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OUP Catalogue

From Oxford University Press
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Global Governance and Development
Edited by Jose Antonio Ocampo
Global Governance of Financial Systems: The International Regulation of Systemic Risk
Kern Alexander, Rahul Dhumale and John Eatwell
Global Perspectives on Income Taxation Law
Reuven Avi-Yonah, Nicola Sartori and Omri Marian
Global Political Economy
Edited by John Ravenhill
Global Political Economy
Edited by John Ravenhill
Global Political Economy
Edited by John Ravenhill
Global Poverty: Deprivation, Distribution, and Development Since the Cold War
Andy Sumner
Global Production Networks: Theorizing Economic Development in an Interconnected World
Neil M. Coe and Wai Chung Henry Yeung
Global Public Goods for Health: Health economic and public health perspectives
Edited by Richard Smith, Robert Beaglehole, David Woodward and Nick Drager
Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century
Edited by Inge Kaul, Isabelle Grunberg and Marc Stern
Global Sustainable Development Report 2015: Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Assessing Progress of Regions and Countries
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI),
Global Tax Fairness
Edited by Thomas Pogge and Krishen Mehta
Globalization and Development: A Handbook of New Perspectives
Edited by Ashwini Deshpande
Globalization and Economic Nationalism in Asia
Edited by Anthony P. D'Costa
Globalization and Integrated Area Development in European Cities
Frank Moulaert
Globalization and Labor Conditions
Robert J. Flanagan
Globalization and Labour Reforms: The Politics of Interest Groups and Partisan Governments
Zaad Mahmood
Globalization and Organization: World Society and Organizational Change
Edited by Gili S. Drori, John W. Meyer and Hokyu Hwang
Globalization and Politics in India
Edited by Baldev Raj Nayar
Globalization and the New Politics of Embedded Liberalism
Jude Hays
Globalization and Urban Change: Capital, Culture, and Pacific Rim Mega-Projects
Kris Olds
Globalization for Development: Meeting New Challenges
Ian Goldin and Kenneth Reinert
Globalization in Practice
William H. Rupp
Globalization Lived Locally: A Labour Geography Perspective
Neethi P.,
Globalization of Food and Agriculture and the Poor
Edited by Joachim von Braun and Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla
Globalization, Growth, and Governance: Towards an Innovative Economy
Edited by Jonathan Michie and John Grieve Smith
Globalization, Institutions, and Regional Development in Europe
Edited by Ash Amin and Nigel Thrift
Globalization: A Very Short Introduction
Manfred Steger
Globalization: A Very Short Introduction
Manfred B. Steger
Globalization: A Very Short Introduction
Manfred Steger
Globalization: The Greatest Hits, a Global Studies Reader
Manfred B. Steger
Globalizing Justice: The Ethics of Poverty and Power
Richard W. Miller
Globalizing Labour?: Indian Seafarers and World Shipping, c. 1870-1945
G. Balachandran
Globalizing Rights: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 1999
Edited by Matthew J. Gibney
God and Mammon: Protestants, Money, and the Market, 1790-1860
Edited by Mark A. Noll
Going Public: The Theory and Evidence on How Companies Raise Equity Finance
Tim Jenkinson and Alexander Ljungqvist
Golden Fetters: The Gold Standard and the Great Depression, 1919-1939
Barry Eichengreen
Good Growth and Governance in Africa: Rethinking Development Strategies
Edited by Akbar Noman, Kwesi Botchwey, Howard Stein and Joseph Stiglitz
Goods and Services in EC Law: A Study of the Relationship Between the Freedoms
Jukka Snell
Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898
Mike Wallace and Edwin G. Burrows
Governance and Accountability: Essays on the Indian Financial and Corporate Sectors
Ghosh D.N.,
Governance by Indicators: Global Power through Classification and Rankings
Edited by Kevin Davis, Angelina Fisher, Benedict Kingsbury and Sally Engle Merry
Governance by Indicators: Global Power through Quantification and Rankings
Edited by Kevin Davis, Angelina Fisher, Benedict Kingsbury and Sally Engle Merry
Governance of International Banking: The Financial Trilemma
Dirk Schoenmaker
Governance of Megacities: Fractured Thinking, Fragmented Setup
K.C. Sivaramakrishnan
Governance, Equity, and Global Markets: The Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics - Europe
Edited by Joseph Stiglitz and Pierre-Alain Muet
Governing Globalization: Issues and Institutions
Edited by Deepak Nayyar
Governing Guns, Preventing Plunder: International Cooperation Against Illicit Trade
Asif Efrat
Governing the Economy: The Politics of State Intervention in Britain and France
Edited by Peter A. Hall
Governing the Euro Area in Good Times and Bad
Dermot Hodson
Page updated 2025-03-31
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