate movements? pp. 460-485
- Robert Pavasuthipaisit
- The reaction of asset markets to Swiss National Bank communication pp. 486-503
- Angelo Ranaldo and Enzo Rossi
- An empirical study of portfolio-balance and information effects of order flow on exchange rates pp. 504-524
- Francis Breedon and Paolo Vitale
- Comovements in volatility in the euro money market pp. 525-539
- Nuno Cassola and Claudio Morana
- New evidence on the monetary approach of exchange rate determination in Mexico 1994-2007: A cointegrated SVAR model pp. 540-554
- Eduardo Loría, Armando Sánchez and Uberto Salgado
- Local persistence and the PPP hypothesis pp. 555-569
- Soyoung Kim and Luiz Lima
- Evaluating foreign exchange market intervention: Self-selection, counterfactuals and average treatment effects pp. 570-584
- Rasmus Fatum and Michael Hutchison
- The forward market in emerging currencies: Less biased than in major currencies pp. 585-598
- Jeffrey Frankel and Jumana Poonawala
Volume 29, issue 2, 2010
- Foreign debt supply in an imperfect international capital market: Theory and evidence pp. 201-223
- Keunsuk Chung and Stephen J Turnovsky
- The hysteresis of currency substitution: Currency risk vs. network externalities pp. 224-235
- Neven T. Valev
- Interest rate pass-through, monetary policy rules and macroeconomic stability pp. 236-251
- Claudia Kwapil and Johann Scharler
- Deposit insurance coverage, ownership, and banks' risk-taking in emerging markets pp. 252-274
- Apanard Angkinand Prabha and Clas Wihlborg
- Risk factor and industry effects in the cross-country comovement of momentum returns pp. 275-299
- Andy Naranjo and Burt Porter
- Financial development and household portfolios - Evidence from Spain, the U.K. and the U.S pp. 300-314
- Angelos Antzoulatos and Chris Tsoumas
- A two-country NATREX model for the euro/dollar pp. 315-335
- Marianna Belloc and Daniela Federici
- Noise traders, exchange rate disconnect puzzle, and the Tobin tax pp. 336-357
- Juanyi Xu
- International order flows: Explaining equity and exchange rate returns pp. 358-386
- Peter Dunne, Harald Hau and Michael Moore
Volume 29, issue 1, 2010
- Risky public domestic debt composition in emerging economies pp. 1-18
- Arnaud Mehl and Julien Reynaud
- Supersanctions and sovereign debt repayment pp. 19-36
- Kris James Mitchener and Marc D. Weidenmier
- A functional coefficient model view of the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle pp. 37-54
- H. Herwartz and Fang Xu
- Home bias, exchange rate disconnect, and optimal exchange rate policy pp. 55-78
- Jian Wang
- On the sensitivity of the volume and volatility of bilateral trade flows to exchange rate uncertainty pp. 79-93
- Christopher Baum and Mustafa Caglayan
- The introduction of the Euro and its effects on portfolio decisions pp. 94-110
- Rainer Haselmann and Helmut Herwartz
- Investigating M3 money demand in the euro area pp. 111-122
- Christian Dreger and Juergen Wolters
- Coordination between monetary policy and fiscal policy for an inflation targeting emerging market pp. 123-138
- Zelal Aktas, Neslihan Kaya and Ümit Özlale
- Structural breaks in volatility: Evidence for the OECD and non-OECD real exchange rates pp. 139-168
- Amalia Morales-Zumaquero and Simon Sosvilla-Rivero
- Understanding the Backus-Smith puzzle: It's the (nominal) exchange rate, stupid pp. 169-180
- Gregory Hess and Kwanho Shin
- Price adjustment and exchange rate pass-through pp. 181-200
- Michael Devereux and James Yetman
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