Journal of International Money and Finance
1982 - 2024
Current editor(s): J. R. Lothian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 15, issue 6, 1996
- Microstructural dynamics in a foreign exchange electronic broking system pp. 829-852
- Charles A. E. Goodhart and Richard Payne
- Central bank intervention and the volatility of foreign exchange rates: evidence from the options market pp. 853-878
- Catherine Bonser-Neal and Glenn Tanner
- The price of gold and the exchange rate pp. 879-897
- Larry Sjaastad and Fabio Scacciavillani
- Post Bretton Woods deviations from purchasing power parity in G7 exchange rates--an empirical exploration pp. 899-924
- Mack Ott
- Explaining exchange rate volatility: an empirical analysis of 'the holy trinity' of monetary independence, fixed exchange rates, and capital mobility pp. 925-945
- Andrew Rose
- Exchange rate mean reversion from real shocks within an intertemporal equilibrium model pp. 947-967
- George Davis and Norman C. Miller
- Stock market volatility and the crash of 1987: evidence from six emerging markets pp. 969-981
- Taufiq Choudhry
Volume 15, issue 5, 1996
- Currency forecasters are heterogeneous: confirmation and consequences pp. 665-685
- Ronald MacDonald and Ian Marsh
- Optimal government finance policy and exchange rate management in a stochastically growing open economy pp. 687-716
- Stephen J Turnovsky and Earl Grinols
- Using option prices to estimate realignment probabilities in the European Monetary System: the case of sterling-mark pp. 717-748
- Allan M. Malz
- Estimating saving-investment correlations: evidence for OECD countries based on an error correction model pp. 749-781
- W. Jos Jansen
- Testing for absolute purchasing power parity pp. 783-796
- Collin Crownover, John Pippenger and Douglas Steigerwald
- Consumer durables, permanent terms of trade shocks, and the recent US trade deficits pp. 797-811
- Joyce C. Sadka and Kei-Mu Yi
- A comparison of alternative covariance matrices for models with over-lapping observations pp. 813-823
- Jeremy Smith and Sanjay Yadav
- International capital mobility--a note pp. 825-828
- Christian Bellak
Volume 15, issue 4, 1996
- GMM and present value tests of the C-CAPM: evidence from the Danish, German, Swedish and UK stock markets pp. 497-521
- Jesper Lund and Tom Engsted
- Stabilization under capital controls pp. 523-533
- Michael Ellis and Leonardo Auernheimer
- Mean reversion in real exchange rates: evidence and implications for forecasting pp. 535-550
- Philippe Jorion and Richard J. Sweeney
- The international convergence of inflation rates during fixed and floating exchange rate regimes pp. 551-575
- William Crowder
- The determination of foreign banking location pp. 577-597
- R. A. Brealey and E. C. Kaplanis
- Hyperinflation, the exchange rate and endogenous money: post-World War I Germany revisited pp. 599-621
- Richard Burdekin and Paul Burkett
- Industrial structure in the Eurocredit underwriting market pp. 623-636
- Arie Melnik and Steven Plaut
- Exchange rate crises with domestic bank runs: evidence from the 1980s pp. 637-656
- Victoria Miller
- A note on cointegration and international capital market efficiency pp. 657-660
- Charles Engel
- A note on cointegration and international capital market efficiency: A reply pp. 661-664
- William Crowder
Volume 15, issue 3, 1996
- Maximum likelihood estimation of cointegration in exchange rate models for seven inflationary OECD countries pp. 337-368
- David Cushman, Sang Sub Lee and Thorsteinn Thorgeirsson
- Interest rate parity and foreign exchange risk premia in the ERM pp. 369-382
- Juan Ayuso and Fernando Restoy
- Speculative currency attacks with endogenously induced commercial bank crises pp. 383-403
- Victoria Miller
- Purchasing power parity and unit root tests using panel data pp. 405-418
- Keun-Yeob Oh
- A reexamination of the uncovered interest rate parity hypothesis pp. 419-437
- Antoine Frachot
- The international transmission of information in Eurodollar futures markets: a continuously trading market hypothesis pp. 447-465
- Yiuman Tse, Tae Hwy Lee and G. Geoffrey Booth
- International capital mobility: evidence from panel data pp. 467-474
- Robert Krol
- The debt-adjusted real exchange rate pp. 475-484
- Raul Fabella
- Asymmetric adjustment of commercial bank interest rates: evidence from Malaysia and Singapore pp. 485-496
- Barry Scholnick
Volume 15, issue 2, 1996
- Persistence in foreign exchange rates pp. 191-220
- Linda M. van de Gucht, Marnik Dekimpe and Chuck C. Y. Kwok
- Animal spirits, investment and international capital movements pp. 221-237
- Andres Velasco
- Domestic and international financial market responses to Federal deficit announcements pp. 239-254
- John Kitchen
- Private and government consumption with liquidity constraints pp. 255-266
- Paul Evans and Georgios Karras
- Exogeneity and forward rate unbiasedness pp. 267-274
- Stefan Norrbin and Kevin Reffett
- Why empirical international portfolio models fail: evidence that model misspecification creates home asset bias pp. 275-312
- Debra A. Glassman and Leigh A. Riddick
- Real exchange rates and the pattern of trade: comparative dynamics for north and south pp. 313-336
- Hamid Faruqee
Volume 15, issue 1, 1996
- Real stock prices and the long-run money demand function: evidence from Canada and the USA pp. 1-17
- Taufiq Choudhry
- An examination of dynamic hedging pp. 19-35
- Wilson H. S. Tong
- The impact of the listing of options in the foreign exchange market pp. 37-64
- Kuldeep Shastri, Jahangir Sultan and Kishore Tandon
- Dollar jump fears, 1984-1992: distributional abnormalities implicit in currency futures options pp. 65-93
- David S. Bates
- Monetary policy targets and the stabilization objective: a source of tension in the EMS pp. 95-116
- Volker Wieland
- An arbitrage free trilateral target zone model pp. 117-134
- Bjørn Jørgensen and Hans Ole ae Mikkelsen
- Intertemporal price speculation and the optimal current-account deficit: a comment pp. 135-139
- Amartya Lahiri
- Intertemporal price speculation and the optimal current-account deficit: reply and clarification pp. 141-147
- Maurice Obstfeld
- Unconventional preferences: do they explain foreign exchange risk premia? pp. 149-165
- Anne Sibert
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