Journal of International Money and Finance
1982 - 2024
Current editor(s): J. R. Lothian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 10, issue 4, 1991
- Capital income taxation and the current account in a small open economy pp. 480-496
- Yasushi Iwamoto and Akihisa Shibata
- Forward exchange rates in general equilibrium pp. 497-511
- William T. Smith
- Transactions costs and vehicle currencies pp. 512-526
- Stanley Black
- Law enforcement and the black market exchange rate pp. 527-540
- Harry Huizinga
- The interest rate neutrality of fiscal deficits: testing for Ricardian equivalence and capital inflow pp. 541-551
- Mehdi S. Monadjemi and Colm Kearney
- Expectations in the German hyperinflation reconsidered pp. 552-560
- Phillip Cagan
- Tests of exchange market efficiency: fragile evidence from cointegration tests pp. 561-570
- Peter Sephton and Hans K. Larsen
- Cointegration: how short is the long run? pp. 571-581
- Craig Hakkio and Mark Rush
- The search for equilibrium relationships in international finance: the case of the monetary model pp. 582-593
- Richard Baillie and Rowena Pecchenino
- German dominance in the EMS: a correction pp. 594-594
- Juergen von Hagen and Michele Fratianni
Volume 10, issue 3, 1991
- Pricing foreign currency options under stochastic interest rates pp. 310-329
- Kaushik I. Amin and Robert Jarrow
- Sovereign debt buybacks can lower bargaining costs pp. 330-348
- Julio Rotemberg
- International asset pricing and equity market risk pp. 349-364
- Thomas Chiang
- Forward exchange rates and risk premiums in artificial economies pp. 365-391
- R. Tiff Macklem
- Long-run dynamics of black and official exchange rates pp. 392-405
- G. Geoffrey Booth and Chowdhury Mustafa
- Reserve currency preferences of central banks: the case of Korea pp. 406-419
- Harris Dellas and Chin Bang Yoo
- The 'Tobin tax,' asset accumulation, and the real exchange rate pp. 420-431
- Vincent Reinhart
- International portfolio diversification: the basket-peg regime pp. 432-442
- Pentti Pikkarainen
- Forward foreign exchange rates and risk premia--a reappraisal pp. 443-456
- Peter F. Pope and David Peel
- Using terms of rescheduling as proxy for partial reneging on LDC's debt in a test of willingness-to-pay model pp. 457-477
- Suk Hun Lee
Volume 10, issue 2, 1991
- Credibility crises: the dollar in the early 1980s pp. 170-192
- Graciela Kaminsky and Rodrigo Peruga
- Are International Monetary Fund quotas unfavorable to less-developed countries? A normative historical analysis pp. 193-213
- Lawrence Officer
- Some linear and nonlinear thoughts on exchange rates pp. 214-230
- Menzie Chinn
- Collapsing exchange rate regimes: shocks and biases pp. 252-263
- Linda Goldberg
- Fiscal policy and the real exchange rate under risk pp. 264-278
- Joseph Zeira
- Fundamental balance and equilibrium exchange rates pp. 279-291
- Jan Willem In't Veld
- Exchange rate volatility and international trading strategy pp. 292-307
- Günter Franke
Volume 10, issue 1, Supplement, 1991
- Political factors in international economics: an overview pp. S4-S15
- James Lothian
- Explaining fiscal policies and inflation in developing countries pp. S16-S48
- Sebastian Edwards and Guido Tabellini
- Economic and political determinants of budget deficits in developing countries pp. S49-S72
- Nouriel Roubini
- International impacts on domestic political economy: a case of Japanese general elections pp. S73-S89
- Takatoshi Ito
- Trade balance news and exchange rates: Is there a policy signal? pp. S90-S99
- Ked Hogan, Michael Melvin and Dan J. Roberts
- Are sovereign debt secondary market returns sensitive to macroeconomic fundamentals? Evidence from the contemporary and interwar markets pp. S100-S122
- Mark Stone
Volume 10, issue 1, 1991
- A multi-country study of the information in the shorter maturity term structure about future inflation pp. 2-22
- Frederic Mishkin
- Every minute counts in financial markets pp. 23-52
- C. A. E. Goodhart and L. Figliuoli
- A long-run view of the European monetary system pp. 53-70
- Hali Edison and Eric Fisher
- Business cycles, stylized facts, and the exchange rate regime: evidence from the United States pp. 71-88
- Marianne Baxter
- Explaining the absence of international factor-price convergence pp. 89-107
- Carol Osler
- Exporting firm and forward markets: the multiperiod case pp. 108-117
- Itzhak Zilcha and Rafi Eldor
- Intertemporal substitution in import demand pp. 118-130
- Janet Ceglowski
- Optimal dynamic hedging portfolios and the currency composition of external debt pp. 131-148
- Kenneth F. Kroner and Stijn Claessens
- Are asymmetric exchange controls effective? pp. 149-160
- Francesco Papadia and Salvatore Rossi
- A note on fiscal policy, investment location decisions, and exchange rates pp. 161-168
- Michael Dooley and Peter Isard
Volume 9, issue 4, 1990
- German dominance in the EMS: evidence from interest rates pp. 358-375
- Juergen von Hagen and Michele Fratianni
- Macroeconomic aspects of exchange rate pass-through pp. 376-387
- Michael Klein
- Some macroeconomic effects of nationalizing private sector foreign debt pp. 388-401
- Oliver Adler
- International transmission of aggregate shocks under fixed and flexible exchange rate regimes: United Kingdom, France, and Germany, 1959 to 1985 pp. 402-423
- William Lastrapes and Faik Koray
- International capital mobility: net versus gross stocks and flows pp. 424-439
- Stephen Golub
- Real exchange rate variability and the choice of exchange rate regime by developing countries pp. 440-454
- Andreas Savvides
- The impact of government deficits on money growth in developing countries pp. 455-469
- Jakob de Haan and Dick Zelhorst
Volume 9, issue 3, 1990
- Temporary capital controls in a balance-of- payments crisis pp. 246-257
- Philippe Bacchetta
- Managing exchange rate crises: evidence from the 1890s pp. 258-275
- Vittorio Grilli
- Price flexiblity and output volatility: the case for flexible exchange rates pp. 276-298
- Giovanni Barone-Adesi and Bernard Yeung
- Sectoral effects of exchange rate volatility on United States exports pp. 299-308
- Michael Klein
- A multivariate generalized ARCH approach to modeling risk premia in forward foreign exchange rate markets pp. 309-324
- Richard Baillie and Tim Bollerslev
- Currency substitution and monetary autonomy: the foreign demand for US demand deposits pp. 325-334
- Jeffrey Bergstrand and Thomas P. Bundt
- The volatility of asset returns during trading and nontrading hours: some evidence from the foreign exchange markets pp. 335-343
- Michael G. Hertzel, Coleman S. Kendall and Peter E. Kretzmer
Volume 9, issue 2, 1990
- Policy effectiveness in an open multi-market economy with risk neutral exchange rate speculation pp. 110-122
- Juergen von Hagen
- The determinants of US banking activity abroad pp. 123-137
- Lawrence G. Goldberg and Denise Johnson
- External debt, planning horizon, and distorted credit markets pp. 138-158
- Joshua Aizenman
- Internationally traded good prices, world money, and economic activity: 1900-83 pp. 159-181
- Enzo R. Grilli and Maw Cheng Yang
- Consumption risk and international equity returns: some empirical evidence pp. 182-192
- Robert Cumby
- International risk and exchange rate overshooting pp. 193-205
- Juergen Schroeder
- Anticipated protectionist policies, real exchange rates, and the current account: the case of rigid wages pp. 206-219
- Sebastian Edwards and Jonathan Ostry
- Testing an optimizing model of the current account via the consumption function pp. 220-233
- Steven Sheffrin and Wing Woo
- The term structure of Euro interest rates and rational expectations pp. 234-244
- Peter Kugler
Volume 9, issue 1, 1990
- Commodity prices, exchange rates and their relative volatility pp. 3-20
- Nhuong Bui and John Pippenger
- Testing the law of one price when trade takes time pp. 21-40
- Barry Goodwin, Thomas Grennes and Michael Wohlgenant
- Exchange controls and interest rate determination with traded and non-traded assets: the Irish-United Kingdom experience pp. 41-59
- Francis X. Browne and Paul McNelis
- What do saving-investment relationships tell us about capital mobility? pp. 60-74
- David Y. Wong
- An international comparison of prices and exchange rates: a new test of purchasing power parity pp. 75-91
- Meher Manzur
- Expected and unexpected changes in nominal and real variables--evidence from the capital markets pp. 92-107
- Walter Wasserfallen
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